200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • jessicae1aine
    Hailie - Good for you! Eff 'em if they don't see the difference, and how you "waste" your money is YOUR business - at least you're not out there blowing it on drugs or McDonalds or something. Sheesh.

    Kendal - I do like Nutella, namely because I love just about anything with hazelnuts after years of my grandparents sending us huge bags of in-the-shell filberts. But no, I don't see how hazelnut-and-chocolate-frosting on anything is a good breakfast for kids! I agree that kids eat what's cooked, or they can be hungry, it's their choice, so long as you're not feeding them something they totally hate. I don't get why parents let their kids run the show so much these days.

    Bobbie - Forsyth residents /where/? O.o We have a tiny town called Forsyth near me.

    Hosanna - Very sorry to hear about your MIL's father. :(
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I had a weird, I guess NSV, moment today. I was in the food court after Gabe's game getting him a pizza at Pizza Hut and the, obviously flamingly gay, dude behind the counter complimented my "style and fashion sense". He said it was nice to see someone come in looking put together instead of tore up. Weird compliment, but I'll take it!

    I ran in a running skirt today for the first time. The Hubbs said I looked hot but all I saw was my legs jiggling away...sigh.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Ooo, Amy and Jessi, you like "Bodies;" have you seen this?


    I could watch that about 10 million times and not get sick of it. :smile:

    I'll catch up later; I just had so share that!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Amy: YAY for soccer games BOO for sunburn!! We are always our worst critics, so I would say take your hubby's compliment and run with it (all pun intended...lol)

    Jessi: Forsyth is the county where Kendal and I live.

    So, yeah, I totally blew it today. Came on here to say I was heading to the gym and fell asleep...the comp was on the bed.:blushing: I guess my body decided it needed more sleep than it did more exercise, so now I have to finish the household chores because the gym closed at 5:cry:
  • jessicae1aine
    Bobbie, that video is AMAZING! I wish my birds were that awesome, definitely.

    I went to the car show this morning and took a TON of pictures. Saw some of the most gorgeous cars.... Also got quite a walk in this morning, and will probably walk again tonight, but for now I'm spending most of my day hanging out in bed watching Korean horror movies and Repo! The Genetic Opera. I hope you're all having an awesome weekend. :D
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Well, I know I didn't get to check in last week but I did email in my weigh in and I'm glad I got down to where I was last week because this week I gained back 1.1 lbs and am now up to 305.8. I had a feeling I was going to gain this week. I did well on calories but went over on fat and sugar a lot this week. I wasn't focused.

    Now that I am feeling horrible {sore throat} eating is the last thing I want to do. When you are sick do you write the medicines in your diary that you ingest? I'm talking the liquid meds {Chloraseptic} as well as cough drops. I made sure to get sugar free ones but I'm sure they add up on the calories over time.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies. I am finally sat down on my couch relaxing while the fam watches football. I am tired. The bowling birhtday party was a total hit but the kids were tired from starting school and were cranky. In fact Gracie and her friend Lily ended up sounding like 21 year old females fighting in a bar at the end lol. Thank God they were the only two left at that point.

    So highlights from yesterday:
    doctor: I have to go in next week and get blood work done for normal physical stuff and then for vitamin b, thyriod and a slew of other things. I also go to the OB on the day I get back from Europe and have that done and she's (my general dr) sent over a list of hormone things to discuss with the new OB and blood work with him to be done as well. At the end..if all looks good then she wants me to consider depression pills. Not that I am all depressed all the time but she thinks it might help my weight loss and my sex life. Which would be nice for both me and Jeff. IDK..completely scared of the pills to be honest.
    eyebrow waxing: I ask for my brows to be cleaned up. I figured that was enough to implicate that I just wanted them...cleaned. up. Well the middle part didn't hurt too bad..but when she waxed under my right eyebrow I was shocked at how much it hurt...and then I looked in the mirror and hal my effing eyebrows are gone! AND they aren't even. So Ive been strategically plucking one hair at time and they are starting to look better but it will take MONTHS to grow out.
    livingsocial.com coupon for mani/pedi: salon is a mess. But sometimes good things come in small...err old and pack ratty packages..so I go with it. The 18 year old who does my toes doesn't even file them even and the polish is uneven and on my cuticles. Then she goes to do my fingernails with gel polish..pushes back my cuticles with a rough file so they are still sore and at that point I just tell her I know how this should go and no more...so slow down and do a good job. Then I walk her through the rest of it. I should have got paid to have my nails done. Sigh. I gave the place a bad review with livingsocial and I am sure I wasn't the only one.
    By the time I got home I was tired and emotional and then my parents get there...with all four dogs. Making a total of six dogs in my house. My two, my brothers two pitbulls (the sweetest girls ever, I totally love them) and then my parents two cockerspaniels. I asked them why they didn't just bring their 70 lbs sulcatta tortoise too. lol.
    It was just one of those days.

    Tomorrow I am resting and doing a bit of grocery shopping. I is tired!

    I'll be back on here tomorrow to respond to everyone.
  • hkallembach
    Oh, did I mention my grandma was laughing at me this morning? I love how they think "they know the right way to do things". Seriously. I locked myself in the d a m n bathroom crying my eyes out while showering. URGH! Then, she gives me junk food to eat for lunch while at work. Gosh, two minutes earlier you were harassing me for "eating too much". They put salt and pepper on their eggs. GROSS! URGH! I NEED TO PUNCH A BRICK WALL!

    In summary: My day has s u c k e d times a m i l l i o n!

    Oh, did I mention I have an idiotic professor who made it seem like something wasn't due on Thursday so I was going to do it tonight/finish tomorrow? Yeah, it was due Thursday. FML! I went down to a F in that class.

    Oh, did I mention a kid chipped their tooth during word today? AND another instructor was helping another kid swim across the pool while the other 3 kids while standing on the platform (where we put them to stay staff)...then one of the kids decided it would be fun to "jump" off the platform. Well, he couldn't swim. He started drowning. I was the closet adult to him so I had to stop talking with the adults and swim under water to save his buttttt. I am sure I will get chew out for being "disrespectful" and blah blah BLAH!

    Sorry for the "up-beat post".

    In summary, my day rocked. Heck yes. How was your day?
  • pinbotchick
    At the moment, I'm frustrated. Silly me updated the BodyBugg ap and now it doesn't work!!!! The fix better come out soon... And my team lost by 5 to OSU.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey gals. The madness that is the flood seems to be calming. I'm praying I can get to the gym today (hoping they are open). I weighed in this morning at the same weight as last week. I guess that's not bad considering I haven't been to the gym all week, I ate somewhat crappy and TOM was/is here. Blech. Time to get this show on the road again. Reading about Kerry's accomplishment has been so very inspirational. I hope to be in Onderland by Christmas. I know its an ambitious goal, but I am really hoping for it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I will go with a maintain this week 214.4.

    Have lots of chores and cleaning to do today (mow the yard, clean the house, do some cooking, go to the gym), plus a couple errands...ok maybe the only errand is going to the grocery store.

    It's just a very somber day......
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I too am maintaining this week at 188.4. It tends to be my pattern: lose a little, lose 2 pounds and then lose nothing. I recognize it as a pattern but I don't like it at all.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Lacey- that's horrible! I've always had pretty good luck with livingsocials and groupons. And when the eyebrows get messed up, it is a BIG deal. You never know how important they are until they look weird.

    And a big congrats to kerry!! One day, we will all join you!

    As for me, weekend-1....megan-0. Seems to be a pattern. Enjoying a lazy Sunday. Hope everyone is great!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I'm jumping on the bad food weekend bandwagon too, apparently. I knew I'd have pizza this weekend, but I had it yesterday AND today. Ugh. Yesterday I ran and still stayed within my calories, but today...oh man, there's no hope. I have 74 calories left for dinner right now. HA! Even if I do get my butt off the couch and exercise, I'd have to do a lot to not go over.

    Weigh-in this week: Exactly the same. I should probably consider that lucky though, since I didn't make all the best choices when my parents were in town.

    Oh well, it's a new day tomorrow, right? :smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I had a total fail-day. I ate cheesecake and onion rings for lunch. Now I'm sitting here listening to Mazzy Star and being all bummed about The Hubbs being gone (again). He's only gone till Thursday, so it REALLY isn't a big deal but by my mood you'd think he'd be gone for months (like last time). I think I'm just tired of it. And I'm tired of picking up his slack when he isn't here. The Hubbs went through all this trouble to enroll The Kid in a German soccer school (emailing the director back and forth and filling out the registration form, which was in German and all that) and the kid starts the training tomorrow and who gets to step in at the last minute and figure out where to go and what to do...that would be me. The Hubbs is also gonna be gone next Monday and Tuesday for yet another trip and I get to take me & The Kid to our German dentist appointments (I really hate dealing with the language barrier - it seriously stresses me out and I hate finding new places with my seriously wonky GPS - I KNOW I'm whining) while getting ready for my Paris trip. Also, The Hubbs was put in charge of getting a sitter for the dogs for the time he & The Kid are up in Bruges with me & Lacey and he STILL hasn't freaking done it. I don't think the old lady who watches Sofie is eager to take Sofie AND Loki so I think he's gonna have to find someone else...but he hasn't even THOUGHT about it. It drives me NUTS to not have a plan. Part of me wants to break down and take care of it (which is exactly what he is waiting for me to do) but this is the ONLY thing I've asked him to do, it would seriously piss me off to have to do that too.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    my loaner phone from verizon is going to probably cost me $200 as I had it on the floor next to me and gracie spilled my coffee all over it. its back in the bag of rice in hopes but i doubt it.Im trying not to be cranky but Iam. And my stomach hurts because I've eaten oohing at home since maybe wednesday. And I want ice-cream.

  • jessicae1aine
    Lacey - Oh no! Next time there's a (non-sticky) liquid issue with a phone, pop it in some rubbing alcohol for just a couple seconds, then take it as apart as you can get it without a screwdriver, memory cards and all. Works MUCH better than rice. I used to sell cell phones, and you won't believe the number of people who drop their phone in the toilet. >.> And then hand them to you.

    Amy - I hope he hurries up and finds you a dog sitter! I don't blame you for wanting to have a plan.

    I'm down 6.8 pounds for the week, but I think a good part of that is weighing myself in the morning instead of in the afternoon like I had been. Either way, I'll take it! :D
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hi. I'm here. Had company from Tuesday until yesterday. *phew*

    Will respond soon and will post weekly weight.

    Just thought I should post so i know where I have read up to...

  • psychohope
    hey all, havnt been around much the last few days, managed to loose 2 pounds this week so its all good, trying to get in the habit of cooking every night and making enough so i can bring some to work the next day for lunch
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ok. I finally have time to go through the FIVE PAGES i've missed in the last three days! GAH!!! Oh well, i'll give it a shot.

    First off, thanks everyone on the compliments of the poem. My mum's latest idea is that i need to become a poet. I think that may be going a bit far... maybe a writer for Hallmark :tongue:

    Amy - Yep, love travelling. I'm even seriously considering applying for a travel agent job that's going here at the moment. Ive been all around the world, and i think that would work in my favour. Isaac's a bit iffy about me working for a corporation, just because he had some serious issues working with telstra, but i'm so miserable at the hospital, surely anything would be better! I am TOTALLY with you on the Beiber/Cullen/Skinny pants thing. Super-major-celebrations on nearly getting the dress done up! Way to go! Those grades are awesome too!:flowerforyou:

    Katheryne - Trust me, i KNOW how difficult it is to suggest that there's something wrong with your other half's "manhood" per se, but he needs to understand that this affects you, and try and make it better!! also YAY for brussel sprouts without complaining!

    Rikki - at least in your 30 days you have maintained and not gained. Except for us... you've gained us!!

    Victoria - YAY for hair!

    Karen - I just got a Wii Fit!! i'm so very in love with it, and i am thinking it will start taking up latge chunks of my time...

    RainSarah - I'm so sorry to hear about the emergency situation you're in! I'm really hoping you'll be ok and everything will work out alright!

    Hailie - you look lovely, girl!

    Nava - One of my best friends is someone i met on MySpace about five years ago. We also live in different states, but we love each other to bits, and we're always there for each other!

    Jessi - :heart: Daft Punk. Alive 2007 is by FAR one of my top 5 albums of all time. I also met my fiance on the internet.

    Pam and Victoria - I'm lucky, Other Half loves my hair short, and has pretty much made me promise not to try and grow it again! (My hair is too thick to wear long.)

    Kerry - I hear you on missing more... I'm now up to about page four of six to catch up on??

    Lacey - Sorry to hear about your craptastic day :frown:

    WI this week - 220.7 that's -0.2lb from last week. I'm pretty happy with that. I'm up since before i went to MIL's house, but still down from last week, so i can totally handle that!

    AND THAT"S IT!!! I can't believe i got through all of that!

    I am now going to do a quick workout on the Wii Fit (LOVE this thing!!) and head to Teagan's for coffee.

    Hopefully i may even have time to start a job application for the travel agent job!