200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - Nerd honestly helps a LOT around the house. He cleans the bunny cage because he's afraid I'll scratch myself on the wire doorway, he takes the garbage out, does the laundry once in a while, sweeps kind of obsessively - and I really never have to ask him to do anything. I'm pretty lucky.

    I didn't think to weigh myself, considering work starts at 8 and I intentionally hit the snooze button until 8:10 because I'm just so tired lately. Nerd just brought lunch, and since I started feeling nauseated last night and am still just eew, he told me he thinks I should go buy a pregnancy test. I ordered 20 dip-strips off Amazon for $5 with free Prime shipping, so we'll see how that goes in a couple days. When I asked him if he really thought we needed to buy them, he started listing the various reasons that he thinks it's a necessity. I'm tired and just want to curl up and knit until I fall asleep. I'll catch up later. <3 I hope you all have an awesome day.
    Not to say that you are pregnant by any means...but are you so unbelievably tired that you can't keep your eyes open? Thats how I was the first trimester. I had to drop out of three of four college classes because I'd flat out pass the eff out in them.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Jessi & Lacey: I was freaking exhausted and miserable the first month I was pregnant, then I got a miserable cold AND diarrhea (at the same time) and it was when I went to the doctor for the cold/diarrhea that I discovered I had a bun in the oven - I had just thought I was sick.

    Jessi: I'm sorry you aren't feeling well.

    Victoria: I have been sick for too long but I think my workout this morning got things moving in my head and I am much less congested - so maybe I'm done being sick!

    WoW: Weekends pretty much suck for me food-wise. Somehow I just can't get it together.

    Pam: I've never tried spinning. I mountain bike and that ALWAYS leaves me with aches and pains in the unmentionable places - I can't imagine that pain 3 times a week (with a regular spinning class) - The Hubbs says you'd get used to it but I think that might be the last place that I'd want a "callous" to form.

    Katheryne: What show did you watch that got you so wrapped up in it??

    Lacey: mmm garlic fries....

    Kendal: thanks for the virtual soup - it's helping!

    Nava: howdy! I saw on FB that someone stole your zombie magnet off your car - that so totally sucks!!!

    Kerry: I am STILL planning on starting P90X2 in January. I finish my program on Jan 15th (it's a Sunday) - so do you wanna start the new program on January 16th?? (I am TOTALLY digging the idea of having you for a workout/accountability buddy as I KNOW you get your workouts in no matter what and I'd feel totally guilty for bagging a workout and then having to came here and tell you I didn't do it.)

    Hailie: I admit it - I LOVE makeup. I have been known (on occasion) to go out of the house without it and I tend to not put it on if I'm not going anywhere but I LOVE how I look wearing makeup. It makes my eyes and cheekbones pop out and makes me feel more confident. I also like to wear nice clothes. I wear jeans most of the time but adding jewelry or a scarf or even high heels pulls my outfit together and makes me feel pretty. I don't do it for anyone else - just me. But I don't think there's anything wrong with a person going for a wash-n-go hairdo or comfy clothes. A person should wear what makes them feel best and if that's a comfy pair of jeans and a T-Shirt, then that's exactly what you should wear. The weather in Germany is probably most similar to the East Coast of the United States - at least in Southern Germany, where I live. Although, when I lived in Washington DC, we had hellaciously hot and humid summers and it just doesn't get that hot here so...I don't know what German weather is comparable to in the US. We have rain most of the time (all seasons), a green and pollen-filled spring with lots of blooming trees and plants that are gorgeous, a summer that is pretty non-existent (although the pollen dies down a bit and it gets about 80 degrees F a couple of days in the summer), fall is beautiful with cool temperatures and lots of red/gold/yellow leaves on all the trees and then winter is freaking cold and snowy.

    I managed to stay under my calories goal for the day despite a minor incident with some fritos and major TOM munchies. Yay, me!
  • KatheryneLynne
    Amy--DH and I love Zombie movies and books. The show is called Walking Dead, and the story line is that a cop, Rick, wakes up from a coma--he had been shot prior to the beginning of the show--to discover that a Zombie Apocalypse had happened. He heads out looking for his wife and son. It is an AMC series. I think one of the reasons I liked it so much is because instead of being either a comedy or action/adventure style (like most of the others are) it's a drama, with comedy and action adventure thrown in.

  • jessicae1aine
    Lacey - Today especially, I've been struggling with staying awake sitting at my desk, like from about an hour and a half after I got up this morning. Saturday night, I was ready for bed at 7:30.

    Amy - Thank you <3 And yay for staying under calories even with fritos. I LOVE fritos.

    I really, really think it's naptime. Unfortunately, I can't pull it off because my boss just left, and he normally covers for me while I'm napping (he naps basically every day). The treadmill ended up not working out, too, because she ended up selling it to her cousin Friday, about 10 minutes before I went to pay her and pick it up. Fail.
  • jessicae1aine
    Katheryne - OMG, I love Walking Dead! Nerd and I were talking about it a couple days ago, and how it's better than most zombie-centric things because it's based on logic (like not firing guns unnecessarily, because it'll attract more zombies). Do you prefer fast zombies or slow zombies?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Damn I forgot to watch Walking Dead last night. I haven't been recording it because I am still somewhat on the fence about it, but it looks GOOD right now. Maybe I can catch a rerun tonight or something.

    I too love makeup. I have makeup just to have imakeup. I wear it every day during the work week and try to throw on a pair of dangly earrings or something, even if I am just wearing jeans and a t because it makes me feel a bit less frumpy and nonmomish.

    Right now I'm trying to figure in my mind what kind of shoes to buy that are dressy with a little height that would look good with my skinny jeans but also ones that won't slip on the oil out in my warehouse. Hard decision that. I am leaning towards cute oxfords but not sure yet.

    No my daughter doesn't know she's getting a puppy for Christmas. Well. Thats not exactly true. Jeff decided he needed to have a convo with her about our dog Bart and how he won't be around much longer and that we were going to get a frenchie soon and it would be a girl. When he told me this I wanted to freaking kill him because I'd told him like five****ingthousand times over the span of a week that I wanted it to be a surprise to her. So now I am surprising them both by picking out the puppy myself and not including Jeff in that.
  • KatheryneLynne
    lol, I'm more a medium speed kind of girl. If they were too slow then the wouldn't be at the top of the food chain, and it just doesn't seem too plauseable to have a mostly dead, decaying creature sprint. (not that zombies are plauseable :happy: ) Who's your fav. char? When he was first introduced I didn't like Daryl. But by the end of the first season he was really my favorite.

  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Jessi/Katheryne, OMG I LOVE WALKING DEAD! SO GOOD! It really is such a fun and fantastic show, and they haven't pulled any punches starting this season. Its awesome. Jessi, when watching a zombie movie, I tend to like fast zombies if I want to be scared. Because duuude, they're fast and eat you. Eek. Slow zombies are funny to me, until you get a hoard of them. A hoarde of anything is bad, bad news.

    While at the cider mill on Sunday we were actually talking about zombies with our friends, and my buddy had a GENIUS thought... shark suits! You know, the suits that the shark people wear so that they can't get penetrated by shark teeth?! Yeah. That and a Hattori Hanzō katana would be how I'd take on the zombie apocolypse.

    Speaking of creepy tv shows, is anyone else watching American Horror Story on FX? If not, you should. Its so disturbing and scary and unnerving.

    Amy, January 16th, lock it in! Now don't you dare take another break from your current P90X schedule again! :wink:
  • jessicae1aine
    Lacey - I'm so not a makeup wearer, ever. Also don't have my ears pierced. Most of my friends are guys, and always tell me no, I'm really not a girl. :P Sorry Jeff did that!

    Katheryne/Kerry - Daryl reminds me of a little elf. :P He's kind of adorable, running around in the woods. I'm a Glenn fan, personally. :D And OMG! You have to read this:


    It's brilliant and logical and awesome - and also explains why fast zombies just can't happen. On the Walking Dead front, I actually have a friend who lives in Atlanta and could see them filming from her office - she said it was absolutely terrifying. Also! Have you seen the movie Fido? It's definitely an adorable, funny zombie movie.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Oh man, now I'm going to have to start recording Walking Dead. And all of this zombie talk is making me want to see Shaun of the Dead again too. Love that movie!

    Kerry, shark suits are a totally genius idea! Also, the commercials for American Horry Story intrigued me, but I haven't watched it yet.

    Amy, you made me LOL with "I think that might be the last place that I'd want a "callous" to form." So true!

    Has anyone else noticed that a lot of us are starting to get TOM around the same time? It seems like lots of you have it now so I looked and found out that mine is coming soon (next week). Now if Jessi winds up being pregnant and Sarah(thes) is pregnant, there could be a pregnancy bug floating around this thread too....uh oh. I don't want any part of that bug. :laugh:
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Hi ladies! Super busy but wanted to get my weigh in posted ...

    Okay will catch up later tonight - hope you lovelies are doing well and having a happy Monday!
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Doh double post! Because I missed you girls! Okay foreal talk to you later ;-)
  • KatheryneLynne
    Pam...from your lips to God's ears...I want that preg. bug, send it up my way.

    Jessie, My friend that suggested Walking Dead also recommended Fido, but I haven't seen it yet. As for this season of WD, I DVR'ed the episode, but i haven't had an opportunity to watch it yet. I'll probably do that tonight after I get home from the store. I also need to watch last weeks episode of Terra Nova. I would be lost without my DVR.

    I found some recipies for Slow Cooker Black Bean Chicken and BBQ pulled Pork. I can't wait to try them out. I'm planning on trying to use my Slow Cooker every day this week to see if that helps on the eating healthier of an evening front. Today's menu is a pot roast surprise. The surprise is the portabello mushroom I covertly diced up this morning--to hide from my anti-fungus husband. :happy: I'll let you know if I get caught. My hope is that they will have disolved enough that he won't be able to identify them, but not so much to as ruin the dish.

  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    For the love of all things....Make the candy stop!! I have actually put it in the outside freezer to stop myself from eating it. HELLO, fatty!!! Stop eating the sugar! (she says while chewing on a mini york peppermint patty.)

    Pam: EVERYONE is pregnant around me right now. Two of my closest friends, people I am meeting...maybe Jessi, Sarah Thes, my neighbor, my pastor's wife. GAH!! Stay away from me!! Don't touch me, I don't want it. Thanks. no. kthxbai. *shudder* Pregnancy is not friendly to me. GREAT for weight loss, but not so good with the hospital bills for kidney failure and constant vomit. Makes me wonder why I did it twice. Anyway, great job spinning!!! (But I'm with Amy...)

    Jessi: My husband had explained to me that I am plenty fast to get away from zombies since they can't move quickly. He loves that stuff. I secretly love it too, but just stare blankly at him and nod my head. But when he puts a movie on, I am hooked. Totally.

    Tasha: Hi, Tasha. Bye, Tasha.

    Amy: Dude, time to shake this thing. You've got me worried.

    Lacey: My husband can't keep a secret either. IT MAKES ME CRAZY. For instance, when I was pregnant and miscarried, it would have been much easier had the whole world not known, but no, I got questions for 12 weeks after that....there is a reason for these things, man!!! Sew yer lips shut!!

    Hallie: I am allergic to most makeup and the stuff I'm not allergic to is very expensive, so it's all natural for this girl except for lip gloss and mascara. BAM!! One minute or less and I'm gorgeous. :) Also, good luck on the SO front. My husband was my fourth (yes, fourth) fiance. I changed my mind three times before him, and I am here to tell you, girl, there is no shame in that. If he is not the right one, marrying him will only make you both miserable. When I met Joe, life with him was so effortless --not that every day was sunshine and roses, but I wasn't constantly worried about the small stuff, ya know? It shouldn't be nerve-wracking to be in a relationship.

    Kerry: I peed a little from laughing at your confession. Girl. Seriously. I just love you.

    Ok. I have about a billion things to do before dinner tonight with some friends. Yum!! Steaks on the grill!!

    I'll chat atchall later!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    OMG...So, yeah, I was supposed to come back on Saturday and post a response to the myriad of postings you all have made, an, well, I obviously didn't get that done, and now I can't even find my last posting. Hmmm...Since we are on Page 12, I will split the difference and start on Page 6 with...

    Kerry: I like to think I'm no longer a newbie, but I can understand the feeling of wanting to close the group. We've had to do that on another thread, and I feel so much better about being able to keep up with what's going on. I think it gets to the point where it's not about exclusion, but rather about being able to give everyone the full attention you'd like to.

    Hallie: I've been hiatus from the thread, but I feel so much better about life reading your posts...you make me smile, always! I'm still trying to decide when to buy new clothes. I think I'm going to wait until I'm completely in a new size, as in the new size is not snug, or maybe I'll wait until the ones I have now just literally fall off! OAN: I think it's part of the mom gene that says we have to get on our children about spending money once they start having their own money. I have spoiled my children, but now that they are at college, I am constantly telling them that they need to watch how they're spending. It was like an overnight change...sorry! Again OAN: I second Katheryne's thought to check the syllabus. There is usually nothing that says anything about letter spacing; don't do it too much, but a tiny bit can make a different with 1-inch margins around.

    Kendal: Winter Onederland sounds like a great Christmas Gift to self :-)

    Amy: I know I'm way late, but I do hope you're feeling better! How does one's dogs also get stomach illnesses with you? UGH!!!

    Nava: The name for the challenge sounds perfect to me...needless to say, I have some stuffing to get rid of. Since I'm pretty frivolous with clothes, and I'm hoping not to stay in them too long, I shop at Cato. The price is just right, and they have some cute stuff. I won't say it all stands up, but as often as I get tired of clothes (as in only wearing once and then it sits in the closet), Cato works for me.

    Lacey: Octopus and Fava Beans??? My tummy just turned...lol I've been measured for a bra, but they always measure me as a D. My breasts must be weird because any Ds with any kind of padding leave me a ton of space, like I'm wearing balloons on my chest or the plain lace ones bunch up and pucker like they're huge. I have to wear a C, even if I have some spillage...I know, not attractive.

    Victoria: I have never been able to get into books on tape; I so have to have a book in my hand and see the words...I'm such a nerd.

    Katheryne: Ooh have I got a story about those little knit caps. Being from NJ, we call them stocking caps or skullies. So, I moved to NC and worked in a home for severely mentally disable adults. One day, as we're getting ready to leave the house, this 60 year old man starts yelling at me that he needs to get his tobogan, and I'm like "WHAT???" And he keeps yelling that he has to get his tobogan out of his room. So, I'm literally dumfounded trying to figure out why in the hell he 1) needs a sled to go to "work with and 2) keeps a sled in his room. Finally my coworker says, "Oh just let him go get it." Well, he comes from the back of the house with this skully in his hand and says, with the biggest grin, "I got my tobogan now." I still SMH at that name.

    Hosanna: I hope you are feeling much better also. What happened, I go away and everyone gets sick?

    Jessi: I completed the free versions of all 3 Angry Birds games in less than one day...I have no life, really.

    Sarah (WnT): Hot Buttered Run??? That sounds like fun even if I'm not yet a runner :-) Oh yeah, the whole marathon and yoga thing just makes you absolutely AMAZING!!!

    Pam: Water Zumba?? Yep, I would have to try that too, if my gym had it, which they don't YET...maybe I need to put a bug in someone's ear.

    Megan: Funnel Cakes are the ONLY fair food that I eat, and the fact that I can now get them just about anywhere makes them even better...if that can be acceptable on a weightloss site ;-)

    Tasha: I'm with the hubby, I can't consider Subway or Pizza as fast food; I don't know why, but I can't. Maybe because it's too hard to eat a sub while driving, so the drive-thru really doesn't count for me, and I really only like NY style pizza, so it's either an eat-in or carry out type of thing. Some people are just really ignorant, but try to mask it by saying they're doing "good" things for others. Like my uncle saying he's not racist because at some point in his life he had black and jewish friends and he has spoken to my Mexican friends.

    Ok, so I've now made it to page 9, but I'm afraid if I wait any longer, I'll lose all of it, so here it's posted. I'll be reading through the rest between tonight and tomorrow, so I can be fully caught up.

    Now for my apology for disappearing. I just really got i a rut last week and while I hadn't given up on the weight-loss thing, I just didn't want to take anything seriously, so I didn't come onto any serious threads. Actually, I was being a total goof everywhere, not working out, not caring what I ate (although I did log everything), and it took until Friday for me to come back to my senses. Then I came in here to check on you girls and got overwhelmed with how far behind I was, so I kept putting off my posts. No more...I'm back, and all's well with the world.

    Oh yeah, and I finally dipped under 300lbs for the first time in a couple of years. 8 more pounds and I will be at my lowest in 9 years. All these mini-goals for going down are related to how I gained the weight. Yep, life is pretty good :-)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    For the first time in two weeks, I'm gonna go home and walk tonight. Not sure if I will run. Not sure if it will be any longer than the 1.9 mile loop, but for sure I am going. So there.

    And then I need to decide if I want to make buffalo bbq chicken gorgonzola pizza or blackened salmon tacos with avocado and mango salsa. Both sound good but not one has called to me enough yet to be "in the mood" for it.

    I've had:
    300 cal full fat mango apricot TJ's yogurt - its like dessert its so yum
    coffee with soy
    hot tea
    1 & 1/2 sandwiches made with olive oil mayo, mustard, dry italiam salame and lettuce on the most hole-iest ciabatta bread that I didn't feel bad eating 1.5 of them.
    strawberries, a snack bag of fritos
    one, count it, ONE reeses pb cup
    cliff pb pretzel mojo bar

    So aside from the mojo bar and reeses I'm happy thus far. I don't have time to track right now. I just don't. But maybe I can list it here? Thats faster. I need to come up with something to eat in the afternoons that aren't processed crackers with pb or mojo bars, etc. My snack drawer is getting boring.

    Hoping that the walking/running this week will create enoug of a deficit to lose weight. It seems like I've been floating at 209 for a few weeks now..
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Amy - Your program is set to finish the day after my wedding :smile: Yay for minimal holiday issues. Sorry you're still feeling gross!

    Pam - I get the "corporate" rate because i work for the hospital, which is awesome because the only thing i've used so far is the treadmill, but tomorrow i have my appointment to put my program together for weights training. That was the main reason i joined again - to get the calorie burn from resistance training. The treadmill for c25k is just a bonus!! We're so excited about buying a house. I have been brought up as a renovator, and i can't WAIT to be able to renovate my OWN house!!
    Also, i hope that this 'pregnancy bug' of which you speak isn't some sort of super-bug that laughs at super-effective contraception... ok, now i'm nervous about my appointment to get mny bloodwork...

    Hailie - Spot on sweetie, i'm a nurse :smile: I love it most of the time, but i'd be happier if i were able to work in a field of nursing i have a real passion for. One day! And WOOO for possibly having a SO soon! Every experience we have in life adds up to make us the people we are, just enjoy the ride!

    Katheryne - I'm so glad i'm not the only one who's adopting the "small town" mindset!

    Victoria - Trust me - I can not BELIEVE how fast time seems to be flying!! I'm so excited!!

    Jessi - I keep a couple of pee-sticks in our medicine box alllll the time. Just in case. Like the other week when i was feeling gross and nauseous for days, i knew that the first thing the doctor would ask would be whether i was preggers, so even though i knew the chance was about 0.00000000001%, i took one anyway just so i could say yay or nay. He still took bloods for it anyway, i'm off to get the results in a couple of hours before work.

    Lacey - HOW do you only eat ONE Reeces PB cup?? If i am ever to do that, i would have to purchace a single one!!

    As for me, i went to the gym for the first time yesterday, and did day 1 of c25k FOR REAL this time! All previous attempts have been warm-ups... seeing if i would actually be able to do it, as such. It's SO much easier on the treadmill than out in real life! So much more controlled. I may have been doing it at a relatively slow pace, but i GOT THROUGH THE WHOLE THING without stopping, and got my heart rate up to almost 150! I'll be doing it faster tomorrow, to try and get to a point where eventually 5km will equal 30min.

    I was going to go to the gym again this morning, but my leg is a little sore from yesterday, and i've got work this afternoon and don't want to aggrivate it.

    Also, i'm going to the doc at 1130 to get my blood results from the other day, and, *GULP* My FIRST EVER pap smear. I can't believe i've let myself put it off for this long. Especially being a nurse! And with all the ads around to tell women how important it is to get it done... I've made appointments twice before, but for whatever reason the surgery has cancelled them. So then i wimp out again. But this time. THIS time i'm going through with it, and then i won't have to worry about it again for another two years. Argh. Not looking forward to it.

    So yeah, also didn't want to have to go to such an appointment after being at the gym... :noway: Blerch.

    The screaming scale is screaming a little quieter today. Hopefully by friday it'll be smiling again.

    Christmas is going to be so weird this year. It's the first year i'll be spending it without my family. I've asked to work it as well, partly because of the fact i don't have my family here, and partly because of the "going away for a month" thing in January. Isaac's famiily is so broken and scattered that i have no idea what they'r going to be doing. So we may have somewhere to go for something, but i'm not sure. It'll be a quiet one, that's for sure!!

    And i have a mozzie bite behind my knee. Grr.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Katheryne, I'm crossing my fingers for you that the pregnancy bug makes its way up to you!

    Sarah, I'll wish the opposite for you. :laugh:

    Bobbie, welcome back!

    Lacey, TJ's apricot mango yogurt is so good...

    I have officially set the Tivo to record Walking Dead! Now I just need to watch the 1st season on Netflix.

    My friend uploaded some pictures of her wedding to Facebook. Here's one where you can see the top of the dress I got from Ideeli (thanks again, Lacey!)


    And here's one just because I think my bf looks smokin' hot and my hair looks better from the back then it has in years. :bigsmile:


    ETA: One of my MFP friends posted this article about how vigorous exercise burns calories up to 14 hours after you do it...sweet.

  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hosanna: I just went and had my pap done today too...go figure

    Pam: Those pics are so cute; your hair looks great and so does the BF!

    I really have missed you ladies!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Bobbie - We've missed you too! Crazy coincidence on the pap-ness... I was so nervous, but the nurse was lovely, and it wasn't anywhere near as awful as i thought it was going to be. I'm so proud of myself for getting it done!

    Pam - Adorable pics!!

    I'm going to join in on the "not preggers" happy dancing. It's nice getting the official blood test to tell you, even though i knew (as much as you CAN "know") that i wasn't! haha!

    Not excited about work this afternoon.