200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Holy long posts Batman...I will have to catch up later tonight, and I was only gone a couple of hours...sheesh
  • I keep thinking I am going to have the time to catch up, and then I don't, and then I miss SO.MUCH.MORE. Urgh.

    Ok first things first, weigh-in - 164.0 (!!!!!). Yup, My BMI is now 24.6, which makes me HEALTHY. (Most of you know this already as I bragged about it on my profile - thanks for all the "hooray" comments - I love you all!!!)

    Second, inspirational song - I'm not very much of a pop/rap/metal kind of girl, so I don't really have "pump me up" music like most people. I have tendency to listen to 80s music like Journey or Hall and Oates when I'm running, (a girl from Michigan can never hear "Just a city boy, borned and raised in south DETROIT, he took the midnight train going annnyyyywheerrree" too many times) or I listen to Guster, Ben Folds, Regina Spektor, Butterfly Boucher, or the Black Keys. As far as songs that I find truly inspirational, there are two big ones - "Better Way" by Ben Harper ("take your face out of your hands and clear your eyes, you have a right to your dreams and don't be denied. I believe in a better way") and "Old Before Your Time" by Ray LaMontagne ("Through the years I've known my share of brokenhearted fools, those who never choose a path worth taking. There's nothing in the world so sad as talking to a man who didn't know this life was his for making.... .... .... "Ain't it 'bout time you realize its not worth keeping score. You win some, you lose some, you let it go. What's the use in stacking on every failure another stone. Til you find you spend your whole life building walls, lonely and old before you time.")

    Pam, I also am super pumped for the weekend and the football that comes with it! Good luck with the pizza! Get thin crust!

    Victoria, yay for new hair! I agree, we'd love to see pics! When I was in highschool I chopped off hair that went halfway down my back to a pixie cut, and I think I've been traumatized ever since. My hair is pretty much never shorter than it is right now. And every time I cut it short, I just want to grow it out again. We'll have to see about a spring race. I'm still just not so sure on the whole race idea... but I'm still thinking about it!

    Kendal, I used to LOVE country but I just haven't listened to it a lot lately. Come to think of it, I just really haven't listened to much radio music. I'm stuck in my own little world of stuff I like apparently.

    Jessi, I think that is freaking awesome that you might do a food blog/open a bake shop. That sounds like all kinds of fun and a great way to one day make a living. I love making pies. I just rarely have the time to devote to it, since I'm only doing it if I can do the whole thing from scratch. No store bought pie crusts!

    Katheryne, I'm happy to hear the DH is pitching in so much! That's really sweet of him.

    Amy, congats on the exam results! You are fantastic and I never doubted you for a second, but its gotta be nice to know all your hard work paid off. Virtual drinks on me, k? K. Oh and black bean brownies? Recipe please.

    Nave, duuuude, your night sounds awful. I am so sorry you had to deal with all that crap. Icky. I'm glad your friend is okay though! I think anytime other people are more drunk than you is a bad time. I have to stay as drunk as those I'm around or I get really annoyed really easily. lol

    Kristina, SO NICE TO HEAR FROM YOU! I know you've been super busy travelling, but I just am happy to hear from you, you make me smile.

    Hailie, cute senior pic! I loved getting senior pics taken, I think pictures are super fun.

    Bobbie/Kendal, same city? How cool is that?! Or is it creepy? Maybe one of you is stalking the other one! teehee.

    Lacey, I can't believe how quickly your trip is coming up. I'm overwhelmed for you thinking about getting ready for it. I'm sorry that you have to deal with carrying a crackberry around. Those phones effing suck.

    Rain, I can't believe the flooding/devastation that you guys are dealing with out there. I used to live right outside of Allentown. Just want you to know I'm thinking about you and hoping things get back to normal for you and those you love as soon as possible. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Karen, BOO to still dealing with issues with Mellie's bottom. That really sucks. Hopefully that and the house paperwork are cleared up for good soon!

    Annette, I totally think you are doing the right thing by being a good example for you daugther and electing to not meet people from the internet. Otherwise how you differentiate between her and you and knowing who's okay and who isn't?

    Crystal, HI! We missed you, glad to have you back!


    Okay, I think that's as caught up as I'm getting. As for me, all I really got is me basking in the glow of my healthy body weight. January and the beginning of all of this seems like a lifetime ago. Its been so worth it. So, so worth it. I have never felt this proud of myself. I'm happy to say this is probably the biggest accomplishment I have ever made. And I know I wouldn't be here without you guys. Thank you SO MUCH for the incredible amount of love and support you all have given me. All the mornings when I thought about sleeping in, but then didn't want to have to tell you guys I was lazy, all the times I chose to NOT eat popcorn and m&ms or have that extra beer... I have you guys to thank for being here and supporting me and keeping me accountable for my actions. So thanks. Massive amounts of love and hugs comin' your way.

    Tomorrow is a 10k run. I'm thinking I'm just going to run til I can't and see how that goes.

    Otherwise, I'll be at breweries. And then a concert Sunday night. And then work at 6 am Monday morning. THAT should be interesting.
  • So, the absolute head of my department just sent me an instant message concerned that they guy they've chosen to replace me in my current position can't do the job because he's not a US citizen or permanent resident... so could I do the research and have it to him by Monday. Translation: "could you sift through the almost 900 page US Export Regulations over the weekend?"

    My red, tired eyes just stared at the screen and I thought "oh, heeeeeeeeeeeell naw." So I was like "eff this" and called outside counsel and she said "I'm already working on this for so-and-so" who is my direct manager. Score. So I told the head of the dept. and he said "Oh, good. Nevermind then." Stupid gigantic, multinational company... nobody friggin' lets anyone else know what they're doing.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yall know how bad I wanted to do the Warrior Dash this year but couldn't cause of my foot. Well, they've already started planning races for next year. So far the closest one is in SC, but they have one planned in Michigan July 28th-29th. Dude, I would so plan a major road trip if someone would run it with me :wink: I'm guessing they'll add more race dates closer to me, but I would LOVE to accomplish something like that with you ladies. Yall are the ones who've really been there for me the past 2 years.
  • Kendal - HAHAHAH OMG! I'm so glad someone doesn't think I'm some kind of alien for not liking all of that. Kesha, Gaga, and Miley are my 3 biggest hates, as far as our station goes. We play a little Taylor Swift, but I know nothing about Selena Gomez. :P I tend to prefer punk and screamo most days, and some mid-90's alternative.

    Victoria - I'm looking at maybe buying a 1970 Buick LeSabre... but if you want to sell a car, and you put a "For Sale" sign with a price, it might be helpful to put the phone #, ya know? Trying to hunt the guy down... but geeeesh it's gorgeous!

    OMG! I FORGOT BODIES BY DROWNING POOL! That always gets me going. :D

    Amy - I won't be sleeping in tomorrow either, if that helps! I work at 8 M-F, but somehow manage to wake up AT 8... yet my 2 days off? 7:00 is sleeping in, I'm usually up around 5:45.

    Kerry - I hate hate hate box mixes for baking. I was looking at recipes online last night (mostly, I look at the pictures and am like, "HEY! I can do that better!"), and these amazing brownies lost all their appeal when it was a boxed brownie mix with Nutella and chocolate chips. Really? That doesn't even constitute baking, any more than I'm a chef for throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. Have a great time with your run tomorrow!!

    I'm so tired. Every afternoon, I hit this same slump, and by the time I go home I'm good. Except tonight, I've got a football game on the air, so I'm sitting here pressing buttons. I'm "training" with my coworker, but I've done games before so I really only need the first about 15 minutes because that's all that's different. I might just leave after that, and go walk the dog... I think he'd appreciate it.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- backed out of Detroit. I'm not ready, but I am ready for another race with you. I miss running with you!

    Kendal- Warrior Dash Michigan Summer 2012? I'm there! Victoria? Kerry? Anyone else for a group run extravanganza?? I don't have any big travel coming up. One overnight trip to upstate NY in a month, and then nothing until Thanksgiving. I'm really hoping to power through for the next 2 1/2 months till my birthday.

    Kerry- good luck with the 10K this weekend. You're melting away on us! So proud of you-- leaving us in your dust!

    Amy- I totally was a Blake fangirl on the voice. I really tried to listen to his music, as he was hilarious (have you read his tweets? Totes inappropes!), but even for him, I can't get into country. I know it's sacreligious as a southern gal. Congrats onthe fab grades! I miss school. If I thought getting my doctorate would get me any farther in my career I would, but I just don't see it at this point... darn I miss classes

    Hailie- my workout playlist consists of a lot of trashy pop, which I would never listen to outside the context of working out, but it gets me moving (i.e ke$ha, britney spears, black eyed pease, katy perry, etc.). My go-to pump me up song for a long time was "please don't stop the music" by rihanna, but it's played itself out. Current pump-me-up song is "edge of glory" by lady gaga and "moves like jagger" by maroon 5, but I have an eclectic workout mix. Lots of 80s one-hit-wonders on it as well.

    I know that's not everyone... trying to work my way back into the post.

    As for challenge name, I'm down with whatever. Halloween theme could be good as it's ending around then.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey ladies! Haven't had a chance to catch up on anything... it's going to take me a while to read through tomorrow when i get home from the mother in law's house.
    Had the most amazing dinner last night. Isaac's dad is german, and so Isaac grew up with a whole lot of german family meals. His mum made us Klops last night and it was to DIE for! Probably packed with cals, but totally worth it!
    And i went for a long walk with the pups yesterday when we got here, so that should help out at least a little bit!

    As far as my inspirational song... I dunno! I'll have to think about it!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kendal: It actually wasn't an e-mail...it was in my friend request, which, if you accepted it on your phone, you probably didn't even see the message. No worries.

    Hallie: That's very cool that they take a whole book worth of snapshots for your senior photos; they don't do that here. I know what you mean...turning 18 only makes you an adult legally, which doesn't mean you're necessarily ready for the reality of it.

    Kristina: I so understand. I'm 36, but I didn't mind being single for the longest time until it happened that all of my friends just decided to get married. I feel like the last woman standing, and I would much rather lie down with the rest.

    Nava: Girl, I just got tired and aggravated for you...it's got to get better!

    Jessi: It's funny you say that you get burnt out on the songs you play all the time because that's exactly how I feel when I flip the channel away from a played-out, used-to-be-good song and it's on every f'n channel. Like I really wish radio stations would coordinate or something to not play the same *kitten*...end rant

    Amy: YAY on the grades, and you did it while you were sick!!!

    Katheryne: Yay for guys recognizing when they've really messed up and finding you worthy of trying to fix it :-)

    Victoria: Happy weekend!

    Kerry: I still love Journey, and I have to sing when any of their songs come on the radio. WOW...Super Congrats on being HEALTHY!!!! That's truly an amazing accomplishment!

    Hey ladies...I may not be ready to run next summer, but I may definitely be down for a road trip to cheer you all on!!

    OMG, I think I might be caught up. If I missed anyone, please forgive me.

    I could never come up with an inspirational song, but for working out, I always listen to Latin music. There is just something about a tropical beat that gets and keeps me going. I mean, I listen to pop, rap, hip-hop, and all that jazz, but the Latina in me just needs some reggaeton on the regular ;-)
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    still just lurking. Took the pups for a long walk today. Also had a go on my MILs wii fit. Well, I'm in love with it. I'm currently the highest bidder on one on ebay. Excited!
    In not so happy news, my MIL is at the hospital with her dad at the moment. He's had the runs for two months, and theres blood now.
    We're pretty sure it means the cancer he had in his leg earlier in the year was probably a metastasie from his bowel. He's having an emergency colonoscopy on monday, and they're keeping him in hospital until then with iv fluids. I don't have a good feeling :frown:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hosanna, I want a wiifit too!!! Sorry to hear about your MIL's dad...Cancer sucks no matter where it is or who has it!
  • You know what's excessive and NOT SMART?

    Doing Plyo, Ab Raper, and Cardio X yesterday morning, then saying yes to going for a 13 mile bike ride with the hubbs in the afternoon, then getting up this morning and running 10k.


    I'm off to Grand Rapids to drink off the pain.
  • I'm sorry I've lost 20 pounds, and so many inches around my waist. However, you don't realize my shirts are a million times looser, and my face isn't a blowfish. I'm sorry I don't eat breakfast foods such as eggs and cereal because they are disgusting to me. Don't tell me I am 'throwing away' money on personal training because TO YOU it doesn't seem my stomach is shrinking. Every week or two weeks we change things up so it isn't the same old same old. Even he is complimenting that I look stronger and melting off. Ffffffff youuuuuuuuu.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So, tell us how you really feel.................Are you ok?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Dood! I hate The Hubbs job sometimes. They've been talking for a week or two about him "maybe" going to England for a week but they didn't know when exactly. Guess who's flying out Sunday afternoon. I like 3 days notice...it's awesome.

    Lacey: You know, it really never occurred to me that you could be a crazy psycho when you asked if anyone wanted to meet you in Paris. It wasn't until The Hubbs brought it up that I was like..."I guess she could be someone other than she says she is....but I don't think so...and I know how to call 911 in Europe"- it's 112, in case you were curious). It's been a non-issue ever since. And can I say...I am SUPER excited to meet you in PARIS!!!!!!!!!

    Rain: I'm glad you're safe.

    Bobbie & Kendal: You guys live in the same town??? How cool is that???

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    i will get back on here later but yesterday was a fiasco of sorts...half my eyebrows are GONE and the mani/pedi was a dis-aster. The doctors office was good but she wants me to consider depression pills to level me out. I am wholly undecided and have tume to think because of the trip and lab work and another dr appt so its ok. Anyways byt the time i got home I was emotional lol.

    Ill spill later after the party!
  • As long as the Warrior Dash isn't the week we go to Alaska, I'm down with it!!! Hopefully next weekend plans will be made for Alaska. As for me 1743 cals burned on my 12 mile jog this morning. I'm ready for next weekend...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Haiie- sorry for the rude people you are obviously dealing with. We celebrate you and your weight loss. You know your body better than anyone so screw anyone who says you are wasting money on personal training. Do what works for you and you have us encouraging you every step of the way!

    Bobbie- we could go up to Michigan together. The Warrior Dash is a crazy obstacle course that's around 3-3.5 miles long. They post people's time on their website and they have a LOT of people who take 45-60 minutes to finish it. (granted they also have people completing it in 20 min) But you don't have to obstacles if you don't want to. Basically what I'm saying is you could totally do it with us!! If you can walk 3-3.5 miles, then you can do the Warrior Dash :bigsmile:

    what is the big deal about nutella?? I just had some for the first time this morning....did not meet the angels-singing-in-the-heavens-so-good-I'm-going-to-orgasm-right-now yummy goodness that people have led me to believe there to be. Plus it has a crack ton of cals. And in their commercials, they talk about using it to get their kids to eat a healthy breakfast??? Ummm, you are the parent, stop letting your kids be brats and make them eat what you provide or they don't eat at all....

    Anyways, I'm gonna go get dressed and go to the gym. I overate yesterday and will be going out to dinner with Mr. Reunion and friends tonight.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kendall, I'm not a big fan of Nutella either...yep, just don't get the hype. I will have to consider the participation aspect of the Warrior Dash...maybe I'll feel better about it in a couple of months. BTW: Have you heard about the Step-up Forsyth program? There's a website, but basically, it's a get healthy challenge for Forsyth residents where you have to workout 30min a day/5 days a week with some other nutritional and exercise challenges thrown in. I got an e-mail about it at work the other day, so I signed up to be on one of the school system's teams.

    Well all, I'm about to get my lazy behind dressed and head to the gym. I have done some cleaning and walked the dogs, but there was nothing really to write home about. Now to burn some REAL calories :-)
  • I'm actually watching football. My alma mater is playing OSU and winning. I'm holding my breath and praying hard :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hi there! I've been gone all day for Gabe's double-header and running errands and stuff. Gabe did REALLY well playing soccer today. He scored a goal in each of the two games he played in and had a bunch of assists!! I was so proud. I also got SOOO sunburned as we were out there for 3 hours from 9 am to noon. Check in for Friday: 2447 calories burned/ 1678 calories burned/ 769 calorie deficit.

    Victoria: It's a close game, they could pull it out!

    Kendal: I'd LOVE to do the Warrior Dash, but I guess I won't be able to for a few years. The Germans go absolutely coo-coo-bonkers for Nutella. I'm not a huge fan. But I get this organic Italian nutella-type stuff and it is REALLY good.

    Lacey: What happened?

    Hailie: I love you sweetie, I'm sorry you're dealing with haters. That sux. You just keep doing what you're doing and you'll be fine!!!

    Kerry: You are a rockstar!

    Hosanna: I'm so sorry about your MIL's dad.

    Bobbie: I love Latin music - that's why I like Zumba so much!