200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • KatheryneLynne
    First off, Pam I want to tell you how much you're "TMI" story made me smile. I'm so happy for you, That is a great NSV achievement.

    This challenge I think I'm going to try checking in one last time each night. I find that my worst eating time is between dinner and bed, so maybe if I check in, I might control myself a little better. On a happy note for me, I have finished the day under cals, under salt, and with a three mile walk and thirty min. of dance aerobics. Right now, sweaty stinky me feels great. Now, off to take a shower and relax for the rest of my evening.


    ps. a hearty welcome for all the new people
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies, checking in with my numbers for Tuesday: 2541 calories burned/ 1940 calories eaten (damned cheesecake!)/ 601 calorie deficit but I was WAY over on my sodium and the scale was showing it this morning.

    Katheryne: I get really munchie-oriented between dinner and bedtime too so I find that checking in here is really helpful at keeping me on target. Also, I'll walk on my dreadmill during that time to keep me from putting anything too terrible in my mouth.

    Lacey: Yay for a new camera!!!

    Pam: Your NSV is freaking awesome!!! And I'm right there with you on it. It used to be a major effort to "dress up" but now it's fun and The Hubbs appreciates the effort.

    Victoria: I think it's awesome that you have half a dog. We, too, have half a dog. We left our golden retriever with The Hubbs' parents in Idaho when we moved to Germany. Since then, The Hubbs' dad has fallen in love with the dog (it's pretty ridiculous) and I'm pretty sure that we're never getting him back. But I think he's in an awesome place; he gets walked twice a day and is absolutely adored. Of course, everyone still says he's "our" dog - I know the truth though.

    Natalie: We have another lady on our thread who lives in Australia (babyworms, or, Hosanna as we all know and love her). Welcome to the group!

    Sarah (rain): Wow, your schedule is jam-packed!!

    Yamecita & Tammy: Welcome to the group, tell us about yourselves!

    Kristina: I think that all of us who have been doing this a while lose focus. I think it's great that you and Victoria can get back on track together.

    Tasha: Welcome to the group! Is your husband in the Navy (or another service)?

    My neck seems to be doing better today than yesterday. It's not back to normal yet but I think if I keep massaging the tight spot in my upper back, that it will loosen up and go back to normal. I walked the dreadmill today rather than walk the dogs as I think my neck issue started with Loki pulling on his leash the last time we went out. Next time, I'll have to switch hands I hold his leash in (I'm so glad that Sofie is trustworthy and doesn't need to be on a leash...Loki is another story entirely). Have a good one ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    Tues check-in 3151 burned, 2444 cal eaten, and ex 60 min 3 mile walk and 36 min 3 mile run... Yeah for me.

    Pam - I love your NSV!!!

    Lacey - that's such a long flight. The camera sounds sweet. I hope you're able to check-in while there.

    Amy - glad your neck is better. Good luck training Loki to be good on-leash.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I must have slept wrong because my left shoulder is hurting this morning. Sigh. Lots of stretching in my future today as this is the shoulder that can cause my whole upper back to seize up for days.

    My poor dog Bart last night...I told him to get off the couch to go to bed and noticed he had driddled pee on himself and the couch. Not sure if he even knew it happened. It wasn't much, a small puddle but I was a bit shocked. I sure hope that he isn't starting to lose control of his bowels. I know his time is coming but I hope that it isn't until after I get back fromEurope and can love on him some more. His breathing is still very wheezy but I'm hoping its from the smoke in the air from the fires and that it improoves now that its moving off and dissipating.

    Okay..I should get ready for work.Two more days!
  • hkallembach
    Holy Smokes! Congratulations everyone on such a great challenge! *hangs head in shame from personal gain*

    Amy: Hahahahaha, stupid technology. Yayyyy for seemingly better neck!? :smile:

    Jessi: Yay for not being new anymore!

    Annette: Thank you for the advice!

    Kendal: Nice goals! I saw you had work up to an hour on the elliptical as one of your goals! Good luck! It feels amazing once you are able to do it! One night I did it for 60 minutes twice (30 minutes of walking in between each 60 minutes of the elliptical) and I burned exactly 1234 calories. Haha, plus it felt amazing! I am kind of OCD with "cool" systematical things so I'd thought I'd share it! Hhahahhaha, I saw the P90 picture and I was LMFAO during work (yayyyy for checking on smart phones while working!) and my boss thought I was crazy!

    Rain: Soooo, c25k, when you do the "run" do you run or jog? See my problemo is I move faster than my walking speed...it's more of a "put my arms by my side, pump 'em faster, pick up my feet, and 'run' fast" sort of thing. Your schedule made me smile, you know how to use every second of every minute of the day!

    Kristina (and all these ladies): Honestly, coming on here is the best part of my day. I feel like there NEVER any judgement towards anyone or what anyone has to say. I love the support and all ya'll! :flowerforyou: Plus, the chart is so helpful to see progress and realize how far we come!

    Pam: I love your TMI NSV! TMI from me....I feel like FUPA is getting "healthier" and I can't wait to have an SO to explore it!

    Lacey: Enjoy your trip!

    Katie: Chicka, where are you!?

    Newbies: Welcome to the best group of ladies EVER! :flowerforyou:

    Hmmmm, I should re-introduce myself too! I was so going to look back in my post to re-paste what I originally wrote but I feel like I am totally different person (yayy, is that a NSV!?)

    I am an 18 year old 'Super Senior' in high school from Minnesota! Don't ask why I am taking Senior year twice....I should be at the U of M-Ann Arbor what now instead...grrrrr! Anyways, I was a swimmer in high school and loved every second of it! I still try to swim but with my increase weight gain I haven't been as good as I once was. In summer of '09 I had jaw surgery so I was on bed rest the entire summer and was limited to ice cream and smoothies. Boo for no physical excercise. My family isn't the most supportive in terms of my life style changes but that is why I love my MFP family! :flowerforyou: I sometimes can be a sarcastic but heck that is me. Oh! I forgot! I work at an athletic club as a lifeguard and swimming instructor! I freakin' love every second of it! *sigh* my tan lines will be gone very, very, very, very soon....Anyways, that is a little about me! Oh! I started my journey (on here) at 272ish. I believe that was my heaviest but, also, I am sure I was so much heavier than that before...possibly close to 300 but I will never confirm that since I never was able to face the scale. Also, did I mention I am bit random and sometimes forget things so my posts can be a bit scatter brained!?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago and the elliptical was my standard exercise machine. Back then I worked up to where I could go for an hour and a half at a time. I normally would stop around an hour to an hour and 15 minutes though cause I would hit a calorie goal. And I love your "scatter brained" posts :bigsmile:

    Lacey- poor Bart :frown: I hope you still get some time with him after your trip. Hope you get your shoulder relaxed today. And yay for a new camera!!

    Amy- yay for your neck feeling better! Hopefully Loki will get better on his leash quickly. Hopefully I'm not stirring the pot, but has the Hubbs found a dog sitter yet?

    Katheryne- that's a hard time for me as well. Thankfully on night when Mr. Reunion is around he keeps me pretty well occupied :smile:

    Pam- congratulations on the nsv!!!! that feeling is just so awesome !! :bigsmile:

    Victoria- Yay for running!! now get back to logging your food! Right now missy!! lol

    Sarah (rain)- wow that is an incredibly busy schedule!!!

    Today is my last day of work this week. I have tomorrow and Friday off for no reason. Other than working out earlier in the day than usual, I'm not sure what I will do. Last night I was pretty frustrated and I ate more than I should have so I decided to walk Lexi. I don't know if it's cause of the frustration or because it's finally getting cooler but I was able to jog further than I have before. Plus I had rock music on rather than up beat, pop stuff. It was nice though. It definitely helped me think.
  • jessicae1aine
    Kendal - That is an AWESOME picture. :D

    Apryl - I love donating blood, and will be donating around Halloween as well! :D

    Natalie - I can totally relate to the eating everything you see. I did that for a few years.

    Pam - Awesome story! :D So glad you felt so good about yourself!

    Lacey - I hope Bart is doing well when you get back! <3

    I was going to post last night but ended up going out to dinner with Nerd instead. I'm not "supposed" to be eating rice, but I figured a little wouldn't kill me, especially because I felt sick for a lot of yesterday. SUPER proud that even though I ordered the same thing I usually do, I couldn't finish it all - I ate just barely over half what I typically do. I need to go put it into my calories and finish inputting my exercise for yesterday, but considering before that I'd had a whole 300 calories, I'm pretty sure I'm still WAY under.

    I found the most AMAZING glycerine prosthetics for Halloween... I'm going to be the scariest zombie EVER. I'm also trying to convince the boss we all need to dress up here (there are 7 people who work here. :P) because we put pictures up on our website and Facebook, and I think that would make an awesome picture. Fortunately, I've got a coworker on my side.

    I'm WAY excited for October! We have this thing called the "Pumpkin Chase" for our station, where employees paint and then hide a pumpkin (we each take a turn, in theory) one at a time over the course of a week, and then record clues about where it's at, and the whole effing town goes out looking for it. (They get their name on the air, some cash, and whatever else the boss man feels like throwing in.) I think I have two brilliant spots, so I'm already setting up clues now. :D The longest one's been hidden is 3 days... definitely intend to surpass that. :D I actually took pictures of the place a while ago, so I can make my clues from that, because people are CRAZY and will follow the employees home and stuff trying to be the first to find it.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm not still quite in the zone where I'm able to read all the posts and respond to everyone, but do know that I am here and at least skimming everything.

    Victoria- I'm up for whatever works best for you and helps you stay most accountable. I plan to post my numbers daily. we really need to stay on top of each other. I haven't been running. last time was 3 miles on a treadmill 2 weeks ago. Blech.

    So, back to logging today. I haven't weighed in a couple of weeks, so I know the number will be ugly. I'll step on the scale on Friday and own up to it. My biggest pair of pants that I still had (I've been throwing them out/donating as I've gotten smaller) are snug on me, and I refuse to by a larger size, and for the sake of everyone at work, they do not need to see me busting out of ill-fitting pants, so I need to get my act together.

    Goals for this challenge:
    1. Routine Routine Routine- getting back into it. This is the biggest issue for me. It usually takes me at least 3 weeks to get back into a routine, and once I'm there, I'm usually good about sticking with it once I get over the hump. So at least the first half of this challenge will be my struggling with this, so y'all need to stay on me about it.
    2. Log: It's a pain, but, again, it's just part of routine, and once I get used to do it again daily, it's just a part of my day, and I need this. It's what works
    3. Reintroduce regular exercise. My dog has been a double edged sword for me. I love Emma, and having to take her for long daily walks has kept me from becoming completely sedentary, but she's also affected my ability to get to the gym or run. Before I got her, I'd go straight from work to the gym, and that worked great. I can't do that now... I need to get home after work, take her out for a long walk, and at that point, I don't want to put her back in her crate and go to the gym. That leave running shorter distances with her, which is possible as the weather has cooled off. I'd like to start running again regularly (between 2-5 mile runs). Also, DVD is good for me, as I'm able to stay in the home. My barrier is that I really enjoy INSANITY, but it's prett high impact, and I feel bad knowing my neighbor can hear me banging around. I just need to get over that embarassment. Perhaps I'll try in the basement where no one will hear me. So, yes, the plan is to restart INSANITY this week. I should be through a full 60 day cycle of it prior to Thanksgiving.
    4. Continue to get at least 8 glasses of water a day: this is something I've actually still been pretty good about, but want to continue.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So tonight not only did I honestly feel sexy for the first time in about a million years, but I could tell that my boyfriend thought that I looked really sexy too! That is a super fantastical feeling. :smile:

    Pam: that is a totally amazing NSV! I think that is what we are all working toward: feeling sexy in our own skin! :heart:

    Amy: I'm so glad that I don't like cheesecake because the bf tried to get me to eat it with him yesterday. I made him one...funny that I love to make them, but I don't like them.

    Lacey: The stories of your dog make me so sad for you and him. I hope your get your shoulder stretched out and working correctly!

    Hallie: I get looked at like I'm crazy all the time, whether or not I'm checking in on here :blushing: I think you are definitely a different person from where you were, so I'm glad that you reintroduced yourself; I hope you continue to grow as a person as you mature as a woman.

    Kendall: I'm jealous of your days off :grumble: lol I also loved the dough boy pic!

    Apryl and Jessi: I have tried to donate blood and have only succeeded once. I have the worst veins!! Last time I went to the docs, they needed 8 tubes of blood, which took a stick in each hand, and one in the back of my arm. It took almost two weeks to get rid of the bruises. I remember them having to hold me down when I was young because of the multiple sticks it takes.
    Jessi, where do you live again?? I would so participate in the pumpkin search, right between all of my haunted house treks :wink:

    Kristina: As long as you're not doing your workout at some ungodly hour where you will wake up the neighbor, who cares if they hear you? I think the cooler weather will definitely help with the running for longer distances. It's very hard on a human, let alone a furry dog to maintain any speed over time when it's 100 degrees outside. In terms of logging, all I have to say is I'm so thankful for the iPhone app!!!

    Well, work is getting a little stressful now. I spent the first month of my "year" wishing I could actually get to do something, and the first two weeks of the school year bored out of my mind. Now, I'd like a little down time other than lunch, but I don't see that happening.:ohwell: On a more personal note, I think I may let the bf move in. My girls are cool with him, I really do love him, and I refuse to let my fear from previous bad relationships get in the way of possibly having something amazing. I mean, he's pretty great anyway, but you know what I mean. Besides, his work schedule doesn't interfere with my gym time, which could possibly mean double workouts :bigsmile:
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey you chatty girls!

    I get out of work in two hours for class tonight. Can't wait. I've been fairly busy all morning.

    Hailie: I do c25k on the treadmill. I walk at 3.0 and run at 4.7. It works. Its not a brisk run, but I would consider it a nice steady jog. I feel myself wanting to go faster at this point, but I don't want to drain myself and not be able to finish.

    I slept in today (oops!) and didn't make it to the gym this morning. I guess it works out a bit better because my class tomorrow night is cancelled, so I'll go to the gym after work and have extra time to put into a super intense workout. I'm hoping to do my c25k run, at least 2 miles on the elliptical and some strength training.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Mind if I jump in?

    I'll be turning 30 the day before Halloween, and I'm really hoping to get down to a weight that starts with a 20_ (I'm currently at 217). I'm a SAHM and student in my junior year of college (working on a degree in communications with a minor in philosophy. Yes, I'm a bit nerdy and I love classic Greek philosophers). I live in Idaho, but my heart is in California - which is where I spent the majority of my life. My husband and I just celebrated our 4 year anniversary of marriage and our 7 year "getting together" anniversary (they're within a week of each other, hehe, August must be our lucky month!).

    I started this journey last year, at 280ish, my all-time high. I gave birth to my daughter at that time, and decided it was time to start taking my health really seriously. 215 is the only weight I can remember from my high school years, so I've never been a skinny person, but I'm excited to be so close to my high school weight anyway ;-)

    And please, if you're an active user, feel free to add me!
  • navajoon
    Blah, another fun and exciting morning in mom/daughter fight land...

    First off, for the newbies, welcome! I'm Nava, I'm turning 31 tomorrow. I received my undergraduate degree in French (which I've never put to good use) and then went to law school and graduated/passed the bar in 2005. I think I'm putting that one to good use? I currently work for a large oilfield services company in Houston, TX. I have a deaf poodle-mix pup named Marlee (for the deaf actress Marlee Matlin... Marley and Me hadn't come out yet) that I got from the SPCA, so I don't know her exact mix, but I love her to bits and she's my favorite ball of fluff. My second favorite ball of fluff is my boyfriend Joe. (He's actually not fluffy, just kidding) Joe is awesome and makes me feel wonderful and makes me happy every day. At my heaviest I weighed in at 267 and am currently hovering around 228ish. I joined this group about 4 challenges ago and they're seriously the best women ever and super inspiring. My own dedication has wavered the last couple months with family drama and a hemi-thyroidectomy (half my thyroid had to be taken out), but I'm really trying to get back on track. I wish I could find my motivation!!! Maybe I need to put up some flyers... I love to read, I love sci-fi/fantasy shows, and I'm a reality TV junkie. Shamefully. Oh, and I could watch How It's Made for hours on end. With my mouth hanging open. My friends call it my How It's Made face.

    That being said... It's my birthday this weekend... and TOM... so the chances of me taking a pass are pretty high!

    Pam, your NSV totally made me smile! That's wonderful!

    Jessi, the pumpkin chase sounds so fun!

    Lacey, I'm so sorry about Bart! I hope he gets better so that you can have those excellent cuddles when you get back.

    Bobbie, go for it with the bf! I think that's great.

    Kendal, yay for days off! I'm taking tomorrow and Friday off as well, but only because I absolutely refuse to work on my birthday which is Thursday, and I'm certainly not going to come in Friday after that!

    Amy, an odd question... how are you doing your masters? Through a German school? Distance learning through a US uni? I'm curious because if this whole England thing happens, Joe would like to go to school, but we're not sure how he'd do it.

    As for me, mom called this morning and acted like nothing happened. Wanted me to come pick up my insurance card from their house because the new ones came in and mine had expired (their house is still my permanent address). So I got there and she was just kisses and look at my new purse, and oh, you like my shirt? Do you want it? So I was extremely flabbergasted and called her explaining that I was upset and that she said some awful things to me and I didn't like that she acted like nothing happened. Long story short, no, I'm the one that said horrible things, and she NEVER EVER would say "maybe you need to lose your family." "I would NEVER say such a thing, you MUST have made it up!" Right, so I got that upset over something that never happened. O... K...

    She went on to tell me (after 30 other minutes of bulls h i t) that I need to keep an eye on the people around me because they obviously harbor jealousy towards me and that's why they all tell me that Joe is so great for me because in fact he isn't, they just want to see me with someone below me. So now, all my friends (and my brother?) are jealous of me and they're saying Joe and I are so great together because they secretly hate me?

    My mom has officially lost it completely. Next time she tries to pick a fight with me, I'm just getting up and walking out. I don't deserve the stress and she doesn't deserve the satisfaction of getting under my skin.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I need someone to kick me in the a s s today please. It is seriously dragging and I don't have the energy to pick it up and carry it.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I need someone to kick me in the a s s today please. It is seriously dragging and I don't have the energy to pick it up and carry it.

    *virtual kick*

    Get a move on :) Just remember, the hardest part in doing something is getting up the motivation to do it! All downhill easy peasy from that point ;-)
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    Hey! I'm super excited to get back into shape! I don't really want to lose weight, but maintain my weight, eat healthier, and work out more! My goal is to run/walk 100 miles in 2 months, so by the end of these 6 weeks, I want to have run/walked 70 miles! :smile: I'm happy to find a group of people who can keep eachother accountable and motivate eachother to work hard! :flowerforyou: Looking forward to this challenge with you all!
    Ps- my starting weight is 105.6
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Nava- I don't mean this in a mean/rude/joking way, but maybe your mom needs to be put on some kind of medication? Her view on reality seems highly skewed and on the verge of a paranoid.
  • navajoon
    Kendal, no offense taken at all. I think you may be right. Her increasing "nobody loves you but your mother" attitude is actually starting to get frightening. God forbid you suggest it to her though... She goes bonkers if you imply anything about her health.
  • jessicae1aine
    Bobbie - I'm that way with some things. I'm allergic to apples, but I love to make things with apples... definitely not eating it, but I LOVE feeding other people. I think I'm getting ready for a massive bake-and-ship cookie endeavor! I'm a total bleeder, too, so I love donating blood, and I'm O+ so I usually donate double red blood cells. :D I live in Montana. I wish we had more haunted houses....

    Nava - I'm sorry your mom was like that this morning. Clearly we all just make up crazy stuff our family says, right? Your mom sounds a lot like my oldest two siblings, especially my brother. Good for you for resolving to walk out when it comes to that next.

    earthsember - That's an excellent point. I think I need to remind myself that motivation is the hardest part a lot more often. :)

    I'm kind of disappointed. I learned this morning that our only local gym (at the college) is extending it's hours... but still not enough to work for Nerd and I. Fail.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    you know what I love about my gym? They give out free pizza the first Monday of every month. And it's not the fat girl in me that loves that. It's a gym for real people, and real people occasionally want pizza. You can be healthy and occasionally eat pizza. The gym differentiates themself from other gyms by calling themselves the "Judgement Free Zone" so there are all kinds of people in there and it's wonderful.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Jessi: Bummer that the gym's hours don't work for you. Have you tried workout DVDs? I use tons of them and love them as I live pretty far from my nearest gym.

    Nava: Holy cow, your mom sounds a bit like Norman Bates' mother (you know, the killer from Psycho??). That's a lot of crazy for you to put up with. (((((HUGS))))) I'm doing my Master's distance ed through an American school. Distance ed makes the most sense for me because I pay in-state tuition despite being overseas as I am a military dependent. There are some American school here on base for the military peeps but none of them offer Master's in Nutrition (they are more geared toward generic business degrees). As far as Joe goes, he will probably have to pay non-resident tuition no matter where he goes to school so I'd compare costs for schools in England and distance ed with American schools and see what works out better for him.

    Rachel: Welcome to the group. I love your fitness goal.

    Sarah (WnT): Get a move on lady!! You are awesome and we need to hear about your awesomeness today!!!

    Ember: Welcome to the group. I took a philosophy course in college (my BA is in Humanities) and I loved it (unless I had a headache that day, then it was just horrible).

    Sarah (rain): sometimes sleep is just what the body needs.

    Bobbie: Yay for "double workouts"!!! I can't imagine anyone not loving cheesecake (unless there's a lactose intolerance issue - then I totally get it).

    Kristina: You goals are awesome! We won't let you get complacent this challenge. Prepare for butt-kicking (or at least, really loud nagging) if you drop off the face of the Earth. Keep at it and you'll be buying smaller pants soon!!!

    Kendal: No dog sitter. I'm refusing to worry about it because I'm leaving on Thursday (next week) and he will be FORCED to find someone to watch the dogs if he plans on coming to Bruges the following Monday.

    Hailie: I think feeling like a totally different person is totally a NSV!

    Lacey: I'm so sorry about Bart, that's so sad. (((((HUGS)))))

    Victoria: Yay for your accountability - you ROCK!!!

    As for me, I had a good food day. I had a skinny cow mint truffle bar as a treat and NO high calorie/ high fat garbage today!!! I'm also totally addicted to Pinterest.com (I know Kendal is on there) anyone else??