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200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Hi Ladies,

    I would love to join. My name is Monette and I just turned 29. My goals for the next six weeks would be to hit the lower 150's. My current weight is 161.5. I also want to fit in my clothes better and work out more. I volunteer a lot, but in the last few months I have let it complete take over my life to the point where I schedule sleeping. So I am hoping in the next six weeks to focus on me. I have found the people on here super supportive so far and you all seem great.

    Thank you!!
  • Welcome to all the new faces!!! If you put your first name in your signature block, we will make our responses more personalized.

    Kendal - are you on a phone with auto correct? Crazy things come up all the time for me.

    D@mn cyber ghost just killed/deleted a long post - here goes on try #2....

    As to my goals from the last challenge

    1) lose 5 pounds --- utter FAIL. I gained weight again.
    2) bump running up to 2 or 3x/wk... --- Goal MET and I'm ready for 1/2... 5 days to go.
    3) cook at home 5+ nights a week and pack my lunch or eat at home 5+ days a week... breakfast hasn't been a problem. --- I'll call this a success. I'm cooking 4 nights a week and eating food from home 5 days a week.
    4) get back to tracking cals in... Sighs... I sooooo need to do this and will probably change my diary setting back to private so I'm more likely to do it and be honest with myself... --- I managed to get my diary setting to private but only logged food twice. FAILURE

    I'm batting 50% for goals met - Isn't that an F? New goals for this challenge (notice, I'm setting more goals so that I miss one, I rate higher):

    1) lose any amount of weight. I refuse to gain for the the umpteenth challenge in a row!!!
    2) Ave 60 min of exercise a day!!!
    3) Have more days of being under cals than over on cal intake.
    4) Get back to tracking cals in... I will log all cals... I will log all cals... I will log all cals... Please check up on me and bring out the whip if I start to slack. I'm going to have to go back to posting daily input/output numbers... I just logged this morning cal.
    5) Get my plan together for P90X hybrid so I'm ready to join Amy and Kerry when they start.
    6) Measure myself at beginning and end of challenge with goal to lose inches...

    Cripes looking at goals depressed me. And my breaks over. I'm off to see 1 more client then have 3 mile walk and 3 mile jog planned - if the weather holds out.

    Oh and my Bugg seems to be working again. Technical support said I needed to reset the password for the myapex account and it seems to have fixed the problem. I actually like the new app since it shows a 1 week history :)
  • Woohoo! Goals! I like goals! Mine for the next 6 weeks?

    1. Get under 255.
    2. Vary my diet a little more so I can actually stick with this.
    3. No. More. Soda.
    4. Actually eat fruit... blech.

    Nava - Goodness, I'm glad your friend made it out okay! And I really hope your family realizes that you're an intelligent adult, and capable of making up your own mind - and soon!

    Amy - It's their WORK phone that doesn't work in England... where they sent him...? Sheesh.

    Welcome to all the new girls! (Yay! I'm not the newest anymore!)
  • Kerry and Bobbie - Great job!!!! Congrats to you both!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Amy - step away from the fridge. Avoid the cheesecake or you'll have to do penalty exercises...
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Keeping up with you ladies is exhausting - wish it burnt calories - I would be way down on weight!!!!

    Kristina: glad you back. Can I get back onto chart? - current weight 181.

    Is it just me or is anyone else finding the adverts to the side of the posts soeone irritating - lose three stone in four weeks - what are they on???

    I've had an up and down few days. Had completed first 10 days of shredd - plus two runs and 1xcircuits. Was eating much more healthily and downing lots of water. Weight lost? Nothing. SIze lost? Nothing. Have I been trying to convince myself that I really didn't mind? Yes. Did it work? No. Well, upshot is had a day off of shred - restarted on level 2 yesterday and after a not so good sunday/monday am back making postive choices re food today. The reality of my 10day effort is that I am feeling sooo much better. I am more upright; less tired and able to get out of bed in the morning when the alarm goes off. WHO needs weight loss and smaller sizes...........?

    Am in totoal awe of so many of you ladies. Congrats Laura on reaching wonderland. Kerry - yeah for hitting 'healthy' bmi; Amy - you are an inspiration on taking life by the ......; Sarah - you can so reach your goal by Christmas - go girl; Hailie - take no notice of those who are jealous of your will power - unless it is just to acknowledge how 'sad' they are being; Rikki - YOU LOST A LB!!!!!! - you did it and you have this challenge licked; Vicotia - you so have running under control - well done

    All those I have left out - love you lots and will aim to catch up better next time.

    Goals for this thread:

    1) Complete 30 day shred and begin six week six pack
    2) Establish exercise routine - early morning / Tuesday circuits / Saturday run /?Thursday swim
    3) Cut simple carbs post 1800
    4) Shop more regularly so healthy things to eat in house.
    5) Complete weekly menu plan
    Weight wise - would love to be 175 - surely 6lbs in 6 weeks should be doable?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Review of my goals from last challenge:
    -FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS! (Halloween is quickly approaching!!)
    eh, this is subjective, but I have gotten on track more in the past week
    - Be better about logging all food and hit that "complete entry" button more often.
    SUCCESS! I did increase how many times I hit the "complete entry" button :-)
    -Add some low impact exercise somehow. Maybe start walking/jogging once I get my orthotic next week (will have to see how my foot feels about that).
    eh, no, I didn't do anything low impact till I got cleared by the podiatrist. But now I'm working out hard again.

    So now that my foot is better, I am going to set some good goals:
    - Get (and stay) below 210. Such a mental hurdle for me.
    - Use my new gym membership at least 3 days a week, but exercise at least 5 days a week.
    - Work up to an hour on the elliptical.
    - Walk Lexi 2-3 times a week.
    - Write on my calendar all of my workouts so I can see what I've done and can feel that bit of OCD kick in if I miss a day of working out.
    -Continue logging at least 5 days a week (this is so much easier with the itouch! I recently discovered that you can still log stuff even if you don't have an internet connection!)

    and right now I'm going to print out my goals and tape them to my computer monitor here at work so I can look at them every day.

    WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES!!! We love new faces around here. So tell us more about yourselves. Where are you from? In a relationship? Kids? Pets? Fav food? Fav exercise? Any questions? Reading any good books?
  • Annette - I don't know what browser you use, but if you use Firefox you can get an add-on called AdBlocker Plus that prevents any of them from showing up. It's made my internet-ing much, much nicer.

    Kendal - Taping it to your computer monitor is awesome. I might have to make a wallpaper or something, since my laptop is my work computer.

    Holy wow, I didn't mention I've been to work on time both yesterday and today! I have one of those jobs where "Work starts at 8" really means "Work starts sometime before 9" so I never, ever get up before 8. 7:30 both yesterday and today! Woohoo!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Bump for now
  • Victoria----don't worry about the F thing. You're way ahead of me. I only had one goal for the last challenge, which I missed. so I get a big zero. :) no worries, I will however follow your track and make more goals for this challenge. A higher percentage rate :)

    Goals for this challenge:

    1. 275 lbs. ---that's roughly six pounds in six weeks. completly reachable.
    2. be under on salt.
    3. exercise every day, not just week days
    4. do not let that devil named Pizza in the front door.

    anyway, i'm off to training. The whole office gets to listen to a guy called "The Stress Doctor" for four hours. lol, it's already working, four hours of training is like a little mini-vaction during the work day.

    I'll see you ladies this afternoon.

  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Ok, so my goals last time weren't really 6 week associated. Reguardless, I didn't meet any of them.

    1st Goal: 5% - 12 lbs
    2nd Goal: 10% - 27lbs
    3rd goal: 230 lbs (weight before I had my second child)
    4th goal: ONNDERLAND
    5th Goal: 175 (lowest adult weight)
    GW: 150

    So, In looking back I do see where there are alot of places that I can make changes. Oh Oh, and I did muscle up the gumption to do 30DS last night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Jumping jacks are no my friend so much. I'm actually scared to do them, thinking I will totally break my knee (again.) So I modified a bit until I am comfortable.

    Goals for this challenge:

    5% = 12 lbs lost
    Complete 30DS along with my regular work out schedule
    Make it a point to stay under my calorie goal 5-7 days of the week.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    My goals for the last challenge:

    By the end of six weeks I'd like to be down to 230. ---> FAIL. I only made it down to 234.8, but I still lost almost 8 pounds, so I'll take it.
    I'm really struggling with water intake, so this is my big focus right now. ----> FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. I suck at drinking (unless its Vodka). I really don't drink 8 glasses of ANYTHING a day let alone water. I really need to do this, as I notice my muscles cramping during runs on the days I know I haven't had enough water.
    I'm also doing c25k. Right now I'm on the last day of week 3. ---> Despite some hurdles with week three, I stuck with it and am on Week 5.

    Some of my long term mini goals are:
    1. To get to my pre-pregnancy weight (240, huge, I know, but a milestone nonetheless) (I DID IT!!!!!!)
    2. To weigh less than my husband (He is about 215, but he just started p90x, so he's going to make it hard on me lol)
    3. To get to ONEderland!!!

    So...for this challenge my goals are:

    To get down to 220. Ambitious, I know. But I really want to do it.
    Drink some friggin water, Sarah!
    To finish c25K! I can do it, I know I can!
    Incorporate more strength training into my routine.
    Stick to the gym, with school, work and family this is going to be more difficult for this challenge.

    New long term goals:
    1. To weigh less than my husband (215). This goal is so important to me. Hubby and I are going away for our anniversary on 11-11-11. I'd like to weigh less than him by then. Coincidentally, he thinks I will hit this milestone by then. I sure hope so!
    2. Onederland, hopefully by Christmas.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
  • Yay, I'm so excited! You girls seem to have a great support system and definitely care. This will be fun! I want to fit into a super fun, slightly sexy Halloween costume!! :love: Wowzers! We'll see how it goes! Feel free to friend me, any of you!

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Breanna: We pick up newbies every challenge and a few stick with our craziness. We LOVE new blood!! I seriously adore Halloween and this year I'm being Um from Umbridge (From the Alice in Wonderland movie with Johnny Depp). I can't wait!!!

    Kendal: That made me LOL for realz!!

    Sarah(rain): I know how important a goal weighing less than the hubby is. I'm STILL doing the happy dance from when I hit that same goal 3 weeks ago. I love not being the biggest person in the house! You'll TOTALLY hit that goal.

    Rikki: I hate jumping jacks cuz of the boob bounceage.

    Katheryne: I hear ya on the evil that is named pizza.

    I took a page out of Victoria's book and privatized my food log in an effort to ensure 100% honesty with myself. I've been working really hard on this the past week and I think making sure that no one is looking over my shoulder will help me to get myself squared away faster. Once I'm on track with the logging, I'll open it back up.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Jane- what's your starting challenge weight?
  • I really want to join this! My name is Kristine, I am 22, I have a daughter!
    I currently weigh 221, I want to weigh 200 by halloween, I know that is a lot to loose,
    but I am hoping I am able to do it, or get close to it!
    My goals would be to, drink more water, no more pop
    no more junk/take -out .
    Take a daily walk or exercise.
    Oh I am also new on MFP :)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Katheryne, pizza has been causing major issues for me this week too. I don't believe in denying myself any one food because I know I'll crave it like crazy if I do, so I just make adjustments the rest of the day (like better food/more exercise) if I'm going to eat something like pizza. It usually works, but some kind of crazy overeating food monster has taken me over this week and I'm just all kinds of out of control! I blame it on TOM.

    Rikki, yay for doing 30DS! I feel the same way about the jumping jacks that you do...that part with the jumping jacks followed by jump rope followed by more jumping jacks followed by more jump rope just about kills me.

    Rain, since you're finishing C25K soon, will you be signing up to run a 5K? I want to sign up for one around Halloween time, but I'm not sure I'll be ready by then...

    Kendal, I loved the doughboy pic. :)

    I know that my co-worker has a basket of chocolate on her desk and it's calling my name. I want to eat all of it. Evil chocolate.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I so want to join this! I know I don't count as 200+, but I was over 200 pounds at one point in my life a couple years ago.

    My name is Apryl, I'm 22, and my goal is to hit 170 by the end of 6 weeks. That's about 6-7 pounds away from where I am now. I weighed in at 177 yesterday morning.

    I also want to do a second round of 30DS, first round I had great results and I've been lacking on my exercises! Time to get back on track.

    I would love to donate blood on October 29th for a Halloween thing that is near me. What better way to donate blood and to finally be close to 170.
  • Check-in for yesterday 2435 burned, ex 3 mile walk in 60 min with mom, no food logged...

    I guess we should briefly reintroduce ourselves to the new people. I'm a 43 year old, married physical therapist with no children. I do have 6 cats and 1/2 a dog. My mother lives 6 miles away and we try to do 30-45 min of exercise together every night. During the nice months, I bike for an hour 3 mornings a week. This year I got a running partner!!! It's much more fun to run with someone. 9/24 will make 2 years here on MFP. I was the ultimate coach potato before joining and weighed 237. Last fall I was down to 182 and 12 pounds have crept back on. Sighs. I know what to do, just need to do it. I live in rural northern Michigan - it yaks an hour to drive to a city with a Walmart. I can generally live without desert (unless it's cheesecake - yeah Amy I'm still drooling over the pic you posted) but put a bag chips in my sight and I'm like a vacuum cleaner.

    MFP and this group are very addictive. I wouldn't be here today without these fantastic ladies!!! Thanks everyone ((((((group hug)))))))

    I really need to go do some paperwork.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'll re-introduce myself too (great idea Victoria!): I'm Amy, I'm 32 married to an active duty Air Force guy for almost 10 years now. We have been living in Germany for the past year and a half-ish. I have an 8 year old son and 2 big dogs who are also my babies (a HUGE Bernese mountain dog and a slightly less huge Siberian husky). I am a former Air Force linguist and former investment advisor and currently home school the kid while working on my Master's degree in nutrition. I have been with this great group of ladies for about 15 months (I think). They are awesome and have helped me sooo much. I started out around 245 pounds and am now 188-ish.

    Victoria: Which half of a dog do you have, the front half or the back half???

    Welcome Apryl & Kristine!

    Pam: Chocolate is evil wrapped up in a coating of joy!

    Kendal: I think printing out your goals for this challenge is a great idea. I'm gonna do that too!

    Annette: If you keep at shredd, I'm sure you'll have weight loss and smaller sizes to go along with your more energy!!

    I gave in to the cheesecake (soo...sooo..weak!) but I did penance for it on the dreadmill. I burned all the cheesecake calories up plus an extra 50 just for fun. I'm throwing out the remainder of the cheesecake so I will not have this issue tomorrow.