200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday & Wednesday~ Tuesday: 2089 calories burned/ 1293 calories consumed/ 796 calorie deficit. Wednesday: 1920 calories burned/ 1468 calories consumed/ 452 calorie deficit. I haven't gotten much movement the last 2 days but I've kept a decent calorie deficit going and I got enough sleep to help me get over whatever funky illness I've had for the past couple of days.

    Annette: Hi there!

    Bobbie: True Blood vampires are not sparkly.

    Pam: Isn't it funny how we never get over some of the toys we couldn't have as a kid? I always wanted one of those bouncing balls too - so I ordered one. Yay for being a grown-up!!!

    Hosanna: I LOVE your poem!! I also love that you're planning travel adventures- I LOVE traveling!!!

    Victoria: I'm excited to see the Hobbit when it comes out. I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I'd get my hair done, if I were you. Actually, I just DID color my hair this past weekend as I have THREE new grey hairs.

    Lacey: Why don't you make your own hummus? That's what I do. It's a can of garbanzo beans, 3 Tbsp or the garbanzo bean liquid (or tap water if u forget and dump the liquid before you remember that you need it, like I ALWAYS do), 2 Tbsp lemon juice, 2 Tbsp tahini, 2 tsp minced garlic (or more, if u like that), and half a tsp of salt all ground together in a food processor or with an immersion blender. You can also add roasted red peppers or whatever floats your boat and it is AWESOME!!!!!

    Hailie: That co-worker sounds like a tool.

    Katheryne: I think I'd be mad at The Hubbs too if he did that to me. I would imagine that your DH is a bit sensitive about the infertility since it seems to be a problem with his plumbing. I am so sorry for you, I hope things are looking better today.

    Well, I don't know how I did but I got my 3 finals out of the way this morning. I went to bed early last night and got some really quality sleep and I woke up this morning feeling about 99%. I'm hoping to get some exercise in today and get back to feeling back to normal.
  • pinbotchick
    Good morning... Great job Amy!!! WTG on the finals. Hallie - will you be posting your senior pics? Hossana - I love the poem. that's all I can remember. I've been banned from using home Internet since DH is working from home and needs all the bandwidth. At least I have my phone.

    I've never really worn heels. Last year I bought a pair of sandals with 1" heel that I love. I've dreamed of getting stilettos but I'm afraid I'd break an ankle.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    KRISTINA---WHERE ARE YOU GIRL!?!?! I DON'T CARE IF YOU AREN'T LOGGING FOOD OR EXERCISING, YOU BETTER COME BACK!!! *CRACK WHIP* (I say if she hasn't posted something other than the weigh ins by Saturday, we all bombard her via mfp and facebook and tell her to get her butt back on this board!:wink: )

    Victoria- lurking/posting on mfp hardly uses any amount of bandwidth. DH should share :tongue: And it seems like a lot of our monthly cycles are syncing up, so I don't see why we can't get sick from each other too. lol

    Amy- yay for the finals being done and feeling better!

    Bobbie- TB is more sex and violence, especially compared to Twilight. But it has EXCELLENT story lines involving witches, werewolves, shape shifters, and fairies. Without giving too much away, a Japanese company created a synthetic blood that can keep vampires alive so they "came out" in public and don't have to hide anymore.

    Hosanna- that is an awesome poem!! I :heart: it

    Hallie- sorry for the jerk at work. someone needs to tell him it's a JOB and he doesn't always get to do what he wants to do!

    Katheryne- sorry the hubbs is being super sensitive about his boys not performing. I can totally understand your emotions though.

    As for me, I did go to the gym yesterday, but didn't work out. I had my "Design your workout" class thing. The other 2 women didn't show up so it was me and the dood. He was cute. A small muscular dood, but cute. And I think he was pretty impressed when I told him what all I've done. He didn't tell me too much that I didn't know already. He set up a workout plan to do A/B Days. A Days I do cardio and a full body strength workout (Chest, Shoulders, Back and Legs) and B Days I do more cardio and Abs. He showed me a weight machine or two that I had never seen before.

    I'm a little irked cause I was only over by 30-some calories yesterday, I was way under on sodium, but I'm +.8 from yesterday's weight. I will be going to the gym tonight, so hopefully I will have a good weigh in this week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bobbie - I'm actually going to Europe for work and taking about fiv-six days in between stops to do some vacation travel. Its the only way I'd ever be able to afford to go to Europe right now, so I will take it. So Italy for five days for work, then Paris for play, then Bruges for three days, one for work. All of the places I am sure I will have time to play but Italy is major, I have to network like a mad woman and get some busnass done. Thats why I buy cheap clothes for the most part right now too..int he hopes I won't have to wear them too long..

    So my iphone has been disabled so I can use this stupid effing crackberry until I get back from my trip because the verizon iphone doesn't have global capabilities. Sniff. I hate it.LOL.

    Amy - yeay for feeling better. I actually did make my own hummus when my emerald valley ran out..thats what I'm out of. Double sniff. lol.

    Hosanna -c ute poem, I like it!

    Katherynne - I'd be upset by that too, I'm so sorry.

    Okay I gotta get in the shower and figure out how to turn off the freaking notifications on that stupid phone, its pinging every minute or so and I don't even have my emails incoming on it yet!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am purposely skipping over all of the True Blood talk because I'm way behind (I just got season 3 from Netflix, so I need to watch that first). I plan to watch it while doing my treadmill time, but right now I'm in the middle of rewatching all of the Ally McBeal episodes via streaming Netflix. :)

    I made a yummy frittata last night for dinner and it turns out that I had enough left over for today's breakfast AND tomorrow's breakfast for both me and the bf both. I always love it when that happens with leftovers. In case you're curious, here's the recipe I went off of (though I changed/added a some different veggies):


    Speaking of food, Amy, you have introduced me to SO MUCH good food. I'm definitely going to try making my own hummus now! It sounds delicious, and probably has a lot less salt than the pre-made kinds too. Yum. Thanks again! Also, yay for finishing 3 finals! I bet that feels like a weight lifted off you.

    Hailie, let's see those senior pics! :smile:

    Hosanna, great poem! If you guys have lived together for awhile I'd bet that most people will give you money anyway. I'm going to a wedding next week where the couple has lived together for awhile, so I'm giving them money as well as a "gifts for your new kitchen" box in which I'm putting preserves I've made, that great Peas and Thank You cookbook that Amy turned me on to, and some West Virginia honey peach moonshine that they can drink while cooking if they'd like to. :drinker: Also, about the measuring -- I haven't had luck with that either. I've gone down in my pants size so I KNOW I've lost inches, but when I measure it shows that I've lost hardly any. I don't know what's up with that.

    Katheryne, I'm sorry about the hubby...I agree with Amy, he's probably feeling sensitive about the fact that it's his "fault" and he doesn't know how to deal with that. Hopefully he'll get over that feeling soon and do whatever it takes to help your situation.

    Bobbie, "sparkly crap," ha! I love it!

    Lacey, I totally just bought a super bouncy ball. YAY!!

    I'm sorry, I know I missed people but I'm STILL trying to dig my way out of work that piled up while I was off visiting with the parents. I'll check in again later....have a great day, everyone!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Working and lurking tonight. I hate this place. I just want to get a new job and get the heck out of here!
    Pleh. Oh well, six and a half hours to go. Then isaac picks me up and we drive to his mums place for the weekend. Yay!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Well in 30 days of MFP I have acomplished the following:

    1. Made some great friends and support
    2. I have lost 0 lbs, but I have also gained 0 lbs
    3. I have lost 0 inches, but I have gained 0 inches.
    4. I have gone to the gym more days than I have not
    5. I have had bad days, but I've moved past them and made them into learning days.

    I know that I want to be at goal before I am 30. Why? 30 seems so pivital for me. I want to be in a career, not just a job. I want to be making the money I know I deserve. I want to be that FIT mom on the sidelines and not the fat mom. I want that year (10 years with my husband - not married, but with him) to be the year I give him the girl he met back.

    I have 717 days until my 30th birthday. That is 102 weeks. So, if I just lose 1.5 lbs a week I will make it. I WILL MAKE IT!
  • navajoon
    Oh em gee, it smells like a giant car fire in Houston. Friggin' wild fires... eating up our forests and ruining lives and making the world smell awful and the air unbreathable.

    Lacey, I have a similar lack of hummus problem. And I'm out of cheese.

    FYI, in this month's InStyle magazine Alexander Skarsgard is the "man of style" featured. A-yum.

    Had a total crap eating day yesterday and the scale was down this morning. Wahfuh?

    Hosanna, that poem was super cute.
  • jessicae1aine
    Megan - I shop the same way. Clearances are my best friend. VERY few things are worth paying full price for, imo. I'd definitely like to join ideeli!! Also, so getting Nerd a jumping ball for Christmas! :P Thank you for that.

    Katheryne - I loved my Skip-It too! I wish I had room to jump rope, honestly. Glad to know there's someone in the same boat as me, calorie-wise, too. :)

    Hailie - Sorry about the new guy. Sometimes they can be the worst - especially teenage boys. Geesh. Yay for senior pictures, though! I'm going to see if my baby brother will let me do his for him... I hope I don't screw them up somehow!

    Victoria - I say hair. :P Only because I LOVE hair dye.

    Hosanna - That's an outstanding poem! :D

    Bobbie - I refuse to ruin the magic of radio for most people, don't worry. :P I always feel bad when we bring little kids down for a tour and they realize it's not how they imagined.

    Amy - Hahahaha your "True Blood vampires are not sparkly" reminded me of the conversation my baby brother (who is a senior in high school) and I had this morning about some girls at his school comparing him to Edward Cullen. I was thoroughly unimpressed, and he told me "yea, being a vampire is the new cool these days. edward cullen is like being called justin beieber...." I adore my little brother and his lack of desire to be a cookie cutter. :)

    I didn't walk yesterday. My knee was screaming at me, so I'll walk again tonight since it's a little less growly today. My boss is gone for most of today, out of town with my coworker doing sales, and for some reason it feels like I should get more done while he's gone than I ever do when he's around (which is not much, but no one honestly cares). I never understand that feeling... it's not like he expects me to be productive. Maybe I'll work on redesigning our website or something... or maybe I'll just knit.
  • kmturtle3
    Hello lovelies, I just wanted to say hi. Work is effing swamped and I don't have time to catch up, but know I'm thinking about you all.

    5 mile run later for me today!

    Hopefully I'll be able to catch up soon!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: Hi there!!!:flowerforyou:

    Jessi: I don't get "kids today" - Justin Bieber looks like a 14 year old girl and Edward Cullen is way to Emo for my tastes and what on EARTH is up with boys wearing skinny pants?!?!?!? (I realize that all this makes me sound old, but when I look at the youth today and I don't "get it" I feel old) I send you a link to ideeli.

    Nava: Your mention of Alexander Skarsgard reminded me of something The Hubbs said while we were watching True Blood last week - he said, "If I put that weird little circle accent mark thingy on my name, will that make me a hot Norwegian too?" I said, "If only it were that easy." :laugh:

    Rikki: You've got a great goal and plenty of time to make your goal...keep at it girl!!!!

    Hosanna: It so sucks to work at a job you hate. :flowerforyou:

    Pam: I'm so glad that you like the food I've introduced you to. I seriously :heart: good food and I am not willing to let losing weight get in the way of that love.

    Lacey: It's getting closer...yay!!!!

    Kendal: 30 calories over ain't no thang!! You did good, lady!!!

    Victoria: Did you get your hair did??

    I am seriously addicted to these scones: http://www.theppk.com/2007/07/bikram-baking-ginger-chocolate-chunk-scones/ I made them with half wheat pastry flour and half white flour and then I added crystallized ginger chunks to the batter and they were freaking AWESOME. I can't keep The Kid or The Hubbs out of them. I know that ginger and chocolate don't sound like they go together, but trust me - they SO do!
  • KatheryneLynne
    Well, continuing the sage of the veggie-phobic husband, I guess he realized exactly how angry I was at him. Last night I made chicken (my go-to protein) and brussel sprouts. I love them, after greens (spinach, kale, poke, mustard--any kind of green) they are my fav. He hates them. The only veggies he likes are potatoes, broccoli, and beans. Usually I end up making broccoli with every meal just to have a green veggie that we both like. Last night, I didn't give a hoot. I do all the cooking, I'm in a pissy mood, I'll cook whatever the hell I want to cook. Anyway, while I munching away happily at my brussel sprouts, straight from the bowl, I didn't even bother with putting any on the plate, he voluntarily ate about five of them. He had the most horrible look on his face with every chew but he didn't say a word. Brussel sprouts without a complaint, he either loves me or the world is scheduled to end sometime today. and I must say, watching that pathetic grimmace at the taste of a brussel sprout went a long way to eliviating my poor mood.

    I'm such a Bad wife, i should not get joy from my husband's pain--even if i don't think much pain was actually involved.

    In other news I found a recipe for carrot pumpkin bars that I can't wait to try--i thought all you pumpkin lovers might enjoy...


  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I messaged Lacey to find you guys. :)

    I'm back with the motivation to lose this weight once and for all... And hoping my first smart phone with the fancy MFP app will help me - in fact, it already has! I'll be following this one ' til the next challenge starts and join in. :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yeay for Parisan food tour!!!! I feel like I should bring you all some chocolate back or something but don't want to hurt your weight loss plans!

    Crystal welcome back!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Speaking of good food..has anyone found anything super good on foodgawker lately? Im like five days behind on that site right now and its KILLING Me. Killing me, I tell ya.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Katheryne, awwww, he ate brussel sprouts for you? That's a step in the right direction!

    Welcome back, Crystal!

    Lacey, maybe you could just post pictures of the chocolate for us. :smile:
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Quick post- daughter hassling for the computer.

    Amy: glad you finished your finals and you feeling better - when do the results come out? Oh, and when I buy tahini going to try that houmous - as yet have been unable to find a home made one I like so fingers crossed.

    Vicotria: what won - the run or the hair??

    Rikki: love your list of accomplishments - grat way of looking at things that WILL get you to your goal

    Crystal: welcome back - I too have missed this challenge but am keeping in touch ready to join the next

    Hailie: missed your post re 'boy thing'. Hope you okay?

    As for me - completed day 8 of 30DS today - can't decide whether to stay on this for whole 30 days or whether you have to move up levels to 'get the most' from the programme. Also, did hour's curcuits on Tuesday - following which I was a mumbling fool - totally unfit for anything. The body is also whining in the mornings now, wanting to stay in the comfort of the soft bed - I is soooorrre xx
  • hkallembach
    I am at work. All day. I work at a health club. I am eating everything in sight. Help me!

    Oh, and I am tired, crabby, and have a migrane. Plus, I have to deal with the PIA guy who is a tool at work. Yayyyyy for Thursday!
  • pinbotchick
    Hair won. It's been 3.5 mOnths since I had my hair done.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria- hair needs a work out too....yeay for getting hair done!

    Amy and Annette - here is my spicy hummus recipe:
    1 can garbanzo beans drained and rinsed
    1/4 cup of crushed tomatoes
    chile powder
    cayenne powder
    garlic clove or two
    salt & pepper
    1-2 tbsp olive oil
    jalapeno if I happen to have one
    lemon juice 1/4 of a lemon
    maybe a squirt of honey if its too harsh tasting (makes the flavors combine and softens it)

    Generally I start out with the evoo and lemon juice and then add more to thin it down.

    I don't add tahini, its like one of those things that I ONLY would use for hummus and it goes bad too quick for me.

    I have a tension headache.