200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Hello everyone! Just checking in for the day. Went to K's house to watch the razorbacks blow the competition out of the water. We actually cheered for the other team when they finally scored. Haha

    Todays food choices were definitely not what is my normal anymore. I wasn't with K when I started to really watch my food choices. So I knew the food that was going to be cooked was not going to be in my best interest, so I brought veggies to throw n the grill. When it came time to eat, I emptied 4 veggie kabobs onto my plate with a taste of the other goodies. I know I went over and ate too much but I didn't feel as bad about it because I had over 2 cups of chunked veggies amongst all the other stuff. So im doing better at choosing foods and overindulgence, but definitely not there yet.

    As for the gross cupcake flavor, I agree that red velvet is nasty. I don't mind the actual cake but I HATE cream cheese icing. It will ruin any kind of cake. But I also do not like cherries or cherry flavoring (cherry coke being the exception). So I made chocolate covered cherry cupcakes. Its real simple to make. Box of chocolate cake mix and a big can of cherry pie filling plus 3 eggs all mixed together. Bake as normal and ice with chocolate frosting. I've also used white cake mix with strawberry pie filling with 3 eggs. It was good.

    A "diet" version I've made has been chocolate cake mix (and now they have sugar free versions if you don't mind artificial sweetners ) and add canned pumpkin to it. I can't remember if u add anything else but im pretty sure that's it. It was a weight watcher recipe when I did that. But they were very tasty and lower calorie.

    Alright im going to sleep, its 1230 midnight and I ate bad so im sleepy.

    Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- I haven't met the girls' mother yet. Mr. Reunion leads me to believe that she is a drama queen. I'm trying to be the good girlfriend and not do something to give her cause to think bad of me, but that upsets Mr. Reunion. This just came up this weekend actually. .....I think it's too soon to do things like spend the night with him when he has the girls, or them spend the night over here. He asked me if I was in a relationship with him or her. I get his view, I shouldn't do or not do things just to make her happy. But I want her to hate me cause I'm too perfect, cause she can't find a legitimate reason to hate me. Ya know? lol And we only JUST decided to move in together recently. Not sure exactly how that will work out, but hopefully it won't take more than 3 months to happen.

    Tonight while Mr. Reunion had run to the store for a minute, the little one (who just turned 6) asked me if I was part of their family now. She's so freaking adorable. (I told her "not yet.")
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Kendall- im in a similar situation with K. For the past two years, his daughter was with him every other weekend and weeks in summer. So he cld stay over during the week and id stay with him on weekends she wasn't there. We didn't want to give his daughters mom any ammunition to mess with his time. As of yesterday though, he got full custody of his daughter. She lives with him full time now. Our relationship is going to have a lot less time for "low impact aerobics" bc neither one of us can stay over anywhere since she is there all the time. We still can't give the mother a reason to contest his rights.

    I have met the mother. Believe me, they hate you anyway, but she actually said some good things about me once to her daughter. Do I really care what she thinks?? No but I also wanted her to know that im a good person the daughter to be around.

    Good luck with all that....and congrats on moving in together at some point. That's very exciting. I hope K and I will be there at some point but now his kid has thrown a wrench into my plans. Lol. Oh well....
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Amy - I'm on a constantly rotating roster... like, i've just had late-early-early-late-early, now i'm off until thursday night shift, then off again till the next tuesday etc... it's awful!! Kills me! also... You live in Stuttgart?? I have friends there! Good on you for supporting your kid's goals and ambitions. not enough parents do that these days!

    Anette - Hope your dog situation is resolved soon! :frown:

    Megan - YAY for the loss! So happy for you!!

    Katie - HI!! :flowerforyou:

    Kerry - YAY for nearly "healthy"!! and well done you for the running in the weather!! This thread is awesome for that... i often push through things so that i can tell you girls that i did it!! I'm also totally envious of all you ladies living in countries that have Halloween. I used to love it with my friends back in Adelaide, but we were just about the only ones in the country that celebrated it.... I would LOVE to have a proper american halloween. And it sounds like if i do, we'll be coming to YOUR place for it, Kerry! :tongue:

    karen: I'm SO HAPPY to hear that Mellie's bot is all good!! You must feel so relieved!!

    ***YAY! THREAD FLIP!!***

    Amy - That SUCKS about the hubbs having a go at your food choices... Are you sure there's not something else on his mind and he was just projecting? Just a thought, but that seems a little odd!! Sorry to hear about it love, it sucks when men do things to p i s s us off! Also, we DO have screens... we're known for our flies here!! BUT they were getting in ANYWAY!! Probably down the chimneys! it was so gross. there were 50 dead on my computer desk alone! (make that 51... i just flicked one out of the corner of my keyboard...) Also - what is BeachBody? - - reading further, i see it WAS projecting behaviour. Men.

    Kendal - That is suuuuch an awesome idea for the girls!! It's so lovely that you're making such an amazing effort to get to know them and make sure they're comfortable with you!! Awwwwwwww that is so adorable for the little one to ask you that!!

    Hailie - Glad to see you back and happy! :flowerforyou:

    Megan - Teehee on making a flavour you don't like!!

    Katherynne - My favourite NSV so far has just been buying size 14 clothes. I also like it when people comment on my weight loss.

    PHEW!! FINALLY got through it all!!!

    Last night ended up being a lovely night. We went to Teags' house for dinner and sat in the spa for an hour or so and just relaxed. all the flies were dead when we got home.

    I am SOOO glad this 'week' is over - i've just finished a run of five shifts in a row, and that KILLS me. I am so upset about my job at the moment. I hate what it's turning me into. I did nursing because i wanted to help people, and make an impact on lives... where i am now i'm starting to resent people and i am actually spending my days HOPING PEOPLE WILL DIE!! Not personally, i've not become that callous, but essentially we are a holding bay for nursing homes... we are waiting for people to doe so that we can turf out our patients, and usually we're HOPING to get rid of them!! :frown: it upsets me greatly, and the Other Half is getting really upset having to see me dreading going to work.
    I've got a few days off now, so i'll be looking into jobs out at the BHP Billiton mine in Roxby Downs.

    things with the Other Half are going so amazingly well now. He's been cooking heaps this week (He's cooking ROAST tonight!!) and doing cleaning and stuff!! And we exchanged cards that we bought one another while i was away today, and i had little tears in my eyes reading his. It was so beautiful. I love this man so much!! :ohwell:

    Anyway, enough ranting/sappybollocks from me... i'm off to drink wine. It is, after all, my "Friday night".
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Saturday: 2859 calories burned/ 1916 calories consumed/ 943 calorie deficit.

    Hosanna: I live about 20 min south of the Stuttgart airport so, not IN Stuttgart but pretty close. I'm so sorry you hate going to work. I've been in that situation before and it really is miserable.

    Megan: Bummer about losing "low impact aerobic time".

    Kendal: Mr Reunion's girls sound so sweet!

    Lacey: Crack wraps have the name "crack wrap" for a reason. They are addictive...and awesome. I have a cranberry pumpkin risotto on the menu for this week. I am ALL about the pumpkin!

    Pam: Enjoy your weekend!!

    I spent the morning making blackberry cinnamon rolls and caprese salad for the BBQ we're going to this evening. We also got to taste the final product of the pumpkin pie ice cream...it has ruined me for life. I'll never be able to go buy some Breyer's ice cream and not think about how much better homemade ice cream is.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just a quick note to pop in and say I'm 214.4 for this weigh in.

    Megan- K's girl is old enough to either get a part time job or want to go out with friends so hopefully you and he can have some adult time together.
  • hkallembach
    Karen: I loved the whole 'wrap my children in bubble wrap, lock in a padded room, and throw away the key' because it made me LMAO!

    Kerry: Good luck with P90X2! Hope you enjoyed your ball game!

    Amy: Good job on being responsible, finals are stupid. I hate them. You have more will power than I ever could!

    Kendal: Awww, hearing about Mr. Reunion, the girls, and your love life with him in general makes me smile! Congrats on the gym membership!

    Katheryne: My favorite NSV was when I realized how 'amazing' I feel and confident when I walk into the store, clothes aren't tight for me anymore.

    Hosanna&Katie: Hi! :flowerforyou:

    It's my 18th birthday today, I will be on a good behavior....or at least I'll try! :wink:
  • pinbotchick
    Happy birthday Hallie:flowerforyou:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Megan and Kendall...No matter what you do, there is always gonna be some kind of resentment once you make that step to move in together and make things more permanent. It's important to not start more drama than necessary, but it's equally important to project the reality of your relationship. Adult time is crucial. Kendall, that child sounds adorable, and it appears you have already won her over.

    Hosanna: I am glad to hear that you returned to a much better and happier situation than when you left. I hope it continues! It really does suck to hate your job because of the way it makes you look at and treat the people you are supposed to be helping. I have sometimes felt that way in public education when they tie our hands from actually doing what might help the kids learn.

    Hallie: Happy Birthday!!! I've missed your energy!

    So, the girls came home for the long weekend because they "missed their mommy" and then spent last night with other friends. Hmmm...it's all good though. We are going to go bowling when they get back home.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Just popping in with my weigh in. 234.8. Much better. Busy weekend here, so now tome to catch up right now.

    Happy birthday, Hailie!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hosanna - what do flies like to eat there? You know like how yellow jackets or fruit flies are drawn to stinky smelly sweet stuff? Can you put a jar of stickys syrup or google what they like and then they will be drawn to that? 50 flies on your computer?? WOW. What would you be doing at the mine? Nursing there too?

    Kendal - As a mom I think its great you are being cautious of the situation and wanting to do the right thing by the girls. If you are going to move in together soon you may want to think about staying over once in a while so that the girls are eased into it? I don't know, just a suggestion. Thats great that the girls love you that much already :) Yeay!

    Megan - I also don't care for red velvet...never understood the draw to all that dye. You might as well open up your mouth and squirt it in. Gross. I like the cream cheese frosting but not that much dolluped on. Good job on making better food choices!

    Amy - how close do you live to the Kessler axle plant? If you know what that is, then you know where it is..from the looks of the maps a whole town surrounds it and probably all the people work there, its enormous. My boss and three guys will be there in October for a week and I'm hoping to be able to go there some time this next year. I saw the pics of the blackberry cin rolls on fb...yum.

    Hailie - Happy Birthday!

    Bobbie- yeay for girls coming home and bowling!

    Gracie is on Hyper Speed Overdrive this morning. I hate to make the comparison, but I need to run her like I would a dog today and wear her out. She has about fifteen haircips in her hair, no underwear, shorts and a necklace on lol. And as usual she can't tell when Jeff is serious because he laughs so much at what she does and then all of a sudden is super mad.. even I can't tell. So I had to him remind of of that. I hope this is a good day, I'm sure it will be, but good grief. Too much hyperness this early? Ugh.

    Don't think I will be walking today...legs kind of sore and I dont' want in any way to injure them at all since I will be walking all over Europe in less than two weeks now. Holy Moly!! We might go to the lake for a bit later on..but my main goal is to do some cleaning and get my suitcase out and pack it up to see if hwat I want to bring fits...and also to see where the holes in my wardrobe are so I can fill it. One week trips I've got down pat, but two weeks is harder..never had to pack for one before hehe.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member

    Rain: Well done on weight loss.

    Sarh: you have totally cracked this weight loss thing - well done

    Amy: the scale continues to move - am so pleased for you

    Lacey: patience will out!!

    Victoria: so much energy - great running - teensy bit jealous!!!

    Kristina: hope wedding went well, welcome back.

    Bobbie: glad girls have come home for weekend - even if they have gone out they are 'with' you.......

    Kendal/Megan: hope it all sorts out

    Karen: prayers are with you that house all sorts out soon. Really pleased to hear about Melodie.

    Rikki: I am so here with you. Have started 30DS (day four complete today). Yesterday went for a run (approx 3miles). Have deadline of Christmas to gain a flat stomach (promise to daughter). Was really 'good' around food yesterday. Then comes today - no changes, no reasons and absolutely NO will power. Have tried really hard to talk myself out of it, to eat slowly and savour, to share, to have only one, to go buy a healthy lunch but no. Have eaten my way through about four hours of the day and it is only now, with the 'need to eat' feeling gone, that I have stopped. wtf? But, the rest of the day is up for grabs - positive choices/negative choices still to be made and then tomorrow is a new day..........who knows, I might start losing weight again tomorrow and keep it off?????

    About The Dog: he seems to have pulled through. Is now on oral anti-biotics so next few days will be the final tell but yeah - he has energy, he wants to play, he is being naughty (time to hide all socks again) and he has eaten. Thank you for your prayers and concerns.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ahh the double standard has reared its head again...husband went yesterday at 3 to watch football game and said he'd be home after the game. He got home at 1am. I waited up till 10 to see if he would come home and then went to bed. This is typical for him mind you. Now this morning when I ask him about his night and got a little pissy he doesn't understand why. I let it go last week when he did it to me, but today convo's will happen. That is just so not right when I go out maybe once every two months and am still home in tim to cook dinner.

    On another, more positive note, I read the whole of Mini Shopaholic yesterday. I haven't read a book in a day in so very long, I can't even remember. So I got my grocery shopping done, walking and got to read a book and stayed in cal range..I'd call that a successful day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- that situation would make me pull my hair out and scream!!! :explode: Joey used to have all kinds of double standards about what I couldn't do and what he could do and it made me so furious.

    I've only eaten left over cake and chips today. Yeah, I've been really bad today and yesterday.

    I'm mentally preparing to drop to 1500 cals/day and working out at the gym this week. It's been a long time since I've had this level of determination, but I know it will work.

    I'm going back to my old routine of cereal and yogurt for breakfast. I bought Jillian Michael's Whey Protein stuff and I'm going to have that for lunch a couple days (also bought bananas and cantaloupe to go with it). I kinda failed on the dinner part and bought lots of microwaveable stuff so I will have to drink tons of water to combat the sodium. Also got WW Jalapeno cheese wedges, some cheese squares made by Land O Lakes and whole wheat Ritz crackers for snacks. And I got Lunch-To-Go Tuna pack meal things, only 220 cals but a decent amount of protein. I also still have some peanut granola bars that are decent snacks for less than 200 cals.

    I guess what I'm saying is, I think I'm ready. I can do it this time.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hey girls, I am just popping in to confess to my onion rings at lunch. They were delicious and i am calling them "energy" for my 6 mile run tonight.

    I don't believe that I "cheated" but I can't eat onion rings. They make me fat. Only because when i have one, I then have two, three, six....

    No Onion Rings! Bad Sarah!

    Ok. You may return to your regularly scheduled programming.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hailie: Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: Have a great day!

    Bobbie: That's sweet the girls missed you!

    Lacey: Anything rotting really... They just thrive here because of the heat, and since i live out bush that makes them thrive even more! It was so gross. As far as the mine, i'll probably go for an operator job... Driving trucks and stuff. The money in mining is phenomenal... I figure i'm unhappy in the job i have now, so why not find another job where at least i could be getting paid huge amounts of money... even if i don't enjoy the job, i don't enjoy what i'm doing now and i get paid practically nothing!! And Isaac is in mining, so if we both got ourselves careers in the industry... corrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we could be set up for life in the next couple of years!!

    Kendal - Way to go! You sound awesomely prepared!

    Well, I'm going to officially admit to weighing 220.9 this week.
    I'm convinced it's all still water weight, but i haven't been able to do much about it the last couple of days, what with the work-hating thing and all. The bbq saturday night and roast last night wouldn't have helped much either. But i've got a few days off now, so i'll be back to walking-walking, and making sure i drink lots, trying to eat better... We have leftover roast tonight...

    I'm so utterly exhausted though. pleh.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hailie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :drinker:

    Amy, your blackberry cinnamon roll pictures on Facebook made me drool. Yum yum yum....I have GOT to make those!

    I'm way over my calories today...so hard to not be with this tour of food we've been taking my parents on! Yikes! I am going to try to eat better tomorrow...

    Hope you all are having a great weekend!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Hailie - happy birthday!!! Enjoy your special day!

    Before starting MFP, I never had issues with salt. I wouldn't salt to anything excluding a plain baked potato. I have never liked it a whole lot....even potato chips had too much salt. Now, when something doesn't have the flavor im looking for I add salt. I've never done this! Do u think im just cooking things without imagination? I don't know!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Oops, forgot to post my weigh-in!

    Kristina, this week my weigh-in is 215.8. I'm only down .8 this week, but it's better than nothing...

    Megan, I've been experimenting cooking with new spices that I'd never tried before so the I could use less salt. I just got a new spice rack filled with 20 different spices this weekend (only $19!), so I plan on trying even more new ones. You never know, you might find something you like much better than salt!
  • hkallembach
    This is from my phone so I'll be waiting to reply to everyone later on when I can see all of your posts! I'll be weighing-in tomorrow morning and might have to take a birthday pass. yikes.