200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeay Flipped Thread!!

    Karen - I love my husband but he is the same way. When I met him, he was 27 years old and had only just worked one full time in his adult life. He flitted around job after job, school, etc. for years. He's held this job for five plus years now and I am super proud of him for it, he makes fairly good money but he HATES it. I've encouraged him to find another job, but he has a certain amount of money he needs to make in order for us to keep the house. He wanted to keep the house, not me, so he's got to do his part now.
    Last night we talked about accepting any job to get out of there that pays decent enough money and look for The Job as he can..but I think he finds the whole application process daunting and he isnt proactive about it, so there he sits in a job he hates..and since I applied for him this job online, I'm not doing it again. So I totally understand what you mean.
    I've never ever been competitive in sports or anything my whole life. I wasn't raised around sports at all though. However, I know what I want out of my life, to travel and to see the world and to be comfortable when I retire so I am driven to make good money to do it. And I am pushing Gracie to be more. If at the end of the day all she chooses to do is to make enough money to live and be happy thats fine, but I'm setting the expectations high.

    Thats so scarey and ICK about the sex offender. How accurate are those online sites that show where those people live?

    On another note, I am still wanting to eat and eat and eat. Its this urge I have and its driving me insane. Because I'm not super hungry and nothing really sounds good.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Bumpitty bump....

    You girls sure are chatty. Well, its Friday, grocery night. Need to figure out someplace decent to go for dinner tonight. Help!! I really want Mexican, but my husband hates it. He wants pizza, which I hate. Seems we are at an impasse. As usual.

    We have a wedding tomorrow, and I'm majorly stressing about what I should wear. I would like to ditch grocery shopping tonight and go dress shopping instead!
  • all kinds of bumpin' happening!

    P90X2 preordered! Woot! And now I'm off buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks! (aka I'm going to a ballgame. I will eat sunflower seeds and drink overpriced Miller Lights. It will be majestic.)

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rain: I would seriously KILL for some Mexican food. The Europeans don't do Mexican food. But I love pizza too. We had homemade pizzas for dinner tonight.

    Karen & Lacey: The Hubbs is not as driven as I am. He tends to do enough to just get by unless he's motivated by other reasons. He currently LOVES his assignment here so he does a lot of extra stuff for it. His previous assignments he hated and just did the bare minimum to not get in trouble. It's so the opposite of me that I could scream sometimes. I am a do 100% your best effort every time kind of guy. The Kid inherited my drive and it drives The Hubbs absolutely bat-poop insane. (It cracks me up though)

    I'm proud of me. I've been studying for my finals despite really not feeling it. Yay for being responsible.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Ugggg! I had this whole page typed up and then when I hit send....it was closed!

    So to recap: I wasn't calling myself and idiot as much as I was quoting Nepolean Dynomite. (love that movie)

    Then I went on and on about throwing out all the garbage in the fridge this weekend. Along with all of the clothes that do not fit and I don't ware.

    I am going to make more of my evenings and maybe even open that 30DS I bought over a year ago and it's still in the package....in addition to my gym goings! (which I've slacked on this week.) Why? Well, my husband is rarely home the same time I am, and I've actually gotten to lie inbed with him the last few mornings and I didn't want it to end.
  • I am so NOT posting my weight for today. Tom is visiting and I'm up like five pounds. I should have TOM kicked off my couch by tomorrow so I'll give it a day or two and post on Sunday.

    I'm So ready for the extra long holiday weekend. It's been crazy busy at work. People, present company excluded of course, are bonkers.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dude, The Hubbs totally pissed me off at dinner tonight and I am having the dangdest time getting over it. Me & The Kid are vegetarians and have been for a while now. I am NOT militant about it and I don't judge anyone who chooses to eat meat but it is just not MY thing. I don't eat meat. The Hubbs calls himself flexitarian, which means he is mostly vegetarian unless the guys at work invite him to have wings, in which case, he's a total carnivore. And...I don't care. That's HIS choice. I look at food choices as a personal thing (kind of like religious choices) and no one really has a right to bash another's choices. So it REALLY pissed me off tonight when The Hubbs went off on my choice to be vegetarian (the reasons for which he knows and understands). I honestly think he was feeling defensive since he had purchased some pepperoni to put on his pizza (but I didn't say ANYTHING about it - it was his choice and his pizza - not my issue) but instead of being a NORMAL freaking human being he got all combative about ME being vegetarian. DUDE, I didn't even SAY anything to him and he freaking attacked my beliefs about food. Grrr... It was hours ago and I'm STILL mad.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm about to go join the gym (a different gym than the one I was at previously), as long as the registration fee isn't ridiculous. Then I'm going to buy new workout clothes cause I will be working out in public again and all the workout clothes I have are too big or don't match.

    If not today, then sometime this weekend I'm going to go seriously grocery shopping. Thankfully I don't have much food in the house so I won't have to waste food or keep eating bad stuff until it's all gone.

    Mr. Reunion has his girls again this weekend. His birthday was yesterday so I surprised him by having my friend decorate my house while we were camping. She also got a little cake. We haven't had any cake yet and we have camping food left over, and the house is still decorated. So I suggested Mr. Reunion bring his girls over tonight or tomorrow and we can roast weenies over my fire pit and make smores and watch a movie and have cake. (essentially, get rid of the rest of the bad food in the house) He said they've had a slight cold this week so he'll have to see. I'm hoping they can come. I haven't seen them in a month (when I first met them.....2 weeks ago I was at the beach)

    anyways, that's all of an update I can offer now
  • Amy - Men (***rolls eyes***) Is he PMSing? I'd be upset too. I like your philosophy that everyone has their own right to make personal choices in food, religion, marriage, dating, etc.

    I went to the P90X2 website but don't want to input my email address. Can I have a ballpark amount on cost? When does it ship? I may do a P90X hybrid after my race in 2 weeks with you guys rather than buying P90X2. I need at least 2 days of running...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Grr. I have this customer who has an order for 20 axles due in December. They want weights and dims of the crates/pallets now so they can start working on freight options. A.freight quotes are only good for 30 days and even a week later they will change at invoice time. B. we can't guarantee that weights and dims will be accurate three months from now when the factory they are coming from f^cks everything up. So he went around me to the factory. Our order is with the factory. His order is with me. I've already invested hours in this order just to get them the parts because they are obsolete and now he does this? I mean I had to jump on desks to get this one last time order for them. Oh. Hell. No. What a moron to mess with me in this way. Do men truly never learn? I never forget.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - Men (***rolls eyes***) Is he PMSing? I'd be upset too. I like your philosophy that everyone has their own right to make personal choices in food, religion, marriage, dating, etc.

    I went to the P90X2 website but don't want to input my email address. Can I have a ballpark amount on cost? When does it ship? I may do a P90X hybrid after my race in 2 weeks with you guys rather than buying P90X2. I need at least 2 days of running...
    I was thinking of doing this too - so I'd be up for doing P90x with you girlies and sub in running/walkinig on the days that are cardio.

    P90X2 scares the bejesus out of me. I am SO not ready for push ups on bosu balls. Not now.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: P90X2 is about $120 for the base program (the DVDs without the stability ball and foam roller and stuff you probably already have anyway) if you pre-order it now, you won't be charged until it ships (in time for Christmas is what they're saying) and you'll get free shipping. Lemme know if you need more info.

    Lacey: Men are retarded. Period.

    Kendal: Yay for joining a gym!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacey-the sites are accurate depending on how often the person has to confirm their address. For a lifetime offender, they have to report in every 90 days. For 10-20 year offenders, it's once a year. So I'm on the site about once a month, always checking. So it was really a major whammy to have that, considering he didn't pop up the last time I checked it in August, but he was living there in May! And that was his registered address! And he's a lifer, so he has to check in. They ALL have to report their addresses if they move...period. I'm not sure how fast the website updates it once a change is reported though. There's only one other kid on our road, but on the other end, nearly 1/2 a mile away & he's just started Kindergarten, so doubt he'd have been out & about near our house. Granted, my boys aren't allowed near the road or to go that way anyway, but that's so not the point. When they went for walks, it was down past my front yard. (Granted, my "yard" I live in right now is HUGE, we're talking 5+ acres, so it's not like they could see in the windows or anything, but still!!)
    My hubby has been fairly wishy-washy, til we got married. Once we moved to KY, (back for me) we both had a hard time finding decent jobs. Once he got to driving over the road, he kept at that for 3 years. Then I decided I wanted to work again. Wanted to have a little more $ & maybe save for a house. We agreed he'd keep driving for a couple of months to give us a cushion & then quit to find a local job, using his vacation to cover the off time.....well, I went to work for a week! He quits, uses his vacation, & finds the current job he has now...and that's been 4 years. At the time, the pay wasn't too bad. But minimum wage went up & his pay did not. So he makes about a quarter over that now. In the meantime, my pay goes up fairly decently, being a city employee. So he considers that good enough! It's not bad...but it's not great either. *sigh* But I love him, so I guess I'll just pray for the best! I know I can't change him...no matter how badly I'd like to!
    As for sports, I can take 'em or leave 'em, but I'm very competitive. I'm not very athletic though. LOL! So it kinda stinks! I've learned to be a good sport through default b/c I'm not good enough to win! Practicing gave me good skills, but didn't help with my natural lack of grace! I'm a klutz!

    Amy-booo for hubbs! What on EARTH crawled up & peed in his cheerios? And in front of G too? Double bad points. I hope he can recover with some dignity. And *hugs* for you!! You can come visit me & eat all the veggies you want! Just let me have my steak! ;-)

    Kendal-that sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to have a bonfire in our new backyard...once the burn-ban is over for the year! LOL! Good luck w/the gym. New workout clothes would be nice. Heck, new clothes would be nice, but that requires money I don't have! *sigh*

    Rikki-as long as you're aware you're not an idiot, then it's all good! *hugs*

    And it's Friday, and I'm bored, and have more than an hour to sit here & entertain myself...so sorry for the rambling post! :o)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Gave me the giggles......


    1. Open a new file in your PC ..

    2. Name it 'Housework'

    3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN.

    4. Empty the RECYCLE BIN.

    5. Your PC will ask you,

    'Are you sure you want to delete Housework permanently?'

    6. Calmly answer, 'Yes' and press mouse button firmly...

    7. Feel better?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    48 more minutes to go!!! Its been a good week at work for the most part, but I swear I've been on the phone and had one waiting for me for two days now so I'm ready for the three days off, thats for sure!

    Amy - What else is the hubs all bugged about? Weird that he went off like that when he's seemed perfectly okay with it all this time!
    I find that Jeff goes off like that on me because he's really having issues with other things that may or may not have to do with me. And in the moment and often afterwards for hours I don't like it and don't deal with it well and am still pissed. Jeff has been pissy and aggro and annoying for almost two weeks now. He swears there is nothing wrong aside from the normal stuff but he just is about getting on my nerves with it. I can only be patient for so long.
  • Here's a question for you all. What is your favorite NSV?

    Me--the first time I rode on an airplane without a seatbelt extender.

  • My fav NSV was having to have adapters put in my wedding ring. A close 2nd is when people don't recognize me.

    Karen - LOL

    Amy & Lacey - my gut says both husbands have hidden issues with your upcoming trip!!! I know I do - jealousy!!!

    Amy - thanks for the info. I'll think about it. I've only used p90x DVDs for 30 days. I feel guilty buying more befoe I complete the first round. I stopped since it left no time to run. I'm leaning towards a P90x hybrid with running... I'd I start when you do, I may actually finish :) Are you starting Jan 1 or mid Dec? I'm up for either. But #2 sounds fun with stability ball and foam roller. I can always write it off for work - I can never have too many exercise ideas - I mean I teach people to exercise. Are you still a beach body coach? Do you get anything if it's ordered through you? Can you tell I'm still undecided?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Here's a question for you all. What is your favorite NSV?

    fitting into clothes that were once too small (or clothes that used to be comfortable, every day clothes, being too big)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    As much as I would love to order P90X2, I can't justify it right now since it'll be months before I'm ready to even start P90X again.

    I didn't make it to join the gym today. I also didn't make it to the store to buy workout clothes.

    Did finally call customer service to see about getting my laptop fixed. I bought a 3 year warranty when I got in in Nov '08 and now I get some black screen upon start up that says the system has detected the storage capacity is very low and the battery needs to be replaced. Yeah.....took all the time to register it first and then got switched to some hot guy named Jared (you know how you can just tell from his voice sometimes that he's hot....yeah, this was one of those times). But it turns out my warranty doesn't cover the battery. :indifferent: EFFING A!!!!

    Kinda irked about that. :grumble:

    But it still works while its plugged in, so it's not the end of the world.