200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey dudes! Its nearly 2am here. Iam going to bed by 3, promise. The bed is So hard and I am having a hard time sleeping. I've had my fill of pasta in the past two days..not really my thing anyways, but some of it has been good. Lemoncello is GOOD. So is wine. I was in a meeting from 8:30-6:00today,had 20 mins to shower and put some makeup on pin my hair and get to the dinner..but hot diggity damn, I looked ****ing GOODtonight. Shoulda taken a pic. I turned some heads...not joking. Yeay me! I've managed to not eat a ton of food, probably not enough actually and haven't finished a plate yet. I have been content with what I'd eaten. Would love to take that back with me.

    Amy - two. more. days. Yeah!!! Feel better dude, cuz we've got Paris to do and people to see and stuff...yeah.

    Hailie -you can totally tell a DIFFERENCE!!!
  • KatheryneLynne
    Jessie, I can't imagine the pain involved with tearing your uterus. When i was going through fertility treatments the nurse doing the AI scrapped my cervix. Within three hours I couldn't even walk across the room. My BP spiked and the ER doc had the operating room and surgeon on standby 'cause they thought the pain was from apendicidis. It took them like six tries to get the IV in. I was black and blue up and down both arms, and my everything from my belly button to my knees was in some serious pain. I can only imagine how that would be with a torn uterus...HOW in the world could you walk? I am totally amazed.

  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Actually, i've decided i have to share my awesome NSV.


    *****************************************TMI ALERT******************************************

    ****************************************SERIOUSLY, MAJOR TMI ALERT!*********************************

    *************************************LAST CHANCE!!****************************************

    Last night (after an undisclosed amount of alcohol) i decided it was... bed time. If you get my drift. It seemed that the other half was not of the same opinion, and he was telling me about something he was reading on the computer... So i decided that my best move would be to be in different states of... undress... each time he looked up.
    the shock on his face was awesome. I've NEVER done anything like that before, and he knows it's because of a lack of confidence (even when intoxicated), so he was completely shocked that i was showing confidence like that. He tried to act natural and keep reading stuff from the computer (after commenting that my belly has shrunk!!) until he turned again to find that i was now wearing his favourite of my underwear... I've never seen anything like it. He dived for the power button on his computer, leapt up and dragged me into our room...

    I'll leave it there... :wink:

    So you see why i was reluctant to share my story, but i couldn't leave it... This is such a huge thing. On a couple of levels.

    1) I have NEVER, **EVER** done anything like that for Isaac. Mainly because of the lack of confidence and the fear of rejection... It feels really stupid to fear being rejected by your fiance... But last night, i didn't care. I felt good about myself, and i thought Isaac would appreciate knowing it.

    2) I have ALSO NEVER had anything NEAR that sort of affect on the man. It was the kind of reaction i've always dreamed of getting from him. IT WAS SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

    I feel invincible!

    (sorry for the bad images though! :tongue:)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hosanna, WOOHOO, great NSV!! Coming from someone who just had a similar, I-can't-believe-I-feel-sexy-and-my-man-thinks-it-too NSV, I know exactly how wonderful you feel. Just imagine what a Hotty McHotterson you're going to be feeling like when you reach goal weight!

    Speaking of Hotty McHottersons....Lacey, you go with your bad self! Way to turn heads! I'm hoping that you and Amy post lots of Facebook pictures of your adventures too.

    Katheryne, OUCH. Man, that sounds awful!

    Sarah (WnT), hope your run was fantastic!

    Jessi, a sprained tongue? Did I miss how that happened? Ear infections are THE WORST, I feel for you. I got them every single year when I was a kid, so bad that one of my ear drums burst two different times. I still have trouble with my ears. I hope you feel better!

    Amy, fresh apple pie made with just picked apples sounds delicious!! You'll have to post pics of its perfection on Facebook. :) Glad the pups are taken care of!

    Navallz, I know that when a person has a lot of weight to lose that the weight comes off faster. Looking at your food diary though it does look like maybe your calories are a little low...you can check out calculators like this one to get a guide of what might be good amount of calories to eat for your weight and exercise level: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

    Hailie, I can totally tell the difference! Keep up the good work!

    Fi, yay for the loss!

    Kerry, I can't believe it myself! I have never in my life been able to run for as long as I am already, so I'm pretty impressed with what I've been getting my body to do. I can't wait to hit the 30 minutes!

    My knees are a little tender from running tonight...must remember to tread more lightly tomorrow! I still can't believe that I'm actually running...
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Pam - Is it really scary that i probably wouldn't have been able to have done it without you? :tongue: hearing that other people are getting the courage to be awesome made me think... Why not me? :happy:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    *lurking* hi all....
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    Jessie: Really hope you are feeling better soon.

    Amy: you are definitely not allowed to feel poorly - you have a date to keep (of which I am sorely jealous). More healthy vibes in your direction!! Looking forward to apple pie photies!!

    Lacey: great to hear you are having a fab time - soz you not sleeping too good though. Great to be satisfied with eating. I think alot has to do with others doing the cooking. If I ever came into sufficient monies I would hire a chef to cook for all meals all week!!!! It's my day dream anyway.

    Hasanna: yeah for increasing confidence.

    Pam: look after those knees. I have got some straps on order that are supposed to help keep them 'steady' while walking/running?

    Victoria: be nice to your body - it has just given you the pleasure of an awesome 1/2 and now you want it to run again????????

    Kathryne: I can only think of one thing to say - 'OUCH'!!

    Hallie: definite difference to under strap looks - but am with Amy re so, so, much more obvious currently within your facial pictures. You are gorgeous girl.

    Me. I MUST STOP BUYING BREAD. I MUST STOP BUYING BREAD. Would like to be able to say I don't buy it too often - but that would not be particularly truthful. GF bread is so very expensive then I manage to eat it like there is no tomorrow. Bought some at the weekend and was doing fairly well - then yesterday - kerbam - got to eat it. Will power useless. It is sooo high in cals and nothing I seem to eat with it is healthy. Booooooo x
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I just popped in to say "hi" - I'm packing for my trip. I'll check back in tonight.
  • pinbotchick
    Happy hump day!!! My Bugg is acting sonny again telling me I only burned 1624 yesterday when I went for a 4 mile power walk. Sighs. I can't get it to upload to the website. Today's numbers seem on track I spent 20 min on my bike this morning - it was way to cold to do more. Time to scoot for work. I ate/drank 2752 cals yesterday. Today will be a better day!!!

    ETA: 2474 cals burned yesterday.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- yes, most definitely seeing a difference in your shape and it's looking good :wink:

    Hosanna- that is an AMAZING NSV!!! One of the best kind....quick! internet high five!!
    [img]http://photos.myfitnesspalllc.netdna-cdn.com/images/photos/74/702/74702_2116.jpg[/img Victoria- what's up with the bugg? can you troubleshoot it on a website or call customer service? but good job on the run yesterday and biking today Lacey- I hope your sleep adjusts soon so you can fully enjoy your trip. H E L L Y E A H for turning heads!!! It doesn't happen often, but I love that feeling! Pam- congrats on all the running! Jessi- I'm glad you finally got some meds to make you feel better. Get some rest girl! As for me, I totally failed Snack Day yesterday, which was honestly expected. However, I have some good news: I didn't bring any of it home with me. I told birthday boy to take home all the white chocolate covered pretzel sticks I made for him and made my friend take home my leftover chips and dip. I also was able to complete 48 min on the elliptical last night. My manager got us pizza for lunch and I had 2 slices though. So needless to say, I'm now up 5 pounds from my weigh in last Friday. :grumble: but Today Will Be a Good Day.[/img]
  • pinbotchick
    Kendal - the Bugg seems to crash at night. I checked and downloaded the most recent app this morning which claims to fix many of the bugs. I'll see how it works. Hopefully that will fix it.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hosanna, I'm glad that my NSV helped spur your NSV! I wasn't even sure I should share it, but it was just such a great feeling. Yay for the courage to be awesome! :drinker:

    Megan, hi! :smile:

    Annette, bread is a problem for me too. Especially when I get the really super yummy and fresh kind from our local bakery. One of their flavors today is pumpkin, and I have to drive right by there! I've actually started freezing bread as soon as I get it from them. That solves 2 problems: 1) It stays fresh longer, and 2) It's harder for me to eat on the spur of the moment!

    Victoria, hope your Bugg is working today...

    Kendal, leaving the yummy leftovers with someone else and doing 48 minutes on the treadmill sounds like a win to me! Today will be a better food day, so you'll be fine. There's always the good old fallback after a bad day...drink lots of water! I've been trying to drink as much as possible after last week's vacation...who knows if it'll help.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    officially done with work!! Twenty four hours to go and then Paris with Amy!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • lessardstroud
    I'd like to do this challenge! I am new to MFP. My name is Lori, I am 45, widowed, with two sons ages 26 and 9. My goal for the challenge is to get to 154.9 which is the top range of a normal BMI for me. I am currently 163.6. So, my goal is to lose 9 pounds in the six week challenge!
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    @Hosanna----great NSV!!!! I'm sure it feels great to be confident

    @Kendall---glad you know that today is a new day and that you will get those 5lbs off again before you know it

    As for me---TOM is coming and I am dreading it...I hate feeling yucky and bloated and depressed and aggitated and everything...but I will get through it like every month.

    Have a great Wednesday...
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Kerry - Thank you for the thoughts. *Hug* And this: Like "oh hey we're friends now but you've seen me naked, so... ... ..." Awkward. made me LOL! So true... :laugh:

    Hailie - That sucks about your grades, but I know you can do it! And I can definitely see a difference in your pictures - second-ing Victoria here! YAY! I love progress pictures. :smile:

    Amy - Thanks! Today was day 1 of the Chantix, although you work up to the full dose, so I'm REALLLLLY crossing my fingers I don't get any of the awful side effects. I guess we'll see. But I'll need much oomph and pushing from everybody! AND HAVE FUN!!!

    Jessi - I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to sprain your tongue! Ouch! I have taken Vicodin without too many issues, hopefully you won't have any problems with it either. And hopefully you'll be able to get some sleep! You really do have some weird stuff... A torn uterus? I second Hosanna - a walking case study! :laugh: And yea, I totally went somewhere else when I had my tongue re-done. Best to be done by someone who knows what they're doing. *eyeroll*

    Lacey - I've been following you on FB and it's so great that you're having such a good time! I wish you had taken pics last night... Gotta love turnin' heads. :wink:

    Hosanna - That's not TMI! :laugh: OMG, YAY! I'm so happy for you!!! I am exactly the same way... I don't do that sorta thing because I lack the confidence. But that is SO awesome that you felt comfortable enough and that Isaac reacted that way!!! WOOT WOOT!

    Annette - I too, have been lacking in willpower. But we gotta do it! Stay away from the bread! And I'll say away from...er...everything. HAHAHA!

    Welcome to all the newbies, again! It's so great to have you, feel free to jump right in!! :happy:
  • navajoon
    Hi all!

    Didn't check in yesterday as I was stuck at our Logistics Hub all day doing a "risk assessment." SNOOZERS.

    Bobbie, your girl in half analogy is totally correct. I feel like I live dual lives when it comes to my family. I'm one person with them and another altogether with Joe and my friends. It's really kinda sad, but I feel like I can't be myself around them.

    Crystal, your friend's saying about being unhappy to get to happy definitely feels true at times.

    Pam, omg England drama. Apparently, they're having a hell of a time finding someone to replace me in my current position. Originally it was October... last I heard was November... now... who knows. I'm worried it's all going to fall through again. Not to mention, we now have the possible added mess of Joe being offered the Chem Lab Tech position soon. So now there's the whole difficult decision of does he stay here and save money and build an awesome skill set while I go to England... He assures me that even if he stays behind in Houston he "wants to stay together and get married and have babies" but that doesn't stop me from freaking out. He even said that if he stayed behind for that job he could finally afford a ring and would buy a house for me to come home to... I just feel completely out of control of my own life and future and it's a very upsetting feeling. Ugh. (vent!)

    Kerry, totally love your marriage idea. I'll fill Joe in. And I'll totally invite you ladies. lol Seriously though... I can't think of anything I'd like more than to marry him!

    KatheryneLynne: ohhhhh, white trash tv. Don't get me started. I also watch Toddlers & Tiaras. I have a problem. I don't know why I watch it as I'm totally mortified by the majority of the parenting on that show. I'm ok with the older girls who seem to want to do the pageants themselves though. I used to DVR I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant, but I finally gave that one up. Oh, I watch Survivor and Project Runway, and Say Yes to the Dress (all varieties)... I'm ashamed. But not really. haha

    Amy, I saw that apple pie on FB! It looks so good! And those stars are adorable. I usually make a lattice crust when I do mine.

    Hosanna, that is an AWESOME NSV. I love how much this group shares each others victories and tough times.

    Lacey and Amy, you guys have a WONDERFUL time! We want lots of cool pics!

    So, I'm fb friends with a lot of you already, but facebook.com/navajoon is me. If you're concerned about not recognizing the picture, I have my mouth hanging open and a giant red ribbon in my hair. :laugh:
  • KatheryneLynne
    Kendal--You're my hero. Anyone who can refuse white chocolate covered pretzels MUST have superpowers. As for the pizza, 891the five lbs is probably from the salt. I gain 3-5 lbs EVERY time I even THINK about pizza.

    Hossana--Awesome NSV. you go girl :smokin:

    Lacey--enjoy your trip.

    As for me, yesterday was a complete fail. I answered the phone yesterday to deal with a woman who believed that about ten of the states highest political officials kidnapped her on four separate occasions, including the chief of police (which was why she couldn't just call the police to report a "crime" ...I hate answering the phones, we get some of the strangest calls. One time a guy who had never been to Alaska called from Flordia to say he was stuck in an outhouse that was surrounded by (I kid you not) the Chicago mafia. WHY CALL ME. I'm more than 3000 miles away. CALL 911 if you think your life is in danger. either you're telling the truth, in which case the cops should be handling it; or you're delusional, in which case the cops are better equiped to handle it than I am. Anyway, after a half hour of dealing with the woman, I went home and proceeded to eat junk for dinner. i was probably still okay or cals., but way way over on salt.
    Which brings me to a real vent. What idiot thought it was a good idea to pump chicken full of broth just to make it prettier in the store. So now, because I don't want all that extra salt, I have to pay twice as much to get the "Tyson NO Salt Added" chicken.

    Mini vent over...geeze i'm rambly today.


    Nava---you posted at the same time as me. I also like What Not to Wear, Clean House, and Lizzard Lick Towing. I sit there the whole time going OMG, with my jaw hanging open in disbelief.
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    So I have been trying to read everyone's posts but it's too much to keep up with so I guess I will start small lol!

    Kerry -Thanks so much! I absolutely LOVE Taco Bell, but knowing how fatty and bad it is for you literally makes me sick lol. Gosh! P90X is sooo crazy! My school is actually providing free lessons, but I want to be in better shape before I do anything that hard! I don’t want to make a complete fool of myself lol!

    Victoria- Great job! Hearing all the different types of exercises you are doing really motivates me!! Keep up the hard work! I am benefiting just hearing about you!

    Kendal- It is sooo hard to resist sweets for me too! And pizza is one of my favorites! I hate when you finally decide to eat healthier, it seems like junk food just throws itself at you all day! Lol! But don’t get discouraged! You got this! Just switch up your routine a bit! One trick I have learned is to have something to look forward to at the end of a couple of days of being “good” lol. It helps with motivation and reminding yourself that you have something better to look forward to later. Keep up the hard work!

    I have been saving my desserts all week for this weekend and I am soooo very excited!:love: No desserts for 3 FULL DAYS so far and I am feeling great. Even though it is a challenge, it gets much much easier after the first few days. And I must say after eating more healthy, I fell so much better. I hope everyone has a great day!

  • navajoon
    On a facebook related note: WHAT THE *kitten*?!?!!! The new news feed is total butt.