AlsDonkBoxSquat Member


  • Could be, but all the ones that ive seen in the gym were full under bust corsets and into the hip line. Normally a corset cincher is shorter and neither cups the breasts nor goes into the hip line.
  • I own a few corsets, i also own a weight belt as i put out my back deadlifting at the end of last year. I can say for certain that none of my corsets would provide back support like the belt. Maybe they help to make it more obvious when you're slouching to avoid injury in the first place, but actual support? Idk
  • I do not bake with rice flour alone, but will mix it with other flours for baking. Rice flour tends to make the recipe dense, gritty, and fragile.
  • he kept posting pictures himself in his underwear with his junk hard or using it as a towel hanger. Sorry, if I want to see a hell of an erection I'll go look at the Washington Monument. Or I'll just tell my husband I'm in the mood.
  • I've seen men in all sorts of gear, including tight bottoms, and I don't think twice about it.
  • eat some prunes and take a dump, I think you'll see the scale right itself again . . . well, but hopefully not by 2.5 pounds . . . a 2.5 pound **** would be . . . yeah, i've already said too much.
  • In the US I tip, for sit down full service, I tip 20% unless something goes horribly wrong. When I take out of a sit down full service restaurant I'll tip $2-$3 because the person who hands you your order usually had to prep and complete your "dish" so I tip them for that because generally it's either one of the bar…
  • for me nuts aren't worth it. They don't fill me up, they don't satisfy in any way unless they are incorporated in somthing (pecans or almonds in oatmeal, pecans or peanuts in cookies, almonds in chicken salad) they don't really satisfy anything for me either with my nutrition requirements or taste or helping me feel full.…
  • simple answer: dip your fries in your frosty . . . that way you can have your fat and eat your sugar too (without even missing out on the salt).
  • I can't tell what I'm looking at, but just for future reference pam is basically canola oil, unless it's the olive oil PAM. If it's the olive oil PAM it is of course bacon. So if you want the real calories in pam and not just the calories based on 1/3 of a second of spray you need to put what you're using in a real…
  • I heard that a guy recently got kicked off instagram for making love to one. He recommends using protection as they tend to get lava hot once cooked.
  • I dont know if it would stall you, but the overall rate of loss wouldn't necessarily be the healthiest trajectory. As you lose weight and you adjust your current weight your goals will adjust to account for your adjusted BMR. Also, if you're on the tall side 1200 - 1400 may be just too low. Additionally, it may be…
  • I grew up in Harrisburg, to be more precise, Linglestown
  • To be fair, many colleges (especially those that have their base in religion, for example Duke was founded by Methodists and Quakers) have a morality contract that incoming freshmen sign. The person makes a decision to enter into the contract or find another school. I'm uncertain if Duke or the school you're referencing…
  • I read an interview she did a week or two ago off a cnn link, she said that she likes doing it, that it makes her feel empowered, that it's a decision she made. I don't think she made the decision to do it because she wanted to pay for school. The impression I got for the article was that she is a porn star who is going to…
  • Truth is not inherently negative, just truth. VLC diets are not encouraged on MFP Exercising is never encouraged on a VLC diet. The name of the game is sustainability, not crash.
  • While you're at it, since you're really thinking about yourself, just go radio silent, stop picking up her calls and responding to calls and texts. It might take a couple of weeks, but evenutally she'll get the point.
  • If it's a bike path proper etiquette is to say "passing on your left" and then pass on their left. Proper etiquette on a side walk is to get off the side walk and onto the road way. Bikes stay to the right and follow the same road rules as cars (including stopping at signals and signaling turns.
  • Seems to me that this is an extreme response to a situation with very little information about whether or not there was any sort of compulsory education for the parents before hand. By taking a child away from their parents you teach the child and parent fear, by making resources available to teach people a healthier…
  • Cheddar and sweet is actually a pretty common combination, cheese and sweet is a pretty common combination. Some apple pie reciepes call for cheddar cheese.
  • I was going to say something along these lines too. Now that it's not through soda, where are you getting your sugar? less deli meats, be honest about your intake, measure everything, scales are better than measuring spoons. be honest.
  • I completely missed that part . . . no orgasm in 4 years that wasn't self induced? If I wanted to spend a lifetime pleasuring myself I would have never bother dating anyone in the first place! You've stuck around 3.5 years longer than I would have . . . who am I kidding, he would have been gone after the 4th date.
  • Figure out what your definitive deal breakers are and if you're not getting what you need leave. There are things that you can work through in most marriages (balance of sex life, communication, etc), then there are some things that are not necessarily workable (one person is adamant they want kids and the other never…
  • I really like this. My 4 year old has chores (clear his dishes from the table, feed the dogs, clean up his toys & books, start the dishwasher) and he starts every day with 25 cents. If he does everything he needs to for that day without complaining he gets the money plus a bonus at bed, if he does everything he needs and…
  • When we started slacking in school my mom would set up meetings with all of our teachers and the principal. My mom found that she could straighten me out by being more involved because I generally started slacking when I was overwhelmed but I didn't know how to ask for help. With my sister . . . my sister had to find her…
  • personally I prefer sausage in my pants
  • TL;DR, but scanned and got the jist. You need to control your fear of food, it sounds debilitating. I once feared food, not eating enough or properly gave me an oddly eurphoric feeling, delusional even. My mom got me with some doctors who let me know that I was anorexic and bulemic. It was tough to come back from, took me…
  • While I love a nice buff and hairless chest and back on a man, it's not by any means a deal breaker. I married myself one hairy mfer.