200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • hkallembach
    Thank you everyone for the happy birthday's!!!!!!!!!!! I stayed out of trouble (for the most part) I went to the casino and won $870...not a bad 18th birthday if you ask me. Oh, and I ate crap and was merry. heck yes.

    Bobbie: Hiya! hhahaha, what is my energy like?

    Hosanna: I love your profile picture!

    Pam: At least you tried behaving on the tour of foods, right!? :smile: Psssh, it is a holiday weekend so it is all good.

    Lacey: I :heart: the dress from JCPenny!

    Amy: I have had wine before (a few sips with my mama's knowledge), the only thing that stops me from drinking it is I'm not legal and it has a BUTT LOAD of calories. It sounds like you had fun at the friend's house!

    Kerry: I hate the White Sox! Is going to a Tigers game fun? Ahhhhhh, that is on my bucket list when I get to college!

    Rain: Ohhhhh my goodnessss! You're on W5D1 of C25K!? You're my hero! I am on W2D2 but I don't do it on a regular basis. Any tips on how to keep going/sticking with it? Do you know how many calories you usually burn after it? I can't figure out how many calories I usually burn. Grrrr...so I just put 150 calories because I am lame like that.

    Jessi: Welcome! These ladies rock my world, for realllll! :flowerforyou:

    Kendal: The blog story made me giggle, especially the "low impact workouts" part about possibly posting it. Grrrr, I can't wait until it's my turn for the fun.

    Yuckkkyyy, I am the only one with a major gain this week. You ladies are my inspiration!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Nava: Thank you! Sometimes I advoid social networking all together for long periods of time, we both bad people! :laugh:

    *************TMI ALERT*********************

    Last night I had BM issues, and everything decided to come out.
    Therefore, this morning when I weighed my self I went down 3.1 pounds. Sweet. Right after weekend weekly weigh-in.

    **************TMI DONE**********************

    Sigh. Is it summer yet? I won't be able to get an anymore because the water park is closed now for good! BOO!

    Ummmmm, I feel pretty. I like feeling pretty. Someone called me beautiful and said they could notice that I am slimming down. :blushing:
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Rikki: I have PF in my right foot. It reared its ugly head in May when I started this. My doctor ( I LOVE HER) told me there are three things that will help me. 1) Lose weight (working on it, lady, geez!!) 2) Work out barefoot whenever possible (I did the 30 DS and 30 Day Slimdown barefoot EVERY DAY for 60 days.) 3) Orthotics (I am cheaper than cheap and would rather be in pain than pay for those, so I skipped that step.)

    I still struggle with the pain in the morning but I just stretch it out and keep moving. It usually only take 20-30 minutes before I don't think about it anymore. But, if I sit down during the day, like for lunch, it will tighten back up and I need to walk it off again.

    Strangely, this has helped my distance running immensely. If I run for 2 or 3 miles and then want to stop, but am on a 10-11 mile run, I won't make it. If I start walking too soon, the pain will start and I can't keep going. However, if I get a good 7-8 miles in before I stop or walk, I am usually able to walk a block or two and then run the rest. It hurts less when I am running.

    Basically, I have resigned myself to it and just push through it. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and kidney disease but I refuse to let that slow me down either. I am 33 years old. I have a lot of life left in me. This time last year, I was on dialysis three times a week and 230 lb.

    I think you are doing the right things. We all have to start somewhere and though we would love to see large losses right off the bat, that usually doesn't happen. My first three weeks on MFP I GAINED 7 lb. :huh: So, knowing i didn't want to do this forever, I became the "All or Nothin'" Girl. And so far, it has worked for me. It doesn't work for most. Just find what works for you and do it consistently. Focus on how you feel abut each choice you made and think about how you will feel about each choice you are about to make. Going to bed at night, knowing you made an entire day of good choices will encourage you to do it again the next day. Minute by Minute. That's how I have to do weight loss. Perk up, Buttercup. You're not in this alone. Promise.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Thank you ladies. I would be happy with a small loss....I'm not greedy!

    Jess, I hate heels because they hate my feet. I have wide flinstone feet and just like to wear some Dr. SCholls comfort shoes! Sexy I know.
  • pinbotchick
    You ladies make my day!!! I *heart* reading your posts.

    Rikki - freeze an ice bottle or golf ball and rub your foot over it for 10 min. Stretches are important. Shoes or inserts to better align your feet during exercise or daily walking is important. Avoid high impact aerobics!!! If you decided to do 30 day shred, modify, modify, modify!!! The entire video is high impact. I known many people that injure themselves trying to keep up. I'd actually suggest starting with one of Leslie Sansone's walking videos which are low impact and broken up into 12 to 15 min segments of "walking" miles. They are really low impact aerobics and fun. Much better for your body if you're just starting out. I've been at this 2 years now - the first 3 months all I did was walk and do Leslie Sansone videos. Then I started C25K. After 6 months, as I lost weight I became more agressive with exercise. My point is start slow and get a friend to do it with you - accountability makes you do it!!! As for diet changes, my first goal was making sure I got 6 to 8 servings of fruits and veges a day. It's amazing that once you start that, you're more full and eat less crap. My food scale is my #1 friend. I will eat all foods but watch portion size. I'll weigh out 1 serving of chips, put the bag away and savor every bite. Looking at my diary, makes me more concious of what I eat/drink. I made small changes, one at a time that I could live with. For the most part, they have stayed. Hence, I've not gained all the weight back (just 10 frigging pounds) from my lowest. I'm happy where I am and exercise to eat... You and only you make the choice of what you put in your mouth. I believe 80% of weight loss is diet. Amy has shown us, you can lose weight without exercise. If you want to do this bad enough, you will succeed!!! We will be here for you through all the ups and downs.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    This is a Public Service Announcement: Wearing clean socks on a freshly waxed floor while carrying an 'almost' 2 year old will result in a very bruised tailbone, a sore shoulder, and an excited toddler who wants to do it all again. Use caution.

  • psychohope
    This is a Public Service Announcement: Wearing clean socks on a freshly waxed floor while carrying an 'almost' 2 year old will result in a very bruised tailbone, a sore shoulder, and an excited toddler who wants to do it all again. Use caution.


    ouchie, hope your not too sore
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Amy - I might get hold of some ankle strapping. It's a good idea. I also LOVE that the Kid is going as Harry Potter - I am a MAJOR HP nerd!

    Victoria - Trust me, i'll be living vicariously through you lot when we've got heat waves of 110+F for two weeks straight in summer... seriously, there is nothing like an australian summer. Brutal!

    Kerry - That's awesome that your body is accustomed to the exercise now!!

    Kristina - I did post my weight!! 220.9. But it's ok that's not on the list... being up a few lb and all :grumble:

    Nava - don't even THINK about leaving! We're here to support you and kick your butt to stay on track! sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

    Jess - YAY for jumping right in! You'll be one of us before you know it! Also, don't worry about sounding rude, or even being 'socially acceptable'... we've had super long conversations about "lady-grooming" "low impact aerobics" and anything else "socially unacceptable" :tongue: sounds like you'll fit right in! I'm also super envious of anyone who can wear heels... I'm about 5'10", and other half is a little shorter... bye bye heels... also, i wear a size 13 so finding shows to fit is a NIGHTMARE!!

    Hailie - thanks :ohwell: glad you had an awesome birthday!

    WiggleSarah - Sorry to hear about your health issues sweetness! Good for you not letting it get you down! Oooh, and ouchies on the stack!! :frown:

    As for me, i'm SO sore after yesterday's attempt at running... which i think is a good thing? I think i might take a rest day from exercise today... we'll see... i'll probably end up going for a walk this afternoon, but it's meant to rain so we'll see.

    Also, do any of you ladies take any supplements for energy? I take a multivitamin, fish oil and calcium supplement every day, and i am just SO tired ALL the time! It really upsets me. I know it's nothing to do with being unwell or anything, because i went to the doc about it earlier in the year, and got a full range of blood-work done and everything came back normal... so i dunno!!
    Just wondering if any of you lot can reccommend anything!

    I'm off to Teags' place for coffee soon. Looking forward to it! Haven't been over for coffee in ages!!

    ALSO! This is my new favourite thing in the WORLD!


    We bought one the other day because some of the girls at work were raving about them. We go through yoghurt at a rate of knots...Isaac is a yoghurt feind. THis is so awesome because you can buy the packets in bulk, and when you run out of yoghurt, just put more on to "cook"! It's so freakin easy!!! And convenient! LOVE it!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Rikki - I've got really wide feet, too. I only wear T.U.K. brand heels, pretty much, as a result. :P

    Sarah - Youch!! I hope you feel better soon!

    I have issues with portion control. Keeping track of every. single. thing. that goes in my mouth helps, but then I end up eating like 1,000 calories most days because I don't want to get too close to my limit. (Last winter, I was tracking my calories in/burned on another site. Some days I had to really force myself to eat more than 700 calories because I saw how hard it was to work off all those calories.) I wish I could find some happy medium that didn't involve Nerd telling me I have to eat more.
  • jessicae1aine
    omg babyworms is an awesome name. :D I'm jealous of tall people - I'm only 5'5 1/2", and I'm a climber so I can even reach things in the top cupboards! I'm too stubborn to let someone get things for me most of the time, too. I know about the big feet issue though - I wear an 11ish, and I have wide feet, so finding cute shoes that fit is SO hard. Not sure how old your little one is, but if you're making yogurt at home, maybe making cheese isn't a far step? I'd be glad to share the how-to with you, it's SO much fun!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hailie: awesome win at the casino! For c25k I really had to just force myself to do it for the first three weeks. After week three I was so exhausted and felt I just couldn't go on. I took a weeklong break and walked on the treadmill for an hour nearly every day. Then I tackled week 3 again, then once more for good measure lol. I just listened to my body. What's the rush? Now, my body is begging me to run. Sometimes it's all I can think of. Just stick with it! It really is an amazing program!

    To all of you ladies who hate heels: I just can't fathom it! I love heels. Despite my gross fat body, ive got some killer legs. Perhaps I will post a pic sometime. One girl at work is constantly telling me how beautiful my legs are and she swears it's because I'm always in heels. Who knows! Anyway, my feet aren't that big, but they are wide. Look into Cloudwalkers shoes. They make cute heels/boots in larger sizes and wide widths.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Jess: Haha my 'little one' is 23... Isaac is the Other Half :smile: The yoghurt maker is so easy... add the sachet and leave the container in the warm water overnight. Bingo.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Oh geez...I've been fighting it since Monday but I am definitely sick. I even went to bed early last night and took a day off from exercising. But I STILL have the headache I've had for the past 3 days, my stomach is all queasy and my throat is really, really sore. Did I mention I have to take 3 finals tomorrow?? My body has great timing.:grumble:

    Hosanna: Can you make Greek style yogurt with a machine? I'm not really into regular yogurt but Greek yogurt is AWESOME! Have you tried vitamin D supplements? You could become vitamin D deficient pretty easily with your night-time work schedule.

    Rain: YAY for heels!! I LOVE heels. I'm 5 ft 8 but I still wear heels that make me taller than The Hubbs - he thinks it's HOT.

    Jessi: My mom is super short (barely 5 ft 2) and I never understood why she would get all pissy about asking someone to reach the top shelf for her until I had surgery and had to ask for help with everything - now I get it. Also, we have ALL had problems with eating too little while trying to lose weight. Most of us who have been here for a while, will tell you that not eating enough will lead you right into a plateau and frustration. Try eating the amount of calories your log tells you to eat and see how that works before you cut your calories too drastically.

    Sarah: OMG, are you ok? Feel better and ice your injury!!

    Victoria: I :heart: U

    Hailie: You are right, wine has some serious calories! And, I'm so glad someone called you pretty, you ARE pretty!!!!! :flowerforyou: (and funny, and witty, and smart, and AWESOME!!!!)

    Lacey: I was thrown off from the first episode of True Blood with the whole Sookie was gone in Fairy world for a year. That was weird and it took a while before I got over the weirdness of that. And this whole witch thing will NOT go away....grrr.....

    Annette: It's NEVER too early for Halloween talk!!!! I live in a country that doesn't even celebrate Halloween and my neighbors already think I'm weird since we are Americans and our German is pretty terrible and we let our dog lock us out of our house and the neighborhood had to rescue our dumb @sses. So, The Kid is surfing Martha Stewart and making cut out bats and ghosts and hanging them up in our windows and I'm totally cool with that.

    I haven't plugged my BMF in yet this morning so I'll post my check in for yesterday later on but my scale is seriously on crack because it has me UP 2 pounds from yesterday!! I didn't even eat my calories yesterday because my stomach was all wonky so I KNOW I didn't gain 2 pounds over night but that really ticks me off!!!!!:mad:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Amy, my calcium tablets are three types of calcuim, magnesium and vitamin D. All bases covered!
  • pinbotchick
    Happy hump day!!! I need to get ready for work but am procrastinating.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Happy hump day!!! I need to get ready for work but am procrastinating.

    happy hump day from me too!

    Also, all of you talking about True Blood are crazy! I tried to watch that show, but I couldn't do it past season 1. Then again, I had already read the book series before it came out. I still haven't read the most recent one that is out because the library never has it on the shelf and it's not in paper back yet. Anyways, HBO changed it SO MUCH that i couldn't make myself get into it. I loved the books so much, makes you wonder why they would mess up a good thing. (Btw, Charlaine Harris -author- is from a small town in South Arkansas...cool, eh?)

    but isn't that the case with all good books turned shows/movies!?!?

    On a side note, i have always heard that the feeling of hunger is mistaken for thirst/dehydration. Is the opposite true as well??? I get some severe thirst/cottonmouth issues late afternoon (right before i'm set to go home from work) and it's like i can't drink enough water. I also drink over 64 ounces before 3 most afternoons. When i say i can't quench that feeling, i mean it. I'll down another 40+ ounces in about an hour's time. I don't get it......

    hailie- wanna share your wealth!? congrats on the casino win!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning all you lovely ladies!!

    Victoria- GOOD MORNING!! :bigsmile:

    Amy- I didn't say it before, but I LOVE your Halloween dress!!! It's So Cute!!! And you get to walk around all night and when people ask who you are (cause they always ask) you can say "I'm Um, from Umbridge" hahahaha!

    Hallie- that sounds like a pretty bad a s s birthday to get complemented and win that much in a casino! They must have known it was your birthday and are trying to get you addicted for life! And super yay for feeling pretty! It just totally makes the whole day better!

    Rain- I like how you did c25k. The previous times I've attempted it, I got stuck on week 3 as well. When I get there next time, I will copy you!

    Jessi- if you ask a couple people around this board, they will tell you that even eating 1500 cals/day wasn't enough. They got the 24 hour calorie counters and found they were actually burning way more than mfp told them. Once they upped their cals, they started losing. I don't have a 24hr cal counter, but I figured so many women here had success when they upped their limits, that I tried it too. I went from 1500 cals/day to 2000/day and I started losing again. Granted, I had been eating around 1500 cals for over a year and I was doing p90x and c25k.....so that might have had something to do with it. But please don't under eat. You'll do more damage to your body than you think. You might lose a few pounds, but when you start eating "normal" amounts again, your body will gain and hold on to as much weight as it can because you'll have thrown yourself into starvation mode.

    Hosanna- wtg on the run! If you're sore, then you should take it easy today. Don't over do it!

    Sarah (wnt)- I hope you are ok! It's good that the fall didn't scare the toddler though.

    Lacey and Megan- I finally caught up on True Blood last night and OMG! It took me a while, especially this season, but I finally like (maybe "accept" is a better word) how they've gotten off track with the books. It makes it way more interesting not knowing what is "supposed" to happen, plus I like Lafayette and Jesus. I wish they would have made it so Pam liked Sookie though. I liked their friendship in the books.

    As far as the heels conversation goes- I like them, I like the way my legs look, but I can hardly stand in heels for longer than 5 minutes. Mr. Reunion is over 6ft tall so I will never have to worry about towering over him. If you are looking for hot heels, Torrid.com (a big girl's clothing store) also has wide, tall, hot (and sturdy) shoes.

    As for me, yesterday was a great day! I stayed under cals AND sodium!!! And I didn't even make it to the gym!! I have to admit, if Mr. Reunion hadn't come over to distract me from going in the kitchen, I probably would have gone over. The scale has been nice to me the past 2 mornings. I'm hoping it will continue this through Friday (and to infinity, and beyond!).

    Tonight I have a "Design your Personal Program" class at the gym with a personal trainer. He'll help me set up a work out schedule. It's an hour long class and it's me and 2 other people. I'm looking forward to it. I still get to brag about losing 45 pounds, and tell him I was doing c25k and p90x when I hurt my foot. That's nothing to sneeze at. :smile:
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Good morning, everyone! It's my first day back to work since Friday so I've got a stack of work to do, but I wanted to pop in and say hi!

    My parents left to go back to St. Louis yesterday, and I could not be more tired this morning. Lots of running around while they were here (of course), and lots and lots of "bad" food. I exercised to try to make up for the food and my calories *seem* to be under every day, but it's impossible to know for sure. We went to a lot of local restaurants, meaning there was a lot of estimation of calories on my part. Urg. One thing I do know for sure is that I had several days in which my sodium was MUCH too high, so I really need to up my water intake the rest of the week. I say that while sitting here drinking coffee.

    I have come a long way when it comes to making healthy choices for myself, but when relatives come to visit me or when I go on vacation somewhere it's always a HUGE struggle! Sigh.....at least I did continue to exercise....I suppose that's something.

    Now I have to try to get mountains of work done when all I want to do is go put my head down on my desk and nap. Wish me luck! :smile:
  • navajoon
    Dood! I thought that WAS the finale of True Blood. Glad there's one more. Frankly, I'm really tired of Lafayette and Jesus, although I like them a bit more than I did last season. And Tara, ugh. Basically anyone who was a background character in the books (or dead) and now has a major story line, I'm just done with. I also really dislike the actress they picked to be Marnie. Every time I see that woman in a movie all I can think of was when she was the horny headmistress in Three Men and a Little Lady. lol

    Also, Eric is totally the better choice than Bill. Helloooooo.

    As for heels, I love them. I have some pretty cute stuff that smush the crap out of my toes, but I loves them anyway. They make my legs look phenomenal, and I can wear 4 inch heels and Joe still towers over me (5'5" v. 6'ish). Nordstrom generally was my go-to place for shoe shopping, but they've been letting me down lately. The main problem I have with heels is that I have slightly wider feet at the front and crazy narrow heels, so I end up having to get a 9 instead of an 8.5 and my heels slip out. Grr.

    Jess, get a stool! I bought one of those bad *kitten* library stools and now have things in cabinets and on shelves that I couldn't use before. http://www.kikstep.com/ The BF totally made fun of me when I bought it, but I love it.

    Pam, I think it's awesome that you kept up with your exercise while family was in town!

    Amy, I hope you feel better soon! There really is no convenient time to get sick.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sorry ladies this is mostly gonna be general replies back to everyone:

    Nava: www.endless.com - shoes and purses - free shipping (Generally overnight or two day) and free returns. I usually order three or four pairs at a time, try them on and send what I don't like back that same day. High end to low end. Almost instant gratification because of the quick shipping, and frankly I like their website so much better than zappos - its just prettier and for me more user friendly.

    That Marne chick has always given me the creeps too, so I was happy that she was playing the witch but also wanted to b!tchsmack her the moment she opened her mouth. I'm over the Jesus storyline -be there but not pushing the whole witch brujo thing so much. And yes, Eric totallY! Did anyone else feel that the whole last ten minutes in the witch store between bill/sookie/eric was completely awkward and wierd and choppy like they just put pieces of clips together last minute?

    I love heels but my feet don't love them. Also I walk on concrete and oily surfaces every day so I stopped wearing them once I damn near slipped and fell on my @ss twice in this warehouse. Now I wear nonslip (boring) shoes. Speaking of which, I found a cute pair of boots in the landsend catalog last night that might work for me out here. yeay!

    Rain eating too little can seriously screw you up. Don't do it. I think that MFP works but when I compared the MFP cal settings to that of my bodymedia fit, I would have to set my activity level here on super active and it still didn't quite match up to what i need to eat a day. I think I've been so much all over the place with how much I eat for three years that my body is seriously screwed up from it. It can take a really long time to get your metabolism back to waht it needs to be..so eat more rather than less. You are pretty active with school/work/family and exercise.

    The IT guy is trying to get my loaner blackberry to work so I can use in Europe next week..what a PIA. He is having problems getting the email to work.

    Amy I hope you feel better soon...I used to do that in college, get sick when finals came around. Ugh.

    And lastly - my baby turns 5 today and its her first day of kindergarten. So I made her funfetti cupcakes last night (read processed delicious crap here) and surprised her with one waiting on the table with five candles lit in one this morning. It was cute.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Oooh I'm also a Truebie. I love the books and the show. I think it is great that the show is SO different, its like two entirely different things. I think if the show were closer to the books, I'd hate it.

    Also, Bill is a tool. My husband is still reeling over Eric ripping that dudes heart out and sipping from his aorta as if it were a straw. He said it was just the redemption Eric needed from being such a sissy the whole season. I think Eric is simply scrumptions, or smexy as I call him, sissy or not. I do miss his long hair, though.

    Getting out of work at 2:30 today for class. Its not even one yet, and I'm totally caught up and have nothing to do. Going to make for a looong hour and a half. Typical at my job. Either super busy or dead slow.

    I was so lazy today. I slept like crap after being up late doing homework, and therefore did not get to the gym this morning. That means I need to go tomorrow and Saturday no matter what to get my 3 runs in this week. I will do it, I just wanted to go today, and now I'm having that exerise withdrawal feeling, and I just don't have time to go tonight. :ohwell:

    On a positive note, I just got one of my assignments done. Its a kick a s s concept map for ed. psych.