200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I didnt even see the post till Amy told me about on facebook lol. I didn't get mad or even upset, I was just like WTF lady?!?! LOL. People are seriousl SO odd sometimes..and there are some real gems on this site so yeah. Anyways, thanks girlies for sticking up for me!

    I am WAY over on cals and so very full. We went down to this local restaurant that makes everything from scratch. I had pasta and carrot cake. Delish. Tomorrow will be a long walk/run for shizzle to make up for it!.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2096 calories burned (not bad for spending most of the day not moving in a dark room)/ 1498 calories consumed/ 598 calorie deficit.

    Official weigh in for the week: 188.4 (I think that's a 2.6 pound loss from last week and I am RIDICULOUSLY happy about that!!!!!) :happy:

    Lacey: I love a good carrot cake. Yum!

    Hosanna: Do you have a schedule you regularly follow for work...like working nights for a period of time and then days or does your schedule continually change? I've been on rotating shift work and I was NEVER able to get adequate sleep. I hope this is not a problem for you.

    Megan: I agree with Sarah, it's kinda cool that the new boy isn't just going away.

    Sarah: You should totally do a Disney cruise or something!!! I'm all for being debt free but I am also all for having experiences. Life is about the moments you make along the way and doing fun things makes a moment. That's why I'm going to be totally happy to die flat-broke, because I've traveled the world, climbed a volcano, sipped gluwein in a Christmasmarkt on Christmas Eve while snowflakes the size of my hand floated down, swam in the Mediterranean, and just generally had an awesome time with the people I love the most.

    Katheryne: Student loans are the bane of my existence. I've vowed to get my Master's without a freaking loan.

    Pam: I've though about getting a hydration belt but I don't know if I'd like the sloshing feeling while running. I like the camelback because it doesn't slosh.

    Kerry: I've got nothing usefule to comment on, just wanted to say HI!!! :flowerforyou:

    Today is The Hubbs' first day of coaching The Kid's soccer team. The Hubbs is not a particularly patient individual so I am interested to see how the whole thing turns out. In other soccer news, we have The Kid enrolled in a German soccer school so he will have semi-private training twice a week in addition to his practice with his soccer team. His goal is to make the Stuttgart Select soccer team (a pretty elite team for kids) come spring time (once he's old enough to try out for it). I totally dig that I have a kid who's as gung-ho about sports as I am. (My mother thinks I'm insane to "push" Gabe to be a professional but I'm totally NOT doing that, I'm just helping him with his OWN goal) Freaking mothers.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Page 20 of part two......?????Does this mean it changes again?

    Lacey: wasn't really around yesterday so a bit unclear re what happened - sounds very negative though and totally unnecessary. We love you :flowerforyou: (meant to be a smiley but they don't seem to work for me). How is your dog? I am a great believer of 'they let you know when it is time'. Have had a number of dogs over the years and theyhave all done this through either behaviour changes or specific health deterioration that says - enough. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    The Runners: I am in awe of your ability to keep going - one day, one day..........

    The Exercisers: I am fascinated how the exercise bug seems to gradually take hold of people and they want it more and more, with increased disappointment when a session is missed. Absolutely fascinating and enviable!

    Sarah: thank you for repeating your blog address - will try again. We got debt free and last year - mortgage free - hurrah. Am totally with you on the - having lived to clear the debts, spending becomes more difiuclt - we seem to have months of 'doing okay' then everyting goes haywire - which would be fine if we had 'experiences' to look back on and say - yeah we did that - but it's not like that - it just seems to disappear????

    The Dog continues to be a worry. They kept him after his xrayson Wednesday, with a drip, then took him in again yesterday for more of the same. They are now 'kinda' sure he has severe pancreatitis (levels of something they've measured should be below 200 and his are in excess of 1000). Was told yesterday that he was not in the clear yet (what they had failed to do was tell me prior to that that he was at risk). I don't know. He is beginning to look sad. Needing a sign one way or the other now. Soon. Please.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Two posts in a row - sorry ladies but it has to be done!!!

    Back from todays' trip to the vet and have The Dog with me. His temperature is down and he is re-hydrated; still not in a good 'mood' but clinicaly improving and not needing to be an 'inpatient' today - hurrah. Lets see what tomorrow brings.

    Hallie: hope things are settling down for you.

    Me: completed day 2 of 30DS - don't think I am doing it right yet as limited impact - I mean, surely when I got on the scales this morning I should have dropped 14lbs at least but there was nothing!!!!

    Day 3 tomorrow and off to see if I can run - a friend wants to get back to running and there is a disused railway track nearby so we are going to give it a go.

    Have a good day all - Kendall - yeah for Mr Reunion and moving in together. Best wishes and love to you both
  • pinbotchick
    Good morning lovlies!!! I'm still hanging out. It was so humid I stopped my run at 6 miles yesterday so now I'll have to do my long run tomorrow. I also did 45 min of low impact areobics with mom and 2 friends last night. I'm getting tons of exercise.

    Annette and all the newbies - this is the 486 post to this thread and it will "flip" and start a part 3 automatically. You will find a link after the last post that says "this thread continued here _______". Click on it to find us. With all these posting fiends, I'm sure it will happen today.

    Annette and Lacey - I'm still praying for both your dogs!!!

    Karen - have you closed on the house? I'm so happy for Melody!!!

    Amy and Lacey - I'm having closet envy that you get to meet and see the world together!!!

    Sarah - congrats on getting debt free!!! Except for the house payment, we are debt free and saving for retirement. I suggest you put as much as you can into DH 401K ASAP. If you get used to it, you won't miss it. Have you thought about starting college funds for W & T? Definitely plan to go on the cruise - your family deserves it!!! I agree with Amy that life is meant to be lived. I've traveled all over the North America and treasure my memories. Mom and I have decided to pay for the life experience of taking the ferry across Lake Michigan on our way to Milwaukee. It's a 4 hour cruise but saves 3 hours driving - it should be some great bonding time. I hope the weather is nice and we see some great birds.

    Kathrerlynne - thanks for the info. I'll be meeting my cousin, his parents (who are having the 50th), and others in Milwaukee in 2 weeks for the big race. I've been told that we'll start planning things there - when, where, etc. I definitely pick your brain when I have more info. Maybe we'll get a chance to meet.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    drumroll please......206.5!! seems like i've finally officially lost the 2-3 pounds i had been gaining/losing for the past 4 weeks.

    now let's just hope this LONG weekend doesn't get out of control. I probably won't be checking in a too lot since it's going to be a *perfect* weekend here in Arkansas. Hope everyone has a splendid Labor Day weekend! Cheers to no work on Monday! :)
  • pinbotchick
    Yeah Megan!!! WTG on the weight loss. You'll be in onederland very soon. Good luck in your love life. I hope it all works out the way you want it to.

    Amy - congrats on your loss this week!!! You are a superstar :)

    Kendal - I'm sooooo happy for you about Mr. Reunion!!! You deserve to be happy.

    I'm off to work. Only 4 clients this morning then I'm for 3 glorious days!!! Have a fantastic holiday weekend everyone...
  • megruder
    Weekly weigh-in... 234.6
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Well I will take a maintain this week with a smile. 276 please.

    Yeah, for some reason I thought it was a good idea to keep the Nacho makings from my son's bday party in the house. I made not 1 but 2 plated of nachos for dinner last night. Uggg IDIOT!!! :mad: :explode:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rikki: Losing weight is a process and we all screw up. It isn't about how many times you mess up but how you recover from them that really matters. Do better today with your food choices and don't call yourself names. You aren't an idiot.

    Katie: Hiya! Hope you're doing well!!!

    Victoria: Enjoy your holiday weekend!

    Megan: Congrats on the great weigh in!

    Annette: I'm so sorry you are going through dog problems too. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for your (and Lacey's) dog(s).

    Speaking of dogs, I walked mine this morning for the first time since my surgery and it was AWESOME! It was so nice to be walking in the woods with my puppies. Have a great day, ya'll.
  • kmturtle3
    Yay for all the losses already! Way to go everyone.

    I'm checking in at 167.4 this week. So. close. to. "healthy." 166.9 will put me in the healthy spot. I so go this - next Friday I better be doing a healthy body weight happy dance!

    Amy, look at you and your big old loss and being able to walk the dogs again. She's back baby! I was thinking we should totally coordinate our P90X2 efforts so we can be doing the same workouts on the same days, as I will totally be preordering that the day it comes out. I'm so effing excited for it. I love that it will be 5 days of Dr. Horton and then 2 days to run/bike/(cough cough)drink(cough cough).

    Victoria, I ran 8.3 miles today! I was supposed to run it tomorrow, but we are spending the night in Detroit and then going to a friend's house on Sunday, so I did my long run today and then I'll rest tomorrow and have a short run on Sunday. It took me an hour and 29 minutes, and halfway through the run it started to POUR and get all windy and crazy - I'm talkin' debris flying at my face windy. But I didn't stop. For some reason, I really wanted to tell you that I had completed the run - I actually thought about you while I was out there in the thick of it!

    Megan, good riddance to those couple of pounds! Yay you! And I agree with everyone else, maybe new guy is fighting for you!

    Katie, hi hun! Thanks for weighing in!

    Rikki, sometimes food just wins. Its best to just move on from it and do better the next day. We've ALL been there.

    Crap that's all I can see. Lacey, I'm super glad that post got removed and justice was served. (Sarah, it was you that reported it, right? Nice work!)

    Prayers for all the sick puppies out there!

    I have a total case of "its Friday and I have been busting my @ss all week and I'm done now"-itis. You can look it up, I'm sure its a real disease. I'm pretty sure the only thing that will cure it is leaving work early and then going to a baseball game. PLUS Michigan Brewing Company (MBC) released their Pumpkin Ale yesterday, so Chris and I are gonna stop there on our way to Detroit to have one. Pumpkin beers are my absolute favorite, as is fall and everything about it - baseball playoffs, football, donuts, cider, light jackets and hooded sweatshirts, the sound of leaves crunching under your feet, Halloween... all good things. I know this calls back to a conversation from much earlier, but I somehow never was a part of it (my own fault). Halloween is awesome. I'm not so much a dresser-upper, but every year we go to my parents house, and my mom seriously goes all out with decorations and makes an absurd amound of awesome food like pulled pork and stuffed grape leaves and all my favorite dips and desserts and such. Then we go to a pumpkin patch and do all the cheesy stuff we can, like hayrides and apple slingshots and haunted houses. Then my dad spends about $200 on pumpkins and we go home, watch Hocus Pocus, and spend HOURS carving pumpkins. Mom lays down a tarp on the living room floor and we just cover it in pumpkin guts. She also has about a 2 foot stack of the stencil books for pumpkin carving, so our pumpkins are always really super awesome. Its amazing. My parents could care less if I came home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but if I'm not there for pumpkin carving, there would be hell to pay.

    So there's my ramble for you lovely ladies today.

    I know we say it all the time, but I am SO happy I found you guys. You have made this whole weight loss journey thing into something that I enjoy, partly because I get to share it with such amazing people. So thanks for just bein' you. :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Until I saw all of the weigh-ins on here, I completely forgot today was Friday...this week has been dragging!

    Today's weight: 318.4 I really need to get a hold on the trigger for this whole fluctuation thing. Anyway, if I can lose this month like I did last month, I will be under 300 before October...I'm working on it!

    Kerry: I love your Halloween tradition. Ours has always been haunted houses, just about every weekend, starting Sept 30. This is the first year that I won't have my girls with me every weekend to make those trips, so I'm going to have to talk some new people in to going with me.

    Amy: I'm glad to hear that you are finally able to get up and out...I know being cooped in the house totally sucks!!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Sarah-WnT-Mellie had another "large" one last night. Guess it makes more sense that the specialist wants us to give her the Miralax for a month once her hiney heals to get her all regulated. And I still get to give her the fiber the whole time, so this should be interesting. But on a good note...her bottom is almost 100% again! No redness or spots, but I'm sure the skin is still sensitive, so she's still iffy about being wiped off. But at least the end is in sight! Debt free is awesome! We've been that way for quite some time, but we don't make enough to get ahead either. We're paycheck to paycheck w/out the debt, so middle of the road. :o) Enjoy the house! I know how you feel! Mine only has 2 acres, but the house on it is a good start to what I want, so adding on is good enough for me. *hugs* And I've never been on one, but everyone I know says Disney cruises are awesome! There's the option of letting your kids do their own activity while you have a pager that matches a wrist band they wear...so you can relax!! Of course, I'm not a Disney nut or anything...not at all. Nope. :-D

    Pam-have a good trip!!

    Amy-though weird, glad it wasn't as bad as normal! And I wish Casey had some of Gabe's drive. He LOVES soccer, but doesn't want to practice...so drives me bonkers. But he's naturally good, so he succeeds when he plays, so makes it hard for me to tell him practice is needed to be really good. Gives me my own headache somedays! Yay for puppy walking!

    Lacey-stinks that someone would post something so awful like that! Those are the people that keep me in work! Thanks to Sarah for getting rid of it!

    Kerry-I'm with you, running while holding something just feels wrong! I'm gonna have to get me a camelback if I ever get to where I'm going farther than my piddly 2 miles. Maybe if I get to where the entire 2 miles is running? LOL! Awesome weigh in!! And I have that same Friday issue!! Doesn't help that the boss is in a class for part of the day & she was a regular biatchy type person yesterday. :o)

    Victoria-we have papers, but our actual closing is set for Sept 22...if we can't speed the process up any, which I'm hoping for, as I don't want to have to use my 3rd Sept check (one of those that no insurance comes out of so it's BIG) to pay another month's rent!

    Megan-I vote that it's cool he's fighting for you! But you gotta go with what you know will make you happy. :o) And wow on 206!! Onederland in sight! Woo hoo!!

    Rikki-I'm a nacho addict. I'd have a hard time too. And I HATE throwing food away. You kept those, but ditched the cake...so look for the good thing you did! You're not an idiot! An idiot wouldn't realize it wasn't a good choice! You do! So on to the next meal! *hugs*


    And I think I got everyone! Yay! Progress!!

    217.5 today!! Woo hoo!! And that will be my weigh in, as I won't be near a scale til Tuesday! Though I'll check Tuesday to make sure I wasn't too bad over the weekend, which I will spend packing. And packing, did I mention packing? :o) *hugs*
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bobbie - I am completely confident that you will break that 300 mark by October, you are so very close!

    Kerry - WOW that is SO cool about your family's halloween tradition! I keep telling Jeff we need to make some of our own traditions through out the year instead of doing what our families want us to do or have to hit three freaking places up on Christmas. One of these days! We do carve pumpkins at home and go trick or treating. My bff wants us to come up and go to the Portland Zoo for trick or treating over halloween weekend so we might do that..it would be fun.

    Amy - YEAY for being under 190! And double yeay for walking the pooches! Mom and I were looking online at bulldog puppies last night for some random reason, Gawd are they cute! And expensive!! That is cool Gabe has some goals set at his age, kids need that. Hopefully the hubs will do okay coaching lol.

    Rikki - maintaining is okay, means you aren't gaining. What are you going to do about it today? Toss the stuff? Go for an extra long walk? YOu got this girl!

    Katie - yeay! So glad to see you post, even if its just one line :0)

    Megan - wooohooo for the loss!

    Victoria - I have customers in Alaska that I talk to all the time, but they are at mines and somehow I doubt you wanna see those lol. Cruises freak me out for some reason, its those damn movies I watched..Posidon or something where the cruise ships flip. yeah. Yeay for three days off!!

    Annette - Yeay for your dog being back and on the mend. Glad to hear you are picking up running again.

    Karen - going back a ways...I use a piece of paper to do essentially the same thing for menu making. Top is the grocery list, bottom is my menu and I go through my kitchen before I make my list.

    As for me..Thank God its FRIDAY! And a three day weekend. I've officially hit my pre-trip stride and things are quickly ramping up at work. It will be hard for me to respond to everyone over the next two weeks, well month actually right? I started making a list of things I need to do/get both at home and at work so I can start getting it together in my mind here. I feel like I've been all over the place the past few weeks in my mind and its time to focus in or I will be totally screwed when I leave.

    Goals for the long weekend:
    1. Go walking tonight and at least twice more over the three days.
    2. Log all food and eat healthily so Monday/Tuesday I can step on the scale for a much needed weigh in.
    3. Get the suitcase out I want to use, pack it and make sure all my stuff I want to bring will fit.

    Like Kendal I've been thinking off and on what I did initially to lose weight so I can go back to that. I did lose 15 lbs or so doing Weight Watchers and using thedailyplate.com (similar to mfp) over a matter of two years. I worked out, but more concentrated on food. Using WW was a painstakingly SLOW process. Using their points system and being absolutely perfect on it for 6 months, I lost 6 lbs. The women at the meetings couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing more. When I switched to TDP I realized I was probably not eating enough using WW. Somehow I managed to lose another 8-10 lbs using TDP in a year. So I've been at this for 3-4 years now since I think I've been on here nearly 2. Something must be wrong with my thinking or my body. At any rate. When I read stories about people being successful what I see is that most in the beginning started out with a little walking and tracking cals and slowly added from there. I've always been so gun-ho about having to change everything all at once. Must Exercise a ton each week! Must eat healthy all the time! I wonder if I do too much and shock my body so it holds on to everything? I don't know. I've weighed around 200 for a really really long time - like since my early 20's. Does my body just like this weight? I know 200 seems to be the mark that people who have been super successful losing weight have a hard time and seem to fluctuate for a while until they can push their bodies over that precipice.
    So my physical appt is a week from today and I'm excited to go and get all the testing done..and I am going to use the time in Europe to completely step away from weight loss stuff. Two weeks of just not thinking about it if I can help it. Clear the mind, clear the body, etc. And when I come back, I will start wearing my bodymedia fit on my arm and eating well and walking/running with a bit of p90x in there and make it work for me.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Karen would the bank at least let you put your boxes in the garage so you can get out of your current house until they officially let you move in? So you could stay wth your mom for a few days until the house is yours and not have to pay rent?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I have had the same problem with the weight loss being ridiculously slow. Now that I'm back to losing weight regularly, I think that maybe I was doing too much exercise and not eating enough food. I'm going to be really careful about eating enough quality food when I get back to doing intense exercise again.

    Karen: Gabe didn't really get the drive to practice until he ran into a kid who was better at soccer than he is (Gabe's been playing for a few years and this is the first kid who gave him a run for his money and he DID NOT like the feeling). So now he's hardcore.

    Bobbie: I seriously LOVE haunted houses!!!!

    Kerry: I am all kinds of all over doing P90X2 WITH you!!!! That sounds totally awesome!!!! I also LOVE your Halloween family tradition and I totally want to crash your Halloween.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - when I got divorced from #1 and moved back to my hometown I started going to the gym and worked out for maybe 45 minutes three or four times a week. I was drinking slim fasts for breakfast and maybe lunch for convenience because I'd just started college and then eating whatever for dinner - which was probably huge amounts of food considering I was eating at my parents house and I lost 20 lbs. I didn't weigh myself and I didn't count calories or worry about what I ate.
    This was when I was 25 and prekid so not sure if it would be different now.

    There are those who say that when doing P90X you really should eat at maintenance..and I am seriously starting to believe they are right. Even if you are working out for over 45 minutes a day more than 4 days a week this might have some truth to it.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I think you're right about the eating more calories while doing P90X but I really don't "get it" as both my HRM and my BMF don't say that I burn that many calories doing the workouts. I think they are more anaerobic than aerobic. That said, they build muscle like a mofo, which burns more calories through out the day so maybe that's what I'm not taking into account. I gotta figure it out before I start P90X2 though.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I think its like HIIT training - the oxygen gets into your blood and muscles and fat and makes the Vo2max (whatever the F that is) increase which burns fat and gains muscle...so you have to take into account your total daily cal burn I guess and increase what you eat like a mofo.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-unfortunately, Casey isn't super competative either. He's OK with not being the best, as long as he has fun. I guess I should be happy with that. And most of the time, I am, but I know he's some day going to drive his wife just as bananas as his dad drives me, b/c that's where he gets it. LOL! He's OK with being just good enough to get by. On EVERYTHING! Thus the barely above minimum wage job with no benefits. If he applies for a better one...it's b/c I HOUND him about it, or b/c I've recently had a breakdown over not having enough money (which happens about twice a year). There's a fine line between easygoing & lazy, and I'm thinking my hubby is on the wrong side most days. *sigh*

    Lacey-I'm hoping that b/c we paid our landlord a full May's rent when he tried to let us only do half (due to flood & not being able to live at home for 2 weeks) that he'll kinda let it slide if we're not out by Oct 1st on the dot. :o) He's a deacon at our church & I've known him for 20 years, so I'm not too worried that he'll be a butt-head about it.

    And sometimes I HATE my job & the info I find out! Apparently, a home down the road that was being rented, had been rented to a sex offender. BUT, when it flooded back in May, he moved out & didn't move back in. I only found this out, b/c he didn't report his NEW address, so he got arrested for non-compliance. And I'm talking the next house down the road, not some distant obscure in the neighborhood house! Kinda creeped me out, even if he is already gone!! One of these days I'm gonna wrap my kids in bubble wrap, lock 'em in a padded room & throw away the key. That'll keep 'em safe, right? :o)

    Oh, cool, I flipped it!!