200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • ReginaB13
    ReginaB13 Posts: 87 Member
    I feel super motivated today! The air outside is crisp and cool and smells of FALL! I went and grabbed two apples for my snacks today instead of bad munchies :)

    <3 I'm hoping I get through the weekend okay, though. I have some parties that may make things a bit difficult. I just have to stay mindful!

    Hope everyone is doing well today!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 270.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

    BOOM right out of the gate this first week! I hope I can maintain and I'll be at my 5% goal by next week.

    Hallie- I'm about to come and beat some a s s up in there! I do not like mean, rude, bitter people. They are more than welcome to hate on themselves, but do not push your hatin on other people.

    Dont remember who is was, but sorry about puttin the pooch down. It's only for the best. Sadly, I feel that we will have to put Husky down soon as well. He is 12 and acts like he's 2, but winter is hard on him and he's been getting large calcium lumps. They have come and gone, but still worrisome.

    Everyone else......SLOW DOWN! I miss one day and now I'm all lost!

    Took my kids to their first baseball game last night. Reds vs Cubs... (GOOOOO REDS!!!!!) They had a blast. Yesterday was also my 6 year anniversary with my dear esposo!! Too bad we dont get to see each other until Sunday then we are going to X-FEST! Whoot! Soccer in the AM, then hopefully some friend time. Have a great day ladies.

    As far as toys kept.....I still have a baby doll that my daughter loves now and I have a few that my dad got me when I was little. I also have my baby bear *Pooky* but he stays at my moms for safe keeping.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    FYI: Crystal light now has a margarita flavor drink mix......ITS DELICIOUS! Now, we can have our coctails and not go calorie crazy!!!
  • hkallembach
    Victoria: Awww, thank you! I am just me! FYI, you freakin' rock for your amazingness of running powers! Also, the article on HRM was very informative.

    Lacey: Have a wonderful time! Thanks for the motherly advice, I appreciate it. From now on, I will do that and it will help!

    Kerry: Hiya!

    Nava: I hope your had a rockin' birthday! :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Amy: 'Skinny vibes' is now my new favorite word. Ha. I won't disappear for 20 years, maybe 20 hours, or 20 minutes tops!? I loved your halloween costume on FB! :laugh: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA, wee. Enough said! Is being youthful good/bad? Hahaha,, with my raging teenageral hormonal moments!

    Hosanna: This is like my "safe place" when the world is coming crashing down around me. What do you like about Zumba?

    Katie: Welcome back!

    Jessi: I like your advice a lot! You rock! Seriously! :smile:

    Anyone who has FB: creep me up on facebook in the search box: hailie lee kallembach

    Crystal: (((((hugs))))) for the family pet situation.

    Annette: You are so right, I don't have a clue what the heck I'd do without ya'll!

    Bobbie: Adorable picture!

    Rikki: I agree 100%!

    I have class in three minutes so I need to run! See ya'll later! Hahahha, I'll tell you about my naked crazy lady at work story too!
  • hkallembach
    Victoria: Awww, thank you! I am just me! FYI, you freakin' rock for your amazingness of running powers! Also, the article on HRM was very informative.

    Lacey: Have a wonderful time! Thanks for the motherly advice, I appreciate it. From now on, I will do that and it will help!

    Kerry: Hiya!

    Nava: I hope your had a rockin' birthday! :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy: :flowerforyou:

    Amy: 'Skinny vibes' is now my new favorite word. Ha. I won't disappear for 20 years, maybe 20 hours, or 20 minutes tops!? I loved your halloween costume on FB! :laugh: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA, wee. Enough said! Is being youthful good/bad? Hahaha,, with my raging teenageral hormonal moments!

    Hosanna: This is like my "safe place" when the world is coming crashing down around me. What do you like about Zumba?

    Katie: Welcome back!

    Jessi: I like your advice a lot! You rock! Seriously! :smile:

    Anyone who has FB: creep me up on facebook in the search box: hailie lee kallembach

    Crystal: (((((hugs))))) for the family pet situation.

    Annette: You are so right, I don't have a clue what the heck I'd do without ya'll!

    Bobbie: Adorable picture!

    Rikki: I agree 100%!

    I have class in three minutes so I need to run! See ya'll later! Hahahha, I'll tell you about my naked crazy lady at work story too!
  • jessicae1aine
    Anette - That's an excellent question. I worry about not eating enough sometimes, and it'd be nice to know I'm in a "safe" zone.... and then, than, you, Victoria, for the answer! :D

    Nava - So sorry I missed saying Happy Birthday! I hope it was great!

    Kristina - I hope you have a good "date". :) Things definitely can change - Nerd was my mortal enemy in the beginning (for no reason at all, actually), and we're getting married... probably next year.

    Regina - Yay for feeling motivated!! :D

    Rikki - What is X-Fest? O.o

    Hallie - <3 Glad I could help. :)

    Started this morning off with a cappuccino. Not healthy, but geesh it's effing cold out there, and I don't do coffee really. Going to invest in sugar-free hot chocolate powder and a reusable cup tonight. Oh! Weight for today: 271.2 Apparently my scale didn't want to give me that number (or any) because it bounced back and forth between 266 and 274 and then just shut off the first time I tried. I also woke up half an hour earlier than normal thanks to Nerd's kitten stealing the sticky fly trap that was above the bird cage and getting it wrapped around herself. She's got it on all 4 legs and paws, her entire stomach, her back legs and hips and tail are TOTALLY covered. And, darling kitty scared the birds, so she's also covered in bird feathers and at one point had a piece of mail stuck to her tail. So glad it's non-toxic - Nerd's gonna have a GREAT time getting it out of her hair.... Now I'm off to a meeting, so yep. :) I'll catch up with you ladies at lunch. :D
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Jessi- the kitty story made me LOL for real. It sounds like a picture of something you'd find on that icanhascheezeburger site.

    I'm weighing in at 213.8 this morning!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Finally!! A decent drop!! I'm excited about that. I'm hoping to repeat the food I had yesterday so I will have another decent drop for next week.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    OMG...It's finally FRIDAY!!! Can I just say that this has been the craziest week!! I wish people would really stop and think about how, why, and when they schedule meetings and trainings. I personally facilitate 12 meetings a week during the school day, which means preparing, facilitating, and follow-up. For some reason, some other people thought that I also needed to attend two other meetings this week and two days of trainings AFTER the school day. By the time I went to the gym, it was at least 9PM before I've gotten home every night! Yet they say that teachers are overpaid for the FEW hours they work a day! Ugh! Anyway, it's Friday, which means that at 3:30, I'm walking out of here and I'm going to the gym, and I will be home by 6, and I will sit down, relax and breathe for the first time this week. Anyone care to join me in a glass of wine, because I think I might just indulge tonight!

    Hallie: Girl, if you don't stay out here and play with us, I'm going to sneak your turtle shell away when you're not looking...then where will you curl up??? Trust me that it is better to get that anger and resentment out than it is to hold on to it, so we will be your sounding board.

    Annette: I don't know what the true relationship is, but I do know that at my weight, I can get away with a much higher deficit than others who are closer to their goals. For example, the most I eat in a day, even with eating out, is around 1900. MFP gives me 2020 for a daily goal. So, I'm already normally down at least 100 calories, but I work out HARD and burn between 1000 and 1500 a day. There is no way that I can make up for all of those burnt calories too. I'm currently losing 2-3lbs a week, and I'm happy with that, but I wouldn't begin to say that what I do will work for everyone else. I will say, though, that MFP never yells when my net is under 1200 calories, only when my intake is...so, whatever that's worth.

    Amy (& Lacey): Today is Inspiration Friday, and those ladies holding me are definitely my inspiration :happy: :heart:

    Lacey: I'm getting excited just hearing your excitement!

    Megan: It seems that the rain always comes whenever we have something planned outdoors...never fails!

    Kristina: I just want to say not to nocessarily designate anyone directly to the friend's zone right away. My story: I met this guy a couple of years ago, and we went out a few time. He had just moved here, had just ended a relationship, and still didn't have any set goals; I automatically put him in the friend's zone. I liked him, we had great conversation, and he was great to be around, but I wasn't sure if I was attracted to him or not, and I didn't want to deal with anyone who didn't know where they were on things. He started pushing for more, and I stopped talking to him completely, quickly falling for a guy that I was so attracted to in numerous ways. I thought he had been made for me. I felt this so deeply, that I didn't see the signs that his present and near-future goals were way different than mine were. Long story short, he picked up and moved to another state telling me to WAIT for him for an indefinite amount of time. So, I waited, for six months because I so felt that attraction. Fast forward again, I answered the phone one day about 2 months ago, and it was the other guy (the friend) and he wanted to get together. Being with and falling from that "this-is-perfection" dream I had, made me realize what it was that I really wanted in life and in a relationship. Funny thing is, I had to go through that pain to realize I already had someone who wanted to give me that. I will also say that passion grows, exponentially when you feel like everything else is in place. And now that all my rambling probably stopped making sense, I just wanted to say, don't give up on a possibility so quickly just because you don't "feel" he's the one yet.

    Jessi: you needed to take a picture of the kitty...that is one for cyberspace with a nice caption about curiosity...lol

    Ok, I'm done calling myself catching up because as I'm typing this, you all are still going, and then I'm confusing myself, and then, yep...I'm lost.
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    FI- Welcome! And thanks for the lengthy intro post! My second major was anthropology and loved it, but like you said, you can't do much with your BA in it... and unfortunately my second major was psychology, which again, you can't do anything with just the bachelor's. Grad school it was! I'm going to assume the 233.8 in your signature is your current weight, but let me know if I should put something else for your challenge start weight

    Well, crappy eating for me today, which started off okay and went downhill. I passed not one, not two, but three delivery cars on my way home and I was weak. A big house salad (yeah!) and pizza (boo!), so over my calories significantly, especially as my second Emma walk was cut short with rain. At least logging makes me own the calories. Tomorrow's a new day.
    Hi Kristina - :blushing: my post was more rambly than i realized but i figure if i'm going to jump in, why not jump in the whole way? lol
    Did you go to grad school for Psych? I've had a couple friends do that, one for her MA and the other for her PhD. Its a long road but can be very fulfilling.
    Yep, 233.8 is my start weight, thx!
    Pizza is such a weakness for me too, so totally feel that pain

    I had a long day yesterday so I had no time to come to the boards, which is frustrating but I'm looking forward to some down time to catch up!

    HAPPY FRIDAY *snoopy dance*
  • KatheryneLynne
    Jessie, I agree with everyone else, I hope you got a few pictures of the kitten. It sounds quite funny. Hopefully it wasn't too hard on the poor thing to get him untangled.

    Hallie, We love you, don't run away.

    Rikki, are you in the Ohio Valley? I used to go to Reds games all the time growing up.

  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I weighed in at 175.8 this morning. That's a 2 pound loss from Monday! Given I gained a pound between last Friday and Monday, It's pretty good in my books!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Weigh in today - 217.2

    I'm pretty excited about this. My family took a short vacation (a week) to the UK at the end of August, and somehow I put on a couple of lbs there (didn't overeat - I think, but didn't exercise either aside from some walking ... and tons of sodium consumed I'm sure). My weight pre-holiday was 217.6, when I returned I weighed it at 220 at one point, so now I'm under (yes that .4 counts! haha!) where I was before I started. Not by much, but I'll take it!

    pinbot - good job maintaining. And 194, just seeing that number is exciting to me, hehe I can't wait to get under 200!

    qofsheeba - new exercise is always fun! What are your tried and true ones (I'm nosy, always looking for some new workouts to try :) )

    akasullengal - have fun at the dog park! Even if you're feeling "Eh" and "Friendzonish" about it, new friends are always a good thing right? :)

    Regina - good job on the apples vs the junk. Especially this time of year, when apples are at their best :D

    Eeeek, I was moving down the list here to try and reply, but I've got to get a move on to class. Linguistics today, at least it's a fun one! Followed up by a little Philosophy of Aesthetics, which is usually fun, but we have an exam today. Fingers crossed, this professor can be a bit nutty when picking out exam questions (he actually has said he usually figures them out as he walks from his office to the computer to type them up to the xerox and then straight on it to class ... so no exam preps because he doesn't even know what the questions will be until right before class! Geez! )
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Fi- I went to school for my MSW. I wanted to do clinical work, and you can basically do the same things with your MSW as you can with your psych PhD, if you want to do therapy. It's a much shorter program, and insurance programs are moving towards reimbursing MSWs more and more, because we're "cheaper".

    Can I just say..

    It's Friiiiday Friiiiday!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Jessie, I agree with everyone else, I hope you got a few pictures of the kitten. It sounds quite funny. Hopefully it wasn't too hard on the poor thing to get him untangled.

    Hallie, We love you, don't run away.

    Rikki, are you in the Ohio Valley? I used to go to Reds games all the time growing up.


    Yes I am. In the Dayton/Springfield Area.
  • qofsheba
    My goals:
    1. Lose 8 lbs in next six weeks. to get to 184 I think this is reasonable. I'm always insisting on 2 lbs a week and have never maintained that loss after the first two weeks.....so it becomes a reason to quit.

    2. Add some new exercise. Do WII cardio and yoga and was walking at night before vacation. Need to find some new things for the WII.

    3. WATER WATER WATER. I have a hard time getting in and rarely do.

    4. Be out of 1X. Never thought I'd be happy to see XL or even XXL but I will be.

    5. Sort though clothes stash to find things that I can fit back into over the next six weeks....do not want to buy clothes but do want clothes to fit.

    Welcome new people! This is the first time I've written my real weight anyplace that others could read it!!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Good job on all the losses!! :D

    Sorry!! You'd think I'd remember with my phone sitting in the bed with me, and my camera right next to the bed, that I should use it to take pics. Apparently Nerd can't catch her long enough to clean her, so maybe we'll at least have some feathery pictures later. :P

    I definitely had a can of Diet Peach Diet Snapple Green Tea (and why does that have diet in the name twice?!) and it was SO gross. Apparently I somehow forgot that while I like some (most) tea, I think green tea is disgusting. Oh well, I paid for it so I drank it, but never again!

    Question! I can't jump rope in my office because the ceilings are too low, but I want to do something to stay active in my control room during ball games when I'm doing them solo instead of with my coworker. I don't have room to do much of anything, really, so does pretending to jump rope (y'know, jumping without the rope) count?
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    I would love to join...my weight this morning was 237lbs....my goal is to have atleast another 20lbs off by Halloween. I have lost 11lbs so far.

    My name is Heather and I'm a 27 year old single mom to a beautiful 6 year old daughter. I'm tired of being fat and just want to get healthy to be a live for a long time with my daughter. Oh and of course find a wonderful man to become my husband...seeking now LOL....
    I need to make sure I drink my water everyday...I drink it somedays, but not everyday....
  • ReginaB13
    ReginaB13 Posts: 87 Member
    As long as you lift your legs high enough while jump roping!! :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Jessi: Jumping without a rope TOTALLY counts, you could also do jumping jacks or squats.

    sheba: You have some great goals for this challenge!

    ember: Good luck on your exam!

    Apryl: Great loss this week!

    Bobbie: I like you "friend zone" story. Sometimes it's hard to see what's right in front of our faces.

    Kendal: Great loss lady!!! Woohooo!!!!

    Hailie: Being youthful is NEVER bad (when it's bad, it's called being childish).

    Rikki: I love the idea of margarita flavored crystal light.

    Kristina: Your date might not be "Mr. Right" for you, but you can still have friends, right? Ain't nothing wrong with getting to know him better.

    So I was talking to The Hubbs about the menu he & The Kid want for when I leave next week (I'm doing the grocery shopping tomorrow) and I mentioned that he still hasn't gotten the dog sitter for the portion of the trip that he & The Kid meet us in Bruges and he said..."I thought YOU were doing that." No, I'm not. I told him MONTHS ago that I wasn't doing it and it was his ONLY job. Grrrrr.