200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Happy birthday to Gracie!!! I saw the pics on Facebook - she's a cutie!!!! I agree that the Bill/Sookie/Eric thing was weird. I don't know what they are gonna do with that story line.

    Nava: I agree with you - Eric, all the way!

    Pam: WTG getting your exercise in with your visitors, that's half the battle!

    Kendal: Enjoy your class at the gym, that sounds really cool!

    Megan: i watch both True blood and Dexter and have read all the books for both series and loved them. Both shows have ventured pretty far from the book story-lines but I like it because they seem to stay true to who I feel the characters are. And I'm totally glad True Blood didn't kill off Lafayette like in the books because he is WAY to fun to not have around.

    Well, I survived the day. I have had a monster headache but I took a nap and was feeling functional enough to study for my chemistry final. I am so screwed as far as that goes, I am NOT good at chemistry. Now I'm just tired again and I'm gonna go to bed early and hope that I wake up magically feeling better (and a genius) in the morning.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    I just have a little bit of a rant:

    So, I'm reading some posts and there are people complaining about 10 lbs....that is all they have to lose. Now, I know that I don't know the whole story, and I should be supportive of all that are trying to better themselves, but the fatty in me just doesn't give a rip about the already lean size 4 looking to be a 2. It actually makes me want to strangle them. I can p o o p out 10 lbs, and still need to lose 120, so honey please complain when you have a real weight problem.

    End rant.

    I was watching "Big Sexy" on TLC, and I wonder where these women get all of their confidence, and cute clothes. There were all very stylish and modern and put together. I so wanted to go shopping after that show. It also allowed me to see real women with real bodies and try to pick my own body type from them and I thought, "wow, she really looks good." She's not a stick and she looks good." If you haven't seen it, I definately urge you to watch it.

    Soccer was canceled for tonight because of the rain, so now what to do with the kiddos when we get home?
  • jessicae1aine
    Rain - I know that feeling of your body begging you to run. I have to work up to that point if nothing else for my knee, which screams at me if I overdo it, but I just NEED to run.

    babyworms - Haha sorry about that! :D

    Amy - I hope your headache goes away - those are the worst. :( I'm attempting to get close-ish, but getting too close to that number terrifies me. I did get close yesterday, but walking also left me starving so that had a lot to do with it. :P

    Megan - I run into the thirst issue if I'm not keeping my blood sugar high enough. I'll eat a cinnamon Jolly Rancher and it seems to fix it pretty well.

    Kendal - What is a 24 hour calorie counter, and where do I get one? :O And ZOMG I love Torrid - that's where I discovered GOOD jeans! :D

    Nava - Thank you for the link!!! :D

    Lacey - You beat me to suggesting endless! :D I so love their prices, and when I find a pair of shoes I like that's new, I wait until it's discontinued and snag it off there. :D

    I love Wednesdays. Radio is terribly boring, unlike most people would think, and we do a live show with guests from the community and a local musician Wednesday mornings, and I get to be our photographer. I love, love, love it.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member

    I was watching "Big Sexy" on TLC, and I wonder where these women get all of their confidence, and cute clothes. There were all very stylish and modern and put together. I so wanted to go shopping after that show. It also allowed me to see real women with real bodies and try to pick my own body type from them and I thought, "wow, she really looks good." She's not a stick and she looks good." If you haven't seen it, I definately urge you to watch it.

    I also watched that show last night, and i thought the EXACT same thing about their clothes. I'm at a point in my weight loss where my 18's are too big, but my 16's are too small. I'm also at a point in my career where I need to dress more 'professional'. I'm still young though that I also want to stay trendy in my more professional attire. The clothes some of them were wearing would be perfect for me, but I'm at such a weird place with my body that it's hard for me to find good fitting work clothes that also have a touch of 'flair'. and wow! talk about confidence!!!! I wish i had an ounce of what they have!

    And i'm cheap. I don't like to spend money on things like clothes. I have a ton of clothes, but I buy all off season/clearance/heavy sale.

    And i guess you guys have persuaded me to start watching true blood again. my roommate watches it so I guess i should join her. :-/ just because ya'll say so...
  • navajoon
    Aw man... This website is going to be a major problem for me. But thanks, Lacey! That's awesome that it's free shipping and returns. That's what usually stops me from using online shopping for clothes.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    lately I've been dressing like a total scrub. Old ratty jaens and tshirts that are pilled, no make up, no hair done. No plucked eyebrows (this will all change Friday when I get my hair/brows and nails did for the trip) and I can SO tell a difference in how I feel. I would love to go home and toss every single piece of clothing and start over. Smaller wardrobe but higher quality so they last.

    I'm learning that buying good quality clothes makes all the difference in the feel and fit of them. The money to buy them kills but they do last longer and wear better. Watching What Not To Wear last night reinforced that...lining helps everything even though its a PIA and not super comfy, but I am getting used to it.

    I also watched Big Sexy last night..that chick who is slightly goth? Wowza, props to her for having the cajones to walk around like that, I think its awesome. Those girls also live in NYC so I would assume that they naturally have more access to better plus sized clothing. In Toronto there is an enormous department store that just caters to plus size and the clothes look really nice..though I don't have the time to go when I'm there.

    I read an article yesteday about what not to buy from Old Navy - tshirts was one of them...they are so right. I buy them there for the cheapness because I know I can replace them easily in four months or so and have somthing new. They suggested this other brand, so I go to click on it and the freaking tshirts were $125 a piece!! Now I'm sorry, that is too effing much for a tshirt. I would like to spend $50 on a tshirt just one time to do an experiment and see how it lasts though. If the qulaity was seriously better or not.

    Today there are plus sized clothes on ideeli.com ladies! - thought I'd drop it. I f you want to join, let Amy or me or Nava or one of the others know because if you eventually buy one of gets a coupon and its nice to pass it along.

    I'mg etting to that point of pretripness that logging is getting hard...work is insane and I am so flucking behind its not even funny.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Aw man... This website is going to be a major problem for me. But thanks, Lacey! That's awesome that it's free shipping and returns. That's what usually stops me from using online shopping for clothes.

    Endless basically fulfills the instant gratification but without having to leave your home or office to do the shopping. I love having the packages come to my office so I get them earlier in the day too lol.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    These are on ideeli today. I bought Gracie a hot dog and my BFF"s daughter one too for Christmas..and THEN I Saw the adult jumping ball. I am SO buying one for me and Jeff too. OMG I used to love these when I was little!
  • KatheryneLynne
    OMG Lacey, those are a riot. I never had one of those. But you know, the toy I would love to have now...a Skip-it. I broke two of those as a kid from using it so much.

    I've been lurking around and not posting much for the last couple of weeks, but i just wanted to say Happy birthday to the birthdays and welcome to the newbies....Yes, I agree Salt is the Devil...I would kill myself if I tried to walk in heels; I'm a sneakers kind of gal...Holloween rocks, it was indeed my fav holiday as a kid...I also have difficulty finding a happy middle ground; I'm either way over on calories, or I'm way under (like barely 1000, way under)...How in the world do those Germans deal with all the flies if they have no screens--I grew up right next to a cattle farm and couldn't imagine having to deal with all those flies, or closed windows in summer...

    As for me. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for ten years now. The gyno I had originally said my weight was to blame. The Fertility specialist ran all kinds of tests on both of us and diagnosed us with male related infertility. (now that the background is done) Last night as i was surfing the web I came across an article that stressed the importance of eating more fruits and veggies to deal with male infertility. My husband, who was reading over my shoulder, immediatly gave me this look (I can't really describe it other than to say it was a "why are you always nagging me, don't you love me, i'm hurt" look.) After feeling really bad for about twenty mins. for even looking at the web site i started to get mad. now I very very seldom ever get mad at my husband. I can count the number of arguments in the last ten years on one had. That aside, I'm still really really pissed. Like, he could sleep on the couch, or even outside on the rain soaked sidewalk pissed. Anyway, thanks for letting me take a sec to vent. and one last word on the matter....ERRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG:explode:

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dude, Lacey, I thought I was over the Ideeli addiction....I was wrong. I now have bouncy balls and barefoot running shoes coming to me.
  • hkallembach
    Rain: Hahahha, I love the casino! It is so hard to stay away from it! Is it even possible to do c25k truly in 9 weeks? Thank you for your advice! Why is week 3 so hard? Yikes, I am scared because I am almost on week 3 soon! I am half way done with week 2!

    Amy: Heck yes, serious calories. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANK YOU!! :flowerforyou: You just made my day. seriously. See b i t c h y vent below to understand why. You're not too bad yourself either! :smile:

    True Blooder's: I feel like I am missing out. What is True Blood? Why is it so amazingness?

    Megan: Thank you! What's the biggest amount you've won and what's your favorite game to play?

    Kendal: h e l l yessss! it was a bad a s s birthday!! Hahahaha, I have gone four times within a week of turning 18. Oops. Oh my gooooddddnnnnessss! I love torrid.com! Haha, that store is up in the Twin Cities at Mall of America and I always go there! You brag about 45 pounds lost.....do it because I would! :laugh: I freakin' love personal training! Will you have personal training sessions or is this class to just get your started (or keeping going is a better phrase)?

    Pam: Nap time is the best time of the day.....especially during work! :smile:

    Lacey: Awwww, Happy Birthday to Gracie! The pictures on FB are super adorable!

    Venting starts NOW...................

    I studied by a s s off for Philosophy and guess who got a 22/40? *looks around the room for a raised hand*....*hand goes up sheepishly* *kitten*, yeah that was me. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :explode: Dudettes, I REFUSE to start off the semester with a D!

    Ok, now for work venting now......................

    Last night was the first night of lessons. First off, I freakin' love my job. I get paided almost $11/hour and also when the kids come up to me to give me hugs in the summer while life guarding to tell me I am one of their favorite teachers it makes me smile and makes me know I 'rock' at what I do if they remember me. Second off, (venting now) I was a newbie last school year but now I know what the heck to do. NOBODY on staff like Parent/Child classes (Mommy-N-Me) because it is H E L L having the parents in the water at the exact freakin' time as their kids while you are teaching. Well, the new guy realized he got PC class and he THREW A FIT! WTF you're 16...grow up! He just started, therefore, it goes by seniority and since he is the newbie get gets the PC class. We have a schedule with all the classes. It is an excel type of sheet with the classes then our names above the sections. Each night we all have 3-5 classes 30-45 minutes long. So my boss gives up a "section" and sometimes she will "flip" the classes on the schedule. Meaning, the two instructors teach the other class going on instead of the one they were schedule with. (when parents sign up they don't know what instructor they are getting.) so, my boss drew a <----> between the PC class and other preschool class going on at the same time. The 16 year old THREW A FIT because he thought I drew the arrow. (he knows we all HATE the PC class.) Suck it up idiot. Gosh, and he complains how much he hates the place, shut up and quit. I am sorry mommy and daddy pay everything for you.

    Ok, end vent.

    I got my senior pictures today! :happy:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    ***************Rant ahead************

    I am out of hummus and cannot make anymore crackwraps. This is a major problem!

    ***************End rant*************
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Megan - I have to say, i think that the movie adaptations of Harry Potter were done extremely well... They were relatively true to the books, and i was very happy with them. Not that you were talking about harry potter... but the book-to-movie thing...

    Kendal - Thanks :smile: I decided i was going to have a totally lazy day and not work out at all.. And then we ended up going for a walk after dinner. Couldn't resist! :tongue: I'm going to try and get hold of something to strap my ankles with, and intend to start c25k next week for proper... also... there is a part of me that kinda hates that you just posted that link... I used to work for a store called City Chic here in australia that seems to be very similar to Torrid. And i loved it and spent a buttload of money there. Except they were horrendously expensive... i may become quickly addicted to Torrid...

    Lacey - Happy birthday to the little one!!

    Katheryne - Aww honey :frown: ten years, that's brutal! As if he wouldn't jump at any chance to be able to fix that! I hope you made him sleep in the doghouse.

    So i ended up going for a walk last night with the Other Half and the pups. couldn't stay away! haha! We're going to his mum's house for the weekend and i'm super excited. I finish night shift at 0700 tomorrow, and we're apparently heading straight there after that. It's a 3.5 hour drive, so i'll be able to snooze in the car.
    I love my MIL's house. She lives closer to the beach than WE do, and it's awesome for walking! Except when it's ferociously windy. Which is often. Hoping for lovely weather for the weekend!

    Not thrilled about the night shift inbetween though!

    I may have to use today's weight as my WI for this week. I won't be back at my scales until monday, and i have no idea what MIL is cooking us while we're there. We'll wait and see what the scales say on monday.

    I am also VERY in love with Torrid, having just found a HARRY POTTER TSHIRT ON THERE!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  • pinbotchick
    Made it for an hour walk with mom, 2 friends and 4 dogs. I'm starting to feel better from TOM but have a sore throat and congestion. Can I get icky bugs from on-line friends? Maybe it's just sympathy stuff from Amy & Kristina!!! Tonight's debate - run hills or get hair colored tomorrow? I'm looking a bit ragged with grey roots and I feel prepped for my race. But I love to run. Can someone put 2 more hours in my day so I can do both?

    As for a great book to movie - I'd have to say Peter Jackson rocked it with the "Lord of the Rings" series. I can't wait for "The Hobbit" next year.

    I just read "The Gold Coast" by Nellson DeMille - super good. I'm reading/listening to "Heaven is for Real" and can't put it down.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Wow, i'm feeling WAY bummed now... Finally found our measuring tape, and guess what...
    Since april i've GAINED two cm on my hips and bust and FOUR on my waist.

    The scales may lie, but the measuring tape never does. :frown:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hosanna- I gave up measuring myself for that exact reason. Even though I felt smaller and lost weight, the measuring tape said I maintained/gained inches. Obviously, I was doing it wrong, which you probably are too. Either in the wrong spot or you were sucking in without realizing it when you took your first measurements (cause really, when am I ever not sucking it in just a little???). Judge it by how your clothes fit. They're getting baggy, right?
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Kendal - a little, i think. I know i'm measuring the right place, i've got freckles i line the measuring tape up with :tongue: Nah i'm over it... the scale is still moving, and that's really all that i care about hahaha!

    I did FOUR laps of the lookout hill today! It only took me as long as it took me to do the three laps last time.. .so i'm pretty proud of myself.

    During my walk i even managed to write the poem i've been trying to write for our wedding invitations - i find it sounds nicer asking for money in poem form... i'm so proud of it! Mum got my email and immediately phoned me to ask who wrote the poem, and was amazed that it was me :smile:
    I feel the need to share it with you!

    We've lived together quite a while
    There's not a lot we need.
    A chance to go and see the world
    Would make us pleased indeed!

    You see, we're young and have no kids,
    We live in a small town.
    This is the time to go abroad,
    Before we settle down.

    Our honeymoon's important,
    Of that there is no doubt,
    A chance to start our wedded life
    and learn what that's about.

    And then when we've been married
    For just shy of a year,
    We're planning more adventures
    In the other hemisphere.

    See, while Isaac's never travelled,
    Seen Paris or Big Ben,
    Hosanna has the travel bug
    And wants to go again!

    We'd so appreciate it
    If you'd help us on our way,
    With the gift of big adventures
    To celebrate our day.

    And for those who enjoy giving,
    But on a gift insist,
    Please contact [my mother]
    And she'll talk you through the list!

  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Lacey, I LOVE that! I never had one of those when I was a kid and I always wanted one. I can already picture myself bouncing around on the hardwoods on my main floor...
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow, gosh, keeping up is IMPOSSIBLE!!!

    Hosanna: I can barely remember to take my prescriptions, so vitamins never happen well past day 2. I would think that if you haven't measured since April, you are probably not getting an accurate measurement, since things shift as our weight changes, so those freckles may not be in the same place they were 5 months ago. Also, your poem is super cute, and I think it's totally appropriate as an insert in the invites.

    Rain: I'm saying Thanks ahead of time for the suggestions for C25K because even though I'm still not ready to try running yet, I'll have a game plan when I do get started.

    Amy: I hope you feel better quickly...being sick SUCKS!!

    Victoria: I'm all about procrastinating for work EVERY morning! My alarm goes off at 5:30, but I don't get up until 6:30.

    Megan: I'm often disappointed in books turned into movies. I'm also getting very disappointed with the movie industry in general for their lack of imagination, creativity, and innovation. How many remakes do we really need???

    Kendall: The "Design your Personal Program" sounds cool. I'm thinking I'll want to talk with a trainer within the next couple of months as I either get totally bored or feel like I'm not getting the same kick I am now.

    Pam: Sometimes the ones we love most make the things we plan and want to do the most difficult things in the world...family can be our biggest cheerleaders and our worst saboteurs.

    Lacey: Do you really want to work while in Europe??? I say toss the Crackberry in one of the rivers there, anyone will do, and just enjoy yourself!!! As for buying cheap or buying quality, I'm planning on buying cheap for my spree at the end of this month simply because I don't plan on fitting in those clothes for very long :wink:

    Rikki: I simply "step away" from those threads because I was told "if you have nothing nice to say.....blah blah blah!" Seriously though, the Barbie Doll types really worry me, before AND after they get on my nerves.

    Jess: Radio is always exciting from our end...:wink:

    Katheryn: Men are such sensitive babies, really. If the docs had found that the issue was with your body, he would be thrilled you were looking at ways to "fix" the situation.

    Hallie: Being able to go to the casino was one of the highlights of my 18th year too!!! I still love it, even though I force myself to stay away. I have been in NC for 10 yrs now, and I keep saying I want to go to the ones we have in Cherokee, but I keep talking myself out of it. Maybe next year...lol

    As to the discussion of heels...I love them, although I haven't worn any in quite a while :cry: I got rid of all of my cutesy shoes because my feet were swelling so badly that the straps (I love strappy shoes) were just cutting into my feet. I'm finally at the point now where I can where kitten heels, and while my feet still swell, they are not cutting into my feet. Maybe for Christmas, I will be able to rock a pair of stilettos again, although I will be bringing a pair of flats for the hours of dancing we do :wink:

    I have not seen True Blood, as I don't really watch TV, but everyone's obsession with it is making me think I need to start reading the books to at least get an feel for the interest in it. I love vampires, except that Twilight sparkly crap, so I'm willing to give it a try.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member