200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    pancakesmajor- Emma is a pit/jack russell/beagle mix, and, I may be biased, but think she's the cutest thing

    sounds like an interesting mix. Do you have photos? We have two jack russels. Im afraid *they* are the cute things ever. . ;-)

    No way man. MY jack russel is the cutest dog ever. My italian greyhound is a close second. lol
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Just stopping by to say the skating has been cancelled so I'm going to change clothes and run to the gym now. Not literally run there, but move in my car quickly lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I made it to Verona. The hotel is15 miles outside of Verona so I am not going anywhere...but the restaurant doesnt open until 7:30 and I am freaking starving! I've got some trail mix in my bag I can eat to get my through. I've been up for over24 hours now...ready to sleep...but its not even 5 here!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    pancakesmajor- Emma is a pit/jack russell/beagle mix, and, I may be biased, but think she's the cutest thing

    sounds like an interesting mix. Do you have photos? We have two jack russels. Im afraid *they* are the cute things ever. . ;-)

    No way man. MY jack russel is the cutest dog ever. My italian greyhound is a close second. lol

    We have a jack russell/chiweenie mix, and, while I call her a rat, she really is the cutest thing. I'm always amazed at how high she can jump; we keep saying that one day she's going to jump over the 4ft kennel we built for the dogs outside.

    Lacey: I'm glad to hear that you made it safely! Now the fun begins :-)

    Victoria: Your comment to Hosanna about the man dressing like HP for low-impact aerobics made me almost spit my water on the screen...lol

    Last week was extremely stressful. I did good on exercise and food, and even had a good weigh-in yesterday morning, but then blew it by the end of the day, and now have to get rid of nearly 2LBS of water weight. I need to get my work life in order so I can keep everything else straight. Teaching wasn't this stressful...adults are a real pain in the *kitten*!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    a couple of pictures of emma:



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I agree that Emma is pretty darned cute! (Of course, I AM partial to bigger, fluffier, more Bernese Mountain Dog-esque puppies :tongue: )

    Lacey: The first couple of days are the hardest with the time change. I'm amazed you managed to stay up a long as you did, on our first day in Europe, we padded out around 7pm.

    Kendal: Bummer that skating was canceled, good job deciding to go to the gym!

    Pam: I hate when you lose your "has logged in for however many days" thing. Bummer. Yay for Ideeli dresses!! I just bought a pair of shoes that I've been looking at on there for a while because today they went on a red sale so they are $20 cheaper than what Endless.com has them at. Yay for shoes!

    Victoria: Was the ferry fun?

    Annette: Great job exercising!!!

    Tasha: Your life sounds super busy but fun!

    Sarah (WnT): Getting Christmas and kid wardrobes taken care of for such a great price is absolutely awesome!

    Crystal: I am so sorry that you had to put your pup down, it sounds like she will be better off but I'm sure that doesn't make you feel any better. (((((HUGS))))) :flowerforyou:

    Today was just a regular Saturday: soccer, grocery shopping and homemade pizza. Nothing interesting to report. I am attempting to make a Halloween lantern I saw on Martha Stewart - we'll see how it goes, I'm not exactly "crafty".
  • pinbotchick
    Kristina - Emma is adorable!!!

    Amy - the ferry was a blast!!! We splurged and had a glass of wine as we sat on the top deck in the wind and sun. The rolling wave noise was so peaceful. I even got 1/2 through a short book. The cruise lasted 4 hrs.
  • ReginaB13
    ReginaB13 Posts: 87 Member
    Kristina-- That dog is ADORABLE!!!!!! :)

    Although, I love my boxer, longhaired dachshund, and the muttiest mutt mixed breed in the world. They win in my own heart :)
  • jessicae1aine
    Hosanna - SOOOO jealous!!!!

    Pam - I went the entire month of August internet-free, just because I felt way too dependent on it. Doesn't it just feel amazing sometimes?

    Kristina - Emma is adorable. :)

    I barely slept last night, and today has kind of sucked. My under-the-back-of-my-tongue-connects-to-my-mouth-at-the-very-back thingy (very scientific, eh?) hurts and is swollen and is making sleeping terribly uncomfortable, with no help from Tylenol/ice/heat and little help from ibuprofen. Like, my whole lower left side of my jaw hurts from it now - and I can't see a doctor until Monday at the earliest unless I go to the emergency room. I'm going to attempt to nap, but I don't have much hope for that working out well.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Kristina - that is a gorgeous cutie pie of a dog :)

    Amy - the holiday lantern sounds fun! I used to be artistic/crafty, but my motivation and creativity seem to be running dry these days!

    Jessikierlane - that does not sound fun, ouch! I hope it goes away on its own so you don't have to wait until Monday for some relief!

    Just got home a little while ago from the local farmer's market and a two hourish walk around the green belt in Boise :) I'm trying to enjoy the good weather while it is still around. Not much else going on over here!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok, now I wanna share a pic of my babies!


    I seriously :heart: my pups!!!!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    pancakesmajor- Emma is a pit/jack russell/beagle mix, and, I may be biased, but think she's the cutest thing

    sounds like an interesting mix. Do you have photos? We have two jack russels. Im afraid *they* are the cute things ever. . ;-)

    No way man. MY jack russel is the cutest dog ever. My italian greyhound is a close second. lol

    Sorry guys... MY pups are the cutest things ever!!
    But Kristina... Emma is pretty damn cute!

    Amy - Awwww big fluffy lovey pups!!

    Victoria - Bahaha! I actually giggled out loud at that! (and personally, i'd rather he dressed as snape :wink:)

    Pam - Greaat to hear the dress was a hit - You're having NSVs all over the place!!

    As for me, i'm getting more and mroe comments at work about weight loss. It feels pretty awesome. I reckon it means that although the scales aren't moving very fast, all the exercise i've been doing must be paying off! :happy: Also, Isaac commented on how my bum is changing because of all the walking i'm doing :tongue: Oh sorry... TMI? :wink:

    Now, MY awesomely adorable pups.


    Alex is in Green and Xena is in pink. I was sitting out on the back step one morning, and they both decided i looked like a good place to sit. TOO CUTE!!!
  • hkallembach
    Bobbie: *hands over my turtle shell* keep it in a safe place por favor. Indeed, you ladies rock as amazingness friends and a sound board.

    Katheryne: I won't run away, promise!

    Kristina: MSW meaning Master of Social Work? Is it hard work? I am going to school for Social Work! No lies, I have to claim my major next fall since I'll be a junior credit wise.

    Hosanna: Zumba sounds interesting! Where are you going for your honeymoon? In Sydney?

    Tasha: Thank you for the hugs! I look forward to getting to know you! Look below for crazy naked lady at work story, pretty much rocks.

    Pam: Hiya!

    Rikki: Hiya!

    Kerry: Wth, we are MFP friends but for some reason it says we aren't...you show up in my friend list but I can't see any of your profile...I so want to leave comments your success and what not!

    Lacey: Holy Smokes! Traveling overseas with the major time difference must be difficult! Have fun and enjoy your time over there!

    Crazy Naked Lady Story Starts Now!

    I had a twenty minute break between lessons the other night so I decided to go sit in the hot tub in the woman's locker woman. There isn't a clock near the hot tub so I brought my cell phone with me to keep time to know when I had to go back with teaching. Well, long story short a NAKED woman freaked out on me saying "da*n teenagers, you can't have phones in here for privacy reasons!" WTF! There was a doctor next to me with her iPhone and pager, the naked woman didn't freak out on her! My phone was flat on my towel (I didn't have it up to text, facebook, etc.--only to keep the time) and the naked lady was screaming at me! Needless to say, I was in the hot tub for no more than 90 seconds. Boo.

    doglovers: sorry, I HATE dogs! I've had scary experiences with them. Therefore, kitties rule!

    I am soooooooooooooo going to be over in calories today! Plus, a family function tomorrow which will be a pot luck. Boo. Should we take bets on how Hailie will be harassed about for food, weight, etc? So happy Friday was my official weigh-in day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm glad everyone agrees on Emma's cuteness

    Hailie- yes, MSW means master of social work. Worthwhile degree, most definitely, and if you get your BSW, if you then decide to get your masters, it'll only take a year-ish versus the two years it took me. Money saver! If you have questions about the field/degree, let me know.

    Lunch date went well today. We went to a Japanese restaurant, which was super yummy, and nothing was super high calorie. I'll have think about how the heck I'm going to log in.

    Currently sipping on a glass of pinot noir (yum) and watching Jane Eyre. Thinking tomorrow might be a brunch day.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Because I need to:


    This is the picture I took of my beautiful girl right before she went to Heaven. *Sigh* Thanks again ladies, for all your support. You don't know how much it means to me.

    Speaking of, anyone have any tips on avoiding emotional eating? I just can't seem to stop... :indifferent:
  • pinbotchick
    Having a good time with family but gave up logging due to sharing of food. And my Bugg is saying low and not charging. Sighs. I'll call today a wash and admit I was over. The brewpub for dinner with 2 beers and 1/2 share of 12 oz prime rib were good. No real ex today, but I'll make up for it in the morning.

    All the dogs were cute but Hallie's right - cats rule!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- do you want me to adopt you??? gah! The people around you seem to think of you as a punching bag. My advice is to start punching back. Quit taking their crap. Take your cell phone in the hot tub with you and if Crazy Naked Lady says anything, make her feel stupid. "Are you old and blind or just old? Does it look like I'm using it? I have it here to keep time d i p *kitten*. There is no clock (said slowly) Why aren't you yelling at her (point at other lady) for having her phone too!??! Make you feel all big and important to yell at the teenager??? All it does is show how pathetic you are as a human being. Just because you are miserable in your life doesn't mean you have to go around and make the "little guys" like me feel bad too!!" That should shut her right up. Sorry....I know you won't be able to remember all that when it happens again but that just really struck a nerve with me. I'm tired of people picking on you.

    Crystal- :sad: <---does not quite show the sorrow

    Today was another great day with Mr. Reunion and his girls. :happy: I bought white frosting and food coloring so we made lots of different color frosting and then we played Mario Party. It's so fun. I think the girls really liked it. Right now I have 8 cupcakes still sitting on the table (the girls took the rest home or ate them already), plus a few sugar cookies. I trashed the extra, super big but un-decorated sugar cookies and what was left of the chips and dip. Before the bake fest began, I had 1100 cals left for the day. I'm sure I went over, even though I didn't technically eat dinner- just lots of sugar cookies, a cupcake, and chips with dip. Oh, and frosting and m&ms. So yeah....SUGAR HIGH AND SUGAR CRASH.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Having a good time with family but gave up logging due to sharing of food. And my Bugg is saying low and not charging. Sighs. I'll call today a wash and admit I was over. The brewpub for dinner with 2 beers and 1/2 share of 12 oz prime rib were good. No real ex today, but I'll make up for it in the morning.

    All the dogs were cute but Hallie's right - cats rule!!!

    I'm pretty sure that carbing it up for a race is a good thing!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I slept from 7:30p, to 10:30am...so while I am feeling groggy (probably from the ambien) I've just had a macchiato and croissant and am waiting for my party to pick me up. MY hair straightener doesn't work - Amy says because it isn't dual voltage..boooo...so I amm either going to have huge frizzy some what straight hair or somewhat curly lifeless let it dry by itself hair. I see a lot of updos in my future...which is okay.

    Its warm and slightly rainy here. What I would call muggy since in Oregon it is so not humid..

    Tonight begins five days of work drinking and eating...my stomach is already bloated from the plane trip and starting my period this morning. But I am looking forward to it.

    OH so I burned the S out of my left index finger pad attempting to curl my hair with my straightener in two spots Thursday morning and the two spots on my fingerprints are completely flattened out lower than the rest. Its really weird.I thought for sure it would
  • pinbotchick
    Thanks Lacey!!! Have a great time. I'll be thinking of you on my run.

    I'll really be thinking of all of you this morning. My cousins wife did the full marathon yesterday and said the course is awesome. I can't wait. I'm waiting in the lobby for everyone. 4 of us are doing are doing the 1/2. it's really fun when lots of people are in a race - we sooo totally need to do a race together!!! It looks like Alaska will happen in late Aug next year. People are starting to arrive and the race is in an hour :) I'll check in later!!!