200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My biking partner called about 9:30 to tell me the northern lights are out... BEAUTIFUL!!!! I've been sitting our in 30 degree weather watching then for 45 min... Reds and whites today :)
  • jessicae1aine
    Hosanna - I've gone SO long without getting my TOM (even after 10 days of Provera 10mg) that I would be thrilled to be preggers, but I don't think it's likely. Granted, things can happen, and maybe losing weight is what it takes to get that way. In my experience, also, paps aren't as bad as a lot of people make them out to be. What is a mozzie bite?

    Pam - That 2nd picture is gorgeous. :) I love the way it's shot. I do love your dress, too!

    I'm watching last night's Walking Dead right now, then going to bed. I'm too tired to function, almost.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    There are worse things than pap smears. Like having an iud put in. Or taken out. I'd rather give birth again. Speaking of womanly parts..I'm seriously thinking about getting that in the doctors office sterilization done where they put the two porous things in your fallopian tubes and insert this gold mesh thing in your hooha (this word translated to: boobs and goons. I'm SO totally calling my hooha goons now!) and do some sort of thermal radioactive whatever that causes scar tissue to grow into the pores thereby blocking eggs from coming down anymore. I've not done any Internet reading on it and want to. I want to see what other women think about it..but I'm up warming fast to the idea. At first it made me feel like I'd be getting a permanent abortioin even though I know that's not what I'm doing, but mentally it feels weird to do something to your body that effectively makes you not able to have babies anymore. It's the way women are raised I guess. Anyways, there it is. I'm betting I will be getting this procedure done. Anyone have it done or know someone who did? There is a name for it, starts with an A but I'm too lazy to walk to my purse to get the pamphlet out to see.

    Also. When on TOM, do not, I repeat, DO NOT buy a mello tempranillo and eat candy corn with it. Because I'm sure it's the most bestest effing flavor combo ever right now. And even though the wine would make my mouth taste nasty because I brushed my teeth to stop eating and drinking, I'm having a super hard time not gong back for more.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Jessi - mosquito bite :smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hosanna: mosquitoes eat me alive! I'm so glad that the weather has gotten cold enough here that the mosquitoes are all gone! Congrats on getting the C25K workout done! Your wedding is on The Hubbs' birthday! (January 15th)

    Lacey: I've had an IUD put in on 2 occasions and the first time it was not so bad as they did it on the first day of my period and that apparently opens the cervix up a bit. The second time, I was not on my period and so it was horrible! They gave me a shot to dilate the cervix and then I bled like a stuck pig and then went home with cramps that rivaled contractions for about 24 hours. I will NEVER do it again. I am looking at that same sterilization procedure you were talking about. I figure that I have 4 more years until I have to remove my IUD and if I don't want another kid by then (I'll be 37 by then), then I'll get the sterilization rather than have to deal with having another IUD put in. (I can't do BC pills or norplant or anything with estrogen due to my history of blood clots so my birth control methods are pretty limited)

    Bobbie: All of us fall off the wagon sometimes, what matters is that you made your way back here!

    Sarah: My husband can't keep a secret if his life depended on it (pretty funny considering his line of work). If he buys a present for someone he has to give it to them IMMEDIATELY. It's like pulling teeth around here to get Christmas presents to remain unopened until Christmas. My strategy is to wrap them and stick them under the tree as soon as I receive them, otherwise they'll end up opened and being played with. (He sounds like a 7 year old)

    Kerry: Jan 16th is locked in!

    All you Walking Dead fans are making me want to re-watch it. I watched the first 3 or 4 episodes of last season (as I adore all things zombie) but I couldn't really get into it. I thought it was unique to have a zombie TV show that was more a drama than an action but I found that the story dragged and I really didn't like any of the characters enough to care whether they lived or died. Maybe I was just in a bad mood during that time period, I'll have to revisit it and see if I still feel the same.

    My sinuses are slowly becoming functional again. The left side is almost perfectly clear and I can envision a day in the near future when I can stop being a mouth-breather. I got up this morning and did a brisk walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and I will do my P90X Chest & Back workout with The Hubbs after he comes home from work. Have a great day!

    Victoria: I've never seen the Northern Lights but have seen pictures, how cool!

    Pam: I ADORE the second picture in your post. Your hair looks great and your boy friend looks SO content in the pic. Absolutely lovely!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    You lot have suddenly gone post crazy and have not been able to take notes for replies (still can't get two pages open to do it as I go along) but will do my best and love and apologies to all who I miss

    Bobbie: welcome back - well done for getting through your week and jumping back in. Your weight loss is wnderful and not far t ogo for lowest in nine years - that is amazing :flowerforyou:

    Victoria: shopping was for camp gear (daughter) bras (daughter) and found some christmas pressies. Unfortunately, it also included a chinese lunch and vanilla milk shake - would not have been too bad if I had stcuk to the soup for supper and not added buttered rolls!!!

    Amy: Well done for doing exercise despite illness. Really do hope you are feeling better soon. Have you made any progres re Loki. You finish your current exercise programme on my birthday!!! (we posted same time and snap - your Hubbs birthday is on same day!!!)

    Kristina: helloooo. Hope your trip included fun not just work.

    Jessi: hope you are feeling better soon.

    Katheryne: love, love, love the sound of your weekend.

    Lacey: how is Bart? Oh and when are you getting back to diary logging??

    The lady who is going to use the slow cooker - it is an excellent way to control the food intake - and it is on tap on return from work.

    Hallie: very little make up for this lady either - just doesn't do anything for me and the Hubby says he loves me as I am so, no reason to use. You can add me to those who have been divorced - reasons - marrying for all of the wrong reasons - to get away from home, because I needed someone to love me; because my confidence was zero and I had no ability to stand up for what I wanted - will quickly add that I was not aware of these at the time but if someone had sat me down and really asked me if I though this was the one and would be forever, I really think I knew it was not right...There is no hurry girlie and there is just an underlying peace with the real 'one'. As others have alluded to, not a bed of roses, but an underlying peace.

    Kerry: love the sound of your weekend - don't be too down on yourself, you are allowed to push the boat out at times, it is the overall life style change that is important.

    Daughter's choice of activity today and she or her this means spending her time watching tv, playing on the wii, getting o nthe computer and maybe a bit of reading - for me - trying to catch up with some chores!!!! Oh joy. Think I'll start with a dog walk (although it is already nearly 11) and I will be finishing with circuits (so something to look forwad to there).

    Have a good day all xx
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hosanna- I've had paps every year since I was 20. For some ungodly reason they feel the need to check my girlie bits in order to prescribe me birth control pills. I've been on the pill for 8 freaking years! I'm pretty sure if it was messing me up, I'd know by now!

    Pam- Those are gorgeous pictures! :happy:

    And yeah, it's weird that we're talking about being preggo cause my bff, who has PCOS and has been trying for over 4 years to get pregnant, got it confirmed at the doctor's this week that she's 6 weeks along! I can't tell you how freaking incredibly happy I am about that!! They even got to hear the heartbeat yesterday when they had an ultrasound done!! It's also weird that we're talking about pregnancy cause I didn't have a mini-cycle this month so that's got me worried that I caught the "bug." But really, that's only been in the past 5-6 months that I've developed that mini-cycle so this month is technically "normal" again. I never look forward to TOM but I'm glad when it shows up.

    Victoria- cute new profile pic!!

    Lacey- I've never heard of that proceedure, but I've also never looked into permanent birth control like that. One day Mr. Reunion and I will have kids.

    Amy- Yay for half of a functioning face!! lol

    As for Walking Dead and other zombie shows/movies- NUH UH. NOT ME. I get scared VERY VERY easily so I just don't watch those kinds of things. Although, I have seen Shawn of the Dead and Zombieland. I freaking LOOOOOOVED Shawn of the Dead. I like the idea of incredibly slow and stupid zombies. That I can handle in real life. Zombieland I freaking HAAAAAATED. I do NOT like fast zombies. It scared me to death. Probably because if zombies really could run fast, I'd be dead within the first 24 hours.

    I got out last night and walked Lexi. But instead of sticking to my normal route, I took a completely different street, crossed a very, very busy 2 lane road and went into a different neighborhood with LOTS of freaking hills. Then I saw a buck about get hit by a pick up truck probably no more than 30 yards away from me. Thankfully the deer went back the direction he came from cause they're known for being aggressive....or maybe it was cause I was thinking of that youtube video they showed on tv recently of a deer attacking a dog. :frown:

    I'm kind of disappointed that my walk last night didn't loosen up the pulled muscles in my thighs. Sunday I spent several hours taking bridal portraits of my sister, so I did a lot of walking and squatting. Yesterday and today the front, lower part of my thighs have been KILLING me with every step I take. It HURTS!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    OMG, I just watched the first episode of American Horror Story and I'm pretty sure I'm hooked. It was legitimately freaky and weird and freaky. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't watch it alone at night.

    Kendal: Congrats to the preggo BFF, that's awesome!

    Annette: We've had 3 people contact us for pictures and more info about Loki but no one has asked to meet him yet.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    **** CLOSED****

    I will post "200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin" now.