200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • KatheryneLynne
    crystal--that is a hoot. I don't think I would mind the insane phone calls as much if were my job. I was only covering the phones for thirty mins, so the receptionist could have a break...Usually the only people I have to deal with are Social Workers, and attorneys. I spent two years as a receptionist for a tribal health clinic and would literaly get cussed out every day. So now, every time i have to cover phones I'm grumbling to myself that i've "done my time."

    On a happy note. My cable provider has a "free on demand" section that has new exercise videos everyday. Today they had day one of 30 Day shread. I had been meaning to try it, and i must say that right now i feel awesome. I hope they are doing to whole sequence. I did see that day two will be available tomorrow, but I can't see what they will have beyond whatever "tomorrow" is. For those of you who had completed them all, would it matter if they are done somewhat out of order. So for example if after tomorrow they have like day 10, will it really make that much of a difference? oh, and one other question. What do you all log it as under the excersice tab here?

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Saturdays to you all. It is a new day, full of new opportunity and choices. Yesterday has gone; tomorrow has yet to come. All we really have is now and what we choose to do with it. So I am going to walk the dog; tidy the house; go for a run and visit my parents. When we get back I will relax and go to bed - mmmm (not sure where preparation for sunday school fits in - or the ironing - oh, and I need a shower.......)

    Have a good day all. It is going to be a good one xx
  • pinbotchick
    Fridays check in 2259 burned and 2418 eaten. No formal ex :( sighs. Today will be better...
  • pinbotchick
    Crystal - I'm still laughing at your story ;)

    Bobbie - thanks for sharing the common sense story!!!

    Katheryne - I logged 30DS as low impact aerobics. I could never keep up the whole time with all the jumping. There are 3 parts to it. It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you ARE doing it. Some people do each section for 10 days and others rotate through them.
  • pinbotchick
    Happy Anniversary to me!!! I've been on MFP 2 years today... It's hard to believe the changes that have occurred and the AWESOME friends I've made. I want to thank you all for helping me!!! I've kept over 40 pounds off. I've gone from couch potato to running 3 half marathons... From hating to loving exercise... From hating myself and depressed to loving life and happy with my body... I know things aren't perfect and I really could stand to lose 50 more pounds but I'm happy where I am... from size 20 to size 14... from having knee pain walking on stairs to pain free... I feel younger... I'm much healthier... I have more energy to do things... Life is wonderful!!!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Good morning! Today the football lineup is stellar!! Im heading to my boyfriend's house and his uncle is making skyline chili for us. I had it last year, and its a chili on top of spaghetti noodles. Sooooo as u can suspect, my calories are pretty much shot. And they r the type that if I fixed it without the noodles, id be doing some wrong because "that's not how u eat it".

    So im going to do the best I can on eating until im satisfied and then stopping. Id rather get looks for not eating it all versus eating it wrong. Lol

    Anyways, happy weekend all!

    P.s. I don't typically eat pasta noodles...this is why this is a problem.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Victoria: That is amazing all that you have done in two years, and what's more amazing is that you didn't feel like you had to make it to goal to do all that! I'm both proud of and awed by you!!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Now to finish catching up... :smile:

    Hailie- *HUGE HUGS (and joins in the group hug)*

    Rikki- I couldn't agree more with what these ladies are saying. I have not looked at youe food diary but along the lines of fast food: I can personally vouch for the fact that it sabatoges you, even if you're within your calories. I spent months trying to lose weight that wouldn't come off because fast food is convenient, not to mention addicting. But once I cut it out of my diet, eventually not only did the cravings for it stop, but the weight loss was jump started as well. I second Jessi about the bloodwork too. My mom had so much trouble losing weight and later found out she was hypothyroid. No matter your decision, we're all here for you. *hug*

    Bobbie- One of my friends had the "death to common sense" post up ob FB too. Love it 'cuz it's so true... :laugh:

    Glad everyone enjoyed one of the more glamorous (and humorous!) work stories I have!! :happy:

    Victoria- YAY!!! You are such an inspiration! *hugs*

    Ok... *sigh* Me...

    So those of you that don't know my story, brief synopsis:

    Had my daughter with a very immature man one year ago. He left me at 5 months pregnant saying he wasn't ready, needed to live his life, blah, blah, blah... We decided to try to work things out between us last Dec-April and he ended it again saying he just didn't feel the way he should for it to be fair for him to be with me (aka didn't love me). TWICE I've had my heart torn out by this man. Well, we are still really good friends, not just for our daughter's sake but we've been in this weird "limbo" shall we say...

    Well, I said I had a night out last night... I ended up having a few too many and slept with him again... Ugh! It'd been almost a month since we'd slept together because I was intentionally avoiding situations or circumstances that could lead to that because I'm incapable of saying no to him... I know I deserve better, I deserve a man that wants and loves me without question. That's why I've spent over a month reiterating to myself that I don't want to be anybody's "second best" or "back-up".

    Problem is, I still love him.

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    VICTORIA: QUOTE: "I've kept over 40 pounds off. I've gone from couch potato to running 3 half marathons... From hating to loving exercise... From hating myself and depressed to loving life and happy with my body... ... from size 20 to size 14... from having knee pain walking on stairs to pain free... I feel younger... I'm much healthier... I have more energy to do things... Life is wonderful!!! "

    This is absolutely amazing and inspriational. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY What success. Well done you xx

    ps obviously didn't 'quote' properly but I tried!!!!

    Sarah: you have given me inspiration. It is 100 days until the end of the year and I have decidee if I can acheive half of what you have in the last 115 I will be a very happy lady.

    The Plan: Good Food Choices - every day. Exercise: dvd 2 out of 3 days (have decided no dvd player - no excuse - we have a laptop!!!); run saturday/swim Thursdayor Friday; circuits Tuesday. (Non weight related but still important - to read bible daily (was aiming to read it in a year but have gotten behind) plus to 'produce something' daily.

    I am often coming up with plans that my extremely poor will power sabotages however - am aiming to log food with Lacey when she returns and to be accountable to you lovely ladies on a daily basis.
    So day one today: 1/1 - good food choices; 1/1 - productivity (produced sunday school lesson plan!!!) 1/1 - exercise - went running and walked dog and am heading to bed to read.

    Am planning as successful a day two .......

    Group hugs to you all. You both motivate and inspire me. :flowerforyou:
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    It's been a great day! All of my running so far has been indoors on my treadmill, and today I made the scary leap to running out side. It was slightly embarrassing because Tim came with me and my jogging was the same speed as his kind of fast walk. Bah. His legs are much longer than mine, but it still made me feel like kind of a chump. Whatever though, I was out there! I jogged for over 2 miles!! That's just nuts to me, because up until this point I have never been able to run a mile in my life. It was interesting to see the difference in my heart rate outside as opposed to the treadmill too...I always wear my HRM, and on the treadmill my heart rate is usually about 155 - 160 while running, but on this run it was in the 170's most of the time. Crazy. Anyway, I'm rambling. The point of the story is: YAY!

    I love how running is giving me constant NSVs. :smile:

    Victoria, happy 2 year anniversary! You've come a long way! :drinker:

    Megan, enjoy football! I'll be watching the WVU vs. LSU game today...go 'eers! :smile: Funny, I'm also having a chili mac sort of thing tonight, only I'm making it with Barilla Plus Multigrain pasta and Amy's Organic Low Sodium Chili so it's pretty low cal/low sodium...too bad you can't talk them in to substituting that stuff! One night of football food won't kill ya though. Have fun!

    Crystal, I'm sorry about the man drama. :frown:

    Annette, sounds like a plan! You can do it!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi, I'm brand spanking new here and would like to join please!

    A bit about me: My name is Janette. I'm 41, married for 18 years, and we have 2 boys ages 14 and 11. I work from home doing taxes and personal finance. I wasn't overweight until I was pregnant with my 1st. I just never really lost it. Since my "baby" is practically a teenager I can hardly use the "baby fat" excuse anymore. LOL We live in VA but just moved here last year so I don't know a lot of the area yet. My hubby works for the government and part of his job is that he gets deployed. He's in Afghanistan right now and has been since Feb 4th. He will be back around the end of Oct though (YAY!) Sadly, I'm pretty used to him being gone. He was a National Guard reservist in MI where we lived most of our lives and was deployed to Iraq in 03/04. When he got home we moved to AZ. Due to financial tightening and not being able to sell our MI house he took a job as a contractor in Kuwait for 18 months in 06/07. When the bottom fell out of the economy he found a job in Germany in 09/10 but that time the boys and I went too. From there he got this job and so now we are in VA. Needless to say, it's been a pretty stressful decade. LOL

    While he was in Iraq I did manage to lose about 90 lbs. I was so proud of myself! Then we moved to AZ and I found it again while unpacking. Next time I lose the weight I'm throwing it out for good. So now I'm back up near my all time high at 264. I'm sick of being fat. I'm sick of being embarrassed. My overall health is still very good but I know that won't last as I get older if this weight doesn't come off.

    I know I can do it because I already did it once. It's just depressing that it takes so long to lose a pound but it's so easy to gain it. *sigh* My goal is to be at 250 by Halloween (my birthday). I know I won't be thin and sexy before hubby comes home but I hope I can at least be noticeably thinner. He was home for 2 weeks in August for R&R and I've already lost 10 lbs since then.
  • pinbotchick
    Welcome Janette!!! New members are always welcome... It's nice to have another older member... I'm 43... I have no kids but feel like a mom to some of the ladies here. We look forward to knowing you more!!!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    HOLY MOLEY this thread never stops. I HAVE been gone for a week but there are over ten pages!
    Okay let me catch up with you all first, sorry if it seems like ancient history but I want to celebrate as many successes as I can with you girl!

    Natalie – I like the money idea for every pound you lose. I might have to co-opt that for my own goals! I feel you on the chocolate bars… my weakness are those Ben & Jerry’s indiv cups… they look sooo small but are 240 calories a pop – yikes!

    Kiki – you’ve been rocking your workouts and meeting your calorie goals – great job! I’ve been having a big problem with sodium too, I’m going to have to pick out the problem children of my diet and see how I can replace them. Even today I struggled because I still had like a thousand exercise calories to eat and only 105mg of sodium left on MFP goals. But it seems like freaking EVERYTHING has a ton of sodium in it! I was about to send my husband to the store for melons, grapes and apples and he was like, that’s ridiculous, you’re not going to eat two whole melons AND grapes AND an apple. But then inspiration hit and some of the Naked Juices I keep around for when I work early and don’t have time to make breakfast are low in sodium but high in calories. I like the NJ company model too. Anyway, I think I’m going to pound two of these babies (even though it’s considered 4 servings total) and hopefully it will balance out?

    Sarah <WnT> - I’m glad to hear your friend’s surgery went well. Prayers for her continued recovery and for her family. And WOW you run a lot! Awesome job on the loss this week (EVEN WITH TOM! Yay!)! That Miss Piggy costume IS SO CUTE!

    Amy – I liked your dentist story. My husband is the same way… he has NO knack for languages at all. It’s so funny. I hope you didn’t get sick before your trip!

    Megan – Costume buying online IS scary but the selection is way better for my size than in any stores out here. Sometimes I will order a few to make sure I get at least one good one. And if they ALL fit… well theme parties are year round ;)

    Sarah <rain> - I get exhausted just from *reading* your posts lol! Go girl, keep it up!

    Kendal – That ref costume will be soooo cute for work – you’re so va va voom – love it! And your soup recipe sounds great! Snack Day sounded tough – but I think that you DIDN’T fail it because you didn’t bring any home! I totally laughed at your “What I feel like when I run” picture – thanks :)

    Kerry – It’s nice to hear about your successes! Trail running sounds fun and you sound like you are owning it! I wouldn’t worry so much about TOM bloat – you have progressed SO FAR and are still working SO HARD that I know you’ll get right past it! Did that 18 glasses of water make a visible difference? Thank you for continuing to post – you are an inspiration girl!

    Pam – Wooohoooo on your nonstop 30 minute run! Congrats on the loss last week – it’s great to see that you had fun on vacay and still did good :) I agree with you on all the processed yuckiness in the grocery stores these days… I feel like they’re sloooowly bringing in more natural products but I wish they would step on it because I can’t afford to shop at those natural/organic stores all the time!

    BMJ (sorry I forgot your name) – No worries, we all have weeks like that! Just get back on the horse!

    Joy – Welcome!

    Kristina – Thanks so much again for keeping track of all of us and good luck dodging the work food!

    Rikki – X fest sounded fun! I miss big concerts like that. We don’t get too many great concerts in Hawai’I – something to do with the cost of moving all the equipment vs. renting it (both are super high). Anyway it’s hard to eat healthy when you’re on the go; maybe try packing lunches instead next time? If that’s allowed in the places you go I mean. Don’t be bummed about your friend losing faster than you, but get out of bed and take charge! Listen to these girls on the thread – they’ve all had their ups and downs too – stick with it!

    Apryl – Yes everyone talks so much lol I can’t keep up either!

    Ashleigh – Guests are fun but frustrating when you’re trying to get things done!

    Heather – Welcome! You ARE already hot/sexy beautiful! Don’t let those icky days get you down! (Even TOM!)

    Nava – Sounds like your birthday weekend was so much fun! Sorry your honey had move though  And your dog is absolutely positively adorable! What is she? I hope everything works out with the England/Joe thing.

    Jenn – I’m sorry to hear about your student. Prayers and condolences for you and his family.

    Jessi – Wooot! Way to go on week 1! How’s your tongue doing? And, how does one actually “sprain” a tongue? I’m glad you’re liking the Vicodin and hope you get better soon. Sorry your coworker sucks – I would just log everytime she oversteps her bounds and turn it over to the boss – maybe then they can get rid of her faster.

    Crystal – Way to go on stopping smoking! We’ll be here for you – through bad moods and all :) And OMG your “stick” story is HILARIOUS! I seriously just laughed and my husband looked over at me like I was crazy.

    Hosanna – I feel like I’ve missed a bunch with you this week. Okay, to start, your Montanna must have been sooo special. I have a special place in my heart for Rhodesian Ridgebacks – they are one of the best breeds I have ever gotten to play with. My old roommate had one and we would always have such a blast roller blading and running around. I miss that dog. On other topics – boo to exes! I’m glad you put him in his place! Way to go on C25K! Awesome job at staying on track EVEN WITH Hungry Jacks! And WOW – LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR NSV! That’s woman power ;) Hopefully your and Pam’s victories spur many many more here ;)

    Rachel – MFP has given me a lot of wakeup calls too! Taco Bell is awful! I am scared to go out to eat these days unless I’ve burned like 1000 calories already haha. Congrats on your 10 mile – keep at it!
    Lacey – Glad you’re tearing it up over there, turning heads with your hot self :) Keep it up and enjoy the food! I wish I could go back to Paris, like, tomorrow!

    Victoria – Way to go with all of your exercises and your loss!!!!! You’re a rockstar, lady! Hope your Bugg gets fixed soon. Your meal prep sounds very tasty, what a great way to lower cholesterol ;)

    Lori – Welcome!

    Katheryne – Okay I have to ask… what the heck do you do that you get all of these wonky calls? You work for AK gov’t right? At least they make good stories… :) And I COMPLETELY agree with you on the chicken broth thing – don’t they know we’re trying to watch our sodium intake here?!?! However, I CANNOT agree with you on one thing. Brussel Sprouts?!? Ewwwww! ;)

    Qofsheba (sorry I didn’t catch your name) – You’ll get through that plateau girl! Congrats on the “new clothes” too – I can’t wait to be able to fit into my old duds :)

    Hailie – Biiiiiiig huuuuuuuuugs! Stay out of that turtle shell! Remember to give yourself a big woooohooo on your C25K! Keep it up girlie – don’t let meanies get you down!

    Jane – Congrats on the loss!

    Janette – Welcome!

    Everyone – Thanks for the bean info! Super helpful – will try it next week! And my current trash tv show is Storage Wars. My husband and I can’t help it – there’s a marathon on A&E right now and we can’t tear ourselves away!

    P.S. I know I haven’t been around that long, but I am really loving how supportive everyone is of each other. You girls are incredible!

    Okay now for what’s going on with me…

    Sunday I sucked. I had all these big plans of exercising after football was over, buuuut I didn't because I was stressing about studying for my upcoming economics test. The only exercise I got in was the walk to and from the bar so I baaaarely made it under my calorie goal. Tsk Tsk.

    Monday I had an extremely physical day at work doing floor moves, so I logged that as an exercise because I had the red face and sweat to back it up Then I ended up eating a ton , including a single serving of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream , and made TACOS for dinner (although THOSE *were* made from lean ground turkey, light on the accompaniments so maybe not so bad? Anyway I was really beating myself up about it so popped in the TJ 20 minute workout and felt better. AND came under calorie goal!

    Tuesday was all about school; I studied all day, ate light, did TJ Fat Blaster and Ab Jam, and went to class. They had greek food for us for dinner so I had to estimate the calorie counts, but I tried to overestimate and still came in just barely under goal. Thank goodness for being careful earlier in the day!

    Wednesday was tough, I definitely over ate. I've been feeling pretty off the past week or so, not sure why because I'm already done with TOM. Anyway I felt it Monday with the ice cream, and Wednesday I kept going to the fridge to look for something to eat. I tried to satiate myself with half a ham and cheese sandwich ... then some yogurt ... then ANOTHER half of a ham and cheese ... Ugh it was bad. Ended up using the taco leftovers to make NACHOS... Wow. The good thing was that I played hard that night... my kickball team was suuuuper short and I ended up having to put myself in the kicking order twice because we didn't have enough girls I had a ton of action on the field too, so thankfully I burned off a lot of calories. We won, btw - UNDEFEATED baby! Even with a crappy roster and an overfed coach/captain (me!)! Had a single beer at happy hour and ended up being only 50 over my calorie goal after ALL was calculated.

    Thursday was another tough day (SERIOUSLY WTH IS GOING ON WITH ME THIS WEEK??) I have to admit I was pretty sore from the game the day before, and did not want to do a single thing related to exercising. I ate a lot fewer calories than I had all week, but without exercise I ended up going over my goal. And I went over exactly the amount that is in a single serving of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. Go figure. (It's because I ATE one!) Grrrr.

    Then it was Friday. And I still felt weird, or off or sick or something. I wasn't getting anything done, was about ready to just call it quits and take a nap or watch junk tv or something. And I finally kicked myself in the a s s and said "Tasha, knock that crap off! You've been doing pretty good the last couple weeks, don't blow it now! Get back on that wagon!" I was still kinda sore, but I popped into WOWY and told it to put me down for some Punch, Kick & Jam and some Turbo Sculpt! Yeah baby, 90 minutes. I used hand weights for the first time in years for PK&J and I was feeling it. I was soooo tired for parts of it but kept pushing through. By the time I got to Turbo Sculpt I was like, "Tasha, are you crazy? You shouldn't do these two together!" but then I just pushed play and got through it using 5lb weights. Then I was like, "What the heck Tasha, you've been slacking all week, let's do Ab Jam too!" So I did it! And then I got a text message from my girlfriend asking if I was going to Hip Hop Hustle tonight at the gym and I was like, "I just worked out for almost 2 hours - sure!" And I rinsed off in the shower and got my gym bag together and then I was like, "Okay Tasha, now I know you really ARE crazy. NO, I'm not going, I'll end up hurting myself." So I didn’t.

    And good thing too, because I rolled out of bed this morning (it’s still Saturday here) to go to my Zumba class at the gym and there was NO WAY I would have made it if I had gone to Hip Hop the night before. As it was, I was feeling pretty drained, but burned around 1110 calories between the class and jogging to and from the gym. Two days in a row I’ve had some serious calorie burning and have been having trouble eating back all my ex calories without going over in sodium or sugars. How do you girls combat that? I reeeeally have to do better about watching sodium the rest of the day; it’s killing me. Since I weigh 215, is it okay if I don’t eat back all my ex cals? I had good sized meals today and snacks and I don’t know what else to eat and MFP says I still have 400 cals to eat! I mean, if I’m not hungry, I have a really hard time forcing myself to eat when I just worked my a s s off, you know? But I also don’t want to go into starvation mode… ugh.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on that. Okay sorry for the loooooooong post – I have to do better about logging onto the desktop more regularly!

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!

  • pinbotchick
    Tasha - protein powder with glass of milk or peanutbutter on anything are easy ways to get more cals. If your net cals are over 1200, you don't have to eat every ex cal back. If you are only 1200 to 1500 total cals and burning a ton, you'd need to eat more. If you're eating 2000 cals, I wouldn't worry if your not eating 400 of the ex cals. You're doing great with exercise. I find I actually lose more weight when I lighten up and do light ex vs hardcore ex.

    Pizza is the devil!!! I stopped logging yesterday and know I was over despite my 4 mile power walk. I did burn 2588 yesterday. My Bugg seems to be working now. Today will be better and I will log my food!!!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hello All

    Day two of the 'new me'........only 98 more to go!!! So exercise 2/2 - cycled up hill for just over a mile, have walked at least three miles and still have dog to take out. Food choices good so far and still have rest of day for others - hurrah.

    Janette - welcome.

    Enjoy your day xx
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies (from Amy and Lacey!)!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Annette: You rock. I am so proud of you!!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Tasha - It's feeling MUCH better, but my jaw is still really sore from holding it wonky. I don't have to take Vicodin to eat anymore, which is awesome, but I do need one when I wake up because I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep, I assume, and it's really sore when I wake up. And yeah, idk how I sprained my tongue, but most people think dirty thoughts. :P I wish I had something that exciting to tell them. I'm super jealous, btw - send some tacos my way? :O Or nachos... I'll definitely take those, too!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~HI AMY & LACEY!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    I really did read everything everyone said. I forgot to type replies in my little google search bar as I went, though, so sorry for seeming like I just don't give a damn. :P I really do. This weekend has been pretty bad for calories, and since I woke up in pain and ate cupcakes because they were convenient and then I could take drugs and go back to sleep for a bit, I assume today will suck, too. I'm still down a little, though, so I'm not gonna complain, honestly.

    OMG! I baked mini-quiches, and there are pictures (and a half-*kitten* recipe) on my blog:


    They even got Nerd's seal of approval, and he's never had quiche before. (I swear, he had to have lived a VERY deprived life before he moved here, food-wise. I'm SO glad he likes good food!)
  • KatheryneLynne
    Tasha. Technically, I'm a legal office assistant. Kind of like a junior paralegal. Basically, i'm the personal assistant to two state's attorneys. My specific section is child protection. My attorneys represent the Office of Children's Services for all of the legal aspects of taking children from their parents when they are abused and/or neglected; and sometimes we get an orphan who just doesn't have anywhere else to go.. So, my day consists of prepairing legal docs for my attorneys, proof reading legal docs for my attorneys (one writes everything herself and wants me to proof, and the other wants me to draft everything and she proofs.) but the hardest part is dealing with the social workers. For the most part they are fine; however, i have a few that write at like a thrid grade level. Let me tell you, when I get a report that is 20+ pages, and the writer doesn't know to put a period after "Ms." or "Dr."; and can't tell the difference between "in March 22nd" and "on March 22" vs. "In March" and "on March" I can spend hours fixing it up enough so the judge doesn't laugh us out of the courtroom. Aside from having to read about the scourge of the earth on a daily basis, I love my job. Usually, they can't keep people in the position, they usually transfer out after about a year. I plan on sticking it out; however, as the paralegal for my section should be retiring in a couple of years. I want her job.

    As for the phones, that is not technically part of my job. I just cover if there is no one else. (I HATE IT)

    Jessie--yum yum on the quiche. My husband would never eat it. He's so picky.

    as for me. I've managed to work out every day this weekend. I always have a problem with slacking off on the weekends.
    Food is crap however

  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Victoria - Thanks so much for the tips! And I agree with you - pizza IS the devil!

    Annette - Great job!

    Amy and Lacey - BONJOUR! Enjoy your time in Paris! I'm sooo j!

    Jessi - I will GLADLY trade you some nachos and tacos for those mini quiches! Those look gorgeously delicious! Glad you're doing better... if you don't have a good story, just make one up ;)

    ********************************HI KRISTINA!!*********************************************
    ****************************I WEIGHED IN TODAY****************************************
    **********************************AT 214.8*************************************************

    Not as big of a loss as I was hoping for, but about what I expected with my weird mood/eating habits this week. Although I really hoped the big burns I did the last couple days would counteract. Oh well. For the most part, my measurements stayed the same, although I DID lose an inch in the hips (yay!) and my body fat is down .1% to 39.9, according to my scale. But that thing doesn't really give the most consistent readings so I'll take it with a grain of... well I won't take grains of anything because I'm trying to watch my sodium here!

    Well I have a ton of homework to catch up on, happy Sunday!
