Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I really hate when people make fun of others holding the handlebars while using an incline. I used the incline for the first time the other day and yes, I held the bars.
    And you know what? I was damn proud of myself for using the incline in the first place.
    I would hate to think that there were people judging me while I was feeling so proud of myself.

    No one asked you to admit whether you held onto the bars or not.. be proud that you wasted so much time getting a poor burn by cheating. Go for the elliptical, there you can hold onto the bars, free up the treadmill at the gym and still get a great workout!

    Did you really just tell her how to work out? To free up a treadmill at the gym? Seriously? Get a frigging life.

    SERIOUS humour on the forum today!!!

    Darn right I did.. nothing worse than waiting for a treadmill and watching the majority of the users holding on the treadmill while I eagerly wait to workout properly.

    Get on an elliptical - it's low impact for those who are issues and you can still hold onto the bars. How about you learn how to reasonably disagree? You don't sound like you can take the heat so get out of the kitchen. Take your f words with you too cause you sound like you need the life more than me. :laugh: :laugh:

  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    An older gentleman got on the treadmill next to me once and emitted some intestinal gas that blew me clean off my treadmill. My eyes are still watering from the memory.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member

    I would run in chilly winters.... I usually turn to nature in the 20's, and you do know that our state bird is the mosquito. :smile:

    That's cool. That's probably really warm up there in the frozen tundra, like shorts and tank top weather! :wink: j/k

    Seriously, I'm a baby about it for sure but if it's colder than about 45 F or hotter than about 80, I'm 1000x more likely to run if in a climate-controlled mosquito/pollen-free gym. :laugh:
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    There is only one thing that bugs me when someone gets on the treadmill next to me. It has nothing to do with what they're doing. I figure some exercise is good, definitely better than doing nothing. It's the PERFUME! I was doing my thing yesterday and in comes this girl with what must have been half a bottle of perfume on and hops on right next to me. I have scent issues so I immediately started with the runny nose and watery eyes. I thought of this thread at the time as I was reading it the other day and thought to myself "nope, nothing really bothers me" LOL! Oh well, what can ya do?

    But really though, why so much perfume? I just don't understand what one gets out of bathing in the stuff....:ohwell:

    I totally agree with you! I HATE strong perfumes and they trigger migraines for me. A migraine is rare, so if someone wears so much it gives me one, it really freaking pisses me off. Thankfully, this hasn't happened to me at the gym. I like to keep that my happy place. :smile:
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    When they sing out loud to whatever they're listening to on their iPod. I didn't come for a concert lol
    lol i dont mind that. i like it when people get a little crazy it fun to watch and helps pass the time as long as i dont get punched or anything like that in the melee. :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    An older gentleman got on the treadmill next to me once and emitted some intestinal gas that blew me clean off my treadmill. My eyes are still watering from the memory.

    :laugh: I feel so bad for you
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    I would run in chilly winters.... I usually turn to nature in the 20's, and you do know that our state bird is the mosquito. :smile:

    That's cool. That's probably really warm up there in the frozen tundra, like shorts and tank top weather! :wink: j/k

    Seriously, I'm a baby about it for sure but if it's colder than about 45 F or hotter than about 80, I'm 1000x more likely to run if in a climate-controlled mosquito/pollen-free gym. :laugh:

    It's supposed to be 40 on Friday...that will, no joke, be shorts weather.

    My face and lips dry out really easy, so the cold air (and where I live) and wind in the winter can really do some damage.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    An older gentleman got on the treadmill next to me once and emitted some intestinal gas that blew me clean off my treadmill. My eyes are still watering from the memory.

    Sorry about that... Last time I have kidney beans with melted cheese
  • SiempreBella
    SiempreBella Posts: 125 Member
    I love to hold the handle bars when I am running, because people love to watch me. They pay their monthly membership and take time out of their work out, to watch me hold the bars. They put their concentration on me. Most people should start to hold the bars more often, you get loads of attention.
  • Lisafrazier71
    Lisafrazier71 Posts: 59 Member
    There are two ladies that go to our gym. They are older ladies, sweet as pie really, they always have conversations with each other on the treadmills which is fine, usually I can drown them out with my earbuds in & music on. One day my phone wasn't charged so I had no music and had to listen to one telling the other about how she had some intestinal parasite that was making her have diarrhea (sorry if I spelled it wrong) all the time and how she went to the doctors & how her meds were making her bloat and all that. I was so grossed out. I know, everyone pays to go there. But keep your hershey squirts to yourself, I really don't want to know.. gross... that was the only really annoying thing I can remember on the treadmills. Now I always make sure my phone is charged.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    There are two ladies that go to our gym. They are older ladies, sweet as pie really, they always have conversations with each other on the treadmills which is fine, usually I can drown them out with my earbuds in & music on. One day my phone wasn't charged so I had no music and had to listen to one telling the other about how she had some intestinal parasite that was making her have diarrhea (sorry if I spelled it wrong) all the time and how she went to the doctors & how her meds were making her bloat and all that. I was so grossed out. I know, everyone pays to go there. But keep your hershey squirts to yourself, I really don't want to know.. gross... that was the only really annoying thing I can remember on the treadmills. Now I always make sure my phone is charged.

    :laugh: Ya, I can't always drown them out with my headphones. I really don't think they notice they're yelling at each other over the sounds of the machines.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    I love to hold the handle bars when I am running
    The problem I have with people holding the bars is that it goes against the natural motion of walking/running. There's a reason why I can walk briskly on a treadmill at 4.7 mph without holding the rails. It's because of the way I use my ARMS in synchronization with my legs. They aid each other.

    Ever watch power walking in the Olympics? Those peeps can do that faster than most gym people run on the treadmill.

    You'll be the best you can be when you do things the RIGHT way. Correct form is paramount in just about every exercise.
  • Lovett123
    Lovett123 Posts: 54 Member
    When some of you people are saying that others annoy you when they look at what you're're looking at what they're doing to know that they're looking at you! You're just as bad!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    When some of you people are saying that others annoy you when they look at what you're're looking at what they're doing to know that they're looking at you! You're just as bad!

    For real!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When some of you people are saying that others annoy you when they look at what you're're looking at what they're doing to know that they're looking at you! You're just as bad!

    Careful now. Pointing out hypocrisy in the forums is one of the most incendiary things you can do.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    When some of you people are saying that others annoy you when they look at what you're're looking at what they're doing to know that they're looking at you! You're just as bad!

    Careful now. Pointing out hypocrisy in the forums is one of the most incendiary things you can do.


    We're not allowed to notice other people in the gym?

    I'm doing this wrong....
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When some of you people are saying that others annoy you when they look at what you're're looking at what they're doing to know that they're looking at you! You're just as bad!

    Careful now. Pointing out hypocrisy in the forums is one of the most incendiary things you can do.


    We're not allowed to notice other people in the gym?

    I'm doing this wrong....

    Right. You are not allowed to notice other people in the gym and post about them in the forums. However, it is perfectly fine, nay, I say, admirable even, to notice other people in the gym *noticing you* and post about them in the forums.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Part 2.

    Are you ******* kidding me?
  • taelardinois
    taelardinois Posts: 30 Member
    Maybe it's just my thought process but if the way others are working out is bothering me, then I'm obviously not working hard enough myself.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Holding on to the bars. If your going to put it on an incline to walk, it kind of defeats the purpose when you hold on to the bar for dear life. :laugh: