200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya Super Pals!

    Victoria: Enjoy your race, you'll do awesome!!!! I think it would be awesome if a bunch of us could get together and run a race.

    Lacey: I'm glad you made it there safe, I'm sorry your flat iron isn't working for you. I should have mentioned the voltage difference between Europe and the US means that not all of your appliances will work here. I hope you enjoy your stay in Italy!

    Kendal: It sounds like you had a good time with Mr. Reunion & his girls!

    Crystal: Your beautiful dog was exactly the same color as our golden retriever currently living with The Hubbs' parents in Idaho. Absolutely beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. I have no tips to help with emotional eating as I generally just kind of wallow in it until I can't eat any more. Maybe you should get outside for a bit to help clear your mind?

    Kristina: I'm glad the lunch date went well. Yay for a low key night with some wine!

    Hailie: What Kendal said. (((((HUGS)))))

    Hosanna: Your dogs have the cutest little ears!!!!

    Kiki: Do you live in Boise? The Hubbs is from Boise and his parents, brother and cousins still live there so we end up visiting there whenever we are back in the States.

    Jessi: I hope the tongue/mouth thing is doing better today. If it isn't, maybe an ER visit is in order??

    It is 50 degrees here and raining. All I want to do is curl up and be a slug.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning ladies. Going to the gym again today. I forgot to mention that I got up to 45 minutes yesterday on the elliptical. My weight is way freaking up today. Gotta get it back down by the next weigh in. I originally typed "gotta try to get it down..." but I changed it. There's no "trying" about it, I HAVE TO get it back down by the next weigh in.

    Anyway, time for my egg toast breakfast and then going to the gym. Love you ladies!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Good luck Victoria! All of you runners inspire me. Maybe one day I'll be a runner too.

    Lacey- can I say JEALOUS!

    kendall- good job on getting back on track. Im going to do the same. Yesterday killed me....and the scale shows it.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good morning ladies. Going to the gym again today. I forgot to mention that I got up to 45 minutes yesterday on the elliptical. My weight is way freaking up today. Gotta get it back down by the next weigh in. I originally typed "gotta try to get it down..." but I changed it. There's no "trying" about it, I HAVE TO get it back down by the next weigh in.

    Anyway, time for my egg toast breakfast and then going to the gym. Love you ladies!

    I'm right there with you! I had a bad day on Friday, and my weight jumped up nearly 2lbs Saturday morning just to yell at me. I'm now in the process of working that back off, one pound down! You're right, though...there is no TRY! Trying is what we have all been doing for years without much success. I just hope I maintain for my official weigh-in tomorrow on MFP...I don't want to have to log a gain!!!

    Lacey: Sorry about the burnt finger, but I'm sure that the exciting adventures will more than make up for the bad hair days :wink:

    Victoria: I'm so excited for you run, and I know you will do wonderfully! I'm no where near interested or ready for a anythingK, but I'm super excited to hear about everyone who's doing it!

    Amy: I'm freezing too! No rain here today, but it is actually colder in my house (made of brick, like the third little pig) than it is outside...just craziness!
  • pinbotchick
    I survived and my unofficial time 3 hrs 21 min 22 sec!!!
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    I hope everyone has had a great or at least fairly good weekend?

    Question: I want to make sure I understand the weigh in standards for the group. Is it two times a week, on mon & fri? or is it one or the other?

    being new its a little daunting trying to keep up (and catch up) with everyone & what is going on but i'm going to give this conversation thing a shot :)

    rkorton - oh man, i love a nice beer and its been a struggle not to indulge... how did it go this w/e?

    lady - crystal light margarita flavoring?! *makes room on grocery list* going to make a convert out of my SO lol

    jessi - your kitty mischief story made me lol irl. cats are amazing with what they can get into.

    kristina - okay yeah, my friend got her MSW last year though its been a struggle for her to find work. i originally looked at masters programs for Anthro but they are becoming fewer and far between but you can find good cultural resource mgmt work with an MA. i decided physically that was not something i'd be able to maintain. anyways, yeah.. i'm a huge proponent of therapy & until recently didn't understand why some got PhD's and others didn't so ty for the added info :) FYI, You are a goddess for keeping up with everyone's weight/stats in a spreadsheet. I imagine all the newbies like myself flooding in must make your job that much harder :/ so thank you a 100x's over for doing it!

    jessi - glad the jumping rope sans rope worked out for you... if it gets your heart rate up, it has to count right? I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well now, i hope whatever it is, is easily taken care of.

    crystal - i'm so sorry to hear about your dog :'( my heart goes out to you ((hugs))

    hosanna - completely jealous of your soon to be HP adventure & hooray for being an HP nerd!! you obviously have a wonderful fiance, i hope he shares your love of Potter at least a bit? did you get into pottermore? (i ask this knowing i have little time to spend on such things but as an avid fan, DO WANT IN ASAP haha)

    So many cute doggies, i want to cuddle them all :smile:

    My week started off rather rough with the tail end of a sinus infection. I made the mistake of trying to do the 30DS tuesday and had to stop towards the end when there started being spots in my vision. Thankfully by wed evening I was feeling normal. Now that I'm in the habit of daily exercise it nags at me when I can't do anything, which actually makes me a bit crabby or whiney and I'm going to assume that's no fun for those around me :P Food wasn't too much of a battle until Friday when I gave in to the SO wanting to go out to dinner. Since I changed my diet and started looking at what is in most of the food @ our favorite restaurants, I've made it a point to stop going. I knew most of it wasn't anything approaching good, but my gods - some of what restaurants serve is downright frightening. I didn't eat much during the day and had the space in my goals but it the act of going out to eat ended up being kinda stressful :( It was nice to let myself have a glass of wine and unwind though so ultimately I think it was a success.

    Had a nice NSV today when I found I could get into an old pair of capris that I'd stashed in the depths of my dresser. They even fit comfortably... such a good feeling, even more so than a change in the scale or measurements for me. It feels so much more concrete ya know?

    The only real dim spot in my week is one of my cats. She's just past 10yrs old now and a few weeks ago I discovered a growth on her upper lip. This past week she thew up once and it wasn't a usual hairball or her eating too much too fast (the latter she's done since she was a kitten) - sorry to be gross! Her appetite has lessened noticeably (she's the type to come and meow at you as soon as the dish is almost empty until you go and fill it). The growth looks like it might have started to bleed... ugh. I got pet insurance for her and since I'm unemployed and only floating on some savings and my mom's help, I cannot afford much in the way of medical care. I'm going to take her in this week and see what a vet has to say but from what I've read online, I'm not too optimistic. I know a lot of people don't exactly get the appeal of cats, but she's my baby. *sigh*
  • pinbotchick
    My official time was the same except was 54 sec. Which makes for 15:24 ave mile. We did tons of walking in the 2nd half. The hills were brutal!!! It rained - steady drizzle the last hour. Great food after the race - red potatoes covered in salt. It's the first time I've had them and they were great - I needed to replace salt. We had lunch at another brewpub, shopped at marshals and I'm ready for a nap... Planning on a swim and hot tub in an hour, sharing a bottle of wine and going to bed. 4 of us are staying another night. The other 5 went home today. I'm not looking forward to being cooped up 9 hours in the car tomorrow... Catch you all later...
  • jessicae1aine
    Hailie - Sorry about your crazy naked lady!! People seriously overreact sometimes. Also, I do prefer kitties. :) I have 3 of them.

    Crystal - I chew gum instead usually, or eat things like green peppers and green onions.

    My mouth still hurts today, and is still swollen, but I'm kind of suspecting it's an infected salivary gland (which I've had before)... which sucks because generally speaking, the "best" solution per the doctor is to suck sour candy. I'm not much of a sweets person, and I basically detest sour things. I do have some cinnamon jolly ranchers on my desk at work, so maybe that will work in the "drool it out" concept. (I'm also not a fan of cinnamon. I just stock the candy dish on my desk for the rest of the people there.)

    I get to go grocery shopping this afternoon. I should have gone Friday but the store closes at 10 and the football game didn't end until 9:30 (and we still won 42-6). Yesterday I was taking pictures all morning and then napping all afternoon. Today has been calmer, and we got a walk in this morning already. I'm excited to go shop, because I have a ton of meat and cheese and really want to make salad.

    I ordered silicone muffin cups because I basically just cook in my toaster oven thanks to sharing a kitchen and me being pretty germaphobic - aside from the obvious muffins, cupcakes, and mini quiches, what else can you think of that I can make in these? Not even necessarily diet-friendly food, but in general. :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- wow. I. Am. In. Awe. Of. You.

    Not logging cals today but I slowly burned a little over 500 at the gym today. Was a little worn down as this is my 3rd straight day going (or is it my 4th?). Yesterday I burned 680 cals in about 45 min on the elliptical. Today I was only at 285 cals when I was at 30 min so I got off that and hopped on the treadmill instead. Slowly walked for about 45 min on that.
  • pinbotchick
    asarcasticsmile - we weigh in once a week. You pick the day anytime from fri to mon and post it here. Sorry to hear about your cat - I'm a crazy cat lady with 6 of them - so I really get it. (((((( hugs )))))

    I too put the Crystal light Magarita flavor on my shopping list.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lacey - Have an AWESOME time!!

    Victoria - WAY TO GO! So proud of you lady, you've worked so hard for that!

    Fi - WOO! Another HP nerd!! I didn't get into PM, i missed all the clues :frown: oh well, it'll be open soon enough. I have a friend who did get in, but deleted her account because she was unhappy with the house she was sorted into. Sigh. Other Half has seen the movies (recently, because i made him), and although he enjoyed them, he's not got any intentions of reading the books. which makes me a bit sad, but at least he's seen the films. He kinda disowned me in the theatre during DH2, because i was crying so much... he just doesn't understand...
    Sorry to hear your cat is unwell... Even though i'm a dog person, i still understand the attachment people get to their pets in general. It's always sad when things don't go well. {{hugs}}

    Well, we've gone from having gorgeous weather yesterday (i got sunburnt shoulders from our walk...) to a shocker of a north wind this morning. Unfortunately we left the study window open overnight, so my ENTIRE desk is covered in dust. Pleh. This shall take some remedial work to fix. Also, it may be too windy to take the pups walking today... as you can see, they're likely to blow away in a nasty wind!!

    We had homemade burgers and oven chips last night for tea. Still came to 1300 calories, but it satisfied our burger/chips craving without being loaded with salt and grease. And we unintentionally missed lunch yesterday anyway, so we had the calories spare.

    I'm so painfully tired today. I can barely convince myself that i have to go on the Wii now. and i have a doc appt to get my ears cleaned out this afternoon (gross, i know, but i can barely hear anything!) and then a thing for work tonight... i have to go to a lecture on neuropathic pain from 630-930 tonight, but apparently it includes dinner, which makes it slightly better. Although i have no idea what "dinner" will be. Pleh.

    Oh well. To the Wii.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Alooooha! Hope everyone is trying to enjoy their weekends!

    Jessi – I hope your under-the-back-of-the-tongue-something-something feels better soon! Macaroni Grill is a chain restaurant that serves a ton of really heavy pasta dishes. It’s delicious, but even the “healthier” options like grilled fish and orzo have over a thousand calories an entree. When we first moved here the sports thing was really weird because football was on sooo early and “night games” were “afternoon” games for us. But it is also kind of nice because then you get it out of the way early and have the rest of the Sunday to do weekend stuff.

    Victoria – WOWY! CONGRATS ON A GREAT RUN – YOU SURVIVED AND YOU KICKED SOME BUM! :happy: Hehe I’m not sure when the barcode scanner showed up, I’m just thankful it’s there. I hope it helps you log more too ;)

    Regina – Woohoo way to go! :flowerforyou:

    Crystal – Awww Crystal your lovely pup was so pretty. I am so sad for you. :cry: Big hugs! I don’t have many tips when I get that craving to eat something sweet because I’m super mad or super sad except to go for a walk, or I make myself drink a full 16oz glass of water. After the walk, I sometimes will feel a little better and don’t need it anymore. And as for drinking the water, at least after that I am kind of full, so I don’t go overboard on the eating if it does happen. But – I am also so excited for you to go on your cruise! You will have a blast and look so great for it!! My husband and I did our first cruise together (his second) in the Mediterranean this summer and it was amazing! The food was great and the activities were super fun. Besides the shore excursions, one of my favorite things was going to an art auction on the ship and getting silly on the free champagne (and probably buying too much artwork lol – that’s why they give you free champagne!) I am so excited for you guys!

    Kristina – Happy for your dates!! Thank you soooo much again for putting this together – 45 people is a LOT to keep track of! And you’re right – Emma is super cute!!!

    Hosanna – You and your puppies are too cute and I’m so happy for you about the Harry Potter thing - sounds like so much fun! It is so great when our hubbies love us, quirks and all! (My husband doesn’t get the HP thing, but he would buy me the books as soon as they came out and just shake his head and smile when I stayed up all night reading the whole thing in one sitting.) As for your bum – work it girl!

    Annette – Woohoo what a great Friday workout!

    Kristina/Jane/Lacey/Bobbie – Haha maybe all of your Jack Russells are equally the cutest things ever?

    Lacey – Glad you made it to your destination safely! That was one of the few things I missed about America when we were in Europe this summer, nothing opened early! Hope your finger feels better soon – and updos are better in muggy weather anyway ;)

    Amy – OOOOh my your pups are adorable! Do you play soccer? I used to in high school but screwed up my ankles so I didn’t play for a long time, and I started playing coed flag football here and screwed my ankle up again! So now I just do kickball lol. Good luck with the lantern – I am not crafty at all and am amazed at the things other people can do!

    Hailie – Haha poor crazy naked lady. Big hugs for dealing with all the crazy people that you deal with – and big props for surviving! :flowerforyou: You are so strong girl! I feel you on the family functions – After I started gaining weight, whenever I went to functions for the Filipino side of my family I would dread them tremendously. I would get pinched and butt slapped and they would go “Aaaaaayyyyeee Tashiiiiya you are getting so chubby! Aarriiye! You used to be so skinny!” And then I would get harassed for not going to Manila to visit the rest of the family… PLEASE! A girl can only take so much! :explode:

    Kendal – Your baking party sounded like a blast! :happy:

    Fi – Yay for NSV! :happy: And yes – restaurants ARE frightening – life would be easier if we stopped going to them, but maybe not as much fun? :wink: I’m sorry to hear about your kitty :frown:

    Our Friday night at Apartment 3 was delicious - but I had no idea how to add the calories so I just saved 1090 from watching my earlier meals and sweat off the rest. I still have no idea how much I actually consumed, I had a flatbread pizza with mushrooms and truffle oil, and a drink with stoli bluberri and veev acai spirit... so I'm HOPING it was around 1100 calories lol.

    Saturday was tough; I had class all day and they feed us breakfast and lunch - GOOOOOD TAAAASTY HIGHLY CALORIC breakfast and lunch, and I needed to keep my energy up to sit through 2 hours of econ, 3 hours of stats and 4 hours of org behavior! We went for drinks nearby after class, and instead of having one I had THREE stoli sodas :drinker: (our school's football game was on, along with my alma mater football game on the next tv, and the Samoa-Wales rugby match on the next - it was a VERY exciting/heartbreaking night since all three of the teams I was rooting for lost :brokenheart: ) so I figured I pretty much blew it. I came home and did some Turbo Jam Cardio Party and Ab Jam and burned a ton of calories, and then I wasn't hungry so ended up not eating dinner... so I actually ended up coming under my calorie count (yay) :bigsmile:

    Today I was dreading the scale since I haven't been the best this week - but I actually ended up LOSING 1.8lbs from last week! So now I'm at 215.2 - less than a quarter of a pound away from my Oktoberfest goal yay! :happy: My body fat is down to 40.0, which is the number I'm really worried about. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings (the walls are covered in HD tvs and we watch pretty much EVERY game) for football this morning and we had people there at 6:15am to save tables for the 7am games. They serve bar food; I haven’t really seen anything remotely healthy there) so I ended up splitting a breakfast burrito with my husband and drinking a Virgin Mary among many glasses of water. We estimated around 600 calories for that, and chose higher counts to be on the safe side. I’ve got a lot to do today to catch up! I think I’m going to do some more resistance training along with the cardio. Lots of homework/studying/exercising to do, so I’ll catch you all again in a few days. Enjoy what’s left of your weekends and start Monday off fresh! :happy:
  • NatalieGabriel
    Hi All,

    Hope you had a great weekend! Haven t logged on for a few days and we've gone from 4 pages to 10! WOW! So nice to read everyone's stories and how there getting on. I will defo be posting more this week.

    My normal healthy eating plan goes great for the first week or so and then i fail miserably so now im on week 2 this is where the challenge actually gets tough for me.

    Had a good week, went to circuit training twice, exercise DVD at the weekend so that's one of my goals completed. My boss commented on how ''glowing'' my skin was looking this morning, i thought it was due to the fact id been running round like a manic for the last half an hour but maybe all that fruit, veg and walking is paying off! YEY.

    My weight this morn is 151.8 so 2.2lbs lost, woop woop. Think i must have been having a heavy day last week tho, dont really believe the scales.
    Thought id share with you an extra little motivation im using, for every lb i lose im sticking $10 dollars on my wall so i can visualize the money increasing each week. The money im going to spend after this challenge on something for myself, new jeans or dress! I started eating healthier a few weeks ago now so i how have $55 as a treat!

    Hosanna - You said you live quiet remote, i know that feeling, i'm in Cape York, 11 hours drive to cairns. No shops, no hair dressers...or no anything really. Great i suppose for healthy eating as theres no McDonalds or pizza hut to tempt me.
    On the job and feeling down front, i read a book a few months ago that i literally love and tell everyone about and think it'd help you, not sure if you would of heard of it or read it but its called the Secret by Ronda Bryne and its amazing. Everyone should read this book. Its a little bit ''out there'' i guess but you feel happy reading it, it makes you happy!

    Feeling a little bit less motivated today, but i'll keep ready everyones posts to keep me motivated! Well done ladies, keep up the good work! xxx

    Week 1 - 151.8lbs
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Doing my call out post early. Please post by tomorrow evening at the latest.

    First though, Victoria, you are a goddess! I'm so proud of you. A trail half? Wowsas.. so impressive. Our next half should be together again!

    Okay, as it's possible I missed someone's original post as well, here is what I have:

    People's who I have logged their weight for this week already:

    Those who weighed in late in the week (Thursday on), for the first time. I'm using that weight as your starting weight, and so you won't show up on the first week's chart. If you weigh in this upcoming week, you'll pop on week #2:

    Those who have not weighed in (or I missed). reminder, if you miss 2 weeks, I take you off the chart. Too many people to keep up with otherwise:
    Sarah (rainvc)
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Amy - I'm just outside of Boise, in Nampa :) Where are you guys living now?

    Kendal - 45 min on the elliptical - that is wonderful!

    Bobbie - You'll get that weight down, we all will :)

    And gah, I'm so tired right now! Didn't get in a workout today, but I've been good about my calories. One rest day a week is a good thing anyway :) I'm usually an early to bed sort, but ended up out until 3am last night :-O It happens every now and then, and it's good for the husband to get our little one to bed once in a while. And what sort of exciting stuff was I up to? Playing Magic the Gathering with the boys, haha, don't laugh at me now ;-) Kudos to me though - no junk food/crap eating, just some good old gaming!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow, that's a lot of the oldies but goodies who are missing for this week...Come on, usual suspects, let's get this challenge going!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Kristina: Gonna have to start making my WI posts more jump-outy!!!


    Tasha: I love my Harry Potter - Isaac just accepts it and loves me anyway.

    Natalie : I'm not quite that remote, I'm in Whyalla. But i live on the other side of town from all the Maccas and HJs and KFC, so i don't have to worry about temptation.

    Spent an hour on the Wii this morning. I'm so proud. And i've now cleaned up the sitting room for the first time in ages. I'm enjoying the room being tidy now!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Blah, went over by almost 700 for my sodium today - it's been ages since I've gone over on sodium. That's what I get for eating Taco Bell. Ah well, that will be something to keep in mind next time I want to "Make a Run for the Border".

    Hope you're all enjoying (what's left) of the weekend!
  • NatalieGabriel
    ****************************Kristina - WI - 151.8 :-) Thanks xx******************************************

    Does anyone else when they get stressed out or frustrated wanna just grab a chocolate bar as if that's going to help the situation?? Monday morn in work and when problems arise i just want to eat choc...aaarrrggghhhh!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hey girls, I don't know how much I am going to be around for the next week or so. One of my two BFFs is having brain surgery this week. She has a tumor the size of a softball sitting on top of her brain and it must be removed, now. We don't know if it is malignant or benign. We don't know if it has affected the skull bone and if that will need to be removed, we just don't know.

    She has a 4 yo daughter (2 weeks younger than Wiggle) and a husband at home and they are, as suspected, a mess. The 4yo has no idea...just that mommy has an owie on her head and needs to go to the hospital for a couple of days.

    I will be cooking, cleaning, and babysitting for the family flying in.

    Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated and I will check in as I can.



    Kristina: I am going to take a pass for this week -- if you don't mind.