200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Lacey & Amy, hope you're having a blast. Totes jealous you get to hang out and I'm not with you!

    Victoria- congrats on your 2-year anniversary. You've been such an inspiration and a great friend throughout your time here, and I'm so glad to still have you around. *huge hug* I know if your 2-year is upon us, mine is close behind. I can't remember when I really restarted up again. Sometime in mid-October, so I would say the end of this challenge is pretty much mine.

    Food this weekend? Not so good. I agree with the pizza being the devil statement. Started logging then crapped out. Bought good food at the grocery store, and back on track this week, as I continue to feel like a fat blob in my current state. I did lose about 0.6 pounds this week, but I think most of it is the TOM weight coming off, and I'm still way up. ugh.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi ladies. Just wanted to say hello. Two meals this weekend have included pizza and I'm still way up on the scale. I think I'm going to have to take a pass for weigh in this week. So frustrating when sodium ruins a weigh in.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Rikki - *big hugs*

    Crystal - BAHAHAHAHA @ Stupid people! One of my dogs seems to eat nothing BUT sticks, and he's all good! Thanks for the encouragement :smile: Also {{BIG HUGS}} for your situation.

    Tasha - That sounds like a CRAZY week!!! And yeah, i really hope mine and Pam's victories can spur more, that'd be awesome!

    I know that's a totally pathetic catchup, but yeah... it's been a big weekend.

    Isaac's friend came to stay for the weekend, and all three of us enjoy a nice glass (or three) of wine, so we bought six bottles for the weekend, and he brought alng another...
    We hit the wine saturday evening. My memory stops somewhere around the opening of the seventh bottle... And comes back in again at a point where i'm covered ith red wine puke and Isaac is helping me shower and stripping the bed.
    Another memory lapse is then followed by me calling out to isaac, before starting to hurl my guts up all over the floor of our bedroom.

    Poor Isaac had to try and clean it all up, while hammered, and deal with me. I love that man so much.

    So yesterday morning i was down 2lb from the weigh in the morning before. Didn't eat anything until about 2pm when we got KFC. I tried to rehydrate, but kept saying hello to my water again, and had beans on toast for tea.
    So sodium is a major b i t c h, and i'm now 2lb UP from saturday morning. Pleh. Oh well.

    So i spent a great deal of yesterday rinsing and washing clothes that had been on the floor next to the bed, Trying to find hidden puke-staches that are still stinking out our room, and desperately hunting for my GLASSES!!! ARGH.

    Oh, and apparently i also spilled red wine all over isaac's friend before demanding that he strip so that i could wash his clothes. I'm quite proud of the fact that even in my state at the time, i was thinking first "MUST CLEAN CLOTHES!!"
    (It worked, there was no wine left on them the next day.)

    Ok, so i have to go and find another puke pile... there's definitely still some in there. NO idea where though, i've cleaned that room top to bottom!
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Ugh sorry,
    If it's not too late to join, I'd appreciate it.

    Maureen 138 lbs 5'2

    Gained like 10 lbs over the summer.
  • jessicae1aine
    Hosanna - Sounds like QUITE the weekend! O.O Clothes would have been my first concern, too. :P

    It's almost October (Sheesh! This year has really gone by fast...) and this may be out of some people's comfort zone big time, but every year Boobiethon (www.boobiethon.com) does a rather unique fundraiser for breast cancer research, and typically donates some of the money to a person with breast cancer who is struggling to meet their financial needs, as well. I have volunteered for the last 2 years; they need people to tweet for them (my account is jessica_culver, if you care to follow), to edit pictures to meet their guidelines (sign up info on their site), and to submit pictures - both clothed and bare. Men and women alike can submit pictures, and any female bare pictures are in a gallery you must donate I believe $20+ to get access to. It's a pretty awesome thing, imo, and I love participating. So, might be worth checking out. :)
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    I have such an unhealthy relationship with food. I was doing SO GOOD for months and now that the scale isn't moving, i'm getting frustrated and letting myself 'cheat' more often. in my brain, i think "well if i'm eating right and it's not moving, what's the point?"

    other than that, weekend was pretty good. hope everyone has a fabulous week.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Well, it has been a hard week over here. My friend is not doing as well as we would hope. She's had two blood transfusions in the past 24 hours and is still paralyzed. I spent 6 hours at her house today cleaning up after her family. She is hawaiian, so when the news came in that she needed surgery, EVERYONE flew in...and there were 16 people staying in her house. Now that life is "back to normal" for them and they are home, I came in with my cleaning kit and crew and went through her house and cleaned up from that. All I can say is...wow. *sigh*

    My family has been very patient with me being gone so much and helping her family, but tonight, my hubby wants me to himself, so I'm glad I was able to get finished in time to have the evening with him. He is bathing the babes as I type this.

    Foodwise it has been an easy week to make good choices. Exercise: I am tired from being gone so much but I am still getting it in every day...maybe not to the intensity that I would like, but I'm doing something... Today I got up at 4:30 a.m. and ran 11.7 miles, came home, got the kids and I ready for church, attended church, came home and grabbed a protein bar for lunch, cleaned for 6 hours and now I am collapsing on the couch with a pre-made chicken pot pie from Costco. The food database tells me it is 250 cals/ serving, so I'm having two...because I'm hungry and because I don't want to find another way to get my calories in.

    Megan: I totally get the head games. It is a battle of wills vs. yourself. Do what it takes to make it to your mini-goals and you will be more motivated to make the next goal. My goal is to do this every day until Christmas. I LITERALLY have a chain of paper rings in my bedroom and I rip off another one every night before I go to bed. It was daunting when I hung it up, but it's getting shorter... Sometimes I rip it off knowing I did my best that day, and other days, I rip it off knowing i could have done better...but either way, I am doing it every day until Christmas.

    Welcome, Maureen!

    Hosanna: Oi. That sounds like a long weekend. If you have Oxyclean, it will take the vomit smell out of anything....even carpet. Make a paste with water, place it on the spot, let it dry and then vacuum it up. It will pull the smell and the stain out.

    Jessi: that sounds like a great cause.

    Kendal: I refuse pizza for that very reason...It plays with my head and I just don't like it enough to deal with that.

    Lacey and Amy: I require more updates...please.

    Kristina: Great job on hitting the groc store for the week. I know you will have a great loss this week for just doing what you're supposed to to get it off! You will be back in no time.

    To the rest: I love you and I've read everything, but the hubby is clearing his throat over on the couch with our movie all cued up. I'll talk atcha later!!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Wiggle, your friend is in my thoughts and prayers.

    I haven't done too bad I guess. I've been close but under with calories every day. Today that was only due to extra exercise. I was ill this weekend so instead of cooking good meals I just got pizza for the kids. So naturally, I had some too. Meh. Hey, if it wasn't for that my calorie intake would have been somewhere around 200 and that's definitely not good.
  • NatalieGabriel
    Hi All, hope everyone had a nice weekend!

    Ive been dreading posting as i know how awful my eating has been this weekend. Shockingly bad. Making me feel really down. I do so well for a week then it all goes out of the window. I really need to look at why i do this. What is going on in my head...
    Self sabotage. Its like i say in my head this is what i do, eat healthy then binge, so i accept it, and then do it, but i shouldn't be, its really not healthy or right.
    Feel super depressed today, let myself down, prob crashing from all the sugar i ate over the weekend too.
    Im 154.2 this morn and at the end of last week i was down to 149.6.
    4.6lbs in a weekend...urgh.
    O well start again today.

    ************WI - 154.2*************************
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    So I must say that I have gone downhill today lol. I haven't really exercised for a couple of days and I had my 2nd dessert for the week today. It was an Andy's frozen custard with hot fudge that happened to be over 800 calories just by itself. Needless to say, I am hungry again and I am almost 600 calories over my goal. Dang lol. Not sure what happened. Maybe I shouldn't go overboard with my desserts next time :ohwell: . This week I definitely plan on switching things up.

  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Rachel- does a glass of chocolate milk curb those sweet cravings for you? I, too, love desserts, but found if I put 1% milk in a standard coffee cup (1 serving) and add the lite hershey's syrup to it, then i'll be good to go. And I savor it by drinking it out of the spoon i stirred with. Ends up being around 140 calories depending on how much chocolate you use.

    also, all you pizza eaters- when i need a pizza, i bake one on a small flour tortilla with a dab of sauce, 1 serving of mozz cheese, half a serving (a whole serving is 17 slices) of turkey pepperoni, and veggies on top! I put it in a 425 degree oven and bake for 10 mins or so until everything is bubbly and the crust is crispy. comes to 80 calorie tortilla, 35 calorie pepperoni, 100 call mozz cheese, and 25 cals for the sauce. Any veggies you add are minimal calories. total is around 235 each depending on what all you put on there.

    i eat them often. it is a good way for me to eat more veggies. sometimes i just put all the toppings in the tortilla and make a quesadilla then just dip it in the sauce. either way, they are quick and tasty!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Just a quickie as am running late.

    Kristina: weight 179

    Sarah: both you and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you evening was good fun with Hubby!!!

    Jessi: yeah for bringing new horizons to nerd (does 'nerd' mean the same in america as it does here???)

    Hoseanna: question from the daughter - what do Australians call flip flops - she says it is someting different!!

    New me: 2/2 for exercise, reading, productivity AND food choices (although made a little too many of those!!!!).

    Going to be a challenge today though - got up, laptop out, chores complete ready to shred - dvd palyer would not work on laptop - I am begining to think this is not meant to be and have now lost my 'exercise' slot..........

    Amy/Lacey: hello both - enjoy your time together.

  • pinbotchick
    On to another busy day... Yeah Monday (not). I much prefer the weekends. I failed to log again yesterday. Today, I will log everything. No ex yesterday... Today will be better.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Remember how I was all excited (and shocked) last week when I lost 1/2 pound after eating so horribly on vacation? Well, it caught up to me. This week I'm up two pounds, and it's not even TOM! UGH! I've been under calories all week and exercised every day -- sometimes twice a day -- so the only thing I can think is that the crappy eating from last week just caught up to the scale this week. I guess I didn't dodge a bullet after all.

    So, sadly.... ********** Weigh in for this week: 217 **********

  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hi girls. I'm feeling awful as I haven't checked in with you guys in days! This weekend and most of last week was pure madness. Things should start to slow down just a tad. We were out of the state on saturday and then at an amusement park yesterday. Work and class today means not even a free minute to step on the scale, so I'm going to have to take my first ever pass. I'm really disgusted with myself, so I'm super motivated to crack down big time this week. The scale is up, I'm sure of that, and I need to be on the ball with drinking a ton of water. I also hope to cram in some running at the gym between work and school.

    Catch up with you gals later!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** 272**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    It was a rough weekend but I made it through and lost. I am going 7 days of clean eating....no booze and working out. Then a new 7 days. I CAN do it!
  • shellster80
    Hey Ladies,

    Could I join your group please?

    I was a member of MFP before but stopped while pg with my son. I managed to lose quite a bit after he was born but now I'm back at work 3 days a week (sitting on my bum in an office), I've put a stone back on.

    Anyhow, my name is Michelle, I'm 31, partner to Martin, stepmum to Lewis(14) and mummy to Elliott, who will be 1 on Friday.

    My goals are:
    to up my exercise, I don't do enough but struggle to find the time so could do with some tips.
    to up my fluid intake, I don't drink nearly enough
    to lose 1-2ib a week if poss, I want to lose that stone by xmas at the latest.

    So, hello ladies. xx
  • hkallembach
    Sorry for being MIA...life is stressful currently. Weigh-in is 250.9 pounds. *sighs* I didn't want to step on the scale this morning because if the number was really high it would bother me all day. I have a Philosophy test at 11:00 a.m....eek.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Even though the scale doesn't show it, I did well meeting my exercise goals last week. Walked Lexi twice and went to the gym 3 times. I was on the elliptical 50 minutes on Friday, but it was split between a 15 minute session and a 35 minute session. I finally got on the weight machines for the first time since I joined the gym. Oh how I missed that feeling. Cardio is great, but I like feeling my muscles strain like that. They have this really cool ab machine where you sit straight forward with your chest against the pads, hold the handles and twist your legs left and right to twist at your waist. LOVE IT!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Mr. Reunion and I went to the grocery store together last night. He's such a fantastic man and is doing everything he can to encourage and not derail me from losing weight. (not that he doesn't love me being the way I look now...) It's going to be tough to adjust to him and his "can eat fast food and junk food all the time without ever gaining weight because his job is so physical and his metabolism is so high"-ness. I told him to put his food in a separate cabinet (one that I hardly ever use anyway) so that I won't have to see it. I guess it's finally time to be introduced to Will Power and Self Control.

    Sorry this post is all about me and I haven't responded to anyone, but please know that I've read everything and love you all. But I gotta get some work done now :wink:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a reminder to get your weights in by the end of the day. I didn't get a chance to pull up the excel spreadsheet this morning to name names, but a LOT of people have not weighed in yet. If I remember, when I get home, I'll do one final call out. I'd like to post the chart first thing tomorrow morning.

    A new week begins. It's super crappy weather outside. Emma was not having her walk this morning, so little exercise so far today, but back to logging, and I'm hoping the rain will stop by the afternoon, so i can get a long walk in with the dog. Then, perhaps I can hit up a dvd as well, cause I need to get my bum moving.