ckdub428 Member


  • schedule your whole days worth of food before you leave the house. then when you get to work, if you don't have the room, then you don't participate in the work food. I know it sucks that no one is there to support you there. Also, what if you brought in a fruit tray so that you could have some snacks, but it would help…
  • I'm near Deep Fork, but unable to walk during the days. :sad:
  • skippy natural peanut butter spread with honey is AMAZING! 32 grams = 200 cals so I don't have it that often, but I love it when I do.. Especially with a banana!! (ingredients: roasted peanuts, palm oil, peanut oil, salt, sugar, honey)
  • Pork "the other white meat" I think that is their slogan right now.
  • That is so awesome!!! I just started training for a 5 k. My longest time has been 5.5 minutes!! Can't imagine 60 right now!!!
  • Yes this is what I read!! I can't believe that they are so "shocked" that people can come back. BL has done this before. Its how Alli got back in!
  • I read a news article on my husbands phone that said that half the remaining cast is threatening to walk off because the producers suggested bringing other people back for a chance at the title. I love BL, but this season is just different. I hope this isn't the "new" BL because if it is I think it will end soon.
  • go to a running store and get fitted. My shoes (profile pic) are a brand I have never heard of (Mizuno) and they are a color I would never buy, but they are like a little bit of heaven on my feet. Go in completely open minded and get whatever shoe feels the best.... even if they are purple! Happy Running!
  • That is so awesome!!!! Keep it up!! Oh and goto a running store and get fitted for some shoes! you want your feet to be happy when you are running!!! Great job!!!
  • I recently heard someone call them "spike days" because cheat implies guilt. I usually have one day that is high and its normally when I need to to help my sanity.
  • bump! having a rough day and this is awesome!
  • I had a GREAT run on Saturday. Pushed myself really hard, then on Tuesday I had a horrible run. My running friends told me that running is up and down like that sometimes and that I probably pushed too hard on Saturday. Hang in there. For your shins. Write the ABC's with your toes pointed. Helps me!
  • do you have a church/ school/ community center you could walk at, or a neighbor that would walk with you outside. What about the local YMCA, they might have a fee waiver if you can't afford the gym. If all that fails walk around in your house. It gets annoying having to turn so much and you'll feel like you are wearing a…
  • Ugh, I hate mine. Never seems to work without smelling like its burning the motor. My items would be my digital scale, a sharp knife, and I really want the IR thermometer I saw on Food Network the other day!!
  • reading the book and its a drag, hoping the movie is better. Oh and the Nook book is just under 8 bucks and when it downloaded I realized that it was only 107 pages!!!! including the dedication, TOC and everything. total rip off!
    in Vow Comment by ckdub428 February 2012
  • I'm really frugle to but I have lots of foot pain and I can tell you that my local running store was awesome, no pressure to buy, but they also we decently priced. My shoes were 120 and my husbands were 100. Yes that's a lot, but we saved up for it and now I have happy feet! The important thing is to do whatever you need…
  • I thought I had my diary open. I will double check. I have started doing c25k and at home I do a couple of different Bob Harper DVDs
  • great job! Keep logging in and using the diary and you will do great!
  • Tomorrow I start week 2 and I hate running, but I had some success this past week so I am a tiny bit looking forward to it. You can do it! Just take it slow. Oh and go to a running store and get fitted for shoes. The wrong shoes can make your life a nightmare. I tried c25k in May 2011 and had the wrong shoes. Everything…
  • That's so awesome!! Keep it up!
  • I started on Tuesday and I was walking at 3.3 and runing between 4.0 and 4.2
  • i like the, but I haven't looked into the other
  • banana and skippy natural peanut butter with honey. The PB is high in cals but it sticks with me. I normally have a large-ish banana (about 100 grams) and half a serving of PB (16 grams). That is around just about 200 calories of yummy! and yes, I have a kitchen scale at my desk. My co-workers look at we odd, but oh well!
  • I've lost enough weight that my pants seem longer!!!!
  • I find it over estimates. Everyone is going to tell you that the only acurate way of knowing is to get a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) Hope that helps!!
  • I got PF in 2002 and tried everything $300 dollar orthodics, no flip flops, everything. It would still flare. Then in 2007 I broke the same foot and was put into a walking boot. Best thing that could ever have happened, but I'm not suggesting you break your foot. At my local running store they sell a "night splint" and it…
  • 5'2" and my goal is 122. That puts me at exactly the halfway mark in the healthy BMI range. Right now I am hovering around 130. I started at 148.
  • bump! Thanks for the awesome ideas!
  • food>> recipe>> add new its great use it all the time