200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Jessi - I captain and play on a coed kickball team and I play coed flag football. I played soccer in high school and busted both of my ankles in one season (not at the same time, I sprained one really bad and got back to playing before I was ready, favored it too much and screwed up the other one), so I can't do that anymore. I picked up taekwondo after that, got my black belt and competed nationally, was on a demo team and in the best shape of my life, but stopped when I moved away from my dojang. My dad got into it after I did and actually teaches it for a living now. He doesn't make much, but loves his job. I'd like to get back into tkd when I prove that I can lose some more weight. I'm not very GOOD at kickball and football - I can catch anything that's thrown at me but I'm not very quick or agile due to my size - but it's hard to find girls that show up consistently so I'm always 1st string. Football is about as hard on the ankles as soccer was though so I only play offense and they use me for the short routes.
  • jessicae1aine
    Tasha - Holy. Goodness. Woman. I'm quite impressed! I wish we had that much activity here. I suck at softball, and that's all I've ever seen.

    I was supposed to do my neighbor's kids' pictures today after work, but she's putting it off until tomorrow, so now I've got time to figure out how to set up a photography website. :D Yay!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Thanks Babyworms I have embraced and loved my 2.2 lbs lost! lol I know about the water weight but it felt so GOOD to see high numbers lost!!!:smile:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    teeheehee i'm glad my caterpillar comment caused everyone great enjoyment!

    Crystal - Hang in there! Just think about what an amazing thing you're doing for your health!

    Apryl - Sorry to hear about the break-up. They always suck, but are most often for the best.

    Victoria - WOO for self-@ss-kicking! I often find that once i've been on here and admited to no exercise that i get a bee in my bonnet and decide to go and do some just so i can come back and say ACTUALLY I DID!! :D

    Kendal - OMG i HATE it when people are on their phones at the gym!! I was once on the treadmill and the only thing i could hear was the woman next to me on her phone the entire time!! Seriously, Go for an ACTUAL walk if you want to talk!!

    Rikki - Oh i'm SO sorry to hear about the hubby's call!! fingers crossed things turn out for you! {{hugs}}

    Karen - Nice to see you! Sorry there's a whole lot of drama :frown:

    Kendal - That sounds awesome!! Teehee, my sig is already at capacity due to my millions of tickers... I tried going without the wedding countdown, but it makes me so happy! haha!

    Katheryne - WOOOO! YAY COLLARBONES!!

    Tasha - YOU'VE PARTIED WITH RAMPAGE JACKSON!?!?!?!?! THAT IS SO FREAKIN COOL!!! I love that he comes across as completely insane when he fights, but when you see him talking outside of his "rampage" persona (i.e. as Quinton) he's totally normal. He's a friggin legend! Seriously, the fight with Jon Jones was beyond incredible!!

    Kerry - WOO!! GO YOU SUPERSTAR!!!

    Navallez - I reckon it feels awesome to see ANY numbers lost!!!

    I'm so unbelieveably exhausted. Finished work at 1030 last night, didn't get to bed until midnight, and as much as Isaac and i were full of good intentions to walk the dogs this morning, couldn't get out of bed to do it!!! I even went back to sleep after isaac went to work. I NEVER do that, because i feel like i'm wasting a day. Especially when i'm back at work at 1pm. Today is day 2 of 6 in a row, i'm down for possible doubles on the weekend, and monday is a public holiday, so i'll probably be available then too. Isaac's away this weekend, hence my volunteering more time at work. I like spending as much time not at home as possible when he's away. He usually aims to go away when i've got nightshift, but it's rare for me to have NS all weekend. Pleh.

    I had a majorly veggie-packed dinner last night, and the scales are reflecting it today. LOVE it. Unfortunately i've not got enough time today to go to the shops and get more veg today, so it'll be just carrot and cauliflower tonight... maybe some of the incredibly tired spinach... but it really IS incredibly tired... hmmm...

    I'm just rambling now. I'm so tired, and have a late-early... meaning i finish work at 930 tonight and back again at 630 tomorrow. Pleh.
    Oh well, i'll be able to go veggie shopping after work tomorrow that means.

    Anyway, imma go and at least TRY and get some wii fit in... i'm so not motivated today!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Victoria, I like your P90X schedule. I need to create something like that for my own workouts, because as of right now I'm just doing the "what should I do today....I guess I should run..." thing. I need to get a more serious schedule going!

    Rain, woohoo on getting your water in and making good food choices! I'm not so sure I'm ready for a 5K either, but this one sounded fun. Let me rephrase that -- I have no doubt that I can walk/run a 5K, but I'm not sure I can run the whole thing yet. I'm hoping I can though, and I'll definitely push myself to do that. Anything is possible with a glow-in-the-dark necklace on, right? :wink:

    Kendal, I love your badges idea! If you want to make them, I would definitely put them in my signature.

    Jessi, I've lived in quite a few places, but I've never lived anywhere where the closest concerts happen 150 miles away...do you like it? I always thought it would be really cool to live in a small town. I moved last year from the D.C. area (huge) to Morgantown, WV, which has about 20,000 residents (when the college kids aren't in town) and I LOVE it here. I love the smaller town atmosphere, but since West Virginia University is here it's a college town so there's still quite a bit to do.

    Karen, hi! Yay for finishing your first 5K! Crossing my fingers for you that things go through smoothly with the house from this point on.

    Rikki, (((hugs))). I hope that your husband is just "broken" enough not to have to go!

    Katheryne, congrats on the NSV!!

    Lacey, I hope you like Flemish stew, rabbit cooked in Belgian beer, vegetarian lasagna, and fries. :smile:

    Tasha, holy cow, way to catch up! Nice job on working out after the birthday party too!

    Kerry, 12 miles? Wow! I'm going to keep your "just don't stop" mantra in mind when I do my 5K.

    Hosanna, here's hoping that you're able to get a good night's rest tonight and come back recharged. I hope you're at least feeling better from the wine night!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Victoria - If the others' whips haven't worked for you, here's one from me! *cracks whip* Figured it's only fair after the whips you've given me. :wink: Sounds like you've done a great job on your own though!

    Kristina - I can't even imagine the sight of that chart...! Thanks for all you do for us. :smile:

    Kendal - UGH! Why did you have to remind me of the holidays? I think I'm going to have a panic attack just thinking about it...lol. Even so, it is a good kick in the tush reminder. The Warrior Dash looks like so much fun! I learned of this thing today called Tough Mudder that's supposed to be harder (certainly looks harder) than the Warrior Dash. Someday, I wanna do both. Seriously, this Tough Mudder thing looks INSANE. (Haha, typed that before reading Tasha wrote about it too. :tongue: ) Haha. And I would totally use a "badge" in my signature, I think it's an awesome idea. :smile:

    Side note: how long have I been spelling your name with 2 L's and you haven't yelled at me? Just go ahead and yell! Lol.

    Karen - *Waves!* Sorry to hear about your house! We miss you!

    Nava - *Waving at you too!* Sorry you're sick. Sounds like a lot of that is going around right now. I just got over mine and it was SO not fun. I hope you get well soon!

    Rikki - I too, hope that he doesn't have to go. *Hugs*

    Katheryne - That's an AWESOME NSV! Congrats to you! *High five!*

    Kerry - Your running is seriously inspiring! I've been thinking about the C25K for a looooong while now, but I found an app for it on my brand new smart phone! As stupid as that sounds, I'm pretty excited about it because timing the intervals has always been what gets me when I've tried. I think I'm gonna try again though 'cuz I would reallllly love to join this running club. :tongue: And yea, the Lions kicked butt... I was sorely disappointed with how badly the Vikes are sucking this year, hahaha.

    Apryl - If I can get my butt moving, I'd totally be down to join you in the MN Warrior Dash! That'd be so awesome, but I'm one of those types that wouldn't wanna do it alone. :blushing: lol.

    Sorry, gotta pause the catch up! I'll be back. Love y'all! *Hugs* :happy:
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Ack, ladies, I've been swamped with schoolwork so have only been logging in to quick food diary and then logging back out. How is everybody doing? I need to get caught up again :)

    Little NSV, sort of, yesterday. I went out to buy a new pair of jeans since all of mine are getting baggy and saggy ... and it seems I'm still in a size 16 for most brands, but I did try on a pair of size 14 corduroys out of curiosity. They fit just fine :D:D I know sizes aren't consistent at all in anything, but it still felt nice! I can't even remember ever being a size 14.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    You are totally welcome to join me!
    I just found another Montrose resident who seems to also be going. We have a thread searching for people who are thinking of joining!

    Earth- Can't remember your real name.. But I am totally jelly! I've been a size 16 since I was 16.. I tried a 14 last weekend.. and still no go! I'm down a total of 30 pounds from my highest weight too! :(
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Okay ladies - this is the post I got ready for yesterday then did not have time to post:

    Spacegrass: welcome tothe thread. You have come to the right place. This group is super supportive, have great cookery ideas and I'm with Sarah - always go with what you achieve this week rather than looking at where you need to be in two years time...

    Rikki: 3lbs lost - yeah. Wishing you love and perseverence for the next seven days - you do not need a take out!!!

    Victoria: back to logging. NOW. (you may well have done so yesterday - not caught up since my lurking comment and this was following your miss earlier in week - hee hee)

    Shellstar: welcome

    Kendall: epileeptical for 50mins - you are nearly at your goal girl for 60 - wtg. Oh, and say hello to Will and Self for me. Ask them to drop by here as soon as they are ready!!!!!!

    Kristina: you gotta get moving lady (as with Victoria - you may have done so by now). You are an awesome motivator and you love it when you get going. Take those first steps..... Oh and I agree with the three cheers from Victoria - I haven't even managed to sort out how to be looking at the thread on two pages to make answering easier!!!!

    Kristine: this is a new week - put the past behind you!!!

    Sarah: have commited to completing said diary when Lacey returns - am not sure I will feeling the love towards it that you are, but hey, something to aim for!!! Oh, and re sleeping - try this - make sure your room is in real blackness then open your eyes and look at it - really see it - keep opening them and registering the darkenss - it puts me to sleep every ttme!!!!!

    Tools: looking forward to seeing the adult version of my 'nearly teenage' - she is there in all but age!!!!! Hoping she turns out well making good choices...............

    Jenn: can you have yoghurt in the October challenge you are looking at. If yes - I will keep you company through it x

    Pam: yeah. You've commited to a 5K and YES you can do it. Keep us posted.

    Jessi: one stone does equal 14lbs.

    As for me. Missed out on exercise on Monday (horrid lap top) and to update for today - missed out on something creative yesterday as well. Therefore, running totals for end yesterday - 3/4 exercise; 3/4 creativity; 4/4 reading; 4/4 good food choices. Okay, have 'dropped' two already but I can go with that - it will be good for me - have histroically issues with need for perfection which need to be addressed so here's hoping.....

    Finally - I LOVE my Hubby - the last two mornings he has played around with the computer so that I can see the dvd and have space to exercise (hopin it will last) AND my running buddy is doing a 26mile walk on Saturday so can't come running (feeble excuse if you ask me!!!!) but HUBBY HAS AGREED TO COME WITH ME INSTEAD. Yeah...

    Have a good day - will try and catch up with yesterdays posts with todays and respond in 'real time'. Love to all xx
  • pinbotchick
    Good morning my lovelies!!! All the whip cracking helped. I did 3 hours ex (days 1 & 2 of P90X and 4 mile run/walk) which helped burn 3196 cals yesterday. I did log food 2100 consumed. Todaym, I hope to do day 3 of P90X and evenings plans of meeting DHs aunt at a casino for dinner 75 min away)... The fall colors are beautiful right now - about 25% turned.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning, gals!!

    I'm feeling super motivated today. I was bad and had pasta for dinner last night. It was whole wheat linguine with alfredo sauce. I managed to stay pretty close to my calorie goal despite eating two pieces of garlic bread. Dang bread. But, I didn't exercise at all yesterday, I didn't have a single free minute of my day to spare.

    Today, however, is when I get my power workout in. I'm eating the last bit of leftover linguine for lunch today (its so darn good!), but I should be able to burn it off. I leave work at 2:30, have class until 7:20, then I hit the gym. Hubby has guy's night and my son is with my inlaws overnight, so I can stay at the gym as long as I want. Last wednesday I did 2.13 miles on the treadmill, 3 miles on the bike, then I did a 7:48 power mile on the elliptical followed by 100 crunches. I felt like superwoman. I probably won't do the bike today (I hate it, but my sister was with me and she wanted to do it). I'm on W6D3 of c25k, and its a 25 minute continuous run. Ain't happenin'. But, I will try. The farthest I've gone non stop so far is 10 minutes, but I find myself needing much smaller and less frequent walk breaks. Progress is progress, I suppose. Pam, maybe I should get a glow in the dark necklace for tonight's run? :laugh: So anyway, that's my day. It is crazy that I so look forward to Wednesday nights at the gym.

    Rikki: Please give us an update...any new news? I'm thinking of you and your family non stop.

    Hmmm...all of a sudden, I can't remember anything. But hello to all of you and I hope you all have a productive day full of good choices!!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    No news yet. I won't know until Sunday and he could leave from med testing monday. I mean I'm not so much worrid about him or me. I know hs good at his job, and ill find plenty to do. My youngest should be fine but my 5yr Old son idolizes his dad and wants to be with him all the time. I just don't want to see him hurting and there's nothing I can do about it. I'm home sick today so I'm going to do absolutely nothing but sleeeeeep. Thank u for all the kind words and prayers. Ill keep u posted.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Katheryne- YAY FOR COLLARBONES!!!

    Crystal- I've had Tough Mudder ads show up for months on facebook. Warrior Dash is about a 3 mile course and I THINK TM is like a 10 mile course. Yeah, I'm starting small with my Warrior Dash dreams but a Tough Mudder race would be freaking AWESOME. And it's totally ok about adding another L on my name. Some of my own family members don't know how to spell my name and I'm even used to responding to "Kendra" so I'm not stressing about the extra letter. That just reminded me of a joke by the comedian Mitch Hedburg. Of course it won't be funny the way I tell/type it, but the joke is he had a girlfriend by the name of Lynn and he broke up with her and dated a girl named Lyn. But Lyn would get mad at him for calling her his old girlfriend's name if he held the N too long.

    Kiki- the important part is that you're logging food. We totally understand if you need to lurk for a while on the board cause of time restrictions. YAY FOR THE 14s fitting!!!

    Annette- YAY for having a sweet hubby!!!

    Victoria- That's the burn I'm used to hearing from you!!!

    Rain- Yay for hubby being out with the boys and son visiting the grandparents!!! I love when I know I can stay at the gym as long as I want without feeling rushed.

    Rikki- sorry about the stressful situation with the hubby. :frown: Yall are in my prayers.

    ok everyone, I need to know what kind of badges you want so that I don't spend forever making them and then no one uses them. I'm working on the first one for the end of this challenge and I have a couple backgrounds I can use for others. I would like to make badges that say something like "I completed # out of # goals," but everyone has a different number of goals to start with that that would be impossible to do for everyone. Maybe next challenge we can say you need to have at least 5 goals to get one of those badges? Then I can just create "I completed 1 out of 5 goals," "I completed 2 out of 5 goals," etc. I would also make a badge that doesn't say anything about goals in case you didn't want to have 5 goals. But I'm thinking I definitely need one for the race lengths. What else though? (OH! I can make a "I lost the most % of the 200+ Hot for Halloween Challenge" and a "I lost the most weight in the 200+ Hot for Halloween Challenge.")

    As for me: I ran W1D1 of c25k last night. I wasn't planning to do that....I turned on my ipod, started the nike+ app and then turned on the c25k app without really thinking about it. I was able to complete all 8 minute long runs. I'm doing good staying out of Mr. Reunion's cabinet so far. I'm happy about that cause I know there are cheetos in there. om nom nom. I love cheetos. .....TOM showed up yesterday. :frown: UGH. But I dropped another pound today. I always gain pre-TOM and lose during TOM, which is great to be able to recognize it, but it still freakin sucks. Sodium was still way too high yesterday even though cals were good.

    It's so funny how I read everyone's posts in the morning, open a second window to respond, finally catch up and hit "refresh" and there's always another new post/person to respond to. I LOVE IT. lol Gotta post this before someone else posts again lol.
  • jessicae1aine
    Pam - I don't mind small town life in general - I've lived in many, many other small towns in my life - but this particular town, I hate. I spent most of my life here, even though we moved around a lot for my dad's job (this was always "home base," and I've got a lot of negativity associated with it because of things in the past. It always shocks people when they realize Montana has about 1 million people, whereas most metro areas have more than that. :P

    Kiki - Yay for your NSV! I love corduroys. :)

    Rikki - I hope you feel better soon <3

    Haha Kendal - You seem to be super, super on-top of the badges. Thoroughly impressed.

    A "journal" of binge eating... I can so see myself in this: http://twelve-in-twelve.com/?p=1625
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    So, I've gotten the rooms exchanged, the bf painted my room for me yesterday (on his only day off), and I think it looks great. He had the bright idea that it should be two colors (purple and pink: purple for royalty and pink for femininity), which I was nervous about, but I got some shimmer gray curtains and a black, white, and gray bedspread (plus the furniture is black and gray), and it all looks so lovely together. I'm thoroughly exhausted, and my body is in serious pain, not to mention that I woke up with a massive headache from sleeping in that freshly painted room (YEP, I'm that dumbass). My plan for today, once the head is completely calm is to wipe down the furniture and set everything up. The only thing we worried about setting up last night was the bed so I could sleep.

    Now on to better things...YOU ALL :happy:

    So, what's with all the +s on the spreadsheet for this week:noway: ??? If we go up now, the odds of any of us going down over the holidays is slim to none...go down now, and you might break even for New Years, ok?!?! That was more of a strong suggests (read command:devil: ) than a request.

    Jessi: WTG on being this week's Biggest Loser...you win.......................................a glass of water on me :drinker: !!! As I'm reading farther down the thread, I'm thinking that if you planted the seed of increasing sports availability, you would probably find some others who want to play with you (not in that way, but you know what I mean). Anyway...like the movie says...if you build it, they will come :wink:

    Karen: HI...long time no see! Boo about the house, but YAY for the 5K........you too get a glass of water on me :drinker: !!!

    Katheryne: You probably didn't need that coffee yesterday as much as you needed water to wash out all of the sodium you consumed the night before.......................SO, here's a glass of water on me :drinker: !!! BTW: That is NOT a silly NSV...that is a GREAT NSV!!! Anytime that we can recognize our own successes is a reason to SHOUT!

    Rikki: OMG, hun, I'm so nervous for you! It must be crazy hard to be scared and proud and worried about your babies all at the same time:flowerforyou: You should have told them that you need a little more notification, and I'm right behind you praying that they find him "broken" too!

    Apryl and Jessi: Don't try to understand the whole height thing...my TWINS are 5' 0" (barely) and 5' 5" (with a little extra).

    Sarah: I have been swearing that today was Friday since yesterday morning...now I'm just swearing because it's NOT!

    Kendal: I don't know...I feel like this group is so much more than these challenges we are setting for ourselves. I'd almost like to create a 200+ thread identity that sticks with us and have a badge just for that. Having said that, I think that those who have completed their 1st, 5th, and 10th 5K/marathon/warrior dash/etc deserve a badge of honor. Just my humble opinion! Hmmm...we could have a 200+ biggest loser badge that can be worn for the entire following month after the winner's been announced; then it would trade places, unless that person is the biggest loser again.

    Victoria: That is a crazy schedule! WOW!

    Lacey: Hmmm to the menu choices...just hmmmmmmmmmmm

    Tasha: I think I could catch up with everyone else just by reading your replies...I'm now dizzy :laugh: I don't think I've played kickball since middle school :noway:

    Kerry: OMG 12 miles:love: !!! Heck yeah, one foot in front of the other...if you stopped, someone might have to come pick you up, literally!

    Hannah: You sound like me...we both need a day/night OFF!

    Nava: Get better, girl!

    Kiki: Yay for smaller pants!!! Here's some water for you :drinker: !!

    Annette: It's great that your hubby is super supportive and willing to be your partner in all of it!

    Rain: You better kill that workout today...I bet it's waiting for you since you didn't go to visit yesterday :wink:

    If I've missed anyone, blame it on my head and my eyes not my heart!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Kiki - Awesome NSV! Congrats!

    Apryl - Totally posted in that thread. I'm SO excited and it definitely gets me motivated to start on the C25K. Not only that but exercise in general. :embarassed: I've been watching the food, not so great with getting my @ss to the gym. But this is my new found inspiration!

    Annette - That's so great that the hubby is being so supportive of you!

    Rain - HI! Pasta is my weakness as well... I know what you mean...lol.

    Kendallllllllll (I liked the "holding the N story :tongue: ) - Yea, first time I had even heard of the Warrior Dash was when you posted something about it a few challenges ago. Now I'm hearing about the Tough Mudder thing. I certainly will be starting with the Warrior Dash as well. :laugh:

    About the badges: I guess I was just thinking badges in regards to completing the challenege, or even the "Biggest Loser" (% and lb wise) of the challenge, but the meeting goals idea is a good one.

    So, luckily I can attribute my gain last week to TOM (I hope, lol). My TOM is so unpredictable with my IUD that I'm never really sure when it'll show up but it decided to come on Saturday right after Friday's weigh in. So I'm hoping that +3 will change soon. :angry:

    Today is the first day that I didn't even feel the need to go out for a cigarette first thing in the morning. :smile: My official quit date is Saturday the 1st, but it's already 11:30, I'd usually be 2 or 3 in already and I haven't had one. At this point, I am kind of waiting for the opportunity though as I'm starting to feel some of the physical effects of nicotine withdrawl (shaky, sweaty, no-fun-ness) but the mental craving itself is gone! Woot woot!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Apryl - from what I've read, the "larger" sizes tend to take longer to move down in - I'd lost almost 50lbs before moving from 22s to 20s, seriously. And then I pretty much just hung out in those, and one day realized they were way too big and tried on some 16s, so I completely bypassed 18s by not realizing it was time for a change, haha.

    Victoria - that is an amazing amount of exercise! Go you! I've been wanting to try P90x but it looks like a expensive investment if I'm not fit enough to do it. Is it easy to modify I've I'm not someone that is "ripped" :)?

    Rainvc - nothing bad about pasta for dinner. We all have to learn to eat the things we enjoy without going overboard right? :) I eat pasta fairly frequently - I just keep an eye on my portions, it doesn't seem to be a problem :)

    Kendal - I think the % and # badges sound awesome :D And ugh, I am in the pre-TOM gain right now, I was up 2lbs and not happy about it because I had just hit my lowest weight (that I can recall in the past FIFTEEN years), and then it shot back up. I know it'll go away soon, but it's still discouraging!

    Jessiker - Me too! I hate the corduroy sound effects (gotta love big thighs, haha), but I LOVE the way they feel and look.

    k2quiere - that room sounds gorgeous! You should post pictures :) I love the idea of mixing pink and purple.

    Crystal - rooting for you on the quitting smoking! Seriously, that is one of the best things you can do for yourself. My uncle is in his 60s and had been smoking since he was a teenager. He quit about a year ago, cold turkey. I was so amazed! And even now, he's seen some health benefits from it, it's wonderful!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    So the holidays are right around the corner! I'm a little nervous, because last year right before my birthday (10/30) I hit a plateau that lasted the entire holiday season, up to around Valentine's Day. Seriously. I didn't gain, which I'm thankful for, but I didn't lose a single pound for all of those months. This is my second holiday season on MFP and I'm determined not to let this happen again. I'm pretty proud of myself though, pumpkin spice lattes are one of my huge weaknesses, and I've only had two (short size) since Starbucks rolled them out this year. Part of that is avoidance - I've been frequenting a different coffee shop, and my drink of choice there seems to be iced americanos with 1/2 and 1/2 and cinnamon. If I just don't go to Starbucks, I don't end up drinking their seasonal drinks, heh. Pumpkin stuff in general is a huge weakness of mine.

    I think this year should be a lot better though. The largest setback last year was not being able to get in much exercise. My daughter was about a year old throughout the season and didn't like me to put her down *ever*. Our main forms of exercise had been going for long walks, and since we're in Idaho that didn't happen much during the winter. She plays on her own happily now, and joins in with a lot of the moves in the exercise dvds, so yay! Fingers crossed the weight keeps coming off over the next few months!
  • jessicae1aine
    Bobbie - Your room sounds awesome. :) And your bf sounds wonderful! I love your command. :P And thank you. :) Haha I have terrible social phobia, so me getting any kind of activity going is pretty terrifying. That and I'm terribly awkward, so yeah. I can just picture that. :D

    Crystal - Awesome that it seems to be working for you! :) None so far is awesome. <3 I'm proud of you!

    Kiki - Oddly, for being such a big girl, I'm kind of lacking in the thigh department... but I do have butt and hips to spare beyond belief. :P So clothes fit all weird.

    I can honestly say this morning has been bizarre if nothing else. We're not even a week into October (media months run wonky), and we've almost met our quota for sales because of 2 contracts. We had someone who wasn't even scheduled to be on our live show show up, and he's hilarious and I ended up with pictures of him and my coworker with their shirts lifted, and just plain weird stuff, and yeah. :P I'm in a pretty giggly mood this morning, and I get to take more pictures after work tonight.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member

    Would love to join your group here :)

    I'm Erin, a 33 yr old Mum of 2. DD is 3.5 and DS is 17 mos.

    My highest weight (non-pregnancy) was 274. On July 8th I weighed in at 256. Today (and for the whole month basically-kind of a plateau right now) I'm at 220.

    I think I'm coming in on this 2 weeks late - so I'll set 4 week goals...
    1) To finish 30 day shred. (I've done 21 days of working out in the last 22)
    2) To pick up another DVD or two and mix things up after 30DS
    3) To see continued progress, either a smaller number on the scale or some smaller measurements. (I've been too obsessed with the scale lately)
    4) To NOT weigh myself every day! lol