Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    When they don't actually use the treadmill. They just stand on it and talk to their friend.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    Couldn't agree more! Why does it matter what others are doing as long as it doesn't interfere with your w/o? Too many judgmental ppl in this world. :noway:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    smoker? your kidding right? working hard till you drop af an MI. OMG this must be a troll!

    I'm a smoker, : ( uncomfortable, and it makes exercise terrible, but its a goal to quit.

    If it wasn't for running properly on a treadmill, I wouldn't have realized that I need to quit smoking in order to further my fitness goals. It's extremely uncomfortable!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    It bugs me when people get all butthurt that I like to walk on the treadmill. mind yo own bidness
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    when they walk backwards (one guy even does a side-to-side crab walk). I mean WTF?

    this is actually a good workout, i run backwards as well
  • Jsnuggles
    Jsnuggles Posts: 33
    Every now and then I'll see someone post about how they want to join a gym but they are intimidated by going in there with all those other people who have been going forever, are in better shape, etc. Those are always met with a chorus of people saying "Don't worry, no one is paying attention to you, they're focusing on their own workout!!" And then a thread like this pops up, where everyone chimes in on how much it bugs them that someone isn't exercising the way they do.

    I mean, I can understand if someone is doing something that actively intrudes on your concentration or ability to work out as you wish, but things like going slower, or holding the handlebars, really?

    This. I'm joining my old gym again and lol at all the people who actually care about my routine.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    When they crank up the incline and hang on for dear life.

    LMAO because it's true.

    It's actually funny to watch.. that and the crab walks I've seen too!
  • randimarie1125
    randimarie1125 Posts: 147 Member
    smoker? your kidding right? working hard till you drop af an MI. OMG this must be a troll!

    I'm a smoker, : ( uncomfortable, and it makes exercise terrible, but its a goal to quit.

    If it wasn't for running properly on a treadmill, I wouldn't have realized that I need to quit smoking in order to further my fitness goals. It's extremely uncomfortable!

    yes it is, very very uncomfortable. and running will definitely help you realize that, if you haven't already. I really want to quit, just afraid of the supposed "weight gain" but whats weight gain, compared to the serious effects. Its just a bad habit no matter what, and someday i will convince myself i can and WILL quit!
  • Diane_1984
    Diane_1984 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow some of you guys really suck, everyone has different fitness levels don't judge at least they are giving it a go and trying to change their lives.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    smoker? your kidding right? working hard till you drop af an MI. OMG this must be a troll!

    I'm a smoker, : ( uncomfortable, and it makes exercise terrible, but its a goal to quit.

    If it wasn't for running properly on a treadmill, I wouldn't have realized that I need to quit smoking in order to further my fitness goals. It's extremely uncomfortable!

    yes it is, very very uncomfortable. and running will definitely help you realize that, if you haven't already. I really want to quit, just afraid of the supposed "weight gain" but whats weight gain, compared to the serious effects. Its just a bad habit no matter what, and someday i will convince myself i can and WILL quit!

    Hey, that's exactly why I haven't quit. Both times I've quit, I've gained 12 lbs each time - not even overeating. One day we will both quit.. :smile:

    Running has also helped me stop smoking as much.. it's a natural stress reliever (exercise is in general). I smoke because I have a lot of stress and get bored a lot :laugh:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    The only thing that bugs me is when people use the treadmill (or any part of the gym) when they are clearly too sick to be out in public. If you are sneezing, wiping your nose or hacking lung chunks all over the equipment, you bug me.

    Everything else people do is just comedy! My favorite funny thing on the treadmill was watching a newbie at the other side of the gym try to get the belt moving by her own foot-power. She was straining and pushing the belt with all her might. She had no idea you had to push buttons to get it going. I think the exercise bikes and ellipticals all 'power up' as soon as you start moving parts - treadmills... not so much. She really tried her best though!

    And for the record, had I been next to her, I would have helped... but I was way on the other side of the gym in the middle of my workout. :-)
  • randimarie1125
    randimarie1125 Posts: 147 Member
    smoker? your kidding right? working hard till you drop af an MI. OMG this must be a troll!

    I'm a smoker, : ( uncomfortable, and it makes exercise terrible, but its a goal to quit.

    If it wasn't for running properly on a treadmill, I wouldn't have realized that I need to quit smoking in order to further my fitness goals. It's extremely uncomfortable!

    yes it is, very very uncomfortable. and running will definitely help you realize that, if you haven't already. I really want to quit, just afraid of the supposed "weight gain" but whats weight gain, compared to the serious effects. Its just a bad habit no matter what, and someday i will convince myself i can and WILL quit!

    Hey, that's exactly why I haven't quit. Both times I've quit, I've gained 12 lbs each time - not even overeating. One day we will both quit.. :smile:

    Running has also helped me stop smoking as much.. it's a natural stress reliever (exercise is in general). I smoke because I have a lot of stress and get bored a lot :laugh:

    I smoke way more when i'm stressed, (very easy with a toddler lol) and boredom, has me smoking like crazy lol
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    Someone mouthing the words to a song if their breath is not so fresh. It can be not so nice when I'm running and taking deep breaths. Also, holding long loud conversations whether on the phone or with the person on the next treadmill.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    people who get on the treadmill right next to me when lot of them are available, then get off turn the fan on high pointed directly in my face. I mean, go to the other side and turn the fan on. I didnt have fan on for a reason
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    When there are five empty treadmills in a row and someone decides to use the one right next to me.

    Geez, now that I know this bugs so many people, I will do it more often. Hint, this should not bother you.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    When there are five empty treadmills in a row and someone decides to use the one right next to me.

    Geez, now that I know this bugs so many people, I will do it more often. Hint, this should not bother you.

    Yeah maybe they think you're hot or something ;)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    smoker? your kidding right? working hard till you drop af an MI. OMG this must be a troll!

    I'm a smoker, : ( uncomfortable, and it makes exercise terrible, but its a goal to quit.

    If it wasn't for running properly on a treadmill, I wouldn't have realized that I need to quit smoking in order to further my fitness goals. It's extremely uncomfortable!

    yes it is, very very uncomfortable. and running will definitely help you realize that, if you haven't already. I really want to quit, just afraid of the supposed "weight gain" but whats weight gain, compared to the serious effects. Its just a bad habit no matter what, and someday i will convince myself i can and WILL quit!

    Hey, that's exactly why I haven't quit. Both times I've quit, I've gained 12 lbs each time - not even overeating. One day we will both quit.. :smile:

    Running has also helped me stop smoking as much.. it's a natural stress reliever (exercise is in general). I smoke because I have a lot of stress and get bored a lot :laugh:

    I smoke way more when i'm stressed, (very easy with a toddler lol) and boredom, has me smoking like crazy lol

    Oh yeah, I hear ya! :laugh:
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    This is slightly off topic but I was running outdoors in the park the other day, with headphones on playing an book fairly loudly in my ears, and there were three women walking behind me about 20 yards back who were so LOUD I couldn't focus on my book. I had to speed up and put distance between us just to drown them out. Back to the gym - I hate it when people don't wipe their sweat off. Gross!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I hate treadmills. They're depressing. You run and you run and that wall never gets any closer.

    I like to run outside.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    people who talk on their cell phones!