200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hola. Good on cals, bad on sodium so far today. Apparently the crack wrap wrap I'm using is 560 mg of sodium per wrap, ****! So I need to get a different one...which is okay since theres only one left.

    I took back a dress to JC Penneys and got this one instead:

    Its cute and I can dress it up with some wedges and jewelry. I am going to get a thicker belt to go with it though..it will even it out on my body. Nothing I'm bringing is super fancy and for some reason I keep looking for a more fancy dress even though I don't want to wear one. THats the bad thing about going to this thing at Dana with two people who wear top of the line clothing. SIgh. One a good note, I packed 85% of what I want to put in my suitcase and it fits, so thats way cool!!
  • I'll read and catch up later. Just wanted to take a sec to post my weight.


  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Checking in for Sunday: 2386 calories burned/ 1952 calories consumed (ish, it's hard to guesstimate when you eat other people's food)/ 434 calorie deficit. I drank over 500 calories last night *hangs head in shame* :blushing:. We actually had a great time over at our friend's house but I always forget what a wine connoisseur the DH of Trav's friend is. Every time we go over there I get "you HAVE to try this wine..." and then this wine...and then this one and then it's 1 am and I've drank a bottle of wine all on my own. Thank goodness we don't go over there too often (although there was talk of a Halloween party this year...yay!). We got home after 1am and then The Hubbs reminded me that we had to take my car in to the shop for its whatever-thousand-mile check up today. So I had to drag my sleep deprived and slightly hung-over butt out of bed at 6 am and then drive to drop off my car. I was NOT a happy camper. I went back to bed for another 3 hours after that and I feel much better now.

    Lacey: Tofuyan makes a low carb, reasonable sodium wrap with extra protein and fiber. I use them for my crack wraps. I like the dress you posted, the pockets are cool! As far as that axle plant goes, if it's in Abtsgmünd (which is where their website said their "delivery address" is), then I'm about an hour and a half away. You'd probably have to fly into the Stuttgart Airport and then drive or take the train out there (it's pretty much in the sticks, no big cities around). But even small town Germany can be fun.

    Hailie: Happy Birthday!!!

    Pam: You have got to make those cinnamon rolls. I brought them to the BBQ last night and people started tearing into them BEFORE dinner and then going back for more after dinner. The only changes I made to the recipe was to roughly chop the blackberries and then I added 1/2 cup of walnuts. They are awesome!!!

    Hosanna: I cannot imagine myself driving large mining equipment. That's hardcore!!!

    Sarah: I love onion rings too, you can't just eat one - it's impossible!

    Kendal: It sounds like you are TOTALLY ready and you CAN do it!!!! :bigsmile:

    Annette: I'm so glad the dog appears to be on the mend!!!
  • Hello superpals!

    I am sitting at work wondering why the heck I am here in the first place. I hate that they schedule me to work on holidays like Labor Day. My job requires me to be able to contact my vendors and installers, and obviously none of them are working today. So I'm pretty much just hanging out and hoping they will let me leave early. (especially since I totally slept in this morning. Chris didn't have to work today so we stayed up late last night and then my alarm went off at 5:15 so I could P90X and all I could think was "screw you, I'm sleeping.") So it would be nice to leave early and still get my workout in.

    Weekend was all kinds of fun - the Tigers basically killed the White Sox on Friday night and then beat them again on Saturday and Sunday, so that pretty much takes the White Sox out of the playoff race, which is freaking awesome. We hit up a couple more breweries (I may or may not have gotten sick for the first time in forever from drinking. :blushing: :sad: ) and then we went on a big bike ride on Sunday plus a BBQ at some friends' house on Sunday evening. It was fun. Busy, but fun.

    Amy, I'm glad you guys had fun at the BBQ and that you got to enjoy some rockin' wine. That's always fun. Sorry Trav was such a weenie the other day at dinner with the vegetarian bashing. That's very uncool, but also not surprising that he was lashing out when really it was other stuff bothering him. I HATE that guys do that, but I swear they all do. It is so frustrating. Why is it so difficult for them to just talk about what they are feeling?! I am really super pumped to rock some P90X2 with you (and everyone else who starts that or regular P90X or a hybrid) - with our powers combined, who knows what kind of awesomeness we will achieve! Maybe 6 packs?! :laugh: No seriously, I don't even know if that is possible. I like to laugh about it.

    Victoria, if you would like, I could message you and show you the hybrid program I put together for P90X and running. I've been really happy with it, and feel like I'm still getting good amounts of strength and cardio in, plus I'm still running 3 days a week.

    Hailie, Happy Belated Birthday Girlie!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: I hope you had an amazing day - you deserve it!!!

    Lacey, that dress from JCPenny is soooo pretty. I love love love it and can totally see you rockin' it.

    Pam, I love finding ways to use spices instead of salt in my food. I mostly am just obsessed with fresh basil. Especially for summertime. I put it in everything.

    For everyone who loves fall as much as I do.... on Friday night I had a Screamin' Pumpkin Ale from Michigan Brewing Company. Most other pumpkin ales use fresh pumpkin and roast it to get the pumpkin flavor into the beer, but MBC actually just uses canned pumpkin. HOLY CRAP. Seriously, it tasted like pumpkin pie beer. You could have put whipped cream on top of it. I think if I would have ate it with actual pumpkin pie or some of Amy's pumpkin ice cream my head would explode from awesomeness. It was the embodiment of everything I love about fall in a glass. I wish I could send you each one to try.

    Ok, that's all for now. sorry I didn't catch up on more but I didn't open a new tab cuz I'm feelin' like its a lazy Monday.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Hello everyone.... weigh in for the week 204. Also a quick note saying I'm alive....lol. I've been struggling. I haven't been logging my food, have been eating Halloween candy and cake at various birthday parties. Each day I've been saying, "tomorrow is a new day and I am going to get back on track....just can't seem to make it happen. I'm hoping that I can today. I've already opted for hot tea over a big cup of calorie filled juice. Fingers and toes crossed that I can get with the program. It has been nearly a month that I've been off track. I did manage to get some exercise in yesterday. I mowed the lawn and since I was already yucky, I started week 1 of Couch to 5k. My knees are pretty sore today. I hope I can do this program. I've been looking at it for months but hadn't wanted to start in triple digit weather.
  • Yuck, weigh-in is 252.0 pounds this week. Sigh, is there such thing as a birthday pass? Oh, well, it'll make for a nice drop next week! How many more weeks is this challenge?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The scale shows me up this morning so I'm going to stay away from sodium laden food today and weigh in tomorrow and see how that's treating me. Also will probably lower my cal intake next week and see how that treats me. Next weekend will be hectic and crazy for food with fam in town for ag's birthday party two nights in a row. Am hoping to cook hawaiian tacos for Friday night. I bought a nice looking tritrip I will start marinating tomorrow so it's nice and Hawaiianized with pineapple juice and teriyaki flavoring.

    I need to do some food prep for the week today and will make salad rolls tonight with peanut sauce for dinner tonight yum. Also need to go walk/running in the next couple hours before the heat hits. And unpack all my rolled clothes out of the suitcase.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh I'm almost done reading The Killing Game too. Will pick up the second one for my trip to read on the plane. I like it.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hallie: Happy, Happy Birthday, to you!!! I hope you enjoyed it - and stayed out of trouble.

    Lacey: I have started tracking my sodium lately too, and it sucks. I think I liked it better when i was just oblivious. However, I have been losing steadily for over three months and I feel a plateau comin' on, so if I can be proactive about "Plateau Avoidance," that's what I'm gonna do!!

    Kerry: I don't even like beer, but I would drink Pumpkin Beer. I feel about pumpkin like my husband feels about bacon -- no matter what you add it to- it makes it better.

    Laura: GIRL! You are SO CLOSE to Onederland. You can totally be there in TWO WEEKS. That's 14 days. That's 336 hours. If you keep your head down and stay focused, you could be in Onederland in 336 hours. I know you can do it. So, let's DO this!!

    Victoria: I was thinking about you during my long run this morning. I wanted to walk so badly, and I kept hearing you say "Just get the miles in." But, I was also tired of being out there, so I kept running. Thanks for your encouragement!!

    It's clean eatin' for me today. I just got home from a 10.5 mile run (of which I walked ONE BLOCK.) My hip is a bit tender today but other than that, I am feeling really good. We have some friends coming for dinner tonight and the kids are going to play in the sandbox that we have converted to a pool. So, I have about 6 hours of housework to do and about 4 hours to do it. I'll catch y'all tomorrow.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah: Your running is so motivational!

    Lacey: What are you lowering your cals to?

    Hailie: You can totally take a birthday pass.

    Laura: I think Sarah said it best with her super-awesome cheering for you. You CAN do this!!!

    Kerry: I :heart: U. Pumpkin beer and a basil obsession....awesome!

    I have been craving Chipotle's burrito bowl for ...like...a year and a half and I finally got around to making a pretty decent version of it. It had lettuce, cilantro-lime rice, black beans, homemade guacamole, salsa and some cheese. It was soooooo exactly what I wanted to eat!!! The Kid actually licked his bowl (and he usually doesn't even finish dinner). Now I gotta get my booty on the treadmill for some walking.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy- I ate around 2100 all week last week so I'm thinking 1900? I don't want to anything super drastic.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy look up the cafe Yumm bowl and Yumm sauce recipe. If you like that burrito bowl you should love that.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    My two cents for the day: Sodium is the DEVIL!!!
  • I'm skipping the weigh-in this week. TOM started today and it wasn't pretty!!! My speed training is paying off - or it may have been the mana bear and her cub that crossed our path but we ran 6 miles at 12:30 pace today... I clocked one mile at 11:25. Our 5 min power warm up and our several min walk to give the bears time to clear the path is included in the overall time. We were flying today - my lungs were on fire!!! But, I felt great. I'm going to do great with the 1/2 - just 2 more weeks...

    Sarah - glad I could motivate you.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lacey - Love the dress!!

    Amy - Wine is totally my poison... affects me quicker than any other alcoholic drink, and i loooooove it so! My dad is a MAJOR wine buff, so i've grown up around wine. When i was there the other week, he and i were going through 1-2 bottles each night between us... Love it!!

    Kerry - Sounds like you had fun on the weekend! Hopefully you get out early for your workout!! and bahahahaha @ "With our powers combined"!

    I took the pupsicles on a 90 min walk yesterday - it was so lovely. Spring is so obviously here now. The weather is becoming absolutely gorgeous. It's meant to be sunny here again tomorrow, but a little cloudy tomorrow and rain the rest of the week. hmm.
    I'm thinking it's almost time for me to try this "crack wrap" that everyone is raving about... might take the pups with me for a walk to the supermarket today.

    Not really a lot else to report around here... All is good, and i've got another day off today. Teags has a doc appt this morning at the time i usually go over for coffee... so may not get to see her AGAIN today. It's strange not seeing her every second day! haha! But we had a lovely time there the other night for dinner though, so that's awesome.

    Well, time to go and do... well stuff i suppose. Heaps of housework awaits me. Pleh.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey! Did week 5 day 1 of c25k today. After the 31 minutes I NEEDED to keep running. I ran my first full 5k in 48:08. Not a great time, but I did it!!!
  • well hello girlies how is everyone, im back from my break from here and raring to go, went to a zumba class tonight with my aunt and really enjoyed it, tho the cold shower afterwards was just as fantastic.:laugh:

    just popping in now

    will be tracking food again from tomorrow
    talk to ya all soon
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I decided to see if i could run at all today - i have REALLY dodgy ankles and have always been afraid to. But being here with all you girls has motivated me to at least TRY!
    So i did about a quarter of day 1 of c25k, and apart from being absolutely shattered (and very glad no one was around to hear me gasping for oxygen), but it felt good. I might try and start properly tomorrow! This would be a HUGE thing for me - i've NEVER been athletic at ALL - i used to beg to be goal keeper when i DID play netball, because i never had to leave the goal ring! (i was about 8...)

    I've also registered my car, closed two credit cards, extended our power bill and made some important phone calls this morning... and it's not even 0930.

    This is going to be a productive day.
  • Hi! I'm new here... wondered if you'd mind if I stuck around for a bit?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Jessi- sure! welcome! jump in and tell us a little about yourself!

    Hosanna- YAY for running!!!

    Rain- that's awesome that you needed to keep running. I'm hoping to get to that point. ...someday

    I went to the gym!!! And then I came home and ate the last bit of Mr. Reunion's birthday cake. :embarassed: I will start logging my food tomorrow. It's pathetic how just 30 minutes wore me out at the gym. But I did sign up for a personal trainer session Wednesday so the fitness guy can help suggest a workout plan for me.

    I created a blog a couple weeks ago. It's public but I never told anyone about it. I don't post much, but I just wanted a place to write stuff out occasionally. Apparently Mr. Reunion and his ex found it. I don't mind Mr. Reunion finding it, I was kinda hoping he would, or maybe one day I would tell him about it. I don't appreciate her stalking me. He said he's already seriously told her to back off, I laughed and said I should post how amazing our "low impact workouts" are and he agreed. He thought that would be funny too. He said he's not sure why she's having such an issue with me because this isn't the first relationship he's been in since they broke up. But ugh. I have a feeling she's going to see the fightin' side of me. lol