200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    yes, seriously... those are the peeps who HAVEN'T checked in.

    Laura, thanks for posting!

    Fi, sorry I missed you! Now accounted for!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Well all, I signed up for my first 5K! I ran over 2 miles outside this weekend and then walked 2 more after the run, so I figured that I'm ready to at least run/walk a 5K. I am going to try to run the whole thing, but I think there are some pretty big hills on the race route so we'll see. It's a night run (starts at 7:30pm); everyone will get glow in the dark necklaces, and there will be fireworks afterwards. Fun! The race is in 3 weeks, so I'm going to try to prepare myself as best as possible to be able to run the whole thing...

    Sarah (WnT), I'm so glad to hear you say that you sweat so much during Jillian. I definitely notice a difference in my fitness level between now and the first time I did Shred, but the sweat level hasn't changed. If someone as hardcore as you still sweats like crazy while working out with Jillian, then I know I'm okay. :smile: Also, don't worry -- if anyone is ready for a half marathon, it's you!!

    Hosanna, you made me laugh with your "caterpillar having a seizure" comment. That's pretty much how I look while doing zumba too! I know this because I have done zumba classes at gyms with full length mirrors for walls, and it's not pretty. Now I have the Kinect zumba game that I do at home, so I don't have to think about how I look when I'm shakin' it.

    Fi, good luck on your LSAT studying!

    Jessi, you've never been to any concert before? You're in for a lot of fun then!!

    Welcome, Spacegrass and all the newbies!

    Kristina, you really do rock. :flowerforyou:
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I officially vow to keep up now... :laugh:

    Pam - Thanks for your support and congrats on the run!!! And good luck on your 5K, I'm sure you'll do great! I'm so jealous of you runners... Maybe someday I'll be able to run without huffing and puffing like a suffocating Pug. :tongue:

    Welcome Janette and Michelle!!!

    Tasha - Can we say crazy exerciser?? Lol. I've had my days like that too though, so I know how sometimes you just get into the "zone".

    Katheryne - That sounds like such a depressing job... I can't imagine dealing with scumbags all day every day. We get our RARE animal abuse cases and we're all in an uproar. I admire you for being able to handle that.

    Jessi - HAHA! I didn't even put that together until you said people have joked about how you sprained your tongue! :laugh: The concert sounds awesome - I love Avenged Sevenfold and Hollywood Undead.

    Hosanna - Thanks for the kind words. *Hugs* Glad your dog doesn't have a stuck stick. :tongue: Hahaha! Your weekend sounds...eventful! Made me lol. Hope you got all the puke!
    ... If only i didn't look like a caterpillar having a seizure while doing it...

    WOW! I think I just died laughing!!! HAHAHA! That's totally why I'm too chicken to try a legit Zumba class... I don't need anyone seeing me! :laugh:

    Sarah (WnT) - I'm sorry to hear your friend isn't doing as well as everyone hoped. My thoughts and prayers are still with all of you. I'm glad to hear you got a nice, relaxing night with the hubby though.

    Everyone's talk about pizza being the devil, and how much pizza was consumed this weekend, is making me laugh. I had pizza on two seperate occasions this weekend as well and my weight is up even from Friday. *sigh* Pizza really *IS* the devil...

    Megan & Jessi - Thank you SO much for the homemade pizza ideas! I love it and will be trying it soon. :smile:

    Nava - Thanks. *Hugs* Glad you liked my story too, lol.

    Today was a good day for me. Being 100% honest, today is the first day that I completed my food diary in the last, er, probably week or so. I've been giving up when I realize that I'm way over and just don't want to have to face the numbers. :embarassed: But I want to change that so I'm finishing my diaries and owning up to those numbers.

    Tomorrow is Day 7 of my Chantix. That's going pretty well, nothing too exciting I suppose. The first night was awful - waking up over and over drenched in sweat. The second night was spent tossing and turning, tossing and turning. I'm still not sleeping too great, but not nearly as bad as the first two nights. At least I'm not having any F'ed up dreams...yet. Lol. No major side effects so far which is making me happy. The warnings are freakin' scary though. But I promised everyone that if I start hallucinating purple elephants, that I will seek medical attention. :laugh:
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Jeez, new section already! xD

    Anyway, update on me.

    I've been so stressed lately that my period started before I got off my birth control. How effed up is that?

    I also broke up with my bf.. I could not stand being with a guy who is more of a girl then I am! I said I need a break, but I'll probably never go back unless he changes.

    Even though my weight went up on Friday. I'm back to being below what I was 2 weigh ins ago! So I know I'll have a decent loss this next weigh in. :)
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Well my weigh in for this week was up 1.4 to 307.8. After three weeks of going, I have added 3 lbs which is NOT good! I am determined to get to 50 lbs off by Christmas so I am doing a jump start in the month of October. I am doing a NO SWEETS challenge {blogged about it today at http://www.liveteachcreate.com} and am sure that will help push me in the right direction. I am allowing fruit and yogurt but no pies, cakes, cookies, candy, etc!

    I can do this and would love for any of you to join me! :)
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Lurking - no time but hope to respond later

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Bumpity bump bump!
  • pinbotchick
    Who has the whip and can you send a few (maybe 10) licks my way? I just had a 3rd day of no logging and a second day of no ex (*sigh*)... At least I burned 2142 yesterday... I have a 4 mile power walk/run scheduled this afternoon. I should get up and do a DVD this morning. I need to get out of my funk!!!

    Welcome to the new faces!!!!

    Congrats to all who lost!!! To all who gained - today is a new day, make better choices and do some ex...

    Pam - your race sounds like fun!!! Congrats on being a runner!!!
  • pinbotchick
    Well I decided to kick my own @rse and start my modified P90X this week!!! I did an hour of cardio this morning and will make up yesterday's weight lifting up this afternoon... It's raining so my run may not happen. I'm packing my clothes just in case it clears up. Anyone with P90X videos - have you noticed or tried the 2 bonus workouts -- UML and Cardio Intervals? I just noticed them today. They are on the intro DVD and seem to be from Power 90 series. I did Cardio Intervals today - Tony kick me in the tush 100 times. I think I've been so bummed since I've been so sore following my trail race and unable to run. My 2 days of rest were good as most of the pains are gone but my R knee was killing me during jumping jacks - I had to modify to low impact. I'll try taping it and see if I can run today but if it's still sore, I'll just power walk and rest another week. I decided to modify Kerry's program to 4 week rotation adding legs/back in on the 4th week with all short runs. Thanks again for your help Kerry.

    I'm off to find some food (and log it!!!) morning cardio makes me hungry... Have a fantastic Tuesday.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- get your BLEEP together! *cracks whip* looks like you already did so on yourself, doing a video this morning. Nice!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kristina -- I'm taking a pass this week. Sorry, I forgot to make it stand out so you could spot it easily. Great job with the chart!

    My week of recouping is going well. It isn't even 9 am and I already have 5 cups of water in. I ran two miles yesterday (a bit disappointed in the amount of times I had to take a walk interval) but I'm getting back at it right away. No gym today, but I'm dedicated to healthy food choices. We are having pasta tonight, but I WILL measure and stick to a decent portion. I'm going to make a giant healthy salad to fill me so I don't want to devour the pasta.

    This morning I had a protein shake for breakfast and will probably do a garden salad for lunch.

    Last night hubs and I had soup and salad for dinner. My FIL got us some Portuguese Lemon Chicken Soup, and it is so beyond delicious. I'm sure the sodium count is through the roof, but I'm really trying to compensate by drowning myself today.

    I can't recall what everyone said, but:

    Jessi: I can't believe you work radio and never went to a concert! Have fun!

    Pam: That race sounds so fun. I want to do a 5k so badly, but I just don't feel ready.

    Amy & Lacey: Hope you are having a ton of fun! We miss you!!!

    Kendal: I saw you post a status on here about new snacks...please share. I'm stuck in a food rut!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Apryl- even though breaking up is hard, good for you. I couldn't be with a girlie guy either though. Sometimes they think they are the best thing since sliced bread cause they are "in touch" with their emotions when I just want a simplified relationship where I don't have to wear the pants all the time.

    Jenn- good luck on the no sweets in October thing. That won't be easy with Halloween coming up. I know you can do it though! I'm with you in the wanting to hit 50 pound lost mark.

    Victoria- if I have to, I will road trip up there and crack the whip on you! For real! I have Thursday and Friday off this week. I think that's enough time to track you down and make you log your food! Yay for starting up P90X again!! I hope to be able to start that up again after the new year.

    Rain- I'm a walmart shopper, so all this came from there. Great Value Dried Apples (it's in a resealable bag in the same area where dried prunes and peanuts are). Quaker Stila 80 Cal Packs Oat Cluster Bits with Strawberry (I think they also had a green apple flavor. Also in the same area as the Dried Apples). Great Value 90 Cal Blueberry Cereal Bar (OMG SO GOOD! near cereal). Great Value Low Fat Strawberry Fruit & Grain Bar (also near the cereal).

    as for me: I went to the gym last night. 15 min elliptical, arms/abs weight machines, then another 15 min elliptical. I love that my gym enforces their rules. There was a lady on a stationary bike on her cell phone and the employee came over and told her she had to go to the lobby area to use her phone. Yeah, I'm in love with my gym lol. Cals were good, but sodium spanked me again. +2000mg over. It was the pepperoni's fault. Yall convinced me to make a "pizza" with my tortilla wrap, cheddar cheese and turkey pepperoni and then I dipped it in some Classico brand pizza sauce. OMG SO FREAKING GOOD and so easy in my toaster oven. I don't know why I don't use my toaster oven more often.
  • jessicae1aine
    Pam - I'd do it JUST for the necklace :P

    Crystal - Glad to hear the Chantix is at least sort of working for you. :)

    Apryl - I just now noticed you're "5'3.75" - that makes me laugh SO hard, because I'm 5'5.5 and I always make sure if someone needs my height they include that half inch. I'm short enough I need every bit I can get.

    Rain - I live in a small enough town (10,000 people in the entire county) that the nearest place they HAVE concerts is 150 miles away. :P That also happens to be the nearest tattoo parlor, shopping mall, Taco Bell, etc.

    Kendal - I refuse to use my real oven. My toaster oven is amazing.

    I woke up WAY early this morning, so I'm on here before work. (Probably, honestly, won't get to work on time still. I would if I had a job where it mattered or someone cared, but I really don't.) I feel like rocking a skirt today... probably should find a shirt that matches.

    Have a lovely day!!! :)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I'm a walmart shopper.

    You have to be, as we have 4 within a 20 minute drive of each other...lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Okay ladies, here are the weights for week #2. If you took a pass, you're not included on the list, but I did make note. Tons of peeps didn't weigh in this week *side eyes*

    Name, Starting Challenge Weight, Last Week's Weight, This Week's Weight (difference)
    Kristina, 200.4, 199 (-1.4) -- I told you it was bad.
    Victoria, 194.5, 194.5, 193.25 (-1.25)
    Kerry, 164, pass, 164
    Hailie, 252.6, 249.8, 250.9 (+1.1)
    Laura, 199, pass, 201
    gonnadoitjenn, 305.8, 306.4, 307.8 (+1.4)
    Pam, 215.8, 215.2, 217 (+1.8)
    wigglentwink, 185, pass, 181.8
    silver02bullet, 206, 208.2l, 208.2 (0)
    Bobbie, 316.2, 313.8, 312.4 (-1.4)
    Hosanna, 220.7, 219.4, 218.5 (-0.9)
    ladyg0915, 275, 270, 272 (+2.0)
    Katheryne, 281.8, 280.8, 281 (+0.2)
    jessikerlaine, 279.6, 268.2, 265.1 (-3.1)
    Annette, 181, 179, 179 (0)
    Jane, 263, 258, 256 (-2.0)
    Kristene, 221, 220.8, 223 (+2.2)
    Apryl, 177, 175.8, 176.6 (+0.8)
    NatalieGabriel, 153, 151.8, 154.2 (+2.4)
    Fi, 233.8, 231.4, 228.8 (-2.6)
    Crystal, 216, 216, 219 (+3.0)
    Tasha, 217, 215.2, 214.8 (-0.4)
    heather, 274, 273 (-1.0)
    navallez, 221, 218.8 (-2.2)

    This week's winner? jessikerlaine with a 3.1 pound loss! Nice job, lady!

    We had some nice losses this week, but entirely too many peeps in the "+" column. Let's turn it around this week.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Looks like a good week was had by all! :-)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    you know, there are a lot of holidays coming up so if we want to be a certain weight by a certain time, NOW is the time to buckle down and get serious cause it's only going to get harder in the next 3 months.....
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    *sheepish grin* Hi! I'm alive. It's been a hectic/crazy/insane time period for me! Still love all of ya...still praying all of you are doing well....I'm not so much...but I'm getting back to it! Really!! I'm just gonna lurk for this challenge, but I'm gonna get back to going. *hugs*

    And no, we still have not closed on the house...the selling party f-ed up the paperwork. So my closing date of last Thursday didn't happen...will let you know more when it gets to that point. *sigh* So sorry to have just dropped off the face of the earth like that ladies! I DID finish my first 5K though! I ran/walked it in 43 minutes last Saturday! I miss you all! I'm glad I have some of you on FB, so you at least know I'm alive! :o)
  • KatheryneLynne
    grats on the 5k karen. hopefully the house problems will fix itself soon.

    as for me. pizza evilness last night. it was my husband's turn to cook. unfortunatly he used the telephone book instead of the cook book--and i'm to weak willed in the face of hot googy six cheese yummyness. and icing on the preverbial cake. he ordered a lava brownie for dessert. OMG, i have never had one before, and I should probably never let another cross my path. i'm sure it was bad for me, but it tasted awesome.

    okay--now that my no-so-remorseful confession is over. today is my night to cook and i'm making a small post roast loaded with veggies. it's in my slow cooker right now.

    I would write more, but I forgot what all i had planned. I've had no caffiene this morning (both of the places i usually stop for go go juice were closed this morning--it's a conspiricy.)

  • navajoon
    Kristina, you missed me somehow. It was a gain, so I'm not crushed that I'm not on the list...

    Will write more when I don't feel like dying. I've gotten some manner of random cold/crud and feel awful. Unfortunately, I'm at my desk instead of napping at home.