200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pinbotchick
    Crystal - ((((((big hug))))) you'll make the best decision for you and the dog.

    Crystal and Megan - when I first got my Bugg, I compared MFP estimates to the Bugg and most of the time, they were within 50 cals for an hour workout and closer with shorter workouts. My big discovery was how much I burn doing other things like grocery shopping, cooking, working (I was so wrong thinking I had a sedentary job), yardwork, etc. If I lay around and watch movies, read or type on MFP (as I've been known to do on Sundays) my cal burn is significant lower. I lost most of my original weight by aiming for a 1 pound loss and eating back 1/2 my exercise cals as by MFP estimate - ave consumption was 1800. It worked for me and I kept with it until I hit the 180s, got lax, stopped logging food, started drinking beer again... Now I'm back on track and have logged my 3rd day of eating. Only 39 more days of logging for this challenge...

    More warm welcomes and looking forward to getting to know the new faces.
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Guys! I'd love to join this challenge. I'm also in a Christmas challenge, but I feel like a six week challenge would be really helpful to keep me on track toward my goal for Jan. of 2012.
    A little about me: I'm an undergraduate student and also have a part time job at a non-profit, so I'm fairly busy. I live with my boyfriend who loves to take really intense walks, and we also get a lot of exercise with our dog who needs to run everyday.
    I REALLY want to get more focused exercise, so I've been doing 30DS (now on level 2) and started C25K (which I take the dog on sometimes).
    I would LOVE any exercise suggestions.
    My net calories are set at 1300-1500, and I eat mostly vegetarian but tend to eat out at least a few times a week, which I would like to work on :)

    5' 4"
    SW: 218
    CW: 204
    goal for Halloween: 195
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Regina - Welcome! Good on you for wanting to set a good example for your future family!!

    Crystal - I'm so sorry to hear about your dog :frown: It does sound like it's the right thing to do, but that never makes it easy! {{hugs}}

    Jean-Ann - Welcome! Jump right on in! this is such an awesomely supportive group of ladies, i don't know where i'd be without them!!

    Lotusthrone - Welcome!

    Well, i've just been for an hour walk with the pups in 85 degree heat, which near on killed us all!! It's so hot... can't be bothered doing ANYTHING now... which is super sucky, because we have a pigsty of a kitchen...

    We also got the exterminators in today to spray our house... byebye flies!!
  • KatheryneLynne
    check in for the evening...

    I went over my cals by about 200,(Pizza is evil you know). Sodium way, way over. Must do better tomorrow :(


    Crystal--my thoughts are with you. I had to put my cat down a couple of years ago, she was 19 at the time, and I had had her since I was ten. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Just know that we are all thinking about you.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Normally I over eat on days when I'm out of my routine (ie, weekends) and since I had today off work, I figured I would go way over again. But I didn't. I'm sure some of it had to do with the fact that I didn't get out of bed till noon, but I only ate 1410 cals total and didn't eat any of my exercise cals (670 cals left for the day). I know it's wrong to have that many cals left over, but it feels kinda good to not have to struggle to stay under today.
  • jessicae1aine
    I was pretty over on calories today, too... but I honestly don't care. I've done well so far, haven't gone over at all, one day won't kill me. Back on the wagon tomorrow.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning Super Pals - Happy Friday!!! I am weighing in at 188 this week (it's only a 0.4 pound loss but after last week's stand-still, I'll take it)

    Jessi: One day won't kill you, get right back to it today. Yay for falling down pants!!!

    Kendal: Yay for staying under (just not too under, k?). I like the new haircut and I'm glad that you like it!! If I'm ever anywhere near your neck of the woods, I PROMISE that I will go out of my way to meet you. I'd love to see North Carolina sometime!

    Katheryne: Pizza is evil.

    Hosanna: Great job on your walk! And great loss this week sweetie!!! Yay!!!

    Welcome lotus! What kind of dog do you have?

    Welcome Jeanne Anne & Regina

    Crystal: I am so sorry that you are sick and that you're having to contemplate putting your dog down. (((((HUGS)))))

    Megan: Maybe bumping up the calories will help your loss, it's worked for a lot of us here.

    Katie: Welcome back to the group! We miss having you. I'm sorry that life is all chaotic right now with the job thing all up in the air. I hope things get better for you quickly. (((((HUGS)))))

    Hailie: I am so sorry you are having to deal with judgmental people. We love you here and we don't want you to disappear for 20 years.

    Kerry: Where are you at lady, we miss your skinny butt!!!!

    I think I'm mostly caught up again. Welcome to any new people I missed. Hiya to any "old" people I missed. Have a great Friday to EVERYONE!!!!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hailie: No . No. No and No again. You may not crawl into a shell for 20years. You have a whole host of people on here who do not, will not be judgemental about you; who love you and send you warmth and affection all of the time. Ergo - no shells or disappearing acts - keep in touch with us, we are here for you. Listen to yourself, consider whether you think it is okay. Modify a bit if necassary and be strong xx

    Lacey: have an absotulely brilliant time. Am incredibaly furstrated that I am not able to meet with you but the time will come. Enjoy. Oh, and I would love to take up your offer re buddying re food diary - look forward to it (I will be accountable!!!!!)

    Amy: glad you 'taking it'. IT IS A LOSS!!!!!!!!! Hope today is not as hectic for you.

    Crystal: sending you loads of hugs, prayers and love. Have had both pneumonia and dog difficulties this year but at diffenrent times. Would have struggled with them together and really feel for you. You will come through xx

    Hoseanna: I gave up nursing as I became ill - you know the kind of ill where I got up one Monday morning and got ready to go to work then couldnot physically get out of the house. Had two bosses at the time who both asked me 'just to make it in to do x,y,z which just added to whole thing. Was off for 3months and decided as I was not getting any better, to hand in my notice - was a senior practitioner and responsible for many nurses and service mantainence/development for a large geographical area and did not think it was fair to keep them hnging on while I sorted myself out. Can't believe that was nearly two years ago and it is only in recent months that I have been able to go to the area I worked without huge panic issues. Still on meds but hey - it's worth it!!!

    Wlecome to all the newbies - will gradually improve at being able to respond to you all individually.

    Katie: glad you feeling well enough to come back to us.

    General advice - what is the average relationship between intake and expended cals that means weight loss as opposed to stravation mode? Just thought I would throw it out there as am getting myself confused.

    Love to all - late for a meeting - have a great day xx
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I'll come back in and respond to all of you crazy typists, but I wanted to weigh-in before I forgot: 313.8
  • pinbotchick
    Annette - my understanding is you want at least 1200 net cals. Net cals = total consumed - exercise burned

    If you are aiming for a base of 1200, then you should eat all your ex cals. If your base is higher, then you can get away with eating less of the ex cals back. The more you weigh, esp if over 250, the less you need to worry about eating ex cals back - I can't remember why but things work somewhat dif when you have more to lose. I think it's because your base if set to 2 pound loss would still be pretty high and even if you ex 500 cals, your net would still be over 1200. If your eat 1200 and you ex 300 cals, your net = 900. It's like running your car on empty. I hope that helps and does't confuse you.

    My check-in for Wed 2701 burned, 1929 consumed and ex was a 4 mile run in 53 min.
  • hkallembach
    *pops head out of shell* Official weigh-in is 249.8 pounds. *does a quick happy dance as I slide back into my shell*
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I forgot to check in with my Thursday stats: 2314 calories burned/ 1308 calories eaten (a bit low, but I wasn't really home most of the day)/ 1006 calorie deficit.

    OMG, I got my Um from Umbridge costume in the post today and it is AWESOME!!!! Now, I have to wait a month and a half until I can rock that thing. I'll admit that I "tried the costume on" and then pranced around the house for a bit before taking it off. Yay!!!

    Hailie: My sweet girl, you may NOT slide back into your shell - we need your youthful exuberance around here. (he he, I originally typed wee rather than we - whole 'nother meaning there)

    Victoria: Way to go with the logging and keeping a deficit going - you are doing awesome!!!!

    Bobbie: I love you new pic.

    Annette: I agree with what Victoria said. (she's so smart!)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Crystal - you poor thing. Sounds like you're having a terrible time. Is there anyone in your family who could come to help with the baby while you recuperate a bit? Pneumonia is just horrible.
    Letting a beloved animal go is definitely the worst part of pet ownership. Even when you *know* it's the right thing to do, it feels so hard, such a big decision to take for another being, and I always end up second guessing myself.
    Take care of yourself. It all sounds very overwhelming.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning! I couldn't sleep well last ngith so I finaly decided to get up. I need to get G and myself in the shower here shortly, but figured I would reply to a few as I've got a bit a time to kill and I just can't stay away:flowerforyou:

    Hailie - This is going to sound motherly and I kindof hate myself for it, but you could use a dose o self goodness. Next time one of the women in your family makes you feel bad, come in here and tell us about it because we definitely want to hear, but also say something nice about yourself too. You will feel better for it. You've got lots going for you, and you should recognize in yourself what we all see in you. YEAY for the loss, good job!!

    Amy - hehehe about Gabe whistling. Did you see the weather for Paris? Mid to late 60's. THats like Oregon jeans and tshirts weather so my dresses and such should be good to go. Yeay! Congrats on the loss!!

    Bobbie - love that pic!

    Crystal - I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do with my dog too. He's got some major issues. He was up and down all night coughing and choking again. SIgh. I hope you feel better soon.

    Victoria - there will be beer drinking. Also U of O duck picture taking all over Europe. HUGE Siiiigh about this, but Jeff asked me to do it. The bad thing is the stupid stuffed animal also plays their fight song so I have to be careful at how I hold it lol.

    Nava I am so sorry I missed it yesterday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker:

    Katie - yeay for posting three times a week!

    Jessie - thats great your pants are falling off.

    MEgan and Crystal- do you or anyone you know have a Costco membership? I bought my bodymedia fit on there for $150 or $180 I think and it had a years free membership to their online thing with it. Its a great deal. I have to second what Victoria said about th cal burn...I have to set my activity level on mfp to highly active to even come close to the burn on my bmf on a daily basis..and I have a freaking desk job!

    Hosanna - here in the US we are warned to not walk our dogs in heat that hot outside..it overheats them. Is it different in Australia because its always so hot there? SO glad to hear your fly issue is going to be resolved now, double yeay!

    Okay thats enough. I'm going to chug one more cup of coffee and hit the shower.
  • pinbotchick
    My last reported check-in was for Thurs not Wed. I'm losing it. My weigh-in this week is a maintain at 194.5. I'm sitting at the doctors waiting for my new doctor visit - not sure if it includes a physical. We changed insurances so I decided to try a closer doc.

    I'm so excited that I leave tonight. I still have to pack:) I did all the food prep yesterday. They are calling me in. Later gals.
  • qofsheba
    I lost you all for a few days and am happy happy to find you again. I've lost enough weight to feel better and have some loose clothes (but still have 52 lbs to go...). Still it has been many years since I managed to lose this much and not feel deprived. Next month's goal is to explore some new exercise to add to my tried and true.

    Hailie: Try to replace the negative family tapes with all the good things people say in this space. Easier said than done--but it will work if you keep at it--just like weight loss.

    Crystal: feel better. It's awful enough to be sick, but sick with little kids is the worst.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member

    > weigh in today is 208.2

    I'm alright with that considering the "bad" i consumed this week.

    I think i'm going to a polish food festival this evening (if the rain holds off). Never been to one, we will see.

    Nava-Happy late birthday from me too! I got all kinds of caught up in my own little world yesterday. hope it was a good one!

    Hailie- you seem to be like one cool chick. Don't let other people drag you down. i know that's easier said than done, but you deserve better than that. Everyday I see a quote I have put on my mirror that says "you choose this life". Everyday when something doesn't go my way or upsets me, i remember that i CHOOSE to feel that way. People can be ruthless sometimes, but you have you know you are better than they are and do your part to be happy. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Lacey- We don't have Costco's around here...only Sam's. I looked at Sams the other day though, and i didn't see any at the store. I may go online and check it out. I'm still concerned with wearing this thing at work. I know there will be a tons of questions and idk if i want to answer all of those. lol know what i mean? I know you guys said you could wear it on your calf too and that would work if i wore pants, but my staple in clothing is tights and dresses. I'll have to do some research.

    anyways, happy friday and have a good weekend!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Ack- I'm a bit overwhelmed with the amount of posting. I love you gals, but I just can't keep up, and with the influx of new ones as well at the beginning of the challenge (please don't take it the wrong way-- we all were newbies at some point here!), it's just too daunting to keep track of. The chart is going to be a hot mess to keep up with this week. Still expect a monday morning call out.

    As promised (looking at you Victoria), my counts from yesterday: 1572 eaten / 286 exercise calories / over by 86.

    I'll take it.

    Plan for today: work should be pretty chill. We've got a researchpalooza this afternoon at the hospital, so will probably go and grab lots of freebies. I have a second "date" with the guy I went for coffee with last weekend at the dog park. He had a dog which passed away 4 months ago, so he misses going to the park (feels weird going without a dog), so we're going to meet there this evening. Not sure if we'll do anything else after. We might do lunch tomorrow as well. We'll see. I'm sort of eh about this. He's really sweet, but I'm feeling more the friends zone on this one, but I guess things can change.

    Off to get some work done.
    Weigh in this morning is 200 lbs. Cutting out the beer and soda seems to be working. Don't know if I can avoid the beer this weekend. :drinker: I was actually under on my calories yesterday and that is a first. Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Victoria: Best wishes for your race - enjoy. Thanks for the info re calories - and explained in a way that makes perfect sense to me - if I am going to exercise as well, can see I am going to need to keep a good track -

    Lacey - when are you back? (see above!!!!)

    Nava: hope you had a fab birthday. My mum has never liked my hubs - tried her best to keep me with someone who was abusive (all men are like that at times you know - wtf?)Have had lots of pain asociated with her over life - not so simple as just leaving and letting them get on with it - she is my mother. What I finally worked outy was that she has asolutely no idea (on the whole) of what she does. She does, genuinely love me and want the best for me but basically, has not got a clue what that is because we ar sooooooo very different. All her 'advice' therefore, is based on her value system and what she would consider best for her. If I tried to explain it to her/discuss, again, she just wouldn't get it but it really helps me to let her comments pass by, holding on to the thoughts that a) she does really love me and b) I'm grown up now and can make my own choices thank you. Prayers are with you.

    Kristina: glad you posted again!!! Am with you on the 'overwhelmedness' of posts - love it but my brain is easily confused - am working on basis that I can answer some and knowing those who don't get an individual response each time aer tolerant. Also, ther is nothing wrong with being friends - things don't always have to progress to be fun.

    qofsheba: missed your name somewhere - please share!

    Got to go some housework - hubby not happy (and I must agree it is a bit of a mess!)

    Oh, just for your amusement - I thought when you spoke of ideeli, it was an online shop - imagine my suprise when I logged on to see what they had to offer!!!!!

    Bye for now x::flowerforyou: