200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Kristina: weight in for week: 179. Emma IS adorable - loved the photos and pleased your lunch went well.

    Lacey: have a fab time.

    Crystal: lovely photo - :flowerforyou:

    Sarah: prayers with you, your friend and family,

    Hallie: I'm with Kendal - stand up for yourself girlie.

    From excellent exercise on Saturday - only dog walk yesterday and 30DS currently missing today.

    Victoria: :smile::flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina I thought I'd posted my weight late last week before i left but maybe not? I weighted 210.8. Thats going to have to be it until I can get home and weigh in again after my trip.I am certainly not eating as much here thats for sure.

    Its windy and blustery and rainy here today... I have a (manufacturing) plant tour at 3 today...right now I am just hanging in my room waiting for my companions to get up. I had the worst time sleeping last night. Went to bed at 12 or 1 am and couldn't fall asleep...think I was in and out until 4 when I got up and took my last two Aleve. They always make me fall asleep. So I am working on 4 hours of sleep today. I either need to find more aleve or drink more tonight. I'm not digging the ambien...makes me have weird freaking dreams and I only feel lightly asleep.

    I've posted a few pics here and there on fb...and will post more when I get home.

    Victoria - you rocked the half!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    sorry i missed a couple who did post their weights. so many posts to go through, and some long ones. thanks for making your weights stand out... it's helpful!

    still have a lot left who have not weighed in!
  • It is Monday morning therefore I have class at 9 a.m. Ick. Plus, I have to renew my license today. Whoooo hoooo.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: Do you need me to pick up some Aleve for you? (sometimes the European drugs are quite different than the American ones) Let me know and I'll being some with me.

    Sarah(WnT): I'm so sorry about your friend. I hope everything works out ok.

    Kiki: We have been living in Stuttgart, Germany for the past year and a half, before that we were in Monterey, California.

    Natalie: I like your idea of sticking $10 on the wall for every pound you lose.

    Tasha: I don't play soccer but my kidlin' does. I am a former swimmer and water polo player and I currently run - I just never got into team sports as a kid for some reason.

    Victoria: You are so awesome!! I am so proud of you!!!!

    Fi: I'm so sorry about your kitty.

    I woke up this morning to the horrendous realization that I had a dentist appointment. I am NOT a fan of the dentist and it had totally slipped my mind that I let The Hubbs make an appointment for me & The Kid with a German dentist. It was actually pretty cool. The office was really high tech and I didn't even have to get out of the chair to have my X-Rays taken (or to even look at said X-Rays as there was a computer screen right in front of me for my viewing pleasure). They also cleaned my teeth with the dental equivalent of a sand blaster. I've never had my teeth cleaned in such a manner but it was faster than what I'm used to and it didn't hurt (although I am still brushing tiny little pieces of sand out of my hair now as that crap went flying everywhere!). The dentist was REALLY nice and spoke English very well but preferred to speak to me in German (which was nice because I could still mostly understand him). He tried talking to Gabe in German but Gabe doesn't have any German so he just kept telling him that "Ich spreche keine Deutsch" and the doc eventually got the picture and switched to English with him.

    I've been really "meh" since the weekend and I haven't logged my food (although I haven't eaten anything crazy). I'm just PMS-y and don't feel like it. Bad Amy.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    According to my Hoops and Yoyo calendar, today is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

    ARG MATEY. I fergot to weigh meself this morn.

    ok, that's a lot harder than it sounds lol. I attempted, that's all that counts, right?

    I ordered that referee costume yesterday. I don't know what I will be doing for Halloween, but if nothing else, it'll be ok to wear to work.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    good morning, ladies! hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and as good of a work week as humanly possible. lol

    Lacey- I have to take sleepy meds and i'm prescribed ambien as well. Fun fact I found out about it from the doc is that it was intended to help travelling businessmen on long flights. It was made to make you fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly for 3-4 hours. After that time, the flight would be landing and the people would feel refreshed to go about his meetings that day. It was not intended for an entire 8 hour sleep. <---I didn't know ANY of this when the first doctor gave it to me. Since then, I've tried Lunesta and it's phenomenal for sleeping a full 8 hours. And if you can imagine it, the dreams are WAY freakier on it than Ambien. Typically, i have problems falling asleep, but once I'm asleep, i usually sleep ok so I only take half of an ambien. I'm going to wake up in the night regardless of normal sleep patterns or medication as I have 2 other people and 2 dogs and a cat that I live with. Needless to say, my house is already old and creaky and having it filled to the brim makes for a loud house.

    Kristina- we are glad to have you back to checking in!

    Amy- i think it's so cool that you and Lacey are meeting up...and that you are so helpful with anything that she needs!

    Sarah- Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure you will be a big help during this time and in the recovery stage. I'll be thinkin about you.

    Nava- Where are you? We need to hear how your birthday weekend went!

    Kendall- where did you order your costume from? Have you ever bought this brand before? I'm leary about costume buying online (but i'll buy anything else under the sun) for the same reasons you mentioned in a post before.....the sizing could be completely off!! Sometimes their XL is a 14 or it could be an 18. There's a HUGE difference there buddy. lol
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I weighed myself and I am down 2lbs my current weight is 235lbs :happy: Hope everyone has a blessed Monday!!!
  • Okay, you only need my weight right, I only went down .2 of a pound ! So 220.8! I need to work my butt off in order to get down 20 more in 5 weeks, I am starting to think that its a little bit unrealistic and might change it to 210 :) , I hope everyone is having a great week!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    ******Checking in with a gain. 236****

    It was a bad week. Continues to be crazy. I did read to catch up but not much time to post. I'm so angry that I gained. I'm cracking down so hard this week. Today is crazy, Hubby had to leave for work at 4:30 so I just could not go to the gym this morning. I get out of work at 2:30 and have class at 4:30. I'm going to try super hard to squeeze in w5d3 of c25k at the gym in between. Its just a half hour. Then I have to shower super quickly and jump in the car for my 40 minute commute to class. Argh. I will NOT grab something convenient for lunch/dinner either. I'm planning on throwing together a microwaveable version of the crack wrap to take to class with me.

    Miss you all, will post more when I can!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Megan- I'm taking a chance on the size. I bought the costume on ebay. If it doesn't fit, there's time to find an alternative. I really just need the top to fit, I can use my own black pants/capris if I need to. Now that I think about it, I might want to use the black workout pants I just bought on clearance at Walmart anyways because they have this tummy control panel that I thought was stupid, but it turns out to be really awesome. It says it's a size 1x/2x so that should hopefully work for me. Normally Halloween costumes are stretchy so as long as I can breath, I will be good.

  • New week, hopefully it will be infinitely less stressful than last. I'm NEVER going to get caught up, so I'm just starting from here, and I'll fill you guys in on me, and then I'll start replying again. mmm'kay? K.

    Obviously last week was c-r-a-z-y. I worked so much. And it was all that super stressful kind of work. It was not fun. That's all that needs to be said about it.

    Tuesday I went out to a park that is about 3 1/2 miles from our house and ran the 5K loop twice - it was fun because part of it is paved, part is gravel, part is an actual trail in the woods. It was SO NICE to run and not be on the side of a street! Trail running is freaking sweet! Otherwise it was a week of workouts as usual, some P90X, some 30 Day Shred, mowing the lawn, cleaning, yada yada.

    My parents came into town on Friday and we went downtown for dinner, which was nice. Saturday morning I got up and ran from my house to the park, ran the 5K route, and ran home. 10.3 MILES BABY! It took me about an hour and 45 minutes to do it, so my pace was about 5.9 mph. I was pretty stoked about it. My legs actually feel really great, which also suprised me, since that run is seriously up a hill, down a hill, up a hill, down a hill the whole way. Needless to say, I felt like a rockstar.

    After we showered and cleaned up we went to a brewery, then to the Detroit zoo, then to another brewery where we actually ran into friends from Lansing, which was hilarious. Home, Mexican food for dinner, and then bed. I had a meeting at work at 6 am (what the heck is wrong with the people I work for?!), and after I got home we just hung out. And ate. And ate. And ate. But we were watching football! And for the first time in my adult life, the Lions just might not suck. And I'm really super excited about this.

    Anyway, that's the skinny on my weekend. It was all kinds of fun, but I'm feeling like I've started to slack food-wise. I found myself a bunch yesterday thinking "so what if I eat more crackers and cheese, I've already reached a healthy body weight" and I KNOW that will come back to haunt me. It kind of already is. I'm passing on weigh-in this week. I don't know if its mostly sodium or if the past 2 weekends have really been that awful, but holy crap. Trust me, its bad. So this is me cracking my own whip. I already told Chris when I was driving into work this morning that I want to be super good all week and also on Friday and Sunday. (Saturday we are going to a Ren Fest, so I'm going to TRY, but I know I'll drink beer). Otherwise, I'm doing the good old water and tea only to drink this week. I gotta re-boot myself and not slack off food wise. I'm not worried about exercise, considering I crave it so much now. But I also really crave/love food, and if I'm not careful I know I'll just eat away all this hard work.

    Okay, so that's it for now. You are all caught up. I've missed you guys terribly, and I'm sorry to all the new people that you have no idea who I am or what I'm about. I'll get you all filled in and get to know you asap. Hugs to all!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    kendall- super cute! i love the hood on the top!

    Kerry- glad to see you are back! and HOLY CRAP on the running....you go girl!
  • will come back to read later.


  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    *** Weigh-in for the week: 215.2 ***

    I am SHOCKED that the scale went down .6 from last week. I literally haven't worked out at all in 5 days (except for "vacation working out" -- walking around town, dancing at a wedding, etc.), I didn't drink enough water, I ate anything and everything I wanted while on vacation, and I drank a not too shabby amount of alcohol (the vacation included stops at 4 wineries and 3 breweries). I was 100% sure I'd gain this week. I just don't understand the scale! I've worked my butt off some weeks and GAINED weight, but then I go on vacation and do everything wrong and I LOSE weight? Oh well, I'll just take the loss and thank my lucky stars!

    It's back on the plan today, and I am very much looking forward to working out this afternoon. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait to run tonight!

    I've got about 10 million things to catch up on here at work since I was out half of last week, so I'll have to try to catch up with you ladies later...

    Real quick though -- GREAT JOB, VICTORIA!! Woohoo!! :drinker:
  • I'm at 215 today....which didn't surprise me after my horrible weekend. Just jumping back on the wagon today and definitely going to have better results next monday!

    Let's do this!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Am I too late? I'd like to join. I know its not quite 6 weeks anymore, but i'm ok with that.

    Goals: 1. Lose 6-8 lbs., 2. Increase my exercise (start! (: ) 3. Increase my water intake.

    This morning's weigh-in was 242.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Joy- welcome! I'll put your weigh-in for this week as your starting weight for the challenge, so you won't show up on the chart I post later today/tomorrow morning, but you are on the chart!

    Kerry- holy busy week batman! Proud of you for getting your run on. Eating too much is a slippery sloper. Don't slack off, lady-- you don't want that weight creepin' back on.

    I didn't really check in for myself this weekend. I didn't log... food was not horrendous on Saturday, but was a hot mess yesterday. Seriously, I don't want to even estimate how many calories I ate.

    Back to logging today, and I just need to start with an exercise routine, because that always makes me feel better. On the weekend I lounge in some comfy pants, so it's easy to forget my expanding waistline with the elastic, but when I put on my pants for work this morning, the truth becomes oh so clear. I'm stepping on the scale tomorrow morning, and I already want to weep. At this point, I'm just hoping, I haven't rejumped back into the 200s. That would be such a disappointment for myself.

    It's employee recognition week at work, which means a food extravaganza all week. This morning was breakfats goodies, but it was some cake and donuts that didn't look all that appetizing, so I was able to refrain, so score 1 for Kristina this morning.

    It's crappy weather outside, which made for a very short Emma walk this morning, and I think it's supposed to rain all day, so I need to get some extra cardio in even more so when I get home. INSANITY needs to begin asap. need to get back in the routine.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey all. I guess I'm a lil less mopey, I know you all understand so I won't apologize for being sad. Thanks again for all of your support this weekend. *hugs*

    This weekend was a total bust food-wise. Emotional eating galore! And then with the game yesterday, I had the same football munchies many of you mentioned, lol. Sundays during football season tend to be my "free day" since it's the one day a week I see my dad and we've made a ritual of the game, pizza, and chocolate chip cookies. Bad, I know. I should work on my portion control those days though...

    Kendall- I'm so glad things are going so great with Mr. Reunion. I'm sooooo happy for you. And that Halloween costume is adorable! I'm jealous, I've never worn a "sexy" or "cutesy" costume. There's a first time for everything though, right? :happy: Oh! And you should send me your FB info so I can add you. Or you can add me at facebook.com/crystalAN85.

    Lacey- It's been fun seeing all your pics on FB! Sorry to hear about your finger and electronic difficulties. About your dog - I will NEVER say that it's an easy decision to make, and it sucks. I'm here for you if you have to face that and need someone to talk to.

    Hailie- I'm sorry you're going through all of that. *hugs* If you ever need anything, just ask. Heck, we could even get together someday if you wanted to! :smile: I tried adding you on FB, not sure if it worked though. If you didn't get the request find me at the same link I gave Kendall.

    Victoria and Kerry- congrats on all the running! I hope to someday work up to that.

    Amy- Thank you. Yes, she was that gorgeous dark red. My favorite. I did try to take a walk Saturday night but lost it 'cuz I was taking a walk without her. :sad: I'll just hafta find a new outlet and exercise until I'm a bit more ready for that.

    Fi- Thank you for the warm wishes. *hug* Let us know how things go with your kitty. I'm hoping for the best for you both and that it's no big deal.

    Jessi- Thanks for the tip. I think gum might just work and I'll give it a try. Have you been in to the doctor yet for the under-tongue thingy? I hope it's better soon... That sounds miserable.

    Tasha- The water idea is a good one, I'll be trying that too. Yea, I'm pretty excited for my cruise, I've never been on one before so it's the perfect reason to work on being in a bikini for the first time! Lol.

    Sorry folks, that's all I've got time for now as I'm heading into work. No one post anything 'til I'm done tonight so I can finish catching up...lol! :laugh: Just playing, hope you all have a good day.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    OMG, there is no way I can respond to all of you. And now I forget what all I was going to respond to. Shhesh!

    So, this is my weekend:
    Thursday: Reds vs Cubs game, I ate a singel McD's burger and a singe beer. I totally had calories left over so not a biggy.

    Friday: I went to Jumpys (and indoor bounce house place for kids) and had to grab dinner on the way. I had the McD's double cheeseburger and a few fries.....again concidering my breaklfast and lunch, not that bad right?

    Saturday: My sons soccer game, then nothing because he was grounded for getting in trouble at school. I did get alot of cleaning done, took my bed apart, put new bed together and enjoyed the breeze with all the windows open. Dinner was some chips n cheese because I was so lazy I didn't even want to pour cereal, but I did after the chips because I was still hungry.

    Sunday: Hubby and I went to XFEST, which is a festival of alternative bands (Skillet, Five Finger Death Punch, Adalitas Way, Kopek, Staind, and a few others) Well it was our anniversary celebration so we started the day at perkins and I tried....I really did with an eggbeaters spinach omlet with no hallindaise sauce (gross.) Then those stupid hashbrowns were on the plate....and sooooo good. I did manage to split the 3 pancakes with the hubby. Then hwe headed to the concert and parked about a mile away so there was some walking. There was no seating so we stood for 7 hours with walking inbetween and bouncing etc. We shared a pretzel, I induldged in 6-8 beer, and a small order of fried veggies. I thought that was on of the best decisions available. I mean they are still veggies right? Then finally the long walk home with our feet and legs crying for relief. Picked up the boy and headed home. I wasn't REALLY hungry, but I was wanting some dinner. Again, not the best decision with Taco Bell, but I have this week to be AWESOME because I want to be in the 260's sooooo bad. It's usually not the getting there that is the problem, it's staying there.

    To all of the newbies:

    I am a 28 year old mother to 2 wonderful kids. My son is 5 and my daughter is almost 2. I have been married 6 years and love my man to death. He has seen my thin and fluffy and loves me all the same. I process credit applications for a larege food distribution company in mid ohio. I am sooooooo ready for a new job with more money and more....fun!