200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Gosh, I can never keep up with you all...bumping with a hump in my rump...lol
  • hkallembach
    Hi People. I am back. I am alive. I am happy. You ladies rock. Period. No questions asked. I know now who my friends are--all of you lovelies! Have a good Labor Day weekend everyone!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hey girls,

    I'll weigh in tomorrow. I flat out forgot this morning.

    I did, however, help my mom can 50 lb of beets. I never want to see another beet ever. She really wanted me to take more, and I just couldn't.

    It was a long day and I am just beet. teehee. (Yes, the puns, they were a flyin'.)
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Im here guys. I love reading your comments. Lacey- I feel your pain. We work in the same industry....its tough.

    Kendall- I have a similar situation as you.K has a 16 year old. When I don't see her for a long period of time, it's weird. Congrats on moving in...or plans to. K really wants me to move closer to him but im hesitant. We work together but I live where we work. He commutes 50 mins each way. Idk if I cld do that.

    I made cupcaksz onight but didn't eat a single one. I intentionally made a flavor I didn't like. :-)
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey ladies... just bumping... my house is overrun with flies, i have a cranky partner (due to flies) and have jsut realised i still have my work pager, which i have to take back.

    I'll be back later.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Checking in for Friday: 2210 calories burned/ 2168 calories consumed (yikes!)/ 42 calorie deficit (hey, it's a deficit, right?)

    Hosanna: Do you not have screens on your windows in Australia? The Europeans don't put screens on most of their windows and it drives me freaking NUTS!!! I live in a small village down the road from a dairy farm and a horse stable and across the street from a farm with sheep and chickens....all this farming = animal poo. Animal poo = flying insects. No screens = flying insects INSIDE my house at all times of year except the dead of winter. It is the thing I absolutely despise the most about living here (which probably means I generally like living here as that's kind of a lame thing to get all worked up about - but I totally do get worked up about it).

    Megan: There's a cupcake flavor that is unlikable?? What is this thing you are talking about??? I'm pretty sure that EVERY cupcake flavor is worth eating. Ew...except red velvet cake...that crap is just gross.

    Sarah: What do you do with beets? My mom used to put pickled beets on salads and that was pretty much vile and disgusting.

    Hailie: You know we love u, girl!!!

    Bobbie: Hiya!! *waves*

    Kendal: You CAN totally tell hotness by voice sometimes. Bummer about the battery not being covered. I think that's a not too expensive thing to replace though.

    Victoria: Yes, I am a BeachBody coach and I guess I get something if you order your stuff through me (can you tell that I do it for my discount and not really to recruit others into the Beachbody way of life??) - I've never had a customer before Kerry, so I'm kind of unclear on what customers do for me (I would imagine, I make some kind of money). But I DO have contacts in the company who send me all the info on stuff to keep me in the know on their programs. Anyways, I don't want any of you guys thinking that I'm being a pushy coach trying to get you to buy stuff but if you are gonna buy it anyway, u can use me. If you pre-order through a coach, you get 2 extra DVDs, free shipping and you are guaranteed delivery by Christmas. As for when I plan on starting it....I guess that's gonna depend on Kerry cuz I TOTALLY want to do it with her (she's a major motivator for me with her hardcore butt-kickingness and the next best thing to working out with her in person would be working out with her at the same time). But I'd love for you to start your hybrid with us at the same time (do u have a workout schedule put together for your hybrid?) so we can motivate each other to bring it!!!

    Katheryne: My favorite NSV so far has been The Hubbs telling me how hot I am. I've had a LOT of NSVs and buying fabulous new clothes comes in a close second but being hot in THe Hubbs' eyes is definitely #1.

    Lacey: The thing with The Hubbs kind of festered into a raging boil last night but we eventually had it out. (We do NOT argue very often but when we do it kind of throws me out of whack) The whole vegetarian thing he did stemmed from a preemptive strike at me over his pepperoni. HE was feeling guilty about eating it (this just sounds LAME as I type it) so he lashed out at me. I took it WAY more seriously than was intended (as I feel pretty strongly about ME being vegetarian and I was hurt that he'd mock that, especially in front of The Kid who is learning how to be a person from watching us) and I let it turn me biznatchy for the rest of the night. There were other factors involved, like you said, not just stuff about me but we talked everything through and all is right with the world. And he learned not to mock my tofu...dammit.

    Karen: I like your way of getting rid of housework!

    It's supposed to be a beautiful day today and then rain the rest of the weekend. We're supposed to go over to our friends' house for a BBQ. I'm hoping to keep my calories in check as I went a little haywire last night. We'll see how that works out. Maybe I should take a page out of Kerry's book and make sure to burn lots to cover me. Have a great day ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    The new cure to run faster - rain with thunder and lightening. I was more terrified of the iPhone getting wet/ruined than anything. I'm home and dry trying to get up the energy to get on the dreadmill for 5 more miles. My running partner ran 4 with me and she stayed dry, I got a mile out and it started pouring!!! I swear I did a 10 min mile back the car :) I actually like running in the rain but lightening scares me since I run on 2 tracks in the woods. Time to get my old dry shoes out and my tush moving for a few more. Maybe I'll be brave and do 6 more.

    Thanks for the info Amy. If I decide to buy it, I'll go through you!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Weigh in: 184.8!!! Wahoo!! I was S H O C K E D at how much I lost this week. (-4.7!)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everybody! I'm making my menu and going to hop in the shower and head into town soon to get groceries. we are pretty much out of everything. I'm super tired today. Two days of carb overload and calorie overload has done me in. My body feels like ick and so does my stomach. So I'm making:
    Veggie spaghetti with salad
    Tempeh tacos
    Salad rolls with peanut sauce
    Oven sandwiches with salami tomatoes and "fried" eggs
    Quiche and salad
    Hawaiian steak tacos

    And for Jeff and G breakfast this week mini pita pocket egg cheese and bacon sandwiches. I will have my usual smoothies.

    There is a football game today jeff is leaving the house to watch so not sure how I will get a long walk in unless i come eoght home from grcoery shopping and do it which is an option The little tiny umbrella stroller is so not conducive to walking Gracie around, it's about three inches too short and I have to bend over. Makes me regret selling our larger one. Maybe I will do p90x or something...

    Victoria I worry about my iPhone getting wet this fall and winter too..are there options for that?

    Ok I want to get going!
  • pinbotchick
    Lacey - it was in it's "waterproof" case and a neoprene sleeve and stayed dry. Since I just got it a few months ago after water damage to the old one - I was panicked. The old one got damaged the first time being in otter box but next to my skin (under my bra strap) during a long run from too much sweat. I solved that problem by getting neoprene sleeve and strapping to my tank top and just lived without the on/off switch. Fatal damage was falling into the hottub - big $400 mistake. Water damage not covered under warranty. I've been told I can't replace this one if it gets wet - d@mn husbands. He's right - I was careless. Hence my superfreak out. It was a freaking downpour - next time it looks like rain, I'm leaving it in the car or taking a ziplock bag.

    Congrats Sarah!!! It's the stress relief of no monsters and bills being paid off:) I swear stress makes you retain weight.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I used to walk/run with my iPhone (in it's neoprene case) clipped to the inside of my pants waistband. I stopped doing that when I noticed that condensation from my sweat was building up inside the case. Now I wear it on an armband (which annoys the crap out of me but I'm not willing to not have my music and stuff with me).

    Lacey: Do a P90X workout or something (kenpo or CardioX) and you'll feel good about yourself, I promise!!!

    Sarah: You are a weight loss machine, congrats!!!! (Running is an awesome fat-burning workout)

    Well, our BBQ got postponed until tomorrow, which was a good thing since I didn't even get out of bed until almost 10 am (cuz I stayed up till 4 am mostly being pissed at The Hubbs). Then I had to run errands and go grocery shopping so I didn't even get home until after 5pm. I wasn't going to workout but I'm so proud of me cuz I worked out even though I wasn't feeling it. I walked for nearly 2 miles on the dreadmill and then did the 6-week 6 pack DVD. I am a sweaty mess but I feel pretty good about my decisions today. Except I made a custard for making pumpkin pie ice cream in my ice cream maker. I'm sure that is a bad decision but I just HAVE to try it. It's fall and fall = pumpkin. And I ADORE both fall and pumpkin.
  • megruder
  • pinbotchick
    Amy - my neoprene sleeve is an arm band thing but I hate it there so I wrap it around my tank/bra strap. DH frequently texts me on runs. I can read messages here without removing it. I meant to tell you I haven't even thought of a hybrid plan for running and P90X but am up for suggestions. My running partner and I hope to keep up with outside running 2 to 6 miles all winter twice a week :) !!!! I'm so excited she wants to run in ice/snow - cuz I wouldn't do it alone... She has 2 bigger dogs and needs to exercise them.

    I managed 2 miles on Mr. Tready before giving up and calling 8 miles for the day good. I plan to run Mon and maybe I'll make it up then.

    Hi Katie (*waves*)
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    8 Miles......this seems sooooo crazy to me. I mean even at my best, I was only doing 3 miles at a flat 10 min mile. I'd be happy with that for sure.

    Meg, I am not sure of what this non likable cupcake flavor is either?? Do tell. Because if it is cake, and had icing....it is likable!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I just joined the gym ($99 for the whole year, pre-paid of course but now I won't have to worry about making monthly payments). This gym has no zumba or spin type classes though. It does have area-specific classes like Abs, Legs, Back, Arms.....they also have a free personal trainer class you can sign up for and the guy will set out a workout plan to help me meet my goals. I like this. It's a brand new gym (maybe a year old), so all the equipment is fresh and sparkling. lol. My old gym was just that- old.

    I also went to Walmart and bought $80 worth of new workout clothes. BTW- a lot of their workout clothes are marked down!! If you need new stuff and aren't anti-Walmart, I'd suggest stopping by. I got 2 pants, 2 capris, 2 shorts and 4 tops....for $80!!!
  • pinbotchick
    Rikki - LOL. I realize 8 miles is great but I have to run a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) in 15 days so really should have run my 11 today. My ave speed is 14 min miles. I'm just happy to run.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: When you run 13.1 miles, you are HARDCORE, I don't care if you run a 14 min mile or a 20 min mile...you rock.

    Kendal: That sounds like an AWESOME deal for your gym! I have free access to the gym on base but all the equipment is old and it's a half hour dive out there (one way) so it really isn't worth it to me. I used to have a great gym right across the street from my office in Monterey, I'd go swimming or take a Zumba class on my lunch break and it was AWESOME!

    Katie & Rikki: Hi there!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I went and got groceries and such, then came home to walk 3 miles in 58 minutes. It was over 80 degrees and way too hot to try running. The last mile seemed like it took foooreeeever to walk. I will go out tomorrow morning before it gets hot and do my thang again before it gets hot and run. I iced my feet and legs to make sure they are good and will continue to do stretching at night to help keep limber.
    Tried to get Gracie to take a nap for some peace and quiet and but she wouldnt' fall asleep. She is such a jabber box today my head is spinning lol. Jeff left to go watch the game. I am going to make us some dinner here soon and put her in the bath. I bought two books to read at Target and am looking forward to doing just that this evening. I have no other plans to do anything. Yeay! I've logged all my cals today and should be fine to stay under, double yeay since i have two days to make up for.

    Victoria - I looked at the iphone arm band things and think if I could get one and wireless or bluetooth or whatever they are called earphones I'd be a total happy camper. WIth all the rain here in Oregon I am going to have to be creative if I want to keep going this fall and winter with the walking/running outside.

    Kendal - did I ever tell you YEAY for moving in with Mr. Reunion? I think I thought it and forgot to say that to you. Are you going to meet the girls' mom before you guys move in together? How exciting! Cool about the new sparkly gym and clothes.

    Amy - I've been craving pumpkin or acorn squash risotto for about a week now...

    Sarah - YEAY for 4.7 lbs lost this week!!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Holy cow, I was busy Friday and today and I'm already behind 3 pages! Wow!

    No time to write....my parents are visiting from St. Louis, so we're taking them all around. Fun, but guess what the number one thing they want to do is? Try all of our favorite local restaurants. So we're basically doing a tour of food for the next 3 days. Yikes! Tomorrow we're cooking out so I can make good choices there, but I did promise to make a homemade carrot cake...oh boy.

    Wish me luck! I'll need it this weekend! :tongue:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've had one and a half crack wraps today already. I have a ton of cals left still and getting hungry. Might have to have another one.