

  • Spinning is an awesome cardio and I try to do 2 to 3 a week with different instructors. I will also head to the Y on Saturday mornings and kick my own butt on the cycle. I also found when I was running that the spin classes strengthened my legs and my running improved. This year I want to shake it up some more so I am…
  • I have been cycling for almost 3 years and I love the cardio work out it gives me. I can always up the tension or decrease depending on what my body needs. If you can take a beginner class at the Y I am at they have them for 6 weeks, meeting once a week for an hour. It will build you up and also make sure you learn all the…
  • Do you like hummus? I usually eat it with slices of cucumber or put it in a wheat wrap with slices of cucumbers and some slices of avocado. The cukes and wheat wrap may be too much to chew but the hummus is good. Yogurt is good too and you could add bananas to it. Good luck.
  • That happens to me and sometimes to get it moving I do a double work out in one day. The last time I did a 90 minute spin and then went to a turbo kick an hour and half later. I have also done a higher calorie day and that has started the scale moving. Just hang in there you are doing great.
    in HELP Comment by kklemencic November 2011
  • I found that a great motivation is my family, hubby and two sons. My family history isn't so hot and I wanted to be healthier and live as long as possible. You have some good motivation and your three year old will keep you hoping everyday. I remember those days well, my boys are 18 and 21 now. If you have a day where you…
  • I always think, I am who I am and I love me the way I am. Just because someone can do all that doesn't make them healthy and we eat well and exercise to keep our bodies healthy. That is my goal to be a healthier me because i am important and the weight I have lost is icing on the cake so to speak. Anyway it will catch up…
  • My birthday is Saturday and I am going to enjoy it and get right back on track the next day. I'm not planning on going overboard but I plan on enjoying myself. I don't really think of myself on a diet, my thoughts about it are I am making life long changes and in those changes I am going to have splurge or celebration days…
  • I use mine when I lift, don't know why you wouldn't.
  • That is great! Feels great I know because I just moved down another size (now a 12). Congrats and keep it going! I keep looking at those new pants thinking "those fit me! no way!" but low and behold they do and I am still surprised by it, funny I know.
  • I log my breakfast, lunch and beverages before I leave for work in the morning, this way I know how many calories I have left for the day. I log dinner either just before or while I eat and catch up my water count too. Enter my calories burned at the end of the day even though I work out in the very early morning.
  • Raw Almonds Hummus on English cucumber slices Apple Lettuce or cabbage Chicken
  • I look at inches, the scale and BMI because one of them is always showing some kind of improvement. I go 2-3 weeks without any movement on the scale and then all of a sudden drop 1-3 pounds. Just keep doing what your are doing.
  • I count everything even veggies that I consider a freebie like cucumbers for example. It helps me keep track off all my calories and see how much healthier I am eating every day.
  • I eat my calories back, some days more of it than others. I just listen to my body and it lets me know what I need, for example lately I am craving protein so I have been working on eating more of it each day. I don't eat more calories than what I burn each day. We have to fuel our bodies so we can work out to our full…
  • When I started running a couple years ago I was the same way. Couldn't run a 1/4 of a mile but I just kept at it and eventually I ran farther. Try some weights and a cycle class will really strengthen those legs and glutes which will help your strength in running. I had to give it up because it bothered my knees too much…
  • I use a HRM so I get an accurate calorie burn and log it in under cardio and title it the name of my class which is muscle pump. Before that I did MFP cardio and used the strength training and MFP calculated the calories for me. If you don't have a HRM I highly recommend getting one so you know how many calories you…
  • Sunflower nuts on potato salad and maple syrup on a grilled cheese sandwich.
  • I make turkey burgers versus buying the pre-made ones and have tried different things but they taste the best when I add in a steak sauce and worchestire sauce for flavoring. Even my sons will eat them more when I do that. I also add minced garlic, onion, pepper, parsley or cilantro whatever seasonings I have in my cabinet…
  • I watch calories and exercise about the only thing I use is I drink a spark drink before workout in the morning (5:30am) and while I am exercising drink a rehydrate drink. Information on these at the link below. My husband uses the MNS Max C from this site to curb his appetite and it has worked for him. He has lost over 50…
  • Raw almonds for quickk protein snack, hummus/salmon for lunch and romaine lettuce for dinner and skim milk for my Advocare muscle gain protein shake.
  • Ignore them, you are out there for you and no one else! But a smile and a hello back really throws these kind of people off, it's the last thing they are expecting from their actions. They hope to bring you down don't let them, pat yourself on the back for getting out and doing something good for yourself. Keep walking and…
  • This is a tough one and you need to find what works for you. The more I eat good foods to fuel my body with the more I want to eat those versus the bad yet very tasty food. It takes time for your body to adjust and the wanting and cravings for unhealthy will subside. Today one of our parents brought in 3 boxes of krispy…
  • I work out each morning at 5:30 am Monday through Friday and start off with drinking a spark (Advocare) on the way to the Y and every now and then I eat a few almonds with it. This is what gets me through any of my turbo kick or cycling classes in the morning and my 90 minute cycle on Saturdays.
  • I love Papa Murphy's Thai Chicken on delite crust, but also Pizza Hut veggie pizza on thin crust!
  • Congrats! That's awesome I just had the same NSV shopping for pants brought size 16 into the dressing room and had to go out for size 14! So I really know how excited you are! WTG! Keep it up!
  • Don't give up! At more heaviest weight I was 238 and now am 184 and it can be done just don't give up on yourself. For whatever reason I don't drop the 1-2 lbs a week no matter what I do. My weight stays the same for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden I drop and then it stays steady again. It took me a while to figure…
  • I have a Polar ft40 and having the same problem just all of a sudden. When I let it sit longer it works better but if I use it twice in a day I have even more trouble so am thinking it is the transmitter battery. I am replacing the battery in the transmitter tp see of that works. I too have checked to make sure it is tight…
  • I did a 90 minute spin class! I love spin class do it at least 3 times a week, 45 minute on Monday, 60 minute on Thursday and then start my weekend off with the 90 minute! It is a great work out. If you can take a beginner class for it that's a good idea. It's a great calorie burn and a wonderful cardio for the ticker.…
  • Don't beat yourself up, change takes time. You will find a way to beat the craving one night, and that night will multipy into 2 and before you know it you will have beaten those cravings. You just have to find what works best for you and give yourself time, we can't change habits overnight. Hang in there and keep at it…
  • Mine is not open to viewing, I don't care what others think good or bad concerning my diary I care what I think. I am accountable to me and only I can make the changes I know need to be made. It is hard enough making some of the the changes I have had to make let alone doing it publicly. If I cheat I only cheat myself.…
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