200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Annette!! A marathon!! YOU ROCK, SISTER!!
  • Nava - glad you're feeling better...

    Pam - I'm so proud of you and your running. I totally understand how you feel - I used to feel the same way.

    Annette - oh WOWSA!!! you go girl. After training for a half, I don't know how I'd find the time to train for a full but you have me thinking about it. I'm proud of you too!!!

    I made the most flavorful navy bean soup today... I'm ready for a second bowl. (*licks lips*) I got my 3 mile walk in and now it's time for Ab Raper :( I'm already sore all over my upperbody - I really don't want to have a sore stomach too.
  • Victoria - Ab Raper?!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I'm back from Paris & Bruges. I had an awesome time meeting and hanging out with Lacey. Having dinner with an actual Parisianne was really cool. He ordered everything for us and then took us on a walking tour of Montmartre. Bruges was absolutely beauutiful! We climbed to the top of the Belfry (365 stairs) and took both the canal tour and the horse-drawn carriage tour. Our hotel was really lovely and just on one of the canals. The only drawback to being right on a canal is that the Mosquitos eat you alive come night time. Seriously, I have a billion mosquito bites all over my body. The Flemish food is also not my favorite but their beer and chocolate and waffles more than make up for it. It was an awesome time. Now I'm gonna get back to real life! My plan is to kind of rest my feet through the weekend (we walked about a bazillion miles in both Paris and Bruges) and get my eating back on track and then start up with Victoria's P90X hybrid plan on Monday.

    Victoria: what does UML mean on your hybrid schedule?
  • Jessie - The P90X 16 min of He!! doing Ab work is really called Ab Ripper X but one of the girls nicknamed it Ab Raper - it just kills. I did 16 reps to every 25 of the video and my abs are on FIRE... I'm sure it will hurt to breath tommorrow.

    Amy - I decided to go ahead and order P90X2 and used your site. I hope you get credit for it :) If all goes well, I'll finish this round near Dec 18th... It should be just in time to join you and Kerry in round 2. I plan to modify again so that I can keep up with my running... I already have big balls (he-he "that's what she said"), medicine balls and foam rollers :)

    I'm off to shower then more cursed paperwork.
  • Amy - there are 2 bonus workouts on my intro disc. UML means upper, middle and lower body workout. I haven't done it yet but it sounded like more weight training than cardio. The other one is "cardio intervals"... I tried that one and laughed at the old school pop up bubbles I worked up a sweat with it :) it's so nice to have you home or rather knowing you'll be able to post more...
  • I may make more modifications to the modified P90X schedule as I complete the first month. I've never done several of the workouts... I'm noticing a serious lack of Upper Body workouts 2 weeks in a row. I'm thinking of changing the UML for for one of the upper body workouts to spread it out more. What do you ladies think?
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I am seriously considering simplifying my life. Anyone want to trade for a bit? Just a coupla days is all I need. One really. One day would do it.
  • Amy - Very glad to hear you had a good time! :D

    Victoria - It sounds like hell! I'm so not motivated enough for something like that anyhow.

    Sarah - I'd love to trade... I could use a little complication and excitement.

    My coworker and I are going to a lunch focusing on breast cancer tomorrow for work. I'm not really thrilled; I don't deal well with people, and lunchtime is always done with Nerd, especially on Fridays.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Annette - YAY for awesomely lovable hubbies!

    Rikki - {{Hussssss}} :flowerforyou:

    Kendal - How about if you lose X amount of weight or achieve x amount of your goals you just get a badge saying "I"M HOT FOR HALLOWEEN!!" or something? Or else, we each decide if we genuinely EARNED the badge and it's up to each person to choose whether they take it or not - someone may not meet their goals or lose x amount, but might feel awesome about themself or be really proud of something? Just ideas... Also, YAY for awesome clothes-folding boyfriend!

    Bobbie - I can't break even for new year... I have a wedding two weeks later and can't be the same weight as i am now for it!!

    Crystal - WOO for cravings disappearing!! So proud of you!

    Kerry - I spend so MUCH time here without Isaac, during the day while he's at work... But i NEVER have to do an evening on my own! That's the weirdest part! Oh well. And as for the marathon - GO FOR IT!! I'll post you an "adult diaper" from work to wear on the run :wink:

    Megan - www.zumbacalories.com

    Annette - WOOHOO for awesome exercise confidence!!

    Amy - WELCOME BACK!!! Missed you, glad to hear you had an awesome time!

    PHEW! I actually started typing this YESTERDAY and only just got to finish it!

    I had a friggin AWFUL shift yesterday, felt crappy and angry all shift, and came home and went on the Wii Fit to box my anger out. it worked. Hahaha!

    I had an awesome NSV two days ago, which continued yesterday - I CAN TOUCH MY TOES!!! For the first time in my life, i can touch my toes. Which is made all the more awesome by the fact that my back is so bad. When i had a dreadful flareup of my back and was off work for a month, i couldn't bend forward more than about 5-10 degrees. There was zero movement in the lower half of my spine. I worked with the physio intensely for the next four weeks and eventually got back to work. Since i've had my Wii Fit, i've done at least 20 minutes of yoga every day, my back has barely hurt, and i can TOUCH MY TOES!! WOOOO!!!

    That's really all that's happened in interesting ways here recently... The man has just left for work, and since i am working late tonight i won't see him before he leaves for his weekend in Adelaide. Bit sucky, but we had a lovely evening together last night, so that's nice.

    I've so far worked late-late-early, and following that today with a late-early-early... I'm going to be so damn wrecked by the end of this!

    BUT on an awesomely positive note -


    That's minus 1.75lb this week! :happy:

    Also, i have been part of a 24 hour exercise challenge in September, and i am now into my last day of the challenge with only 30 minutes to go! PRETTY STOKED!!

    Anyway, i'm off to try and get stuff done before i have to go to work. Fingers crossed the day is better than yesterday!

    ETA: Ohhhh lordy lordy... I just found out i got paid wrong this week, and sent a very annoyed message to isaac to tell him... only to find out i had sent it to my mother instead. Lets just say it contained language my mother has NEVER heard me use. I went cold and immediately phoned her to apologise profusely. Oh gawd. Now i feel majorly crappy and stupid. And i really REALLY don't wanna go to work today.
  • Hosana - your NSV is great!!! It my come in handy in the future with low impact aerobics (sorry, I couldn't resist)...

    15 glasses down and 3 to go. I feel like I'm swimming or rather floating. I almost can't wait for bed so I can wake up and weigh myself...
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Bahaha Victoria!!!! Don't worry, Isaac HAS made mention of my new love of Yoga... in terms of LIA...

    Speaking of which... i totally think we should be able to log such things as exercise!!

  • Hosanna - awesome job on the ex!!!

    Check-in for Thurs 1711 consumed, 2566 burned and ex 60 min with run plus Ab ex. I'm trying to get up the energy to go weigh myself...
  • Quick stop in to weigh in... 163.7... So yup... that's 4 weeks right at about that weight. Time to switch it up, I suppose. Which probably means less beer, maybe more calories? Who knows.

    My heart rate monitor's chest strap broke on Wednesday. I'm trying to be cool about it (Timex is mailing me a new one for free at least), but I'm kinda freaking out about not being able to truly track my calorie burn.

    Short story long? I'm kinda bummed this morning.
  • Weigh-in ......192.75...... I'll take it. That's a1/2 pound loss. I just realized next week should be great since I started new ex program and it pre-TOM this week.

    Kerry - you know what you burn during an ave workout. You can take an educated guess and be close. The new strap will be here soon.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I uploaded about 300 pics from my vacay onto Facebook so for you FB friends of mine - go nuts! Here's some pics for the rest of you:

    Me & Lacey at Notre Dame

    The view inside Notre Dame

    Me & Lacey at dinner on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower

    The Eiffel Tower at night

    The Belfry in Market Square in Bruges, Belgium

    Me & my little man by the canals

    On a carriage ride through Bruges

    I had such an awesome time! I'm so glad I got to meet Lacey in real life (and if any of the rest of you get a chance to meet her, don't pass it up - she rocks!).

    ETA: Dude! I've already resized the pics but they aren't showing up here the right size...I'll keep messing with them and hope it works out.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey hey!

    You guys are all doing so awesome, with weight loss, NSVs and the like. I feel like I'm so stuck in a rut. I definitely made a great deal of positive changes this week, but I'm not exercising as much as I'd like, and what is so aggravating is that I WANT to be exercising and totally have the motivation to do so, but NO time. Its making me all depressed, because I don't see the scale going down...UGH.

    I need to figure something out, but I already know that it comes down to the fact that the past few weeks have been hectic and left little room for gym time and too much room for eating out (still trying to make the healthiest possible choices, yay me!).

    Brody and I are going shopping with my mom tonight. I hope to stock up on goodies for the week and plan a few healthy crock pot meals. Any suggestions?
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Amy: Those pictures are lovely. I've been FB stalking your photos as well! I particularly love the one of the two of you having dinner at the Eiffel Tower. The both of you look amazing, by the way! Such fun! One of my absolute best friends in the entire world, I met through a website like this one. We were both pregnant at the same time, and it was a mom-to-be site. We met in real life a year after the kids are born and now we visit one another every month or so. We are about 2 1/2 hours away. I'm so happy I met her. I think its awesome that you two braved meeting in real life! Glad to see you had a great trip!

    ETA: Lacey, your eyebrows look totally fine!
  • Hosanna - Yay for toe touching! Sucky about the check, and the message... how did your mom take it?

    Kerry - I'm glad they're mailing you a new one. :) Sorry you have to wait.

    Amy! Thank you for sharing the pics! :D You two look awesome, btw. :D

    I baked pumpkin cupcakes last night, quite randomly (and it got almost all of the frosting out of my house!), so I brought 2 plates of cupcakes to work this morning. I'm feeling amazingly insecure because I left all three of my jackets in the washer last night, so I can't snuggle down and hide from the world... might have Nerd bring me one after the dryer finishes, before I have to go to this huge lunch today. And! I work in an office full of people who have no clue what a Muggle is, and I'm wearing a Muggle shirt, so... is this the case everywhere?! Do people just not understand? I get really tired of having to explain it.
  • WB Amy and Lacey! I'm about to go FB stalk your pictures because I don't want to do any work at all today. You both look amazing!!!

    Was feeling WAY better yesterday but today I'm all stufftacular again! Booooo.

    Sorry I haven't written an individual post. I blame cold-crankiness for my laziness.