misscfe Member


  • Mine has been hurting too and last night before bed I put heat on it for awhile then icy hot as I was getting ready for bed. My knee felt a lot better this morning when I got up compared to the last few days.
  • Try to find Taco Cabana or Bill Millers breakfast tacos. They should have one that is very similar and you can use their info.
  • Yes it is possible. My personal trainer is always getting on my case for it. You body needs time to rest plus if you don't give your body time to rest it affects the lean muscle mass building. Besides it is healthy, working out for me is also my stress relief so I tend to work out 6-7 days a week. He suggests two on one…
  • It may be dehydration. I would try to drink some gatorade during your workouts or immediately after. If you don't drink it during I would increase your water intake while working out.
  • I think it depends on what their motivation and goals for going are. If you both have similar motivation and goals then it will help. I think you also probably need to be in similar condition physically so you are helping to challenge each other. I think if you are going to work out with someone you both need to be going…
  • I love all skinny cow products. There new candy is good too.
  • That is very reasonable. I think the average/normal price for a trainer is around $75 an hour.
  • Great job! Keep up the AWESOME work!
  • Peanut butter and nuts are good as long as you are still paying attention to portions. Too much is not good. Another good fat is avocado if you like them. I love adding avocado to salad. Protein powders are ok. My trainer has me drinking them after work outs.
  • It is time to shed that extra weight (meaning the man). To keep from the alcohol and pizza do a really good workout. One big change I made this year was my mind set. I spend a lot of time stressed out and instead of reaching for food, alcohol or anything else unhealthy I go to the gym or a really good workout at home…
  • I like the chocolate & oats and the brownie is pretty good.
  • Chipotle really is pretty healthy compared to any other mexican especially fast food. What makes it unhealthy is the serving sizes. I do the burrito bowl now but I ask for a second bowl so I can put half of it in before I start eating. Half a bowl really is enough for me and I have a another meal for the next day.
  • I have done that testing too. It is actually pretty helpful. I have never trusted the machines of MFP when it comes to calories burned. When it comes to the calories I need to eat I just play around till I find what works. When I did the test it said I should only eat like 1035 calories a day without exercise. I exercise…
  • They do it at the Zumba studio I go to. Never done it but watched it for awhile when I was waiting for my class to start. It was a lot of bar bell lifting. The only thing that seemed strange to me is that everyone was using the same weight which to me seems strange cause I am know there were all different body builds and…
  • I use to be the same way, I was so stressed out I would make up excuses not to workout. This year I decided I would change that mind set and I work out to relieve that stress. Not only is it good for you body but it is good for your mind. It helps you forget about all that stress for awhile and usually you will feel less…
  • What you have looks good. You should probably increase your calories to around 1200 if you don't work out and more if you do. I would also increase your water. If you are not a big water drinker try adding those crystal light packets or mio to help get your water intake up. Otherwise your diary looks good. Good job!
  • Welcome! You will find a lot of great information and motivation on here. Good luck on your journey!
  • I have to agree! Personally all my MFP friends are very good. I have seen some comments though that are just plan rude on some posts. It is one thing to give constructive criticism but some people are just plain negative. I very grateful for my MFP friends for not being like that though. I would probably delete the person…
  • MFP is an awesome site. I have been on for 60 days now and am completely addicted.
    in New here! Comment by misscfe July 2011
  • I would probably leave it sedentary and count the biking time as exercise. That way on a day you don't bike anywhere (if that happens) your calorie intake will not be too high for that day.
  • I researched this online recently. What I found was if you workout 3 or less times they should last about 6 months. 4 or more times 3-4 months. It also said if you get two pairs and switch back and forth to give them a chance to dry out they will last a little longer. I just bought the new Nike dual fusion shoes they were…
  • That is awesome! I bet that felt really good.
  • What about doing a couch to 5k training? You can find a local 5K that will be occuring in your area and create a team. Usually 5K events help charities. It would be a great way to get fit and help out a charity. You can search c25k on the internet to get the training schedule.
  • Welcome! We can all use extra motivation. You will find lots of great motivation and information on here. I sent a friend request. Good luck on your journey :)
  • Great job! I have the same problem but it is a GREAT problem to have. My closet is full of clothes that are too big but I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe and don't want to cause I still want to lose a few more pounds. I think I will have to invest in a belt for my work pants at least.
  • Welcome! This website is pretty addicting. I think once you really start using it you will find how much fun and useful it is. There are only websites I have used and would stop after very short time but this one is seriously addicting to me. Make sure you add friends so you have a support group. I think that is the big…
  • I would find a new gym. If the atmosphere is keeping you away then it will not motivate you to keep working out. You should be able to find one where you do not run into that type of behavior and where you will want to go all the time.
  • I would see a Dr just in case it is something. I had very rare knee pain for years but it was so rare I ignored it and even when I did have it, it never lasted more then maybe a minute or so. Over the last year it got progressively worse and I have had a few important movements eliminated from my workouts and am having to…
    in Knee Pain? Comment by misscfe July 2011
  • Zumba is fun. Also look into getting kettle werks. Kettle bell exercises usually burn more calories and work more of the body at once.