200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • navajoon
    Okay, so... weigh in was 231.2 which I think is slightly up from the last weigh in before my pass, but WAY better than the 240ish I registered after my birthday weekend (which is why I took the pass!).

    Will catch up on posts and write a longer message in a bit.
  • navajoon
    Here we go!

    Crystal, your story about the dog cracked me up! I'm sorry you're having so many issues with your kiddo's dad. That's not an easy situtation at all.

    Victoria, Happy anniversary!! You're an amazing lady.

    Tasha, my pooch is a poodle mix of some sort. I got her at the SPCA, so I'm not sure and am not curious enough to pony up the cash for those doggie DNA tests. She's an awesome pooch and that's all I need to know! How did you manage to eat just ONE serving of ice cream?! I always get frustrated with ben and jerry's because I think a serving size is like... 1/4th a cup? How does someone eat just 1/4th cup of ice cream!?

    Welcome to Janette, Maureen and Michelle! This is an awesome group of ladies, and we share a lot of info, so don't be scared to jump right in!

    Hosanna, you poor dear with all that barf. I hope you're feeling much better. I've never barfed from drinking but on my birthday, I went to shake someone's hand I'd just been introduced to and knocked his beer over and shattered the glass on the table... great impression.

    Megan, totally feel your frustration on the relationship with food issue. I have a seriously hard time too. I do what you mentioned, but I also do this horrible thing where if the scale goes down I'm like "ooh! I'm doing well! Let's go get mexican food!" or something like that. Like I'm totally sabotaging myself. What is that!?

    Sarah (WnT), my thoughts go out to your friend. That's so rough. It's wonderful that she has such a good friend to her to take care of her family.

    As for me, I had a crazily lazy weekend. Joe had to work all weekend to cover his boss's schedule as boss was out of town, so we had very little time together, and he was in a very craptacular mood having had to work for 8 days straight without a break. Friday, we bought a couple steaks and asparagus which Joe cooked. Saturday I spent pretty much the entire day at a friend's house with her hubby and two boys till Joe got off work, then he came over to the house as well. We stayed pretty late watching MMA fights and went home. I'm not into MMA, so I was on the couch playing plants v. zombies the whole time. Sunday I was LAZY to the max and caught up on some of the contents of my DVR till Joe got off work and came over. Not a damn thrilling thing at all. Which is great after last weekend's birthday excitement.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    I probably shouldn't post this link, but it has a recipe for just about every cake you can imagine.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Come on, we all know someone like this....

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, I kept checking in here all weekend, and nothing...now that I'm busy at work, you all want to be chatterboxes.

    So, without any formal exercise, I have lost almost another pound this weekend. Unfortunately, I will still not get anything formal in (other than a little 2 mile walk I HAVE to do for a challenge) because we are rearranging the bedrooms in my house. I actually spent 8 total hours this weekend just cleaning out my mom's room...nightmare!!! Over the next couple of days, I have to get it all put back together. I'm so exhausted, and I hope this work week goes quickly!

    Have a great Monday all!!
  • KatheryneLynne


    TOM is due any second now, so I would imagine that number is going to go up, before it goes down. :grumble:

  • loveAZJ

    oh boy, I went up, this was a horrible week! oh well, just got to stick to it!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I love waking up to a fresh food diary every morning, knowing I can fill it with good choices or bad ones...it's all up to me.

    Happy Monday, ladies!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Megan - Those pizzas sound good! I usually make them on an English muffin, cut in half. I throw them in the toaster oven and they turn out pretty darn awesome. Annette - I'd assume it means the same both places. :)

    Michelle - Welcome! I'm ignorant, so can you tell me how much a stone is? :) Also, happy early birthday to your little guy!

    Kendal - Awesome picture. :) I know lots of people that way - my old self being one of them.


    I've been SO out of it - diet and exercise wise - while being on this Vicodin. Feeling a lot better, though, so hopefully back in the swing of things. Also, really looking into spending more than I'd like to for a gym membership next month.
  • KatheryneLynne
    When I'm on my best behavior, and thinking about it, I make my "pizza" in a portabello mushroom. extra veggies, lower carbs :) plus, when in a mushroom cap, a single serving of pepperoni goes a long way.

  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
  • pinbotchick
    FYI - this post 492 and the thread will flip to a part 2 when we reach 500 posts. There will be a link to the new thread in the last post or friend one of us and see when we post to it. I hope everyone follows us there and doesn't lose any long posts :)
  • qofsheba
    I'l catch up tonight... but I haven't logged on 4 four days, or tracked food. Or counted food. And I am FOUR POUNDS heavier. I came back from vacation lighter and then proceeded to slde off the wagon.... Was camping and eating camp food and not bothering to reduce portions.

    I am sad and embarrassed but starting new today, weighing in at 196.

    [and by the way, the mobile ap would have worked just fine where I was}

    On the positive side, I'm back. My younger son (21) is home from Singapore for a little bit and we spent a lot of time with him this weekend and it was wonderful. For all of you in the middle of raising kids or (worse yet) teenagers: It is wonderful when they grow up and they are absorbing all the lessons you are teaching them. So worry less and enjoy them more! Advice my mom gave me and I ignored:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    In case you didn't see it Kristina

    **************************Pass on this week's weigh in***********************
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone, this week I lost 2.2 lbs. a little disappointed because I was losing more than 5 lbs a week, but I realized sooner or later the lbs were going to be less every week... happy to have lost though:smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hello from Bruges, Belgium! I'm having tons of fun with Lacey and walking a TON! I haven't read back in the posts since I've been out of town but I just wanted to say hi and pass on the weigh in this week. I'll catch up with you ladies again on Thursday.
  • pinbotchick
    Amy and Lacey - have fun for us!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey all!! As Amy had mentioned we made it to Bruges..after taking the wrong commuter train..but since it heads in the right direction anyways we still arrived at the same time. I'm starting to get super super tired. I was already super tired but the two weeks is hitting me hard today. Tomorrow I have The Big Meeting and then I am done with work and will fly home Thursday. After I buy another piece of luggage to fit everything in that is.
    Take care all and see you this weekend.

    Good lordy its nice to see all the new people but I really don't know how I will keep up and be able to respond to everyone if it continues to grow like this! Wowza:drinker:
  • navajoon
    Jessi, 1 stone = 14lbs I believe.

    Amy and Lacey, have SO much fun! I've already seen a picture posted by Amy that looks like one of the cafes in the main square, like across from the bell tower? If that's where it is, I've been there!!! That city is so lovely. Definitely recommend the canal tour.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    POST 500!!!!


    or this may be the last post on this thread and the NEXT post will flip it.....hmmmm. time to find out