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200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm a starving marvin today for some reason. Could you lovely ladies maybe look at my diary for today and see where I can get more bang for my buck before I eat this entire basket of TWIX!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Rikki- how were you on cals/protein yesterday? sometimes if I don't eat enough the day before, even though I'm eating properly, I will be starving today. Otherwise, I will defer you to the smarter ladies

    And yes, here's my re-introduction. My name is Kendal. I live in NC, am 28 years old and work for a big health insurance company. I joined this group at the beginning, October 2009 and these ladies are some of my best friends. :smile: In December 2009, I left my husband and the divorce finally went through in June 2011. I have a 65 pound boxer mix named Lexi and she's my running/walking partner. I've attempted c25k a couple times but could never get past week 3. In April I was in my 2nd month of P90X and was in week 2 of c25k when I got a heel spur that lead to plantar faciitis. It brought me down and I didn't work out at all for months. But now my foot is healed and I'm slowly starting to get back into exercising. I'm dating a guy I met at my high school reunion in May and refer to him as "Mr. Reunion" here. He makes my heart melt.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Rikki: I didn't really see anything bad going on in your dairy. Maybe you're hungry because you're hungry. The only thing I might suggest is to increase the protein and fat content of your breakfast to slow the blood sugar spike of your breakfast as that can trigger hunger when the blood sugar drops after spiking. If you ARE hungry, eat a snack that's got protein (a sting cheese and an apple or whole grain crackers) so that it doesn't spike your blood sugar. Step away from the Twix!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member

    You girls are seriously chatty.

    Rikki: When i am low on calories for the evening meal, I just make a fried egg sandwich for 200 cals. High in protein...low in cals. And A TON of water. (Orowheat sandwich thin, one whole egg fried, 1/2 T mayo and a couple drops of ketchup.) And seriously, 30DS will rock!! Just you wait. I was a JM hater...but she has made me a believer. I truly credit most of my weight loss to following her program. I went from 218-199 using 30 DS and I lost 21 inches. Since then, I have started running, which was made far easier by cross-training with JM, and I do 2-3 JM videos a day now. I am training for a 1/2 marathon in October (EEK!! That's really close!!) and I think I'll be able to run the whole damned thing if I keep this up. Seriously, I dislike her, but she is awesome and she keeps her promises if you keep up with it.

    Pam: If you eat that chocolate, I'm coming over to make you do extra 30DS... just sayin'...stay away from the chocolate. It just ain't worth it, girl!!

    GACK!! Outta time... will post to the rest of you and my goals later -- after Zumba tonight.

  • Annette - I honestly ignore the adds at the sides. Some are really kind of funny but they are what allows the site to be free. At times, I will click on the better ones. I believe that Mike and Al (MFP owners) make money by the number of ads that are clicked on. The ads get chosen from cookies in your computer or from words on MFP page - words and searches that you do make the ads more curtailed to you. Since I'm in the USA, I've never seen an add with "Stone loss" but the current ad on my page is 6 Exercise Mistakes with comically ripped cartoon figures. I normally check the site with my iPhone and have to enlarge the screen to read it so I miss the ads. Others have talked about cropping window size on computer to not see the ads - some people have been offended by scantily clad people in the ads. I take the ads any day if it keeps MFP free!!!

    Amy - that's the million dollar question. I think it means 1/2 the time he's mine and I always seem to get him when he needs a bath or has been skunked!!! I really wanted a dog but DH said no - he thought he was allergic to pets. Mom wanted a dog and dad said no. Being a daddy's girl and them living so close, dad agreed that I could get a dog and have it live at their house. Hence I have shared ownership and 1/2 a dog. Mom and I shopped the pounds together until we found him - I can't believe he's 10 now and having arthritis trouble in the hips. Cute little hguy - 35 pounds, fluffy hair, ****zu, poodle, beagle mix... 6 months after we got the dog, the cutest kitten (she couldn't have been more than 8 weeks old) wandered into our yard. No one claimed her and she stole DH's heart. Low and behold - he's learned he outgrew his allergies to pets - that's part of the reason the cleaning lady comes to vacuum 3 times a week. Cat's are like chips - you can't have just one. 6 is my limit...

    Rikki - I didn't look at the diary but protein with light carbs is supposed to make you feel fuller. Peanut butter on crackers, cheese and crackers, apple and peanut butter, cottage cheese with fruit, etc. On days like that, I try to eat something healthy and if the urge persists for 30 min, then give in to a small amount.
  • I'm a starving marvin today for some reason. Could you lovely ladies maybe look at my diary for today and see where I can get more bang for my buck before I eat this entire basket of TWIX!!!

    Looks like you have had enough to eat and what you ate looks healthy. Sometimes we just have days like these but if I had a basket of Twix near by my belly would be telling me I was hungry too. Just stay away from the Twix. :tongue:
  • Note to self - do not wait 9 months between measurement takings!!! The numbers don't lie. I did look back and reflect over my weight loss the past 2 years. I did great and lost like crazy the first 8 months, then I maintained great and was happy for 7 months, but seem to have fallen apart the last 9 months with weight creeping back on. I am determined to make a change this challenge. My legs are thinner from my running but gained inches in other areas. I'm back into the obese BMI... please make me post my daily numbers and be accountable.
  • Re-introduction--My name is Katheryne and I am 32. I currently live in Juneau, Alaska with my husband and cat. Originally I am from northern Kentucky. I have degrees in literature and history--despite my purposefully poor grammar--and I work as a legal assistant for the AK Dept of Law. On my 30th birthday I weighed in at 330 lbs. For the last year I've been hovering between 280 and 285. Ultimatly I would like to 1) weigh less than my husband (210), 2) wear small enough clothing to shop at any store. and 3) be fit enough to do some of the fun active things I dream about--parasailing and zip lining for instance. I like to read and write, and I am addicted to the game WOW.

    as for me currently...I am now out of my "Stress Doctor" training, and I feel more stressed than when I went in. The guy kept putting us all on the spot , and didn't seem to have any concept of personal space. So, unless they idea was to teach us to deal with stress by making us stressed, I think the whole class was a fail. Now, since I'm prone to anxiety and stress anyway, I get to spend the rest of the afternoon trying to calm myself down.....WOOSAAAAAAA
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Jane- what's your starting challenge weight?

    Me? In which case, 263lb, as of last Friday.

    (I can't fit my name in my sig! I'll try. :-) )
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Aloha girls!

    I hope I can join your group - you gals are exactly the kind of ladies I need in my corner!

    My name is Tasha and I am 29. I live in Honolulu, HI with my husband when he's not deployed (he leaves for his 6th Middle East deployment in May ugh). With my husband gone so often, I've stayed a very independent and busy woman. I am a bit of a foodie and a total socialite, which has wrecked my health. My "work hard, play hard" mentality forgot the "work out and sleep too" parts, because my 60+ hour workweeks added to partying 4-6 nights a week til the wee hours didn't leave much time for exercise and sleep. It's hard to dance off a million gourmet food and drink calories a night in clubs, even if you DO do it til 4am ;)

    I'm only 5'4 but I weigh 217lbs and HAVE to get it off. I don't even recognize myself in the party pictures anymore. My ideal weight is 145 (that was my weight when I was a competitively ranked black belt, when I had all the curves and shapely muscles!), but I am setting mini monthly 5 lb goals for myself so it doesn't seem so unattainable. It took years to put on, it will take awhile to take off.

    I've made some changes in my life, and my health is one of them. I stepped down from my executive position and am back in school for my MBA. I still work 20-30 hours a week, volunteer as a mentor/tutor at the homeless shelter one to two days a week, and plan/execute various community projects with the Junior League every month in addition to my MBA classes, but I am nowhere near the stress level I was at in my old position. I only party one or two nights a week, and nowhere near the levels I used to.

    I've started going back to the gym (oh my gosh they switched from membership cards to fingerprinting and I had no idea when - my first time back was a bit embarrassing!) and am LOVING the Zumba classes when I can fit them into my schedule. I was a big turbojammer like 3 years ago, so I am using those more when I can't get to the Zumba classes. I also captain a co-ed kickball team, which is super fun. This is our fourth season, and even though we're in a tougher division, we've won our first two games so far! It isn't as healthy as you would think though, because there is a lot of happy hour drinking after burning all those calories, so it's kind of a wash if you're not careful. I started tracking my calories and water with MFP regularly about a week ago. I use a Sportline Duo 1010 heart rate monitor w/chest strap to track my exercise calories, and I use a Homedics Health Station to track my weight and body fat. My husband is MOSTLY supportive, but he still buys ice cream and snacks and it drives me nuts.

    These were my starting measurements on 9/5:

    Starting Weight: 220lbs
    Waist: 41"
    Hips: 51"
    Chest: 45"
    R Arm: 14"
    L Arm: 13"
    R Thigh: 30"
    L Thigh: 30"
    Body Fat: 40%
    What?!? 88lbs of me is just BODY FAT?!?

    I have struggled a lot this first week with my schedule (my grad school homework load keeps growing), but am trying to think of ways to manage my time better and maybe squeeze in mini-workouts between study session.

    Today, I am at 217 lbs.

    Halloween goals:
    1. Be a Halloween Hottie at 210 lbs
    2. Work out at least 4x/week
    3. Keep up my water consumption to fend off the cravings
    4. Keep up with my schoolwork!
    5. Get 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all! Have a great day everyone!

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- we totes need to stay on top of each other this challenge as we're in a similar boat. I mean this is bound to happen on a long-term weight loss journey. bumps in the road, but we need to nip it in the bud.

    I'll reintroduce myself as well. I'm Kristina, am 29 years-old, live in Michigan with my dog Emma. I work for the government/university in mental health services research. I joined MFP back in October of 2009, with a few of the ladies on this thread, and they've been an amazing inspiration and support throughout time. I started at 230 pounds, and got down to last fall of 175 as my lowest weight, and it's crept back up into the 190s, so this challenge is really about me stopping the upward trend in weight. In two years time, I've gone from being a couch potato to running 2 half-marathons.
  • I am interested in joining the challenge! I am 5'9 and currently 205... my goal weight is about 170. I would like to be 185 by halloween
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hiya new and current ladies! I get to leave work now, which is way way earlier than I thought I'd get to leave. And now I head to Target to get my trip stuff. Hopefully that will be the only place I need to go. I will pack tomorrow night and see what it looks like. I am dog a s s tired.

    I'm Lacey - married to Jeff, one five year old daughter Gracie. I have degrees in art history and religious studies. I work in the mining and material handling industry selling powertrain systems all over the world. I'm 34. I've been here in the group for what? Nearly two years now and am really good at maintaining my 205-210 weight. I'm 5" 5'. I've done about 75 days of P90x and then got frustrated with myself and stopped. I am really liking trying to run right now and hope the inhaler I got from the doctor will make the world of difference when I start again in a few weeks. Umm.. oh I am a total avid reader and a foodie.

    Gotta go!!
  • Yamecita
    Yamecita Posts: 9 Member
    I would like to join this, may I? 218 pounds...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Pam: I do want to do a 5k, but I'm still at the point where I don't actually belive I will ever be able to do it. (Even though I did run 5k on the treadmill the other day.) One of my college professors (we were/are super close) told me she would run my first one with me. I can't wait, should the day ever actually come.

    I will re-introduce. My name is Sarah, but there are three of us, so you can call me what you want haha. I am 27, married, have a soon to be 3-year old son. I work full time for a postal equipment company and I am also a full time grad student. I have degrees in Communications and English and am wokring on my master's in Secondary Education.

    For whoever brought up time management w/ school/exercise, I'm the pro at stretching myself thin lol. My Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays look like this:

    5 a.m. - Wake up, brush teeth, get dressed for gym
    5:30 am. - Get to gym, run for a half hour...walk/weights/or elliptical for a half hour
    6:45 a.m.- Get home, shower, eat breakfast, get ready for work, make lunch for me and hubby wake up the kid and get him ready for daycare, do a quick tidy of the house.
    7:15 - 7:30 a.m.- Leave for the daycare/work
    8-2:30 p.m - Work (no lunch break)
    2:30 - pick up son at daycare, drop him off at my mom's, scrounge for something relatively healthy for lunch and leave for class (40 minute commute)
    4:30-7:10 - Class
    8 p.m. -Get home, have a really light dinner/snack.
    8:30-10:30 Bathe son, do homework/housework and whatever else comes my way before crashing.
    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Fortunately, my husband is a huge help, and on these days (well, most days) he does the cooking and also does the laundry since I have zero minutes left in my day. Without him, I couldn't do half of what I do. I love school, but I also can't wait to finish so I can have a better job/schedule. Tuesdays and Fridays are slightly calmer, but the weekends are usually insane. I try to work out 3 weekdays and 1 weekend day (at the very least).
  • Hi Everyone, Id love to get involved with this challenge! Little bit about me, I'm Natalie 24 from the UK, im currently living in Australia after spending a year traveling.

    Basically i have spent the last year drinking and eating what ever i have laid my eyes on. So...i cant fit into ANY of the shorts i came away with a year ago! Ive managed to put on about 30lbs, wow! Another reason id like to do this is I keep getting ill, my immune system is rubbish so i want to improve my general health by eating lots of fruit and veggies!

    Time to lose the weight, I'm motivated and finally the scales are heading in the right direction!

    In these six weeks Id love to get to 140 lbs from the 153lbs that i am now, 13lbs loss which is a lot but this is a challenge right?!
    2lbs a week and hopefully I'll get there, fingers crossed.

    I'll weigh in on a Monday and post my weight.

    Other goals i have for myself are

    -Attend circuit training 2 a week
    -Do some kind of exercise at the weekend
    -Go swimming - In a bikini by the end of this challenge
    -Stick to the healthy eating plan and drinking lots of water

    Thanks guys!

    SW - 153lbs 14/9/2011
  • Lacey - when do leave and when are you meeting Amy? Have a fantastic time and I can't wait to see pics and hear stories.

    To all the new ladies - a cont warm welcome. We welcome everyone, we just ask that you're supportive of us. You can talk about anything and feel free to gripe about life, tell us your ups, really just about anything. We all look forward to getting to know you!!!

    Thanks to all the regulars who have reposted info on themselves. I relearned a few facts that I'd forgotten!!! I just love this group!!!

    I'm also 5' 5 1/2" tall. Good idea to post height. Yes, I claim that extra 1/2"...

    Kristina - I'm up with keeping tabs on each other. Are you going to try posting daily cal eaten and your exercise? How's the running? Thank you soooo much for keeping track of the charts :flowerforyou: I really appreciate all the work you put into it...
  • I want to stress again that everyone is welcome to join this group. It was started as a forum for people weighing 200+ pounds to get encouragement and support from people that understand by having been there and done that... Many of us are now in onederland and 1 of us has even gotten to a healthy BMI range (super congrats again Kerry!!!!)... Everyone really is welcome and as some of us are getting lighter we may need the assistance of people that have struggled with weight while closer to their goal weight.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Okay, I'll quickly re-introduce myself for the new ladies, and then I'm going to share a NSV story that is waaay TMI, just because you're the only people I can share it with who will really appreciate it. So get ready. :smile:

    Here's my re-introduction first: My name is Pam. I started hanging around this thread two challenges ago, and it was the best thing I could've ever done to keep myself motivated (these ladies are the best)! I moved from the Washington, DC area to Morgantown, West Virginia about a year and a half ago and I love it out here. The smaller town definitely suits me. I bought a house with my boyfriend Tim in March of this year and we live here with our two cats, Emmett and Tabasco. I love to read in my free time, and have recently learned to can my own jams and veggies, which I'm super excited about. I've been overweight most of my life except for a brief time of "normal" weight when I was in junior high and high school. I'm ready to get back to that weight for good!

    Beginning of TMI NSV story

    Tonight I was digging around in my closet to find all of the stuff that I need to pull off my outfit for the wedding I'm going to, and I ran across a cute little corset that I haven't worn in years because it was too small. I decided to try it on and not only did it fit right but it was looking kind of va-va voom, so I pulled on a tulle (see-through) black petticoat skirt thing that I'd recently bought to wear under a dress. That looked VERY va-va voom, so I threw on a pair of black strappy heels and went downstairs to see what Tim thought of the outfit.

    Here's where it gets to be TMI....he liked it, A LOT. :blushing: Here's the part of the story that makes this a total NSV though: Tim & I have been together for over 2 years and in all of that time I have never once -- NOT ONCE -- dressed up sexy for him, because I have never felt sexy. So tonight not only did I honestly feel sexy for the first time in about a million years, but I could tell that my boyfriend thought that I looked really sexy too! That is a super fantastical feeling. :smile:

    End TMI NSV story
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!!

    Pam way cool NSV girl!!

    Victoria - I leave Friday at 11am and get ito Verona at 2:30 Saturday. Then we go to Riva Del Garda and are there for work for five days. Then I meet Amy in Paris Thursday, there for four days.. Then we go onto Bruge, one halfish day of work/there for three days and I fly home. Two weeks.

    I bought a cannon something or other camera tonight. It was $229 at Target. 12megapixel, 12timeszoom,hd video, etc. etc. I wanted the zoom. That was the main thing. and and 8 gb hd card. I will read about it on the plane so I can figure out how to use all the features. I need to find a camera case for it. Something not big but protective.

    Tomorrow night I pack.