200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Im in!!!

    my name is Shirley. I have been trying to reach my goal and this is something that I know will help me keep focus...I will be doing the weghin on Mondays.

    SW= 198.8

    CW = 198.6

    Goal for holloween is 190
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    So, the thought occurs to me as I am running this mid-morning that we need to round up all the crazy moms (except Victoria's mom, because she rocks, and mine is pretty awesome most of the time), and send them away so they can all live together and make each other crazy.

    We can call it...a retirement home.

    Whaddaya think? hm? Pretty smart. (What do you mean it's already been done?)

    Status update: I ran 9.3 miles this a.m. and feeling sufficiently kicked in the rear. My attitude is better and my foot is worse, but we are ignoring that for now. I stretched by doing JM 30DS Level 2 and 1 in that order.

    Jessi: I am mourning for your loss of apples, girl. I could LIVE on them. I am so sorry you are allergic. That makes me sad all the way down to my toenails.

    Amy: Thanks for the kick in the rear. I realize I have a reputation to uphold, now. I keep hearing about Pinterest, but I am scared. The last time I was introduced to a website (Ideeli by Lacey ::snarl::) it got expensive for me.

    Welcome, Shirley!

    Kendal: I am searching for the perfect Halloween costume, and I have you in the back of my head. It is making me a little braver. And I think I love your gym. If they started giving out fruit crepes with whipped cream from IHOP, I would fly to where you are and join.

    Nava: ((hugs)) sorry 'bout the drama. I hate drama. hate. it.

    Reintroduction of me: I am a 33 year old SAHM with two littles: Wiggle and Twinkle. Wiggle is 4 and Twinkle is 1. I am married for almost 7 years to my best friend and lover and I am blessed beyond measure. This is my third challenge with this group and I am excited to see how it goes. My goals are lofty, but hey, Go big, or go home, right? So here they are:

    -- Lose 10 lb (putting me firmly at 175.)
    -- Lose 4 inches combined around my body.
    -- Complete Girlfriend's Half Marathon in under 2 hr 45 minutes (<---worried about this one...)
    -- Eat my calories. All of them. (I think I'm stuck because I have been eating around 900- 1000/day.)

    NSV: I was running this morning and I got honked at by my pastor at church. I got caught...RUNNING. It is one of my biggest fears to get caught walking...not because walking is bad - and they don't know how far I have already come, but seriously, Mile 9 and running!! YA--HOOO!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
  • megruder
    Found the new thread! Didn't even realize we were done with the last challenge. I guess I need to actually start reading the thread again. Anyhow, I didn't do my weekly weigh-in this past Friday as it was TOM and I've been avoiding my computer. Things have not been going particularly well as of late.

    The wife has been jacked around in regards to getting a new job, so that has been all kinds of fun. She's a nurse, she wants a job. All these places need nurses, yet it takes 3+ weeks to get paperwork taken care of ???? One of them interviewed her within 4 days of submitting her application. The day of the interview they told her she had the job (even gave her a start date) as long as she passed the background screen and drug test and immediately had her do the pee test. It took them almost 2 weeks to get back with her AFTER she had called them TWICE. The wife then played phone/e-mail tag with a corporate HR person for 3 WEEKS trying to negotiate wages and benefits. After no response for a week from the HR person, the wife finally gets an e-mail back responding to stuff the wife never even said, like that the wife had turned the job down all because she had asked if they would go up a couple dollars an hour. WTF?! I'm also a bit frustrated as I've applied for a part-time IT help desk position that had been posted since April and when I called last week to see if anyone had had a chance to look at my resume the answer was no. They had had it for almost a week. I still haven't heard from them. I had a similar problem a couple years ago when I first moved back here and was trying to find a job. A position would be posted, I would have applied, I wouldn't hear anything and the job was still posted. Is this common in other parts of the US? A business posts a job but doesn't seem to really want to fill it so they just keep it posted and ignore the applicants. I'm wondering if it's just my hometown's special brand of stupid or a fairly common occurrence.

    As for dealing with all the mental health stuff... last week I received a phone call that my therapist was having to take some time from work indefinitely due to a medical problem. This was completely out of the blue, so I have very little information. I'm seeing a colleague of her's tomorrow and he is hoping to have an update for me. She had been on vacation the week before so I'm now feeling extremely lost and just hoping that whatever the medical problem is it's treatable. Stuff with the in-laws is getting bad, I've not been working out or eating particularly healthy so that's all compounded the problem. Ugh! I just need something to go right. Oh and on top of all that the cobra insurance policy that we are paying an three arms and five legs for doesn't seem to be active and is being declined at the pharmacy. Plus, the person that deals with benefits at our previous employer is out on vacation for 2 weeks AND she is pretty much the only person with a brain in the entire HR dept. GRRRRR...

    That's my life in 2 paragraphs, sorry for all the negativity but thanks for listening/reading. It's nice to know someone out there will care.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Ladies - need to request your patience as I am finding it really difficult at the moment to keep up and respond to individual posts - thank you...

    Quick re-introduction. My name is Annette. I am 46 years of age. I live in East Sussex - with hubby and daughter (aged 12). Last year I left my long term nursing career and am currently 'in between' knowing what to do (or maybe this is what I want to do!!). Fell into a job as a PA 2 days a week (school time only), clean someones house once a week and garden for a third person once a fortnight. I also teach at Sunday school and have recently set up a monthly luncheon group for 'longer lived' people in the area with some friends. I am trying to improve my health and the ladies here are fab in giving motion and support. Never one to rush into anything I have just started to exercise regularly (first goal is Christmas to keep it going) but while others seem to have great success with 30DS I'm almost 1/2 way through and yet to see (size/weight) results. At some point I will crack the eating thing - intersetingly while others are better at filling in the diary privately, I would do much better it someone said they would read and comment daily as I would feel more accountable!!!

    Enough of me. Loved being re-introduced to you all.

    Kristina I would like to add to the thanks that you keep the charts going and starting up of each thread.

    Kristina and Victoria: good luck with re-establishing food diary.

    Lacey: good luck with packing and enjoy your break.
    Everyone else - love and hugs - got to go now xx
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Just checking in. Haven't had a chance to read yet but ill get through it tonight or tomorrow.

    I guess use my ending weight from the previous challenge even though I will show a gain on friday due to my poor eating habits when not at home in my routine.

    Ill read up and post later....just wanted to say hi!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Can I just say holy new members batman? I've gone onto the second page of my excel file! That's a first! Stick with us!
  • jessicae1aine
    Kendal - That's AWESOME! I want a gym that feeds me pizza once a month.

    Amy - I would love to have ROOM for workout DVDs. I have the Zumba set, but since we currently have a roommate, there is no room basically anywhere. Looks like we should be roommateless soon, though. I use Pinterest once in a while, yep. Can you add friends on there and such? O.o

    Sarah - Fortunately, I have no clue what I'm missing out on, other than they smell awesome! I have a lot of food allergies, actually, which makes life might interesting sometimes.

    Katie - GEESH! I can't believe they jerked her around like that over a job they NEED to fill. :/ I really hope things get better for you.

    Just thought I'd check in before I go run Nerd to work. Can't wait til the DMV has time to get him in for his license. This "you have to make an appointment online" stuff is B.S. bigtime.
  • pinbotchick
    Jessie - even though I have lots of room, it didn't take me long to get over the fear/embarrassment of working out in front of others. To get in more ex when I started, I'd do my own version of Leslie Sansone walking videos in front of DH, my brother and friends while we watched movies, TV or visiting. Last Thanksgiving I actually did my P90X workouts in front of cousins and other family.

    Sarah(wnt) - great job getting caught running ;) If this is your first 1/2, I'd focus on just finishing rather than a time. I think you are going to rock it!!!

    Kristina - yeah for checking in. I'm sure Emma would love the shorter runs rather than just a walk.

    Nava - I'm sure your mom loves you but she is acting weird. I'd pull my hair out if mom did that.

    Out of break time - I'm being called out to weed (at least it's not shoveling dirt)...
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    *waves* Hi! My name is Fi, and I'd really love to join you all on this epic journey you are taking together. I've read through only part of the thread so far and am just astounded by the level communication/the openness/support you all show. I find myself yearning to have a place to 'be' while on MFP. Not to say the boards as a whole aren't nice, or that the other challenges i'm in aren't great, but having a regular group of people who keep going after each challenge is mightily inspiring!

    A little of me:
    I'm 31, I graduated with a BA in Anthropology last Dec which has been near to impossible to apply without a graduate degree on top of it. *sigh* Originally I had intended to get my PhD somewhere within the field but a series of events and personal experiences this year have led me to realize I want to pursue Law. So on Oct 1 I will be sitting for the LSAT *bites nails* and then submitting a bunch of applications. I have a wonderful S/O and we've been together for almost 10yrs, he's my rock :)
    While in my undergrad I reached my highest weight of 250. I've bounced between there and 225 for a couple years now but finally reached the point where I did not want to live like that anymore! I've never been "skinny" but looking back at my HS years, I was healthy and certainly not overweight (even though at the time I was convinced I was) and wish I could go back and tell younger-me that i was fine just as i was and that i deserved to be happy and love myself. Instead I'm learning to do that now and boy is it rough!
    Um... I love love love to read, go to the movies, am a big scifi/fantasy geek, and in the last year I've become an avid knitter :D So much so that I pretty much give away everything I make... i'm not quite at the sweater/socks level so most things that come off my needles are scarves, hats, shawls, gauntlets, etc & well, in SoCal those things aren't always practical :laugh:
    I'm a bit of a rambler too (obvs) *sheepish grin*
    I've struggled with staying on course so many times in my life and am worried that without a regular support group and getting to know people on similar paths, I will eventually lose my motivation and disappear into old habits. I feel very positive/motivated now but that can be so very tricky to maintain with life stress and the daily grind.

    My goals for the next 6 weeks:
    - Learn to eat back my exercise calories more efficiently/regularly
    - Start eating earlier in the day so I'm not left at night trying to cram a bunch of food in my mouth which often feels like a chore (this one is going to be so tough!)
    - reduce my gluten intake as i think a sensitivity to it might be at the root of my awful history of digestive problems (crying just thinking about this one but i'm learning!)
    - lose 10lbs
    - incorporate more/varied veggies into my meals
    - some kind of exercise 6 days a week
    - complete the 30DS (yes i know its 30 days in theory but my reality is likely 5 days out of a week) as vacation and illness stopped my progress last time

    Now i'm off to read through the rest of the thread :) thank you for opening your doors to new people, i can't wait to get to know y'all :flowerforyou:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    FI- Welcome! And thanks for the lengthy intro post! My second major was anthropology and loved it, but like you said, you can't do much with your BA in it... and unfortunately my second major was psychology, which again, you can't do anything with just the bachelor's. Grad school it was! I'm going to assume the 233.8 in your signature is your current weight, but let me know if I should put something else for your challenge start weight

    Well, crappy eating for me today, which started off okay and went downhill. I passed not one, not two, but three delivery cars on my way home and I was weak. A big house salad (yeah!) and pizza (boo!), so over my calories significantly, especially as my second Emma walk was cut short with rain. At least logging makes me own the calories. Tomorrow's a new day.
  • pinbotchick
    A continued welcome to all the new faces:flowerforyou:

    Kendal - congrats on the run.

    Katie - so nice to hear from you. Sorry for all your job troubles. I'll keep you both in my prayers. COBRA is about worthless for the horrendous cost. We paid it for 4 months until my husband found another job 5 years ago.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I guess I should explain myself more then I already have so you lovely ladies can understand me!

    My name is Apryl, and I'm 22. I live in a small town (pop. 1500) in Minnesota that pretty much has made me a recluse. I went to college at University of Wisconsin Superior for a single year because I had that taken away from me. During that year I had hit over 200, but I managed to get to 188. No freshman 15 gain for me! Although, both my financial adviser and my mom failed to really get me to continue financialy. So I'm back with living with my parents. I work at home so I have a very sedentary lifestyle. My diet isn't the greatest because we have picky family members when it comes to food. I have 3 cats, ranging in size from 16, 12, and 5 pounds. I also have a pitbull and 2 goldfish.
    I want to go back to school, but I think I want to either go for nursing or social services. I really miss working in a group home, but all the ones in my area aren't looking for day shifts.
    My life with my parents is strained. My mom is in a blind love with a man who can't do or does do anything worthwhile. Thankfully he will be out of our lives for a short time sometime around October 25th. I might complain about him a lot. Hopefully not!

    Why I started this journey? After going to Canada for a month in May to visit my bf and his family, I shot up to 198 and I refused to hit that 200 mark again. So when I came back home in June I started doing small workouts. After a couple weeks of being home I came back to my usual weight of 192. July I found MFP app on my phone but I couldn't stick with it. So here I am, on the website itself. The motivation I needed. I'm tired of being the only female in my family to be overweight. Everyone else is 120 and lower.. No kidding.


    Jessi; I am also O+! I haven't donated blood in so many years though. Usually the drives are a half hour drive away. Thankfully the one I am going to is for a Nightmare Halloween party which is about 10 minute drive away. I get a RIP ticket! Haha.. So corny.

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
  • jessicae1aine
    Victoria - I just lack space because we have 4 people's stuff in far too little space. Strongly considering seeing what I can pull off with a gym membership, even if it's only 30 minutes a day - soon it'll be too cold here to be out walking in it.

    Fi - I can definitely relate to the looking back at yourself at a healthy weight and thinking you were fat. I was that way in high school, when I was actually nearly UNDERweight. I remember being so upset when a medium cheerleading skirt wouldn't fit me (and the other girls being upset they had to wear a different uniform than what they wanted) because my hips are wide, even though I had a tiny waist then.... I'm also a knitter!! Are you on Ravelry?! If so, friend me! My username is jessikerlaine. :D

    I keep looking at the number on the scale getting smaller, and it's hard for me to believe. That probably sounds weird, especially because I know I'm being more active, and I know I'm eating literally half of what I was before, but it's just like... I'm afraid to believe the numbers on the scale? Anyone else had that problem?
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    When does this challenge begin? Is it too late to join???
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I don't think my body likes 1500 cals but I'm going to give it at least a good week to see what happens. lol...a week. yeah...I have no patience right now with this.
  • hkallembach
    Kendal: Amazing-ness for 60 minutes plus on the elliptical! Thank you, my scattered brain is just normal ol' me! Enjoy the no more work for this week! :bigsmile:

    Jessi: The pumpkin chase sounds crazy! I added you as an MFP friend on here!

    Kristina: I love your goals! :flowerforyou:

    Bobbie: Usually, I talk a lot and very fast but what you said to me has me at a lost of words. Ummmmm, thank you!!? :flowerforyou: :blushing: :flowerforyou: :blushing: :flowerforyou:

    Rain: I've never thought about doing c25k on the dreadmill. I'll start doing that because come winter running + hailie + ice = not a good combination! :laugh:

    Nava: I soooooooooooooooo feel you on the mother/daughter fight land....let's become mayor and president of our beautiful lands!

    Lacey: I hope Bart feels better! :flowerforyou:

    Amy: Thank you and hola! (ha, I have nothing useful to say currently!)

    Katie: I am happy you are back! :smile:

    Apryl: Hi! I am from MN too!


    Grandmother: "what are you doing today after your school classes?"
    Me: "going out to Hu Hot (yummy and healthy) for lunch....then hopefully getting gas from him since my car is sitting on 'E'.'"
    Grandmother: "stop thinking about food all the time!"

    I left for school p i s s e d! I was crying all day because she simply asked me what I was doing after school and that is exactly what I was doing. For those of you who don't know my father and I have a *kitten* relationship so when he takes me out to eat (ONLY TIME HE WILL GIVE ME MONEY--such as filling my car up with gas) I feel like he loves me. Soooo, I choose healthy choices/work out to balance it out.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! I have noticed that our threads seem to explode, so I apologize in advance that I know I will never be able to keep up 100%, but I will do my best. :smile:

    Thank you for all the welcome back's I received in the last thread while I eyeball'd it waiting for this new challenge to begin! I've missed you all and have been doing TONS better keeping up and keeping on track with my fancy schmancy new smart phone. :laugh:

    Where have I been and been up to? Well... Not a whole heck of a lot. Was dating a bit here and there but just kinda gave that up. I have so much going on in my life right now between getting finances back on track, taking care of my daughter, work, etc. etc. that it just seems to take too much outta me if I even take a couple steps into the dating scene. Things between her father and I are still complicated, but less so than before.

    Charlotte celebrated her one year birthday on August 30th... :happy: It's so hard to believe it's already been a year! They aren't kidding when they say time flies.

    I'm starting this challenge at 216. Still pretty impressed given I joined MFP at 245, and even with my hiatus, I'm still looking at some decent numbers on the scale. I have 'til February before we're on our cruise and I *WILL* be in a bikini. :drinker:

    Goals: I honestly feel that when I set any, I am setting myself up for failure. So let's just say that I will try to exercise when I can, and eat within my calories.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Wow ladies it is going to take some time for me to get to know everybody but I love all your stories and how supportive everyone is!

    Amy - My husband is in the Marine Corps. How long have you guys been in Germany? I would love to be able to be stationed there if they ever make us leave Hawai'i but I don't think there will be a position for him for awhile. We just took our first trip to Europe together in July/August and had the most wonderful time! We were there for almost a month and it went by so quickly - I can only imagine how much fun you guys have!

    Kristina - Thanks so much for starting this thread and welcoming us newbies! I hope I'm one of the few that gets to stick around ;)

    Jane - I love your mini-goal rewards! I imagine my hubbs would be a little bit against flying to the other side of the world but I reeeeally want to visit Spain - it's one of the countries we missed on our first trip.

    Pam - Your NSV is super inspiring! I bet you two had fun ;)

    Kendal - That "What I missed" link was great! Thanks for sharing! Do you mind if I ask what happened to your foot? I started a C25K last year and had to stop because of foot pain but I never got around to going to the doc to get it checked out because I got too busy. Also, I love your gym too. I wish I loved my gym more... I didn't go for a looooooong time and by the time I finally went back I found out that they didn't use membership cards anymore - they used fingerprints instead. Hahaha.

    Breanna - October is my favorite month because there are so many chances to dress up! Besides Halloween, there is a huge fundraiser costume party here every year, plus Oktoberfest, plus my friend's bday party which is ALWAYS themed, plus all the other parties! Two years ago I bought 5 costumes in one month - my husband wasn't thrilled but my pictures were so much fun :)

    Bobbie - double workouts=rawr!

    Lacey - Your job sounds awesome (well the traveling part hehe, I don't know anything about powertrains). Personally, I couldn't handle P90x - plyometrics are my bane! It must be especially challenging to keep up a normal routine when you're traveling all the time! But you've got such a great group of girls here to support you, I'm sure you can hit that mark :) Big hugs about your doggie; I've watched my childhood cocker spaniels grow old and pass, and have never been able to replace them. I pray that Bart will hang in there and get some good lovin's from you when you get back from your trip.

    Nava - I feel you on the crazy family! My mom's side is all twisted too and I hate watching the emotional effect that they have on her. I really want to just tell her to walk away but I understand... it's family. Hopefully they wise up soon before you ditch them!

    Victoria - SIX cats!?!? My husband would love you - he is so much more the cat person than I am. Although I guess I'm kind of ruined for pets for the past decade. I forget to feed plants so it's probably a good thing I don't have pets hehe.

    Hailie - Your scatterbrained posts make me smile :) I am so happy to meet gals like you!

    Jessiker - That pumpkin chase sounds like a blast! We have scavenger hunts in honolulu, but they usually involve alcohol. I think that your version sounds a little better ;)

    Katheryne - I feel you on wanting to weigh less than hubby. Although I'm trying to keep up with a Marine, he's still only 176. Grrr.

    Sarah (rain) - your schedule sounds horrendously busy! Props to you for keeping that up - and I thought MY life was busy ;)

    Sarah (wiggle) - Way to go on getting that kick in the behind! I couldn't run 9.3 if I wanted to! Awesome NSV!

    Katie - that's such a bummer about your wife's job search - I'm crossing my fingers for you two!!!

    Okay whew that was a novel. My day today has been going okay, except for me leaving work early because the repairman was supposed to fix our washing machine and he called and cancelled when I was already home! (Boo). I am a little worried because I have a Junior League Impact Committee meeting tonight and we're doing it at Macaroni Grill. MACARONI GRILL - SERIOUSLY? I printed up the nutrition sheets and I am like... well... I can have a couple olives... and a side salad... hahaha.
    Seriously though I think I'm going to get a panini and a side salad, eat half and save the rest for lunch tomorrow, then burn off all the excess with some TurboJam when I get back. I should be okay on calories if I do that. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get dessert ;)

    Have a great night ladies!
