Whats everyones current workout routine?



  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    I'm here to lose weight - not to loose it.....

    I currently try to do circuits about 3 or 4 times a week, really need to get back in to running but struggling with the motivation side of it at the moment, it's cold, wet & dark at the times I have available to exercise - not inspiring me at all.
  • As controversial as it is, I am diong P.I.N.K. method workouts 3 to 4 times per week. I am loving it. Kicks my butt in quick time.
  • Here's what I've been doing for the past two weeks (have lost 2.5 lbs so far)

    Soooo I do cardio for one hour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (I try to go between the elliptical, treadmill, and bike to keep myself from falling too much into a routine)

    and then Tuesdays&Thursdays I usually do 30-45 of strength or circuit training (I'm in class all day Tues&Thurs so I wake up a little bit earlier to squeeze the workouts in.)

    Tues.&Thurs I drink EAS whey protein after my workout.

    I try to eat most of my exorcise calories.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I do cardio every day. I was told to mix it up so I do at least:

    15 minutes elliptical
    15 minutes walking
    15 minutes bike.

    Every other day I do arms, and every other day I do legs.

    I do BodyPump Sundays and Bootcamp Saturdays. I always do cardio on the days I do my classes as well.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I started couch 2 5k in May 2011. Loved it...it got me interested in running, health and fitness again after I gained back 30 of 40 pounds I had previously lost. After running 11.2 kms in a relay in September, I took a little break from heavy running and this fall did a hybrid of step classes, Jillian Michaels DVDs (30 DS and Yoga Meltdown) and running...something different every day, 6 days a week. This is where I saw the best results start to happen, in terms of changes in the shape of my body. Between Nov. 11 and Dec. 31st I lost 6 inches off my waist!

    I started the Insanity 60 Day Challenge this past Sunday, and so far I love it! It is a challenge! Following Insanity, I am training for my first half marathon at the end of April. In June, I have plans to participate in a mini-tri and follow that up with another half in September!

    After all that, I would love to try P90x.

    I just printing the Couch 2 5K today! I am excited! It really worked for you?? I am a little nervous because I have never run!
  • I'm working out an average of 5 times a week doing between 30minutes and 1 hour of biking on my stationary.
    Sometimes I add in an additional 10-15minutes of abs and arms as well with my dumb bells.
  • On Monday & Wednesday nights I work out for 1/2 an hour with my trainer. Usually we do strength training. Mondays are upper body and Wednesdays are lower body. He's also been introducing some Metabolic Exercise.

    On Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings I do core & cardio. On Tuesdays & Thursday's for cardio I do interval training on the stationary bike. Then on Thursday I do intervals on the treadmill.

    On Saturday mornings I do an all over butt kicking with strength training!
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    3 times a week I run (2 short runs between 3-5 miles) and 1 long run on the weekend (6-10 miles)
    3 times a week I walk outside or do the elliptical

    I should probably start doing weight or resistance band training.... :ohwell:
  • I alternate Zumba and Low-Impact Aerobic 20-45 min a day/4-5 days a week...
    for the first couple of months...then I will switch it up
  • monday: cardio + upper body weight training and core work outs (dumbbells and crunches)
    tuesday: cardio + lower body workouts (leg lifts, squats)
    wednesday: cardio + upper body weight training and core work outs (dumbbells and crunches)
    thursday: cardio + lower body workouts (leg lifts, squats)
    friday: rest
    saturday: morning run outdoors
    sunday: rest or light exercise for 30 minutes
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 4.5-5.0 mile run. Upper body strength training with my free weights at home and abs. Sometimes I do a video like 6 week 6 pack instead of my usual ab workout, depends on how tired I am.

    Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday or Sunday- Easy 3-3.5 mile run, lower body strength training (just squats, deadlifts with dumbbells etc. don't have many weights at home).

    Saturday or Sunday- I pick one for rest day, usually Saturday, and take the dog for a nice long leisurely walk. Helps clear my head and stay active.
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121

    I just printing the Couch 2 5K today! I am excited! It really worked for you?? I am a little nervous because I have never run!

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but I just wanted to add my success with c25k. I started it in the middle of November. I could barely run a quarter mile without being out of breath. I swear c25k changed the way I look at exercise and running. I'm completely in love with running now. 2.5 months later, I'm running 4.5-5.0 miles consistently 3-4 days a week. It's hard, it takes dedication, but it is soooo worth it. Start slow, find a comfortable pace for you (should be able to hold a conversation) and just do your best. It will make a huge difference if you can stick with it. Now I'm onto bridge to 10k (only my second week) and loving it. Good luck!!!
  • Wow awesome to hear what everyones doing! I see alot of at home workouts.. I may need those in the future so thanks for the tips :) Definitley know how some of the at home turn out! I would love to see progress pictures! I dont think I could ever give up lifting unless I absolutely HAD to tho... For those who do alot of cardio do you feel like this works for you? I used to be a cardio queen, I would just come to the gym and run or jog or walk etc for hours and never pick up weights. I just recently discovered weight lifting and its changed my life and my body. Have any of you ever considered lifting weights? If not..why? I know some reasons are you cant afford a gym membership (which is TOTALLY understandable because it can get expensive) or alot of the times for a woman its " I dont want to look like a man". which I hate to hear and hate to hear personal trainers or other professionals tell women this. Those who lift weights have you found some good programs you have liked or do you make your own routine?
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I try to hit the gym 5 days a week. I'll mix it up between using the elliptical (favorite), stationary bike, and stair-stepper for at least 30 minutes. Then on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I'll add in weight training.
  • Wow awesome to hear what everyones doing! I see alot of at home workouts.. I may need those in the future so thanks for the tips :) Definitley know how some of the at home turn out! I would love to see progress pictures! I dont think I could ever give up lifting unless I absolutely HAD to tho... For those who do alot of cardio do you feel like this works for you? I used to be a cardio queen, I would just come to the gym and run or jog or walk etc for hours and never pick up weights. I just recently discovered weight lifting and its changed my life and my body. Have any of you ever considered lifting weights? If not..why? I know some reasons are you cant afford a gym membership (which is TOTALLY understandable because it can get expensive) or alot of the times for a woman its " I dont want to look like a man". which I hate to hear and hate to hear personal trainers or other professionals tell women this. Those who lift weights have you found some good programs you have liked or do you make your own routine?

    I am an at home workout gal as well (with zumba 2x week) Jillian Michaels or Kettlebells the other 4-5 days...my main goal right now though it to get toned and defined...not sure if what I am doing will even help me achieve that but....as far as lifting I don't have a gym membership but my husband has weights I could use...just not sure how to work it in...I'm desperate to not be skinny fat :(
  • i use the active fit 2 for the wii, 4-5 times a week have noticed a weight lose around my hips and legs. have been doing that since 1st jan and haven't weighed myself yet!
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    I do Couch to 5k 3 times a week, I do the shred everyday or at least 6 times a week. I cycle out doors twice a week minimum of 6miles, maximum of 14miles. I swim once a week. Once I finish the shred I'm going to cut it down to three times a week and incorporate something else. I'm going to start doing turbofire. I currently only have fire in 60 but that'll be good to start. I also need to incorporate more strength training. Ive really grown to lvoe it in 30DS but now need some at home workouts for weights as I can't get to a gym (single mum and need to be careful with money!!)
    Any tips on good programmes for home? xxxx
  • Theres a great push pull lifting routine for at home I recommend if your interested? Have you heard of Jamie Eason? But thats EXACTLY why I recommend introducing weight lifting or atleast some kind of resistance training into your routine a few times a week. Most people are loosing weight but they are still skinny fat because they are not building muscle, reason is... they are only doing cardio or aerobic classes to burn the calories which burns the fat but those classes are not building those muscles. Muscle thats built through strength training increases your metabolic rate and tones your body. This helps with LONG TERM weight control and also creates a more toned physique. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn! I would definitley use your husbands weights! What kind does he have? Plates,. Dumbbells, barbells? Kettlebells are good! I would do some weight training before the zumba to work it in , what does the Jillian Michaels video workout consist of? Lots of cardio or plyometrics?
  • I know of a few great at home workouts that include weights and some plyometrics! Jamie Easons has a great push & pull at home workout routine and I know of a few great plyometric workouts for at home! I get most of my workouts from bodybuilding.com because they are free, detailed and effective!
  • AnnD26
    AnnD26 Posts: 4
    The 30Day Shred. I am on level 2. Once I am done with that, I'll move on to Jillian's other DVD's after the 30 days. I'm thinking about throwing some yoga in there too.