200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • hkallembach
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    100 DAYS IN A ROW!! I'm so proud.

    Amy - Feel better soon girlie!!

    Annette - Way to go with Going Ape! Sounds awesome!!

    Victoria - Sounds like you're having an awesome time!

    Crystal - HURRAH for not pregnant!

    Hailie - Well done you!

    Well, my poor dear scales are NOW screaming "SODIUM!" I had a dreadful food day yesterday - no breakfast, chips and gravy and an iced mocha for lunch, and KFC for tea! Glad we did all that gardening yesterday, it might have made it a little less awful now! But, today is a new day, and i've got my appointment about membership $$ at the gym at 1:30, and then BAM! Hello awesome weight training and C25K!! I'm feeling awesomely motivated and it feels great! I'd say that being less than three months util the wedding is helping with that.

    I can't believe it... 11 weeks until i get married!! WOO!!!

    In other news, we've found a house we want to buy. Well, i have wanted it for months, but Isaac has been not paying any attention to it, since we decided that we weren't going to buy until next year. Then last night he decided to have a look online at what's for sale in this area at the moment. Everything is 300K+ around here, and this is definitely the area we want to live in. He finally listened to my pestering to go and look at the one just up the road from us, and he fell in love immediately.
    It's only about 300m from our house now, and they're only asking 230k for it. It's 5br, 2 bathroom, and the second bathroom and another kitchen are in a granny flat out the back. It's EXACTLY what we want. Needs a bit of work, but for that price it's completely ok - the block is worth it for the land alone!
    We got a bee in our bonnets and started talking about buying it NOW. RIGHT now. etc.
    Then i got my wits about me and became sensible again - the reason we originally decided to not buy this year was so that we don't have any stresses during our honeymoon. If we were to start the ball rolling now, we'd probably be oon our HM during settlement, and we'll be uncontactable on the cruise, and we'd be worried the whole time about whether or not the sale had gone through etc.
    The housing market is completely flat here at the moment. No one is buying, every second house is for sale and a lot of them have been for a year or more. We've decided that we'll leave it to chance and wait until we get back from the HM and THEN pounce. If it's not still for sale then, it wasn't meant to be. That simple.
    Isaac agrees.
    It's still super exciting to think that in three months we could be homeowners!!

    Anyway, things to do... tomorrow i start seven shifts in eight days... including six in a row :sick: I hate runs of six. Pleh.

    Oh well, such is life!
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    I'll be doing my weigh in tomorrow - just letting you know that I haven't forgotten! I've been away since Tuesday night for a wedding on Friday that I was a bridesmaid in and just got back tonight! I'm really hoping I didn't do too much damage to my diet.... I was good up until after dinner the night of the wedding... then there was a candy buffet... enough said! lol
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Crystal: yeah and hugs xxx

    Hallie: well done you for meeting your dead line

    Amy: well done - you certainly were more controlled than I!!!!!

    Half term here and things mad already - got to go shop with daughter and being summoned for help of some description.

    Have a good monday all and catch up soon xx
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I should've weighed in on Friday but forgot to get on the scale... Today I'm up to 195.... Eeeeekkkk.... Sighs. It figures I ate/drank bad on the bus trip, then have a sucky last weigh-in. I'll take measurements tomorrow.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    How can it be Monday again already?? I'm gonna weigh in at 190 (again) as that's where I was on Friday and today I am a whole SEVEN pounds higher (I guess it's because I started my period and ate a lot of sodium over the weekend - and my scale hates me).

    Annette: Hiya!

    WoW: a candy buffet?? I would have given in too.

    Hosanna: How exciting that you are looking at buying a house!!!

    Hailie: I'm glad you got your paper done!

    Sarah: Yoga makes The Hubbs expel gas like nobody's business. I make sure that I am not behind him when we do yoga together.

    Crystal: Congrats on not being pregnant.

    Victoria: Your casino trip sounds like it was super fun!

    I woke up this morning barely able to breathe so I took some sinus headache medicine, drank a ton of water (as I had to breathe through my mouth as I slept and I woke up with my lips stuck to my dry-as-a-bone teeth) and then decided to try to do Plyo X to get the mucus flowing out of my head. It worked. I can almost breathe now. And my workout is done for the day. Yay!

    I had to re-start my P90X/Running hybrid because I have missed too many workouts due to illness so now I am slated to finish up on January 15th. I guess it should keep me from getting the holiday weight gain this year.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I haven't had a chance to go through everyone's weights yet from this weekend, and I'm out of town on a trip, so no Monday morning call out. You know who you are who haven't weighed in. Please get them in, and I'll post the new challenge thread (with the finals weights) tomorrow.

    Thanks! (and yes, I am alive)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    ************ Weigh-in for this week: 211.8 **************

    You know what stinks? When you see a nice loss the day before your weigh-in day, and then on weigh-in day the scale decides to hit you with some nice water weight or something. Yesterday I was 211, then this morning on weigh-in day not so much, and I ate less calories on Sunday than on Saturday! The really sucky part is that I'm SO CLOSE to having lost 20 pounds...ah well, maybe next week. I'll take any loss I can get.

    I did water zumba on Saturday and -- get this -- it was too easy for me! I actually wound up bored and wanting the class to end, because it barely got my heart rate up at all. That made me very happy. :) Further proof that I am getting fitter, woohoo! So after the water zumba class (and a shower) I hopped on the elliptical and busted out 35 minutes so that I could still get a nice burn in.

    Amy, still with the cold...man, it must be driving you crazy. Kudos for working out despite a blocked up nose though. That Kinect game sounds like fun; I'll have to check it out. I rented Just Dance 3 on Friday night and then almost immediately went on amazon and bought the first Just Dance. Sometimes I'll do "Club Pam" which is me turning up my favorite dancing music and hopping around like an idiot, so these dance games are right up my ally. :smile:

    Victoria, sorry about the gain...your weekend sounds awfully fun though! I can't remember the last time I had a jello shot...

    Hosanna, only 11 weeks to your wedding, that's awesome! Very cool about the house. The bf & I just bought a house this past March and we're loving it. The buying part is a big hassle, but the owning your own house thing is great! Also, hooray for joining a gym! I have a membership at one that I rarely go to, but lately I've been taking advantage of the pool there. I really like the elliptal machines too...I want to get one for my "gym" at home, but they're so expensive!

    Hailie, yay on finishing the paper! I bet that's a big weight off your shoulders.

    Crystal, very awesome about the not pregnant thing. Now you can take this scare just as a reminder not to do the same another time. :wink:

    Annette, so glad you had a good time going ape! Not only is that a fun trip, but it's also quite the achievement!

    Sarah, so glad your friend is doing better!

    Lacey, I wish I had a Trader Joe's 13 miles away...where I used to live in the DC area I had a Trader Joe's maybe 5 miles from me, but now the closest Trader Joe's to me is about 50 miles away. I miss it so much! I usually make the trek out there once a month or every two months or so...I need to go back soon because I'm almost out of my Trader Joe's Crunchy Peanut Butter (only ingredients: peanuts, salt), which is my favorite. Also about the sewing...I pretty much taught myself how to use my machine last night, but there was a lot of swearing involved. I think I've got it now, but I still need to finish my "homework" for the quilting class. I'm just hoping I don't embarrass myself at the class on Thursday. The teacher knows that I'm a beginner, but still.

    Kerry, that's such a cute proposal story! I love that he surprised you with it at your favorite place. You guys should go down there and do the Disney 1/2 Marathon or full marathon together! I hear that you get really cute medals. I've always wanted to do it just for the medal. :smile: The Disney Wine & Dine Half sounds like a lot of fun too...

    Jessi, so funny that your hate turned into love. :laugh:
  • hkallembach
    Thanks everyone with the info about the SO! I only ask because I think I might have one soon! EEEEKKKK! Hush, I am only 18 and never had my first real kiss. Even though "young at heart" type of relationships never really stick, I can think to myself it'll be good to have "experience" and enjoy the ride.

    I feel like TOM is coming...but then again my body isn't very smart and comes about every six weeks....whhhhaaatttt??

    Hosanna: I know I've asked you this before, but I forgot....what do you do since you have night shifts? For some reason something along the lines of a nurse sticks out in my mind.

    Peacoats conversation: Omg! I have a pink plaid one (and I hate pink!). This link isn't my coat but I sooooooooooo want it!


    Kerry: AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW your proposal story melted my heart. I can't wait to be older in my upper 20's.

    Lacey: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA I love how you told your daughter she can't have a boyfriend/kiss until she graduates college.

    Divorce people: I am starting to realize (more than I thought) there are a lot of divorced woman on here...don't mind me asking who has been divorced?

    Bobbie: Remember, no running away into our turtle shells! Hiya!

    Amy: Is the weather in Germany like here in the US? Maybe I should of been more specific in terms of region of US. Haha, it is too early in the morning for me to be functioning.

    Kristina: Hiya!

    Victoria: Now, if I was of age I am sure I could relate to the great fun you had on your trip! :drinker:

    Last night rocked. I had a tension migraine when I came home. It rocked because I was so sick! My grandma was giving me a head massage and some Excedrin in hopes of killing the headache....now keep in my mind I can't stomach pills without food. As I started taking the first Excedrin I chocked on it and spit it back up. As I was taking it again the second time, I ran for the bathroom because I threw up all over the place. Urgh, I hate deli meats because of the nitrate of them and it gives me the worse headaches! Once I throw up, I am fine.

    So as the baby of this group (:laugh:) you ladies have to hear this...feel free to skip over...

    I am want to grow up. People my age bother the *kitten* out of me! Seriously, people need to grow up. I do not wear make up (partly because I am allergic and think natural beauty is the best). Typically, I wear jeans, a t-shirt, and my north face jacket. I pull my hair up in a bun and call it good. Is there anything wrong with that? I am sorry I am not obsessed over my looks, I am sorry I don't take more than twenty minutes in the morning to get ready.

    If we are FB peeps than I am sure you've all ready seen these....but......







    Now, back to school and getting educated and stuff. Whoooo hooooo!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member


    didn't read anything that's been posted since Friday and I definitely don't have time for it right now, just wanted to check in
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Happy Monday Everyone! I'm trying to not be in a blah mood, even though its Monday and its cold and rainy out in the world today, and I started TOM so I'm super crampy and my lower back is KILLING me.

    My weekend was rock-solid awesome. Friday night we hung out and home and played Gears of War online with some friends (Xbox, killing stuff, you know). Saturday... Saturday was an amazingly incredibly fun day, but holy crap calories. We started off the day with Pumpkin Spice Lattes (my first one of the year! That's a really big deal, normally I'd have like 3 a week). I did order it with 1/2 the syrup, skim milk, and no whip. And I got a small one. Then we drove to Detroit and stopped at a place called Milano Bakery, where we split some white chicken chili and a turkey reuben. OMG so good. So, so good. The bread was marbled rye and it was so fresh and amazing. And the turkey seriously tasted like they had just carved it off a freshly roasted turkey. Delish. Then... beer fest. We made pretzel necklaces this time around (Genius! Hands-free pretzel munching!) which was awesome. Had some really incredible beers, including a Creme Brulee Java Stout from Kuhnhenn, a Pumpkin Pie Whole from Right Brain, a Carmel Apple Aley from Dark Horse, and a Sour Pumpkin Ale from Jolly Pumpkin. Oh and Funkin' Punkin' from Shorts. Yum Yum Yum. Those were the ones that stood out. After we left the beer fest, we went to another brewery, Traffic Jam and Snug, and had a beer and split a small black bean nacho. THEN we went to Motor City Brewing Worx for a beer and we split a jalapeno chorizo brick oven pizza. THEN we went to Woodward Avenue Brewers for another beer. Hung out there for quite a while because there was a Halloween party happening later so we did a lot of costume watching which was fun. Then the worst part of the night came in... ... we went to White Castle. We did split a meal there, but still. White Castle. It gets worse. We then stopped at Taco Bell. Yup. I had a cheesy bean and rice burrito (omg I used to freaking live off those things. So dirty and delicious.) Then we went to Target. And just walked around. And then I got some Milk Duds, cuz hey? Why not?
    Yeah. Soak that all in. I am going to try later to input calories on Saturday into here, mostly just because I'm curious. I'm thinking 5-6,000 easily. And NO EXERCISE. (insert sound of my hyperventilating here).
    Ok. So I owned up to it with you guys. Funny thing is, I don't know if I would take it back. We had SO MUCH FUN all day, and even though we made a bunch of horrible food decisions, in the past, they would have been much mush worse. We wouldn't have split anything. I would have ordered more and ate all of it. So there's that.
    Yesterday both of our stomachs revolted against what we had done. I actually went out and ran and had to cut my run short because I had to get to a toilet, if you know what I'm sayin'. Yesterday afternoon was pumpkin patch/cider mill/wine tasting which was fally and fantastic. Last night we watched Trick 'r Treat and Nightmare Before Christmas and carved pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds. Dinner last night was a piece of pumpkin pie.

    So, my weekend rocked, but health-wise it was horrible. I did manage to average 7mph on my 2.3 mile run, which was pretty exciting.

    Pam, that's so cool that you are too advanced for water zumba. I'm proud of you! I have totally considered doing the Wine and Dine half at Disney or the Full, but we normally try to avoid being there when there is any sort of major weekend event.... crowds just get SO crazy. I refuse to wait in line for 90 minutes for anything. That's why I don't go to Cedar Point!

    Kristina, HI! I miss you!

    Amy, that is really impressive that you still rocked plyo while sick! Go you! You are still planning on starting P90X2 with me, right? I have to put together a schedule for what I'm doing between now and when that comes out, so if you want to set it up so that we start on January 15, I should be able to make that work.

    Victoria, it sounds like you had all kinds of fun this weekend too. Yay! I also LOVE Dark Horse beers. My best friend and a cousin of mine both have mugs there. Too fun!

    WoW, holy crap candy buffet. That just sounds like trouble.

    Hosanna, that's really exciting that you guys are looking at houses! I think its smart to wait til after the honeymoon too. No need to add stress if you can avoid it! Homeownership is crazy fun, but also sometimes stressful and a total pain. Like right now. I HATE raking. HATE it. I will mow our lawn or shovel our driveway til the cows come home, but raking is my nemesis.

    Hailie, congrats on finshing the paper! So proud of you!

    Sarah, lol on the five guys/yoga/gas comments. Hilarious. Trust me, after my White Castle/Taco Bell shenanigans, I can feel your pain. Thank goodness my house has 2 bathrooms. It was u-g-l-y yesterday morning.

    Crystal, yay for not being pregnant! That's always a good thing!

    Annette, glad to hear that Going Ape was so much fun and you were able to conquer it all! Nice job woman! Your daughter sounds like a total sweetheart. You must be such a proud mom!

    Lacey, what is this Halloween Zoo thing you speak of? It sounds fancy and fun. That is really awesome that you are getting a french bulldog. I think they are so freaking cute. My boss just got an English Black Lab puppy, which if it weren't for my inability to be responsible for anything but myself, would be my dream dog. He's 12 weeks old and last week my boss brought him by and let me play with him for a half hour or so. He is SO CUTE! Puppies are the greatest.

    Alright, time to get some work done. xoxo
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi Ladies!

    Have to catch up later... weigh in is 230.2 which I believe is exactly the same as two weeks ago? I can't recall.

    Will do a longer post later!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hallie- I'm divorced. Left him in December 2009 and the divorce was finalized this summer. FINALLY. GAH. I married him when I was 25 knowing there were things I didn't like and issues that I thought I could help him work through (he had pretty low self esteem). Wish I had been smarter and not so eager to follow a timeline instead of following my gut feeling. But I can say that I'm really effing happy with Mr. Reunion and I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't go through that pain with the ex. Changing topics completely- I dressed the same as you when I was your age. Then I hit college and realized that eye liner and mascara are AWESOME to make my eyes stand out. I don't do powder and foundation unless it was a super big event (like getting married). I realized that the more I "dressed up" the better I felt about myself. And by "dressed up" I only mean cuter fitting jeans and a cute top (normally showing cleavage) and shoes that weren't always tennis shoes. I love your pics!!

    Kerry- I'm jealous of all your awesome weekends.

    Amy- Sending you more virtual chicken soup :frown: I hope you feel better soon but you freaking ROCK for getting P90X in.

    sorry, I know I missed a LOT of people, but it's 11:30 and I've hardly done any work today
  • KatheryneLynne

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weighing in at 209.2 this morning. Not bad considering I started TOM at 4:30 this morning, and ate a huge cheeseburger, garlic fries, a few sips of a strawberry milkshake, some frozen yogurt AND a piece of an icecream cake yesterday.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Good Monday morning, Ladies :happy:

    I have had a great week end. Saturday, DH and I played the Just Dance 3 we bought two weeks ago but couldn't play because we were sick. It rocked. Then, because it has some Kiss music in it we pulled out our Rock Band game from the closet and I played that for another couple of hours. By this time it was about midnight, but I still had a ton of energy so I jogged/walked on the treadmill for about twenty minutes while I tried out a new series on Netflix that a friend recommended. Well, by the end of that twenty minutes I had turned off the machine and curled up on one end of the couch, completely hooked on the show. Within another ten minutes, DH had turned off his computer to join me, also hooked on the show. We ended up staying up all night to finish the series (six episodes). Finally at 5:45 Sunday morning I fed the cat breakfast and crawled into bed. Sunday, after only sleeping about five hours, we got up and spent the day watching football and cleaning/organizing the big closet in our bedroom (we had to do this since we had pulled a couple tons worth of junk out of it the night before looking for my drum sticks :laugh: ) Then, after dinner we played Just Dance and Rock Band again, before showering and settling down to read before bed. It was the most productive and relaxing weekend I've had in months.

    Victoria--that trip sounds like fun, and I probably wouldn't log it either.

    Hosanna--I had to laugh at your travel story. Before moving to Alaska my husband and I used to communt 45 minutes each way to work every day. Then, when we first moved here, we lived on the north side of town. On the south side is this beautiful area were you can park and watch bears feed on salmon heading upstream to spawn; eagles in the trees; and otters in the cove. We drove there all the time (ten minutes). When i would talk about it to my co-workers they were all amazed that I would be willing to drive that far away on an almost daily basis. But now, three years later, I find myself saying things like, "Oh, I only go out to the Valley about once every two weeks" (the valley is literally a five minute drive from my house. :happy:

    Hallie--I am 32 years old and I've worn makeup maybe twenty or thirty times in my life. I'm not opposed to it or anything. I'm just lazy. I always felt why spend ten to twenty minutes each morning putting it on when i could be sleeping. (the same reason why I wash my hair of a night, refuse to use a blow dryer, and lay out my clothes ahead of time.) I just don't want to do it of a morning. Luckly I found a guy who has never found makeup to be attractive.

    Okay, I've now been on here for 45 minutes, it's probably time to start working :smile:

  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hailie, nice pictures!!

    Kerry, I had to laugh when reading what you ate and drank. That's happened to me before too and I had the guilt until I realized, like you said, that before MFP it would've been WAY worse. Glad you had a great time! I hear ya about the events at Disney; that's actually one reason why I haven't looked into doing a race there...that, and the fact that their half in January starts crazy early in the morning. The Wine & Dine starts at night though...much more my cup of tea! The bf and I were going to go to Cedar Point for the first time this summer, but we never made it out there. I can imagine those lines there are atrocious!

    Katheryne, too funny, I was just doing Just Dance 3 on Friday! I'd never played any of those dance games before but that was a lot of fun. Sounds like you guys had a great weekend!

    I can't remember if we've talked about this or not, but have any of you ladies tried spinning? I tried one class about two years or so ago and have never been back because my EVERYTHING "down there" was literally bruised for days afterwards. Ouch! So many people on MFP seem to love it though that I'm thinking of giving it another try....only after I buy some padded shorts though. :smile:
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member

    >> 213.6 <<

    So I'm up .9 since last week (I think) but I do think a lot of that is water weight... due to high sodium levels! Too much eating out on Saturday and Sunday. Glad to be back home and back at it!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I have 30 min to respond...

    Katheryne - oh KISS rocks... it sounds like you had a fantastic weekend.

    Amy - awesome job on the workout. Feeling Good vibes coming your way. You've been sick too long.

    Hallie - your pics look fantastic. I'm also in the no make-up crowd. I just hate taking the time to put it on. I will use colored lip gloss when we go out for something special. As to relationships - you've gotten some great advice. Dating at your age is fine. Make sure you love the guy before you go all the way. I've only ever slept with my husband - we were both 19 year old virgins - not a pretty first time:blushing: We dated for over a year and were pretty certain we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. I'm not sorry I waited or that he is the only one I've slept with. Good luck on your relationship. I got married at 22 and wish I would have waited longer. You will really grow up and change through your 20s. Your views and priorities will change. I've not been divorced but have really had to work at staying together. On most days, I'm happy that we are together... Great job getting your paper completed!!!

    Annette - the Going Ape sounded fun. I want to try it.

    Kerry - I'm jealous of all your weekends too... I won't be in 2 weeks when I'm at Dogfish Head drinking 120 min IPA draft!!!

    Nava - Hi... Waves...

    Crystal - I'm happy dancing for you too. I hope you're playing it safe and only seeing him in public places. Please don't let yourself get into a situation again where he can take advantage of you.

    Sarah (wnt) - I'm still laughing at your story - toot, toot...

    Hosanna - good luck at the gym. You can go tour the house now and dream about it on your honeymoon. I think it's a good idea to wait before purchasing it. 11 weeks - time seems to be flying by...

    wowmama - what's on a candy buffet? Now you've got me dreaming of a chip buffet... I'm not into sweets but salty chips - yum!!!

    Annette - what did you shop for?

    Kristina - we really miss you. Glad you're alive.

    Pam - you are ROCKING it if water Zumba was too easy!!!

    Kendal - love the new profile pic!!! You two are cute together.

    Lacey - I love the dog's name. Does she know she is getting it?

    Jessie - I hope things have calmed down at work. At least Nerd helps with laundry...

    Apryl - keep up the good work.

    Megan - hope your having fun...

    Bobbie - welcome back!!!

    Sarah (rain) - hope all is well.

    Sorry if I missed anyone but it's time to get back on the road and see my clients.... Enjoy your Monday!!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Victoria - Nerd honestly helps a LOT around the house. He cleans the bunny cage because he's afraid I'll scratch myself on the wire doorway, he takes the garbage out, does the laundry once in a while, sweeps kind of obsessively - and I really never have to ask him to do anything. I'm pretty lucky.

    I didn't think to weigh myself, considering work starts at 8 and I intentionally hit the snooze button until 8:10 because I'm just so tired lately. Nerd just brought lunch, and since I started feeling nauseated last night and am still just eew, he told me he thinks I should go buy a pregnancy test. I ordered 20 dip-strips off Amazon for $5 with free Prime shipping, so we'll see how that goes in a couple days. When I asked him if he really thought we needed to buy them, he started listing the various reasons that he thinks it's a necessity. I'm tired and just want to curl up and knit until I fall asleep. I'll catch up later. <3 I hope you all have an awesome day.