epj78 Member


  • My body shaped changed when I ran - not hugely - but it did change. And I dropped weight like crazy. And I felt great mentally. And now I'm more convinced then ever to get my butt running again.
  • People will tell me all the time I remind them of someone...but they can never figure it out. I do get Reese Witherspoon occasionally, but I think it's more that we're both blonde and people associate her personality with mine (not sure how I feel about having a perky chick flick personality.....) I've gotten Allison…
  • The internet is your friend. I feel your pain, I'm a 32F. I really like the Freya sports bra. My work computer won't let me go there (must think it's a naughty site) so I'm not positive they have then there. But bareneccessities.com is a good site with free shipping over $50 (which is easy to do when buying quality bigger…
  • Actually, they aren't. They are egg whites with food coloring. Egg whites don't have near the nutrients that egg yolks have - so you are missing out on a ton of Omega 3's, vitamins and minerals. They are high in cholesterol however. This is an everything in moderation thing - use 1 whole egg and a few egg whites for bulk -…
  • Or you can edit what is already in the system under the brand you have. But, as everyone else has said, the reason is that whoever entered it didn't care about the sodium and only entered the basic info.
  • My HR Is always much higher. So if yours is around that, then, yep, it is probably accurate. I'm usually up in the 170's also on my runs. And burn around 300 calories in 35 minutes ---- and I weigh a lot more then you! So, it seems right in that perspective. The body pump class I would think your HR would get higher though.
  • No, not accurate. 90 calories is barely more then what you'd burn if you did nothing for an hour! I'd contact the manufacturer or find the FAQ on the website. Something isn't reading right. Sounds almost like the chest strap isn't transmitting to the watch --- did you by chance glance at the watch during your workout to…
  • I pre log when possible if I'm going to be away from my computer all day. When that isn't possible (going out to lunch at an unfamiliar place or have a business lunch where I don't know what will be served) - I do write it down on paper (before I had the android app and even sometimes now because it's quicker). It's just…
  • Yes! But it takes some planning. The crockpot will be your friend! I will cook up a bunch of chicken breast with seasoning in the crockpot on Sunday or Monday and use that for lunches, etc the rest of the week. Lean proteins don't take long to cook - I can pull together a whole meal in under 15 minutes normally using…
  • Great job with the activity levels!!! Just remember that losing weight (for us normal folks) is about 80% or more what you eat. SO keep that diet clean and make sure you are eating enough calories to keep your body fueled!!
  • No this is not exercise to be counted!! It is just normal living calories. Sedentary is for an office job - I'd probably consider sedentary anything less then 5,000 steps a day through daily activity. Sedentary lifestyle that MFP assumes is doing normal stuff during the day - basic cleaning, walking from the car to work,…
  • To everyone that keeps mentioning other gyms with lower rates - yes they are out there - no doubt!! However, the environments are very different --- there is no comparing the two - both have pros and cons. Curves is a very set circuit --- you go in a circle from Resistance machine to cardio to resistance to cardio.....…
    in Curves Comment by epj78 September 2011
  • Curves is around $30 a month. It is a women's only environment and is a "no thinking" workout. So you don't have to wonder "what am I going to do next?" I think it gives you a great circuit workout - it works as hard as you work. When I went I would burn right around 300 calories in about 35 minutes. If I wanted a longer…
    in Curves Comment by epj78 September 2011
  • I researched it YEARS ago and came to the conclusion that there was no scientific backup at all.
  • I'd look up a similar restaurant. TGIFriday's doesn't publish info either so don't look there. When in doubt, I just become a "problem" orderer. I ask lots of questions - like "is that baked or grilled?" And then get complicated with my orders with the "no sauce" and substituting salads with dressing on the side for fries,…
  • It gets harder and slower every pound down you go. That's because you don't have the deficit you did when you started. Let's take a look at the math...... Let's say you start out at 200. If you are a woman -- roughly (let's not get nit picky) - to stay at that weight, you need to eat 2,000 a day (weight *10) if you don't…
  • A stroll. No, it's good movement, but not exercise for calorie burn. A brisk walk - yes! You are using different muscles to walk then to run/jog. There are actually a ton of marathon runners that have trouble with the 3 day breast cancer walk because they don't train thinking they can run a marathon, certainly they can…
  • sweet and sour sauce. Really anything fruit related mixed with meat.
  • It's genetics. Sorry. I have them at 185, I had them at 135 and a size 2/4. Frankly, when I get down there again, I'm going to a plastic surgeon to see if there is anything to be done about it. I'm just not sure there is since when I feel around them when I'm thinner, I feel no fat, it's all solid. My dad and brothers all…
    in cankles Comment by epj78 September 2011
  • Double post - sorry!! I figure my sweat is just water and salt. both of which are in the water I use to wash my clothes - so no harm, no foul. I mean, they don't stink, I wear deodorant --- if they have an odor they go right to the washing machine.
  • I rewear too. I figure I'm just going to get sweaty again so why bother. I wash every 2 or 3 wears --- and then they go straight into the washer.
  • Why do we measure things in miles and feet? I mean, a foot isn't 10 inches...... and a mile isn't 1000 feet......
  • I agree on the blue dress and if you have to go with shoes you already have - I'd go with the black heels. It really shows off your figure nicely. I love the black dress on you - but not wedding appropriate. If you have time to get new shoes - invest in a pair like the above. A good nude stiletto - goes with everything and…
  • I think it's just the calories that matter. I find I drink a lot more beer when I drink beer vs. wine or alcohol. I think that is where beer belly comes from :)
    in alcohol Comment by epj78 September 2011
  • I haven't found a Chinese dish that isn't in the database yet! Search for it and log it :)
  • I think anything that makes working out more enjoyable and something you will continue doing is well worth it. Why do you think so many health clubs have tvs either mounted all over or built into the machines??? For me, anything that takes my mind off the fact I am working out - is a positive thing!
  • This is a good thing for small space workouts. I use it when I travel and am in hotel rooms. http://www.amazon.com/FitDeck-Bodyweight/dp/B000UEP0NI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1315495591&sr=8-1 And you need NO equipment. I usually pick three cards and do each for 30-60 seconds and do 3 sets. Then do two minutes of cardio --…
  • Oh, not in the inside/out series. He pushes you and it isn't always in a nice way!
  • I'm really liking his Inside Out Method series. I've done the Yoga (trust me - it gets your HR up), cardio, and super strength. All are good workouts. They are all 60 minute work outs so it takes some more time commitment then most of the JM DVDs,.
  • 30DS = 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels' workout) NSV = Non Scale Victory