

  • Hey gals. My posts have been guite sporadic lately. This week is hell. I have a huge paper and oral presentation for class tonight. Finished it yesterday, but I'm also getting ready for a family member's baby shower on Saturday and my son's birthday party Sunday. As if I'm not already stretched thin I've been battling a…
  • Not a lot of time to reply but I HAVE to say: Awesome job, Kendal!!!! So proud of you. Last week I set a new personal best for myself and ran 12.5 minutes straight at 4.5 on the treadmill. Keep pushing girl, you are doing UH-MAY-ZING! I had a good day yesterday until dinner. Hubby and I have been running around like crazy…
  • *************weigh-in 234.1************* Finally going back in the right direction and below my last lowest recorded weight. Thank goodness. Now I just need to stay serious!! Kendal: Awesome accomplishment! Work it, girl! Wiggle: A pedi sounds awesome Jessi: Something similar happened at my work with the IP address. It…
  • Amy: Those pictures are lovely. I've been FB stalking your photos as well! I particularly love the one of the two of you having dinner at the Eiffel Tower. The both of you look amazing, by the way! Such fun! One of my absolute best friends in the entire world, I met through a website like this one. We were both pregnant at…
  • Hey hey! You guys are all doing so awesome, with weight loss, NSVs and the like. I feel like I'm so stuck in a rut. I definitely made a great deal of positive changes this week, but I'm not exercising as much as I'd like, and what is so aggravating is that I WANT to be exercising and totally have the motivation to do so,…
  • Hey gals! I had myself in an interesting predicament last night. I went to the gym, did my run, burned 391 cals and that put me at 1600 available calories. I didn't know what to do. I thought, if I kept working out I'd have too large a deficit. So I just did my run, went home and had a snack and went to bed. I bought some…
  • Good morning, gals!! I'm feeling super motivated today. I was bad and had pasta for dinner last night. It was whole wheat linguine with alfredo sauce. I managed to stay pretty close to my calorie goal despite eating two pieces of garlic bread. Dang bread. But, I didn't exercise at all yesterday, I didn't have a single free…
  • Kristina -- I'm taking a pass this week. Sorry, I forgot to make it stand out so you could spot it easily. Great job with the chart! My week of recouping is going well. It isn't even 9 am and I already have 5 cups of water in. I ran two miles yesterday (a bit disappointed in the amount of times I had to take a walk…
  • Hi girls. I'm feeling awful as I haven't checked in with you guys in days! This weekend and most of last week was pure madness. Things should start to slow down just a tad. We were out of the state on saturday and then at an amusement park yesterday. Work and class today means not even a free minute to step on the scale,…
  • Hey gals! My busy week continues but I've been lurking. No time to respond individually, but I've been adding you all on Facebook. So far I've been sticking to my guns of making this week a good one. I did have some M&Ms at the movies last night, but I feel confident thus far.
  • ******Checking in with a gain. 236**** It was a bad week. Continues to be crazy. I did read to catch up but not much time to post. I'm so angry that I gained. I'm cracking down so hard this week. Today is crazy, Hubby had to leave for work at 4:30 so I just could not go to the gym this morning. I get out of work at 2:30…
  • Kendal: We SO go to the same gym! They have bagel Tuesdays as well in the morning.
  • Hey you chatty girls! I get out of work in two hours for class tonight. Can't wait. I've been fairly busy all morning. Hailie: I do c25k on the treadmill. I walk at 3.0 and run at 4.7. It works. Its not a brisk run, but I would consider it a nice steady jog. I feel myself wanting to go faster at this point, but I don't…
  • Pam: I do want to do a 5k, but I'm still at the point where I don't actually belive I will ever be able to do it. (Even though I did run 5k on the treadmill the other day.) One of my college professors (we were/are super close) told me she would run my first one with me. I can't wait, should the day ever actually come. I…
  • My goals for the last challenge: By the end of six weeks I'd like to be down to 230. ---> FAIL. I only made it down to 234.8, but I still lost almost 8 pounds, so I'll take it. I'm really struggling with water intake, so this is my big focus right now. ----> FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. I suck at drinking (unless its Vodka). I…
  • WI 234.8...maintain. Hey gals, quick post as work is busy and I need to get some school work done as well. I stopped at Dunkin for a coffee this morning. For some reason it tastes like the absolute best cup of coffee i've ever had. I love coffee, and one of my huge accomplishments on this journey has been A) Cutting back…
  • Hey gals. The madness that is the flood seems to be calming. I'm praying I can get to the gym today (hoping they are open). I weighed in this morning at the same weight as last week. I guess that's not bad considering I haven't been to the gym all week, I ate somewhat crappy and TOM was/is here. Blech. Time to get this…
  • Amy- I live in Pennsylvania. Things seem to be calming this morning, but I know a lot of people have a long road ahead of them as far as cleaning, repairing, rebuilding homes and businesses.
  • Hey gals. Things are so crazy here in my neck of the woods. Most of my area is in a state of emergency. We have severe flooding in some neighborhoods and are still waiting to see if the levees and dikes hold to protect others. We have a new flood wall that protects to 41 feet, the river crested overnight at 38.8 but the…
  • Oooh I'm also a Truebie. I love the books and the show. I think it is great that the show is SO different, its like two entirely different things. I think if the show were closer to the books, I'd hate it. Also, Bill is a tool. My husband is still reeling over Eric ripping that dudes heart out and sipping from his aorta as…
  • Hailie: awesome win at the casino! For c25k I really had to just force myself to do it for the first three weeks. After week three I was so exhausted and felt I just couldn't go on. I took a weeklong break and walked on the treadmill for an hour nearly every day. Then I tackled week 3 again, then once more for good measure…
  • Good morning gals! Amy- Looooove that costume. I am going to be Minnie Mouse this year. We went to Disney in March and I shelled out $20 for the most adorable Minnie ears headband. I'm determined to get my money's worth! Brody is still undecided. He wants to be Woody from Toy Story (he was Buzz last year) or Scooby Doo. I…
  • Hey! Did week 5 day 1 of c25k today. After the 31 minutes I NEEDED to keep running. I ran my first full 5k in 48:08. Not a great time, but I did it!!!
  • Just popping in with my weigh in. 234.8. Much better. Busy weekend here, so now tome to catch up right now. Happy birthday, Hailie!
  • Bumpitty bump.... You girls sure are chatty. Well, its Friday, grocery night. Need to figure out someplace decent to go for dinner tonight. Help!! I really want Mexican, but my husband hates it. He wants pizza, which I hate. Seems we are at an impasse. As usual. We have a wedding tomorrow, and I'm majorly stressing about…
  • Amy: My son will be 3 in October. He is on the mend today, but nowhere near 100%. My heart aches for him. He's so helpless.
  • Hey gals. I was totally absent yesterday, as I had the day from hell. My son got sick on Monday, and was throwing up. Thought it was just a little bug. startingat 3 am Tuesday, he started throwing up every hour, and in large amounts. My mom offered to stay home with him so I didn't have to miss work and he could rest. I…
  • Pam: Thanks for the kind words. I know drinking enough water is always my weakness, but I'm going to go back through my diary and check my sodium. Thanks for the advice! Awesome news about your hike! That is definitely quite exciting, and a job well done. So proud of you! Amy: I too have been perusing the peas and thank…
  • I didn't really look at your diary with a fine tooth comb, but I would suggesting upping your protein intake. Looks like most days you aren't getting even the MFP default. For me, I really need that protein to boost my metabolism and burn the fat. It's worth a shot! And don't get discouraged!
  • Good morning ladies! So you all read my depressing post about my weigh in. I'm still upset about it and was cranky most of the day. As a result, and in order to rebel (against whom or what I do not know) I didn't log anything except breakfast yesterday. For lunch I went on a nutella and honey wheat pretzel binge and then…