

  • I agree wholeheartedly. I tried it for a little over a week. Yes, I lost 9 pounds, which is fantastic in such a short time, but I felt horrible!! I felt weak (they even warn you not to do any exercise) and lethargic. I was angry and irritable all the time. It just felt so unhealthy. You are only allowed to eat certain…
  • It's not so bad being in the obese category; I'm there now! lol...But, I feel how frustrated you must be. Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll encourage you as much as I can!
    in Hello Comment by amjmomma July 2011
  • Congratulations!! What a big deal this must be, and rightly so! I am proud of you and I know for sure that you will completely rock that 5K in July! Keep it up!
  • My go-to song is "Untouched" by the Veronicas. It has a great beat and it really gets me going! I have been running for almost two years now and I am currently training for my second half marathon. It's wonderful and I congratulate you for taking such an awesome step for yourself! You'll love it!
    in Motivation Comment by amjmomma May 2011
  • It was hard at first, but every little bit of progress that you make you need to consider a major victory! 2 minutes of running is better than none! You will be amazed at how quickly you progress! What helped me was being in races. There's something so cool about crossing that finish line and knowing that you did your…
  • I looked at your diary and it looks GREAT! I think you are doing awesome. I was in WW for a while and they were always pushing "filling foods". Those are things like whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein, fat-free dairy, things like that. You have all those in your diary which means you are eating the right…
  • I crave stuff all the time! Mostly, it's sweets! Part of it is being a woman and having to deal with womanly things, but otherwise, it's just because I am trying to change 31 years worth of sweet cravings in a matter of months, which isn't going to happen very easily. Be patient with yourself. Keep doing what you're doing.…
  • Thanks everyone for your support! We should issue ourselves a challenge that every time we look in a mirror, we need to say something about ourselves that we love. It can be physical or mental or emotional, whatever. People might think we are crazy if we are at a public restroom or something talking to ourselves, but hey,…
  • When I was young, I was told I looked like Candace Cameron. REALLY young, like around 10. It was during the popularity of Full House. Ha ha!! =)
  • Well said!! Thank you for the reminder!
  • I'm a slow runner too, and I love it just the same! I'd be happy to be friends with you on this website. I think you'll really like it here. The support is endless and I feel like it really works! =)
    in hola Comment by amjmomma April 2011
  • 4/1/11: 202.8 4/8/11: 201.8 I am right where I anticipated I would be, so that's good. I certainly won't complain. Also, that weight is based on only five days of actually eating well and two days of going WAAAAAYYYY overboard. So, next week's will be so much better, I can feel it! =)
  • You are amazing!! Congratulations!!
  • Except of course for the 37 you've already lost, you amazing woman!! =)
  • Absolutely! I am right there with you both. Here are my stats: Current weight: 202.8, April Goal: 195.8, May Goal: 185.8, June Goal: 177.8. It won't quite be 30 pounds as my official goal, but it is always better to lose faster than slower, so if I reach 30, great!!! So, we should give each other tips and stuff too along…
  • I sent you a message last night...did you get it?
  • You could do that, but try to make it a sugar free drink. That way, you aren't upping your insulin levels. Also, a good way to get in those calories are those almonds, avocado, etc. They are sources of GOOD fat and they won't cause you to gain weight as long as you are staying within your daily goal. I usually try not to…
  • Ohhh, sad! For what it's worth, you have a great smile! =)
  • I would definitely suggest frozen meals. Sometimes with coupons and sales, you can get them for dirt cheap. Have you tried tofu? It's kind of blah, but if you marinate it in some sort of sauce or dressing it can be pretty dang good mixed with cooked veggies! Try those Zip N Steam bags from Ziploc. They're AWESOME! You just…
  • I think you are awesome and your goals are lofty which is definitely where they should be. If we don't push ourselves to be great, who will? I started training for runs about two years and ago and last October I ran a half marathon. I have never done a tri, mostly I stick to running, but I have thought about doing one and…
  • I have never been sporty at all throughout my life. I took up running about two years ago because my brother invited me to do a race with him. It was a 5K and I was so scared! I trained and trained, and I hated the training part!! But, then I did the race and everything changed. I crossed the finish line and I burst into…
  • Those are some good thoughts, Lexie! See what I mean about needing your wisdom? ;) Now I don't feel so bad about counting my heavy cleaning as a workout either! lol
  • That is a very valid option as well. But, isn't the point of having friends on here not only to encourage you in your healthy choices, but to also give advice as to how to get rid of your unhealthy choices? If you want people to leave you alone and let you diet how you please, then don't friend anyone. If you friend…
  • My thoughts exactly. 900 calories are WAY TOO FEW!! For anyone! I know it shows that I have only lost 3 pounds on this site, but I have lost 60 from my highest weight. So, I really do know what I am talking about. If you don't believe me, look at what personal trainers (ie. Bob, Jill, and anyone else who knows what they…
  • I try to find pants and shorts with pockets. Once you get used to the jingle of keys, it doesn't bother you. I use an armband when I am wearing long sleeves because my iPhone irritates my skin. When I am wearing sleeveless, I keep it in the old pocket. Sometimes, I also tuck it in my bra. Nice, right? Gotta love THAT…
  • I think that if it's something you do on a daily basis, it is figured into the lifestyle question they ask when you are figuring your daily calories. For me, cleaning isn't something I do on a regular (gross, I know) so I log it if I do it for more than 15 minutes at a time. Obviously I log all the extra exercise I do such…
  • I just use boyshort-style underwear. They said on the package that they don't ride up, and at first, this was true! =) Now, I think it might be time for some more! =)
  • I agree, it was always easy to blame the fact that I have had four kids, or that my husband is an amazing cook who only uses high fat ingredients, or blah blah blah. They are all excuses and the real thing is that I don't eat the way I should. I can honestly say that I am in the best shape of my life. I run regularly and I…
  • Sugar tends to collect around my middle. Watch what you are snacking on. Try to keep it fresh veggies or fruit rather than 100-calorie packs or other things like that. Did I also see that you work the night shift? If so, your body might be a little out of whack because of it. When I worked nights, I couldn't lose weight…
  • Well, you know that I think you are incredibly beautiful and amazing and a true inspiration. Of course, I am biased since you are my sister. You can do this!! I am so excited you are on here now. We can help each other even more!! Love you!