200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • jessicae1aine
    Lacey - I really like Canon Powershots, as far as P&S cameras go.
    are both excellent choices, IMO.

    Sarah - Glad I made you laugh! :D It's awesome you've been lifelong friends; those seem so very rare. I have one but we've kind of grown apart because his wife feels threatened by me, which is pretty absurd.

    I'm surprised at how much less I eat, volume-wise, now that I'm eating healthier. One wrap instead of two, one sandwich instead of two... I'm literally eating half of what I was, plus no sweet tea or soda. It feels surprisingly good, and I really don't feel deprived or anything.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katheryne: I am WITH you on the being on time thing. I hope your busy day flies by!

    Kerry: You are smoking HOT!!!

    Sarah: I've already had cheesecake and sorbet, I think crepes would make my head explode...

    Lacey: I have a Nikon D90 Digital SLR but it's so freaking big and bulky that I am thinking about just bringing my little point-and-shoot Fujifilm Finepix J10 (I don't really know the stats on it as I think someone gave it to the Hubbs at some point but it's thin and fits easily in a pocket so we end up taking it everywhere). I might have The Hubbs and The Kid bring my Nikon up to Bruges to get cool scenery pics, I haven't decided yet.

    Victoria: I don't think anyone ever finds Ab Raper easy. ever.

    Jessi: I have 2 dogs. One is a huge Bernese Mountain dog and the other is a more compact Siberian husky. My Berner can run a little but will give up and lie down in the middle of the path if she gets too tired. Then she won't move until she damned well feels like it (I guess that's your right when you are a 100 pound dog). The Husky was obtained recently as a running companion. He can run FOREVER and never quit. It's insane.

    Laura: Welcome to ONE-derland!!!!

    Kristina: I vote for Hot for Halloween, I really can't think of anything more appropriate. Yay for meeting new peeps!!!

    Rikki: You got this!

    Kendal: Yay for Nikon!!

    Well, I gave in to the cheesecake in my fridge...again. I'd throw the rest of it away but I think The Kid's head would explode so I'm just going to announce right here to all you lovely ladies that I - Amy H. - will NOT be eating any more cheesecake this week. It's not good for me, it has a butt-ton of calories and I think I can feel it clogging my arteries as we speak. That said, even though my past weekend was a bit of an epic fail I have to give myself props for logging EVERYTHING. I have a tendency to give myself "free" days where I don't log but I also tend to ignore what I put in my mouth on those days too. The old me would have skipped logging all weekend and "started over" tomorrow, the new me acknowledges what I ate and vows to do better.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I just had my a s s handed to me by Jillian Michaels. I told her to keep it.

    (No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat - Boost Metabolism, AND 30 DS level 2)
    Is it just me or is level 2 really harder than 3?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Going back to the inspiring songs thing we discussed, I found a song recently that's pretty bada s s. I download most of the free songs in iTunes, so this is where I got this song. It's called "Blackout" by Breathe Carolina. The verses don't really make too much sense (apparently he left his phone in the cab lol) but the chorus goes:

    I'm only getting started
    I won't blackout
    This time I've got nothing to waste
    Let's go a little harder
    I'm on fire
    I wont Blackout
    I'm on my way
    I'm only getting started
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Here's to a lovely week! :drinker:

    I'm going to be away for a work meeting tomorrow and wednesday. Let's hope I keep my food and drink wits.
  • navajoon
    Hi Ladies!

    Weigh-in first... 228.6 which is down from my non-weighin last week, but up in general, so bleh.

    Lacey, that totally sucks about your mani/pedi/eyebrow experience! I've found that the groupons and living social deals on spa services are generally too good to be true. My recommendation would be to check the place out on yelp before purchasing. Most of the places tend to have a lot of low ratings unfortunately.

    Hosanna, I think being a travel agent would be awesome!

    Kristina, "Hot for Halloween" sounds awesome to me.

    Laura, congrats on onederland!!!

    Amy, thanks for checking on me. I hadn't yet checked in this morning because I was worried I'd get a True Blood spoiler. How sad is that? Good on you for logging EVERYTHING despite the bad weekend. Sometimes it's hard to track the three bites of cheesecake, or the one piece of candy... kudos!

    As for me, I had a rotten, rotten weekend... and this morning has been sucking rear as well. I did end up going to all those stupid social gatherings I didn't want to go to. At the one yesterday, everyone kept saying "oh, you need to meet someone and start dating..." I usually don't share personal info with older Iranian women because it's too much headache. As we're leaving I say bye to my friend and she said "come visit me in Arizona!" and my aunt was like "oh, do you have a beau for her?" (WTF?) So she goes on to say, yes, there's someone she wants to introduce me to and he's a doctor and go check him out on my facebook... So we leave (in the same car) and my aunt asks us to go by Sam's so she can buy some rice.

    So while we're waiting in the parking lot, I go look out of sheer curiosity and the guy is NOT cute. NOT AT ALL. So my mom said "Let me see. Oh, he has nice eyes." Okay, first off... he had redeye in the picture. Second, he's not cute. So I say as much and she just lets loose with "Like that piece of *kitten* you're with is so good looking." WOAHHHHHHHHHH. So we start screaming at each other in the car while my aunt is in Sam's... The key things from this portion of the screaming match are that my mom says she'd never give me her blessing to marry him, and I yell "This is America, I can marry whoever the fluck I want!" and she says "Good! Maybe you need to lose your family for a while!" Wow. So mom just threatened to disown me if I marry Joe. Awesome.

    Meanwhile, my aunt gets in the car, and apparently, my mom has been telling her crap about Joe behind my back. So she says "why would you want to marry someone who's so below you? And he has huge holes in his ears and tattoos!" Wait a minute... My mom has never even seen his tattoos... because they're NOT VISIBLE with a shirt on. So my aunt probably has this vision of some dude with PVC pipes in his ears and full sleeves. Then goes on to tell me that I shouldn't want to be with him and he'll never be anyone, why do you want to be with a nobody... They both kept calling him a nobody. I said that Joe was so smart and treats me well and makes me happy, and my aunt and mom are like "yeah! Of course he's smart! He's found a lawyer to mooch off of!" I always thought this particular aunt was a b i t c h before, but this situation sealed the deal.

    Long story short, we pulled up to my grandma's house (where my aunt and cousins live) and I called my brother to come pick me up and take me home since I had no car as mom had picked me up from my apartment. My mom goes "I'll take you home." and I yelled "no, you stay here. Insert brother's name here will come get me!" So he came and got me and took me home sympathizing and almost pulling a u-turn back to my grandma's to go yell at my mom and aunt.

    Today, I've been in a rotten mood as a result of Sunday's events, have had crap issues with work, the person they found to replace me so I can move to London is suddenly unable to because his manager won't let him move on, my friggin' earbud shorted out and shocked me in the ear, and my INCOMPETENT underling came into my office after overhearing a phone call with a co-worker and gave ME a lecture on how to handle a situation and told me what my predecessor would have done. Gee, thanks. Oh, also... my birthday is on Thursday. Happy friggin' birthday.

    OMG... someone hand me a pint of Ben and Jerry's immediately.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OMG! I'm SOOOO sorry ladies!! It's just been crazy! I miss you all so much!! Knowing that I have to pack in all of my spare time til the paperwork clears on the house now, so that I'll use all of that spare time to actually paint & stuff...eep! I run out of time for all of you, at least PC-wise! You ladies are ALL on my list of people I pray for! You're so special! *hugs*

    Melodie started at her new sitter's this morning. She actually DID NOT cry! I think that almost made me feel worse! Does that make sense? I have 3 more hours til I can go get her. Part of me wants to call & check on her...the part of my brain that's working tells me to let it be, she'll be fine, she has toys & kids to play with! *sigh*

    I will TRY to get back on here, really! I didn't even log my food on Sat/Sun...granted I did so much packing/cleaning, there's no way I'm over, but still, I need to try & go back & remember, just b/c I want to keep track!

    I gotta go, work is cracking down on social networking & I'm waiting for them to count this site too, so I'll TTYL! *hugs*

    Weight-I'm going with Fridays's of 216.3....b/c I didn't have time to get on the Wii this morning & I ate in the car on the way to work for once!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Nava: Honey. I have no words. I come with icecream, though.

    They (mom and aunt) need to suck on some of this: http://www.benjerry.com/flavors/feature/schweddy/?refcd=GO100000000872637s_ben_and_jerryQZs_schweddy_balls&tsacr=GO14273039032&gclid=CMXliM3BmKsCFeUZQgodnWvXtw
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Also, I just noticed my ticker is telling me I only have 25 lb to go. Since my goal is to lose it by Christmas, I think that is actually doable if I keep my head down and just DO it.

    WaHOO! Goal weight...here I come.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Jesus Nava. Wow. I am so so so sorry that they acted that way. How horrible of them to put you in that situation. Sarah's got the icecream and I've got either vodka or gin martinis. Or both. I'd like to cuss at them for you, but it sounds like you stuck up for yourself so I say Big Ups to you! Because I still have a hard time backing my mom down.
  • navajoon
    I wouldn't say I really won any victories... But I did stick up for myself... so ugh. Now I just don't know where to go from here. I guess all I can do is continue living my life as I see fit and maybe, just maybe things will work out.
  • jessicae1aine
    Nava -OMG. I'm SO sorry for how things went! :( At least your brother wanted to go defend you. :)

    Karen - Makes total sense to me that it almost made you feel worse! At least she's happy there, though.

    Sarah - Awesome on only having 25 pounds left!! :D
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I wouldn't say I really won any victories... But I did stick up for myself... so ugh. Now I just don't know where to go from here. I guess all I can do is continue living my life as I see fit and maybe, just maybe things will work out.

    With parents its not about victories, more about making sure at the end of the day they realize that you are an adult now and can make your own decisions without their opinions all the time. Its hard. I got married the first time to make my mom happy, because I couldn't tell her no. All I can say to you is that if your heart is screaming at you to do otherwise, then you need to do that. No one can make you happy unless you are happy with yourself, and living your life for other people won't get you there..no matter how hard it is or how bad it hurts the family.
  • navajoon
    Lacy, I definitely agree. I think the most shocking thing for mom is that this is the first time in my life I'm truly sticking to my own guns. Every other major decision in my life, I've made with my parents' feelings in mind rather than my own. This includes going to law school (I wanted to be a teacher, they wanted me to be a doctor, so as to not "disappoint" them, I went to law school). I'm finally, at age 30 going on 31, tired of trying to make them happy and am trying to focus on my own happiness.

    They just make it really difficult to be happy sometimes.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Lacy, I definitely agree. I think the most shocking thing for mom is that this is the first time in my life I'm truly sticking to my own guns. Every other major decision in my life, I've made with my parents' feelings in mind rather than my own. This includes going to law school (I wanted to be a teacher, they wanted me to be a doctor, so as to not "disappoint" them, I went to law school). I'm finally, at age 30 going on 31, tired of trying to make them happy and am trying to focus on my own happiness.

    They just make it really difficult to be happy sometimes.

    Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that....when are you guys moving to London?? My mom had the Big Fights when I moved away and finally started to not do exactly what she thought I should do anymore..but man was it ever easier on me when I moved two and a half hours away so at least didn't have to hear the every day stuff.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lacey - I have an Olympus. It's one of those waterproof/shockproof ones - i've had a bad history of dropping phones on the ground/in water...

    Rikki - Well done love! You've got this!

    Kristina - 220.7. I like hot for Halloween... even though we don't celebrate halloween here, i could aim to be hot in any general costume...

    Laura - ONEDERLAND!!! WAY TO GO GIRL! :flowerforyou:

    Jessi - I didn't end up buying anything (i'm so good!) but only because postage to australia was going to cost more than the clothes themselves... :smile: it's great to hear you're feeling healthy!

    Nava - ... *hugs*... There is really nothing i can possibly think of saying that'll make you feel better after a situation like that. I'm so sorry your family are unsupportive. :frown: thinking of you! :flowerforyou: My mum's parents still have never given her any indication that they approve of my dad, even though mum and dad have been through hell together and dad has stucck by her through hell and high water... sigh. Parents can suck sometimes, expecially when they refuse to accept that your life is YOURS and that's that. Mum is only just starting to stick to her guns with Grandma, and she's 46! I hope things work out for you sweetness!

    WiggleSarah - YAY for goal by christmas!!

    As for me, i'm exhausted. Worked until 10:30 last night, and up at Isaac's alarm at 0600. Straight on the Wii Fit, and have a lot of *kitten* to get done before returning to work at 1pm again. I hate that place... :frown:
  • qofsheba
    I'm back from my Cambodia adventure and, thanks to some sickness upper and lower I had a great time. AND LOST 2 lbs...only vacation ever.

    The group was locked this morning when I tried to get on and I've been in a panic all day thinking you all had gone away.

    I'll start reading to catch up, but I missed logging in every day. I did make food choices knowing what my plan more or less was and then of course was on bread, rice and peanut butter for the last 3-4 days.
  • pinbotchick
    Nava - you should have followed my new motto and just said NO to the family party crap. (((((((((BIG HUG))))))))) you need it. I'd do what makes you happy and stay with Joe. I hope your parents come around or at least agree to disagree with you about Joe as your choice. Sorry you're having such family drama. I'm grateful my parents were laid back - would you like to share my mom? She'd take you on in a second- esp if you're planning to have kids. She hinted at not caring if my brother had a fling and an out-of-wedlock child so that she can have a grandkid... I think you're right that how Joe treats you and how you feel about him is more important than money, education level, or anything... I think the fact Joe agreeed to go to England makes him a keeper. Good luck.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Just made hommus! Can't wait for lunch time to make it into a crack wrap!!

    I'm also attempting to turn a honey-mustard-beef recipe into a honey-mustard-chicken recipe. I really hope it's going to be awesome, and also hope it'll be finnished in time for me to be at work on time... it's meant to finish cooking about 20 minutes before my shift starts... hmmm...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mr. Reunion and I had pizza last night. There's tons of leftover pizza today (ok 3/4 of my pizza was left today). The cals aren't crazy bad, but sodium is ridiculous, obviously. But it's not as bad as it could be cause I got thin crust with chicken, mushrooms and tomatoes (YUM). I logged 2 slices for dinner and also logged an hour on the elliptical so I knew ahead of time what to expect. But I got to the gym later than expected so I only did 30 minutes on the elliptical and decided I would only have 1 slice instead of 2. But I got home, it was absolutely dark yet, and Lexi had been begging me to walk her, so off we went. We mostly walked. I jogged 2-3 times. And one time, I RAN. Straight up, long stride, as fast as I could go- RAN. Not that it lasted long, but I can't wait for the day I can keep that up for longer than 15 seconds. lol