Walking = Exercise?



  • AlwaysSarah87
    I say yes. I would say buy a heart rate monitor though because you may not know how fast you are walking and it would be hard to track to get accurate calories. But YES it counts. :)
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I have a fainting disorder so walking is about all I can do right now for excercie. So for some walking is excellent excercise. However, while walking is excercise for people who run and can run for miles and miles walking might not be "adequate" excercise for their bodies.

    Also it depends on the walk. If you're walking down the street and back then no. But hiking and going along trails that have varying degrees of difficulty it's a great cardio workout for any type of athlete.
    Fainting? Wow that must be hard. Do you have to walk with someone all the time?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Walking is great, but it is not running, jogging or cycling. There is very little muscle building with walking. Walking is great and infinitly better than nothing, but it is not a long term substitute.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    A stroll. No, it's good movement, but not exercise for calorie burn.

    A brisk walk - yes! You are using different muscles to walk then to run/jog. There are actually a ton of marathon runners that have trouble with the 3 day breast cancer walk because they don't train thinking they can run a marathon, certainly they can walk. Guess what? They find out that walking is not just a slow form of running.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I run 5K, mountain bike, lift weights, P90X, Insanity, hike, I'm in the best shape of my life. I count my walks as exercise. I usually do about a half hour at 4 MPH.

    I record my walks if they are in addition to my normal daily activity but I would not record walking around at a amusement park or something along those lines.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hate running.. like absolutely positively despise running... So heck yes I count walking as exercise!

    My primary form of cardio, is walking on a treadmill at the highest incline at a pretty normal pace. I also take a 2 mile walk around our local lake if I'm not feeling the gym that day.

    When I do go to the gym, I normally lift twice a week if I can and do walking the other two days.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Walking is great, but it is not running, jogging or cycling. There is very little muscle building with walking. Walking is great and infinitly better than nothing, but it is not a long term substitute.

    I respectfully disagree. Many serious walkers have killer legs and attribute that to walking and building, shaping, and toning the muscles of the legs, hips, and butt. According to kinesiologists, it builds the calves, tibialis anterior, ankle extensor, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, and abominal muscles. It may or may not be a cardio exercise, depending on heart rate and pace. But I think it absolutely, without a doubt builds muscle.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I totally understand the point you're making. Here is what I posted on a similar blog:

    I only record calories burned doing cardio, strength training or aerobics. IDK but I feel like I'm cheating myself by recording calories burned for standing or walking around. I saw someone log walking at an amusement park 1,000 calories??? Not judging them, but I know that when I walked around Cedar Point, I stopped several times and ate while walking.

    I'm interested in what other opinions are out there.....

    Your comment about walking around the amusement park caught my eye. I actually wore my pedometer at Kings Dominion a few years ago. While I didn't really ever break a sweat, I was shocked at the # of steps that I logged: if I remember correctly, it came out at about 17000. I also wear one when we are out playing "tourist." While I don't count it all, I definitely count some of it as exercise since it is a lot more walking than I would normally do.

    As for the OP's ??, if walking IS my actual exercise for the day (often a rest day...or some days I just add a walk onto my regular routine), I'll log it. Otherwise I don't.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I saw someone log walking at an amusement park 1,000 calories??? Not judging them, but I know that when I walked around Cedar Point, I stopped several times and ate while walking.

    It depends on the person if he/she is being honest about it or no. Also if he/she considers him/herself sedentary then he/she will count all those non-exericse activity as exercise. I have one friend who logs pushing stroller for about 35 mins as an exercise. I would normally not count moderate house cleaning (unless it involves pushing heavy furnitures), walking inside our office or from our office to the bus station even if it is 2 miles because I do it everyday. Instead I just set my profile to lightly active.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    My activity level is set to sedentary because I have a desk job, but I don't drive and therefore have 45 minutes minimum active transport in my day. I log it as a trully sedentary person would just jump in the car and drive everywhere and not get any active transport in at all.
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    In my opinion, yes. I actually (embarrasingly) weigh more now than I did right after having my baby, who is now 4. But, I had a Moby Wrap. Anywhere I went, I tied her on and walked there. I dropped weight quickly and felt great. Then came the toddler years. She was too big for the wrap. If I wanted to walk anywhere, it took forever because little short legs had to keep up. So I stopped walking. Now that I'm trying to lose weight, this is my main form of exercise. I walk or bike a lot, and when it's too hot, I do Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home. I love it!
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Walking for an hour is surely a hell of a lot more 'exercise' than doing nothing for an hour.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    My question is specifically for people who are in decent shape. For someone who can run several miles at a time, does 5k's, half-marathons and such, do you think it is acurate to consider a 30/60 minute walk exercise? Or, is it that peson just having a lazy day and not wanting to "really" exercise and just having a leisurely stroll?

    Walking for an hour at 4-5 mph.... how is that *not* exercise?

    While I wouldn't count walking round an amusement park or shopping as 'exercise' per se, it's certainly burning more calories than sitting about on a couch. I took my little girl to a local amusement park a couple of weeks ago. 10 hours on my feet, wandering about, queueing.... I was *tired* at the end of that lot. To suggest this doesn't burn calories seems a bit naive - of course it does, and I'd imagine it burns quite a few!

    I don't log my cleaning, or most of my day to day living stuff. I do log my dog walking, because we do, in fact, break a sweat (our dogs are a bit on the feisty side, and we walk quickly and far with them - generally at least 4 or 5miles a day).

    If you went for a 10 mile hike, would you not count that as exercise, just cause it was walking?
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am at goal weight and walk for an hour a day (I put on my trainers and power walk) so I always include it as exercise...
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Improving your posture, core strength and stamina? Yes, that is exercise. Hill walkers, trekkers and trail - don't see many fatties there!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Improving your posture, core strength and stamina? Yes, that is exercise. Hill walkers, trekkers and trail - don't see many fatties there!
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    I hate running.. like absolutely positively despise running... So heck yes I count walking as exercise!

    My primary form of cardio, is walking on a treadmill at the highest incline at a pretty normal pace. I also take a 2 mile walk around our local lake if I'm not feeling the gym that day.

    When I do go to the gym, I normally lift twice a week if I can and do walking the other two days.

    Definitely a good point. I've got up to 650 cals an hour for incline walking at a good pace - same as running on a flat on a treadmill. Only discovered this when recovering from shin splints.
  • fieldfare
    Think walking's good exercise and will log it if done at a reasonable pace for a reasonable length of time. Used to walk at a much slower pace than I do now and I'm sure making the conscious effort to increase speed has contributed to weight loss so far.

    I go for a brisk walk most days usually wearing a heart rate monitor and the beats per minute soon go up when I tackle steep slopes or break into a jog, or better still jog up a steep slope.

    Another reason I log it is because I love my food - am supposed to be on 1200 cal a day but keep going over so any exercise cals earned are soon scoffed down one way or another; don't burn many calories doing exercise anyway as on the small side at 100lb, lucky if burn over 300 in an hour.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I personally don't log it unless I've walked for more than an hour since I have a dog and I live in the city so I walk a lot as part of my daily life. I do have a desk job but I didn't register as sedentary but as moderately active.
    Also I'm a 15 minute walk from the gym so if the weather isn't bad I walk there as a warm up so I can get into the thick of things quicker!
  • MuffinMan25
    I walk all the time. i burn 300-800 Calories doing so. sounds like a workout to me! :tongue: