200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • navajoon
    Sooooooo, I've got about 8 pages of reading to catch up on. But, for now... a big fat birthday pass for my weigh-in this week. I didn't even try to go up on that jerk scale this morning. My distended belly is an accurate enough depiction of this weekend's jackassery.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    You guys talk alot! Lol
  • Punkyash
    Punkyash Posts: 4 Member
    Weighing in at 255. Nothing has changed yet. I hate it when my husband invites people over on weekends so I can't get anything done. I today is a new day and week and here I come!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Is it too late to join? I'm Heather grad-student, 2 jobs and 274 today.
  • navajoon
    okay, so this is likely to be a GIANT post. First thing, thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!!

    So the birthday insanity started Wednesday night. Joe took me to the local dive bar that always has karaoke and cheap, cheap drinks. Needless to say... I had a night. Woke up the next morning for my actual birthday and ran a couple errands with Joe, but then we went and got pedis together, then went to Chili's for a quick lunch, saw Contagion (excellent movie), went home and chilled for a bit, went out to a restaurant called Pappadeaux for dinner then promptly crashed out shortly after. Well... Joe crashed. I stayed up and watched Jersey Shore before zonking. (Don't judge me for my Shore habit.)

    The rest of the weekend was crazy insane. Friday I spent the day baking and cleaning the apartment for my birthday party later that night. We went to this place called Moon Tower Inn that is basically like an ice house but serves amazing game-meat hot dogs on pretzel buns, grilled cheeses, burgers, etc. HUGE turnout! We kept having to drag more benches over. Then the majority of the crowd came back to my apartment for cupcakes, snacks and general hanging out. Saturday Joe and I went to our friend's son's 1st birthday party, I left to go have birthday dinner with my parents and bro, then went back to the Friend's house till about 2am. Sunday, yet ANOTHER bday party... this time for a 3-year-old. Joe and I went there for a bit, then I had to drop him off at home and go to my parents' house for a birthday get together with grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins... happens every year.

    So I had a great weekend! Mom is being civil, so that's good. Just reinforces in my head that she's nuts. She also took me to Macy's post b-day dinner and bought me a watch which she and my dad picked out. Just a casual everyday type thing. So I guess we're okay... till she tries to fight with me again, I suppose!

    One sad thing on my birthday weekend... Joe decided he needed to go back to his apartment. Nothing to do with our relationship, but the cost of gas driving back and forth to work from my apartment was breaking his wallet. Also, it's a bit difficult to pay to live in two places at the same time. Not that I was collecting rent... just general expenses. So I took him home yesterday... we were both crying, already missing each other like crazy. He apparently slept like crap without me and I started crying like an idiot again when I went into the closet today and saw all the empty space. He did leave his suit behind though stating "I can't rock that thing without you!" haha On an upside though, I think he's really starting to consider going to school. He needs to. Not for my parents, but because he's just SO SMART and he deserves to have a better job and all that for HIM.

    Since everyone showed off their dogs...
    First picture is me and the pooch on Valentine's Day 2010 (pre-Joe), second pic is my absolute favorite pic of her looking all fluffy and adorable, and the third picture was her ewok costume last year. She HATED it. haha

    Now to respond to everyone else!

    Megan, I'm here! I'm checking in! :happy:

    Amy, I saw your Um from Umbridge picture on FB and you are just too cute.

    Fi, Good luck on your LSAT! I went through all that in 2002... took it in a crappy auditorium that was FREEZING! Don't get me started on the Bar Exam situation. Feel free to message if you have any questions about law school admissions and all that!

    Lacey, Glad you made it to Europe ok! On the subject of hair straighteners, I took mine to Singapore thinking it would be ok since our outlets are the same... suddenly it smelled like burning in my hotel room. Totally shorted out and killed my straightener. That being said, in hindsight I don't even know why I tried while there. My hair was a giant mess from the humidity the whole time.

    Jessi, I'm on ravelry too but I haven't logged on in the longest time! I tried to teach myself to crochet last year with relative success. I made a gorgeous baby blanket for a friend, but haven't made anything since! Joe bought me knitting needles last year for my birthday and I fully intend to learn (he knows how to knit!) but haven't picked up those needles yet. Also, on the blood donor thing (that was you, right? lol)... I'm AB+ so I'm only really useful to other AB+s but I still donate all the time.

    Hallie, I'm totally familiar with the way you feel. A lot of times your family sounds very much like mine! But no crawling into that shell. You can talk to me or any of us any time you need to!

    Tasha, you have a seriously great energy! Glad you found us!

    Annette, I'm glad you described your situation with your mom and the hubs. It sounds like my mother is very similar to yours. Just different ideals altogether. What may be right for them in their minds isn't always what's right for us!

    Hosanna, yep, I give myself my vitamin B shot in the thigh every 2 weeks. I was afraid to do it at first and would ask my nurse friend to do it whenever I saw her, but after missing about 2 months worth of doses (whoops) I decided I needed to learn. I'm SO jealous of the HP exhibit. I keep hoping it'll come to Houston. The Tut exhibit is on its way here in a couple weeks and I'm totally stoked for it!

    Kristine (Zay), congrats on your upcoming wedding!

    Pam, I saw a pic of your ideeli dress on FB if I'm not mistaken. You looked lovely!

    Crystal, I'm so sorry about your pup. :sad: I'm sure that's one of the hardest things ever.

    Sarah (WnT), good luck to your friend. I hope she has a successful procedure and swift recovery.

    I know I've missed a lot of you, so I hope everyone's doing well. I'm totally overwhelmed with all the newbies, but I'll catch on, I promise!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Black Bean and Sausage Soup

    I made this soup over the weekend and just had my first bowl for lunch today. OMG SO GOOD!!! But I didn't exactly follow all the ingredients/instructions. Here's what I changed:

    -instead of adding 1 carrot, I got a bag of pre-chopped carrot chips, saved time from chopping and I'm more likely to eat the leftovers as Walmart does not sell carrots by the stick, only by the bag
    -used extra carrots because I did not use any celery. was willing to try, but its the same situation as carrots- they only sell them by the bag and I didn't want to waste that much money on something I don't normally like
    -used 3 cups of chicken broth instead of 2
    -used the whole 16oz sausage instead of the measely 4-6oz they said
    -made 8 servings instead of 6
    -put it in the crock pot at step 2 and let it sit on low for about 20-24 hours.

    I loaded the recipe in the counter here for exactly what I used and it came out to:
    291 cals
    18 carbs
    17 fat
    12 protein
    1073 sodium (hey, it's soup, of course it's going to be high)
    5 fiber

    there's all kind of other suggested changes you can make listed in the comments on that site.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Okay, lets see if I can get back on track this week. I weighed in this weekend at 306.4 which is up 0.6. I swear that TOM affected it because I thought I had done pretty well last week. Now she is gone so we will see what this week brings.

    My goals right now are to get under 300 and to get under 297. I want to get under 300 because I hate being over that number. I want under 297 because that was my previous highest weight. I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it and just work at it.

    We have been having a lot of financial issues at home now that I am the sole bread winner and that $ barely makes it around to pay the bills much less put gas in the car and food on the table. I start my second job on the 26th and that will be 16 hours a week but I won't get a paycheck until the end of October for September's work (we get paid monthly and it's a month behind). Hubby has it on his goals this week to find some sort of part-time work and to continue working around the ranch as it needs a lot of work.

    Yesterday, I also lost a student to cancer that I had taught the past two years. I loved him dearly and will be attending his services this week. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers this week if you wouldn't mind.

    Well, I must go and get back to work as I only have 30 more minutes of my conference period.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Kendal- Recipe looks great! I just forwarded it to the PICKY hubby to see what he thought about it.
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Okay, lets see if I can get back on track this week. I weighed in this weekend at 306.4 which is up 0.6. I swear that TOM affected it because I thought I had done pretty well last week. Now she is gone so we will see what this week brings.

    My goals right now are to get under 300 and to get under 297. I want to get under 300 because I hate being over that number. I want under 297 because that was my previous highest weight. I know that I can do it if I put my mind to it and just work at it.

    We have been having a lot of financial issues at home now that I am the sole bread winner and that $ barely makes it around to pay the bills much less put gas in the car and food on the table. I start my second job on the 26th and that will be 16 hours a week but I won't get a paycheck until the end of October for September's work (we get paid monthly and it's a month behind). Hubby has it on his goals this week to find some sort of part-time work and to continue working around the ranch as it needs a lot of work.

    Yesterday, I also lost a student to cancer that I had taught the past two years. I loved him dearly and will be attending his services this week. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers this week if you wouldn't mind.

    Well, I must go and get back to work as I only have 30 more minutes of my conference period.

    I understand your financial burden...it stinks...also will be praying for the family and yourself from the loss of your student.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Passing this week on the weigh-in. Between family visiting, a cookout and a birthday party for my now 3 year old, I don't want to know what the scale says. Back on track today so I can be set for weigh-in next week.
  • loveAZJ
    I feel like total crud today, I don't want to do anything, just want to lay down and whine! I don't want to eat or exercise or anything! It would be day 5 of the 30day shred, if I decide to do it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristine- put the 30ds in the dvd player and hit PLAY. Even if you half a s s the whole thing, at least you know you made an effort.
  • qofsheba
    This looks delish and fall weather has arrived in the DC area, so we'll be trying your soup right away!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member

    Can I still join,,, if you started last week my weight was 227lbs if it counts as of today its 221lbs...please send me a message if its not too late?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am having the dangdest time keeping up with this board, I've never seen it this busy in all my time here. Wow.

    sheba: Fall has fallen here in Europe too, I had to break out my coat and scarf to take The Kid to soccer training today.

    Kristine: What Kendal said.

    Laura: Back on track today!

    Jenn: I am so sorry for your loss and for the financial troubles. (((((HUGS)))))

    Kendal: I love making soup as you can make it and freeze it and have healthy lunches just sitting there waiting for you to eat them! I think your Halloween costume is super-cute!

    Nava: Your pup is precious!! I'm sorry that Joe went back to his apartment. That's sad. You guys live in San Antonio, right? Whereabouts? I used to live by the Ingram Park Mall. Thanks for the comment on my costume...I felt really silly wearing a blonde wig.

    Heathershrinking: I like your ticker, it's my favorite T-Shirt!

    Rikki: XFEST sounds like it was an awesome time!!

    Crystal: I sent you a FB friend request. I'm glad you are feeling a little better today. It's hard to lose a pet.

    Kristina: Good for you for avoiding the goodies at work!!! And you better get INSANE girl!!

    Pam: It's awesome that you lost weight without trying...could you get your scale to talk to MY scale about that??

    Katheryne: Hiya!!

    Kerry: We missed you girl!!! I'm glad you had such a great weekend.

    I have been dragging ALL day long. My throat hurts and I am REFUSING to be sick for my vacay so I am dosing myself with tea and vitamin C - it BETTER work. That is all.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hosanna: You, and everyone else who lives in somewhat remote areas, you are so lucky to not have to deal with the temptations. There is some kind of junk food on just about every corner where I live, and if they're not on the corners, there is a strip of them in the middle of the block.

    Kiki: Let me repeat my mantra for you...Sodium is the devil!

    Natalie: I won't say I necessarily want chocolate when I'm stressed, but I did get a craving for some last night, so I bought an almond joy (coconut, almond, and chocolate), and I just about couldn't stand the sweet of it. Made my glands hurt! I'm not sure I could afford $10 for each pound, although it's be great to already be up $350...maybe I'll start with $1 each pound to 50lbs then $5 each to 100, then $10 each...hmmmm, it's a thought!

    Sarah(WnT): I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. You are truly a blessing for being there for them in this difficult time, and my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

    Lacey: Don't you hate when the side effects from medicine are worse than the symptoms in the first place?!? The weather here is a little crazy too, but I would much rather be where you are :-)

    Kristina: You are doing a great job, and no one could fault you for missing a couple of weights on this constantly running thread :flowerforyou:

    Amy: I remember when my dentist first went high tech; it was like walking into a completely different world between those 6-month appointments. You will get out of the blah's soon, as I'm sure you're not going to pack them in your suitcase :wink: :laugh:

    Kendall: That ref costume looks really cute! Now all you need is a nice basketball team to run around you for a while :wink: I totally made black bean soup on Saturday. Actually, the sodium doesn't have to be that high depending on the type of meat you use and whether you use dried or canned beans.

    Heather: Great job!:drinker:

    Jenn: I hope things level out for you soon. Financial issues SUCK!! Sorry to hear about your student; that is one of the hardest things ever :cry:
    Rain: HI!! NOW, BREATHE :flowerforyou: You just made me tired reading your plan. Remember that while crazy days/weeks are par for the course of life, you decide whether or not they are bad days/weeks :smile:

    Kerry: You ARE an absolute ROCK STAR!!!

    Pam: Just remember that our bodies take some time to adjust. It might take a week before that good week shows, and it might take a few days before the bad one shows...the key is to have more good weeks than bad ones :wink:

    Kristina: Sending you skinny vibes for your weigh-in tomorrow!

    Rikki: Your weekend sounds great, and your attitude about the choices is even better! BTW: Happy Anniversary!

    Nava: You know, I loved you until you said Jersey Shore...j/k, but I think that show could only make me more nauseous if I still lived on the Jersey shore. I really find it sad that your family makes it so hard for you to have one life and not have to drop the bf off before you go hang out with them. It's like they're forcing you to do some magic split-the-girl-in-half act.

    Well, I am in a much better place mentally this week. At the end of last week, I thought I was going to kill someone from work stress and frustration, but things are better. I'm actually super happy that I start my week with the Math teams because they are, for the most part, on target and trying to do things right for the kids. I'm just gonna pray for myself when working with the rest this year.

    I also have to say that after a horrible food/exercise day on Friday, and a 2lb gain on Saturday, I did not have to log a gain into MFP this morning. I finally got that all out of my system and took a maintain. My first one in the past couple of months, but one that I gladly accept. Now to just keep the downward movement going for the rest of the week so I can show some kind of loss for my challenge weigh-ins on Friday :bigsmile:
  • jessicae1aine
    Monday weigh-in is better than Friday: 268.2

    Amy - Yikes, I'm so afraid of dentists. I have an appointment the 4th of next month (because my insurance doesn't cover anything until Oct 1) for the 2nd dentist appointment of my life. Glad it went so well.

    Crystal - Nope, I see the doctor tomorrow. It's the weirdest thing ever, it hurts SO bad and gets SO swollen, but sometimes it feels like the muscle or whatever down there relaxes and it stops hurting for like 30-45 minutes. Talking, though, makes it way worse, way fast.

    Nava - My grandma taught me to crochet when I was about 8. I really, really prefer knitting (which I ended up teaching myself), though. Awesome that Joe knits!! :) Nerd is learning, and really enjoys it, but he's super afraid of screwing up. :P And yep, blood donating is fun!

    I can't sleep worth anything the last couple of days. I was up at 3:30 this morning and by 5:00, when no combination of (safe-together) medication seemed to be making my mouth/throat/whatever it is hurt less, I was in tears. Nerd woke up and made me a hot pack out of a sock, water, and a zipper bag, and it at least let me get a couple hours of sleep before I had to get up for work. Gah, this sucks. I shouldn't have come in today; I'm in enough pain I'm sick to my stomach... but really, what's the difference between laying in bed vs. sitting here doing nothing at work? May as well get paid - even though I still have like 5 paid sick days, and nearly 2 weeks of vacation.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    And yep, blood donating is fun!

    Wish I could say that! I've only been able to donate once, and the second time they said, forget it, it's not worth the trouble. I have the world's worst veins; they're weak, deep, and they roll. :cry: Makes getting blood tests done HELL :grumble:
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Finishing my game of catch up!

    Sarah (WnT)- Many thoughts and prayers for you, your friend, and her family. I can't even imagine how scary that would bre.

    Welcome Joy!

    Kristina- Good job saying no! I, myself, did not have such luck as I got to work to see cupcakes staring at me...lol.

    Rikki- Is X Fest a national thing? I've heard of it and may have something very similar. Sounds like it was a total blast! So... If you're into that sorta music, have you ever heard of Sick Puppies? Silly name, but awesome band. I used to tour with them doing meech/promo stuff before my daughter was born. Some of the most fun memories. :smile:

    Nava- You made me LOL! You're allowed to splurge on your birthday! Glad to hear you had a good weekend and that your mom is being civil...for now. Sounds a lot like my roller coaster relationship with my mom, so I totally feel ya there. That's rough about Joe... :( You know, my friend said this to me once and now I live by it: "Sometimes you have to be unhappy in the short term to be happy in the long term." It's sad, but I'm sure everything will work out foyer the best. *hug*

    Jenn- I'm sorry to hear about your student. That's so sad. :( My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.

    Amy- When I get home I will accept you. :happy: lol.

    Guess what?!? Well today was doctor visit number 3 for my whatever you wanna call it breathing problem. More mess, yay. Lol. BUT I'm excited because I'm finally starting Chantix! I've been trying to quit smoking for years and I've had a couple friends have success on Chantix, and I'm reallllly hoping I do too. Obviously my lungs are unhappy, and I'm sure smoking doesn't help that... I've decided my quit date will be Oct. 1st, so at that point I may need some extra oomph from you gals so as to not replace puffing with eating, haha.
  • pinbotchick
    You gals do TALK alot!!! And I love it. I'm finally home after a 9.5 hr driv. I'm ready to crash and my body aches in places I didn't know existed. The kitties are happy to have me home. I've read every thing but don't have time to respond - DH should be home any min and I haven't seen him in 3 days!!!