1harleygal Member


  • :smile: When Biggest Loser first started it was a great show for info, showing different excercises you can do at home, what foods to eat & quantity but as the years have gone on it has become way to commercialized for me. Plus what people watching don't understand is that these people are at the Ranch for 8 months &…
  • :smile: Emerald 100 Calorie Pack Cocoa Roast Almonds Dark Chocolate flavor :smile:
  • :mad: You need to take the time to excercise even if you husband doesn't like it; this is about you taking care of you!! I would suggest having a sit down with him to discuss it & see if he is doing this on purpose just in case he doesn't realize what he is doing.:mad:
  • :flowerforyou: Puddin is my nickname from my family or Glo! :flowerforyou:
  • :wink: First off I love the tat!! :wink: Secondly you should be able to have meat in the house & eat it if you please; it wasn't your decision to go meatless but your wifes. In so saying Boarshead is low sodium plus if I remember correctly preservative free & Sara Lee also has low sodium. Good luck to you! :happy:
  • :wink: Stick it out & show them that you are the better person in this situation. You NEVER want to leave a job by just walking out; you never if that one action will come back & bite you in the butt later!! It's only a week; plus think about how petty & childish they are and one of them is your boss~very unprofessional!!!…
  • :explode: It seriously shows how selfish people can be; wanting to tell an elderly lady off because she needs to sit down!! I totally agree that she shouldn't have to ask but these young people should graciously volunteer!!:explode:
  • :ohwell: I have almost always had to work out alone which I agree is hard to keep yourself motivated. But last Christmas my son bought me an IPod so I use it and it really keeps me going with the many different types of music that are on it! :ohwell:
  • :smile: Here is a recipe for a Green Smoothie: 10 oz spinach, kale/greens 20 oz coconut water 2 apples Use Agave Nectar & water to taste Add to smoothie after water & Agave Nectar 2 tbsp Mala powder 2 tbsp Bee Polen (b-12) 2 tbsp Hemp protein 2 tbsp Wheat grass powder This is a great breakfast drink!
    in Herbalife Comment by 1harleygal May 2011
  • :wink: Honestly you are way to hard on yourself! You are not the only who how has fallen off the wagon nor will you be the last one! Just say ok this is a bust but tomorrow will be better and go on! I can bet all of us on this site has or do feel the same as you about not wanting to be truthfull about what we ate but you…
  • :wink: Muscle does not weigh any more than your fat, a pound is a pound! As you will find out your weight may go up a couple of pounds due to water retention, that time of the month etc.. but it will go back down again in a week or two. Do not let this discourage you, the weight will keep coming off as long as you eat…
  • :love: Welcome to MFP! I love Roanoke, VA because my uncle was from there whom I loved so very much and also I got my first tattoo there!! :love:
  • :heart: I am totally voting for Ada, something about Elizabeth bugs me! :heart:
  • :laugh: I totally agree as well, it kicks butt in more ways than one! :laugh:
  • :smile: You are beautiful and your little girl is just too pretty! :smile: Good job on the weight loss, you worked hard and I know how hard it is! :smile:
  • :laugh: I read the book and just cracked up reading it, I love it! Like others have said I cannot do the Vegan thing but I am pretty much eat only veggies, fruit for breakfast and lunches with my dinner consisting of either fish, chicken or lean pork with a vegetable with my 2 cups of skim milk which I REFUSE to give up!…
  • :wink: 1. Drink lots of water 2. Walk at breaks and lunch at work almost every day 3. Juicing with fresh veggies and some fruit to sweeten it 4. Eat like a queen at breakfast, princess at lunch and pauper at dinner 5. Vary my workouts & work out at least 3 times a week 6. If I crave something eat a small portion to keep…
  • :smile: Any time you can work in your work out is good, evening or night is good as long as you can work out. Also stagger your workouts like walking hard for 20 minutes, slow down for 10 minutes and then hard again 20 minutes wil really ramp up your weight loss! I walk at my breaks and lunches and then 3 times a week work…
  • :drinker: Totally food! :drinker:
  • :smile: Sorry but muscle does not weigh more than fat, that is a totally wrong myth! :smile:
  • :mad: I am so totally understanding where you are coming from. For the past year I have been taking care of my mom in her struggle with cancer and now this weekend have had to put her in a home called Washington Christian Home for their Rehab to Home program but don't like it at all. I am the oldest of nine and except for…
  • :smile: Absolutely beautiful! :smile:
  • :glasses: I totally love Biggest Loser and always watch it! But how come the person I want to win usually doesn't? Oh well, better luck this season!! (LOL) :glasses:
  • :drinker: Good idea about excercising while watching Biggest Loser! I think I will do my squats and work out with my weights while watching! Thanks for the great idea! :drinker:
  • :smile: You are supposed to eat all your calories that they have given you when you joined and also yes you are to eat at least some of your excercise calories! Remember lots of fresh veggies, fruits and lean meat! :smile:
  • :smile: I had great success with Weight Watchers but I stopped because of having to pay the weekly fee and since this is free it makes me very happy! :smile:
  • :smile: Under the Excercise tab where you enter your excercise they have Housework listed as either light /moderate or heavy / vigorous and I just usually use the light / moderate for my cleaning I do so that I am say even when it is scrubbing floors and washing windows. :smile:
  • :smile: Oh my gosh, please don't be so hard on yourself! Weight loss takes time and is harder to take off than to put on! One thing you can do to help boost start your weight loss is on your off days of doing cardio do strength training and also try mixing up the foods you eat. There are times I go for about 4-5 weeks…
  • :smile: Yes you are doing it pretty much right, but on your off days of not doing cardio do the strength training and it will boost up your weight loss and do the toning you need! :smile: