aproc Member


  • I had 1 cup of cottage cheese with 1/2 cup of blueberries mixed in this morning. My breakfasts are usually pretty boring. Typical egg, veggie, chesse scrambles or wraps.
  • I stick to quest bars (The cleanest) and thinkthin primarily. I also like promax ls (although not sure about the fat).
    in Protein bars Comment by aproc March 2013
  • Holding on to the bars. If your going to put it on an incline to walk, it kind of defeats the purpose when you hold on to the bar for dear life. :laugh:
  • I mix cottage cheese or greek yogurt with a tablespoon of instant sugar free pudding powder. The cottage cheese tastes like pudding and the yogurt comes out like a mousse.
  • Heres a blog by a competitor. She posts lots of recipes. http://jen-fits-playground.com/ I just stick to basics when I cook so I haven't tried any of them. They look good though. :)
  • Just move on. Don't try to make up for it. Thats where it all spirals out of control. I'm still trying to deal with binging and trying to make up for it the next day just leads to another binge and it becomes a daily thing to deal with. You lost 9! Congrats! Thats one binge didn't undo it all. You might feel bad from extra…
  • Lol. I met my bf at the gym. We basically just stared at each other very creepily and smiled for the longest time before I decided to ask him about some stupid tips I didn't need. He started talking to me eventually after that. XP Good luck though! I tend to avoid all eye contact in the gym because I don't like people…
  • Because some people like to have a season to be able to eat what they enjoy and use it advantageously at the same time... Being cut all year round is great, but it isn't for some people. Some like that diet break.. Neither my bf or I would be very happy if he were cutting or trying to maintain a certain bf% all year round.…
  • I don't care. I like my bf's body just the same when he shave it all or off season when he doesn't.
  • girl.....I eat around 2000 and am constantly hungry. Just came off of a bulk and I could eat 2500+ and still be hungry. If your still hungry (and truly hungry, not just cravings) then eat. Your body obviously needs the food. Increase a little and just keep an eye on measurements of your body over time.
  • Then stop. =/ The only reason it works is because your consuming less calories. So just eat smaller or smarter meals.
  • Bodybuilding.com has some good plans to follow. There are some good beginner programs on there as well.
  • 1.) The machines are not accurate. Your probably barely burning half of what you think. 2.) Without knowing your calories or macros, nobody can know whether you might be undereating or overeating.
  • With skin folds, you need somebody with lots of experience for it to be anywhere near accurate. If you can't afford other options of bodyfat testing then just rely on measuring your self frequently and forget bodyfat. Using measuring tape is a great way of tracking progress.
  • Enjoy the muscle loss, migranes, and all sorts of other problems! :drinker: I shall continue eating my food whenever the heck I want.
  • I wouldn't take anything Dr. Oz said too seriously..
    in Dr Oz Comment by aproc January 2013
  • Maybe they are just trying to motivate bigger people? Not that I would be motivated to slim down to pay over 100 for an article of clothing....but for those who would, then it might be a great motivator.
  • I want to punch this Anderson chick in the face.
  • Don't keep any in your house and don't keep extra money on you for extra food while out. That's pretty much all you can do aside from just willpower.
  • Oats cooked with egg whites and topped with banana and pb. Or lately it's been an egg/veggies/and swiss cheese mess.
  • You don't HAVE to eat all throughout the day. That stuff about 'increasing metabolism with __ small meals throughout the day' is crap. It all comes down to macros at the end of the day. If you aren't getting enough calories and enough of each macro in that one meal then you could do two or three large meals. If one meal…
  • If its a problem of your hands just being too small, then maybe you should look into straps for deadlifting and other exercises? I use versa grips for deadlifting and any pulling exercise I have to do with heavy weights. I have no problem holding onto the bar to do complete my sets with them.
  • I've never heard of them..... NASM and ACSM are gold standards. You don't want to just go with a deal when getting certified. I look at a person's education background as well as who they were certified through when looking at trainers..
  • You need to look into a better strength routine for your whole body. Stop messing with the popular 'toning' exercises advertised towards women and lift heavy. You can't lose weight from specific areas but weight training is the best tool for body composition changes.
  • What's with the 'for women' part? Women should train the same as men..... And there is no spot reducing. You can do all the ab work you want but it's not going to target your midsection and make you lose more weight there. An overall strength training routine and cardio will help more. As far as ab exercises....my favorite…
  • While its true that ATG is great to do, when you ALREADY have knee problems then listen to your physical therapist. I don't know why your trainer would have you doing those if he knows about your knee problems.
  • You obviously don't work very hard in the gym if your so focused on the guys wearing gloves... Why does it matter? I wear gloves for more reasons than just calluses (still get them) including better grip, less contact with equipment that everybody else has had their sweaty palms on, etc. I never even notice that my bf…
  • If I make a protein smoothie for myself on a rest day, I like to break up bacon to top it with. <_< >_>
  • I just thaw tilapia in warm water before cooking. over medium heat, sprinkle lemon herb seasoning on pan and place the tilapias on the pan and sprinkle more seasoning on top. cook for a min or two and flip over. I use a little lemon juice at this time.