200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Karen: I think you are absolutely right about taking time to savor your food. Today I was totally wanting a peanut butter cookie dough ball (and I had planned for it in my food journal already) so when I finally ate it, I made sure to take four separate bites (this wasn't a big cookie, I normally would have plunked the whole thing in my mouth and chomped) and really taste each bite. It was AWESOME!!! Thank you for reminding me to be a mindful eater.

    Kerry: I use my food scale pretty much every day. I can't tell you what brand it is as the brand isn't written on it (some cheap thing I bought at Target a billion years ago) but I would recommend getting a digital one as it makes taring the thing easier. But I wouldn't go spending a billion dollars on one either. As for the taking water with you on runs, you should take water with you on your runs. Here's a good article from Runner's World on hydration and performance: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-242-302--13525-0,00.html. I run with a camelback so I have water available whenever i want a sip but so I don't have to carry anything (I HATE carrying crap while running).

    Megan: I agree with Kerry and Karen on your boy situation. Talk to the new guy if you need closure but be totally up front and honest with K about it. If he can't be understanding about that, then maybe there was a reason he was an "ex".

    rain: How old is your kiddo? I'm so sorry you had to go through that. We had a nightmare experience like that when The Kid was in kindergarten. He was home sick with the flu and had a fever (turned out he had the swine flu but that hadn't really made the news yet when it hit him so we didn't even know it existed). His fever got so high that he ended up having a seizure and I had to call 911. I just remember my husband holding him and crying while I talked to the 911 operator as The Hubbs was incapable of any kind of coherent thought. I've never seen The Hubbs like that before and it honestly shook me more than the kid's seizure did. If I never see him go to pieces like that again, it will be too soon. The Kid and I got to ride in the ambulance (first time for both of us) and he spent the night in the hospital getting fluids. The whole thing sucked.

    Annette: I have a suggestion for you regarding logging your food. Make your food log private so no one can see it. Then you won't feel the pressure of having to "look good" to other people and you can just take time being honest with yourself about what you're eating. And you can ALWAYS ask for my opinion! I love talking, it's hard for me to stop once I start.

    I'm making chipotle-vegetable tamales for dinner tonight and they smell like they are just about done...when do we eat???
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Quick check-in to say I'm alive. I really thought life would slow down but it's not.

    Kerry - I have a Biggest Loser brand food scale and love it. I use it for every meal. As for water - if it's a short 4 mile run, I don't take any. If my run's longer, I take my water belt. I have 6 cups on it and drink one every 2 miles. It helps on the 1/2 marathons since it's so hard to run while drinking from the little cups.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I can't read everything..will have to hop back on here later - major busy day with long meeting in 5 minutes. (I have to pee so bad right now lol - sorry tmi)

    Anyways, Megan - what does your guy tell you to do? Thats is my only advice. Either way it kindof blows, but closure is good too.

    Sticking to my calorie goals this week still even though way above on sodium last night. Brought my work out clothes with me and will walk/run tongiht after work somewhere. Gotta do it before I get home cuz my mom is there and I will feel guilty if I go home and leave again.

    Q: My dog is bad today, mom said he was bad all night with the wheezing and coughing and lungs full of water. I will take him in tomorrow if its not better. We forgot to give himi his meds yestgerday morning until 12 so am hoping its just that...however. How does one decide to put their dog of 12 years down?? Do you just know when its time?
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi Ladies!

    Was stuck in an all-day meeting yesterday so no time to log on. When I got home, I was so hot and tired I just flopped onto the couch and fell asleep... until Joe got home then I actually got up and cooked us dinner! I took a couple recipes from the So Tasty, So Yummy blog that Lacey posted for the enchilada soup.

    I made this: http://sotastysoyummy.blogspot.com/2011/08/apricot-dijon-pork-chops.html with the hasselback potatoes she links to as well. It was super tasty! Definitely going into the recipe binder.

    Think I'm gonna try the crack wrap this evening!

    Don't have time to reply to everyone at the moment... will have to catch up later.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Amy: My son will be 3 in October. He is on the mend today, but nowhere near 100%. My heart aches for him. He's so helpless.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    In the past few days I have a handful of girlfriends come to me looking for help and support to lose weight. All 3 that come to mind have been thin most of their lives, then life happened. My BFF, has 4 kids, and is maybe 5'10 and I'm guessing weighs about 190 - 200 range. First of all, shes tall, second.....she's had 4 kids. So, I obviously tell her the truth....hense why we are BFF's. I tell her that she needs to make small changes. I know how she cooks for her family. Comfort food. Home made mac n cheese, with butter pools on top. Corn bread and beans cooked in fat. Now, I would still kill for her body because shes got long legs and a perfect smile and is still prob under 200. I refer her to this site, because she is a budget person. I told her she would never think of doing her checkbook without a balance sheet, so how can she make budget cuts with food, if she doesn't know what shes spending/eating now?

    Second friend is almost identical to the first, and both are stay at home moms.

    Third person was literally my hero in high school when playing volleyball. I love her to death and I had never seen her so unhappy with anything, much less herself. I told her that I'd kill to have her body. Again, under 200 and probably 5'4"

    Moral of the story: We may never see what other people see. There is always going to be someone that is willing to trade you places. I should definately start talking to myself the way I talk to my friends!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hosanna: The positive side of that is that you won't have to work the next day, so if you can make the near-24-hour day, then you can sleep for 12-15 as needed. Hey, I need you to explain this whole dropping of the calories in things. I would like to start a thread about it...lol

    Amy: My blender is notorious for blending plastic and wooden spoons...or maybe I'm just notorious for not turning it off before I stick the spoon in...either way, a little fiber won't hurt, right? :wink: Ooooh...those are the best Christmas gifts; guilt free gluttony :love: I am a firm believer in faking it until you make it, so on the days I feel the worst, I make sure I look my best. You will probably never catch me with make-up on at work unless I totally feel like dookie :tongue:

    Annette: I had always thought the same thing whenever anyone had ever mentioned the words "food" and "diary" in the same sentence. I have found that on here, because it's so easy, especially with the phone App that I can't wait to log everything in and see what I have left. I am often yelling at myself for rudeness at dinner when I'm on my phone logging things as I'm eating them. There has been a rule in my house, since my daughters got their first phones at 15 that dinner was family time and not technology time. Now, here I am changing the rules to suit me...oh well, I'm a work in progress :wink:

    Rain: Days like that suck, period! I hope the baby continues to get better...God, they can scare us sometimes.

    Megan: All I can say is that you really need to go with your heart on this one because that's a tough spot. I try very hard not to even consider seeing anyone else until I know I'm over an ex because just this situation scares me. First, be sure of what you really feel for your ex and if it's really worth trying again, and be sure of what you feel for this new guy (or what possibilities you might have seen had the ex not come back). I mean, what would you do if you go out with this guy and he says "I know it was quick, but I'm in love with you."?? There are tons of "what ifs".

    Kerry: Your posts always leave me in a tailspin, but I love every second of it. Congrats on the run time!!!

    Karen: Your post so hit home with me and is exactly why I decided to stay away from fastfood, like McDonalds, this month. I realized that the only time I don't really enjoy my food enough and then I feel like a big pig afterwards is when I go there and have wolfed down everything before I even make it to the house less than 10 minutes away. I literally got home one day after eating 20 mcnuggets (no fries) on the ride and could not even remember having tasted them. It was the first time I ever truly felt disgusted with myself over food. I was MAD:explode: that I had to log something I couldn't even remember having had...the box might as well have been an empty one from a week or two weeks before.

    So, what is our theme for next month??? Crushing Calories??? :laugh:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice!!!! I ended up talking to K about it and he, of course, told me to do what I wanted. I told him that I think I owe the new boy an explanation if this is what he wants, especially since it all happened so abruptly. And yes, we are taking it very slow, by choice. We have both changed a tremendous amount in the time we were apart (albeit only a few weeks). We know that it is important.

    So.....I ended up messaging the new guy back and told him i got the message, but he has yet to respond. He also has never contacted me via facebook prior to this occasion (he's had my phone number since the first night we met), so I found this message kind of odd to begin with. He may have just been a little tipsy. I don't know.

    Either way, thank you for the advice; it truly helped!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Afternoon ladies! I haven't read anything since my last post, but will try to at some point. I've decided that I need to focus on some other things in my life right now, so my weight loss has had to take a backseat. I haven't been working out, which I know would probably serve me well right now if I were still doing it. I've not made 100% smart choices in my eating, but I feel as though some good eating habits have stuck as I've been fluctuating at right about 235 for the past 2 weeks without a lot of conscious effort. I think of you ladies often and that has prevented me from adding on at the very least a few pounds.

    Without getting into a lot of details, I'm just feeling very lost right now and need to focus on my mental health and my life in general. I'm no where near going off the deep end, but I've realized that my attention to my inner self has wandered as I've been focusing on the outer self. So, I wanted to post this so that no one would worry about me if I'm not around for a few more weeks and so I do not have my own self-imposed guilt for not keeping up with this board as well. I will try to remember to log my weekly weigh-ins, as I'm still weighing daily to keep myself in check so not a big deal. I love you all and hope things are going well for each of you. I promise that I will be back and that I will see this weight loss through, I just need to take a little breather.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-sounds yummy, can I come over for dinner? LOL!

    Rikki-you see? There are others that see your value! And I understand, taking one's own advice is the hardest thing there is to do. So you don't have to take your own, just take ours!! (Just b/c it's the same means nothing!)

    Bobbie-I eat like that when I'm reading a lot. I'll get SO into my story....I look up & my food is gone! So it either has to be good for me, or preportioned, b/c that's how I used to eat an entire BIG jar of queso w/a spoon...weekly!

    Megan-whatever happens...WE LOVE YOU! *hugs*

    Rain-kids are designed to scare the holy s**t out of us in payment for all of the times we scared our parents! And then love on us to make us forgive them til the next time they do it! And they're worth every darn second!! Even when they're telling you "Mommy, don't tell me no, tell me yes!" (As Melodie did to me yesterday when I made her stop jumping on the couch).

    Annette-maybe password protect your diary for those you want to be able to see it in order to help you out, but keep it from those who you fear may judge you for what went in your mouth. (Like the brownies & strawberry creme cake I had today...yeah, well, I exercised, and I'll run later, so let's hope it's enough to wash! )

    Katie-*HUGS* Whatever you need us for, we'll be there! Just focus on being healthy! If the scale doesn't cooperate...throw it! (That's theraputic, right?) Just make sure to find the next challenge so we don't lose you in the shuffle! *more hugs*

    I've eaten too much! But it was good! I have 200 calories left (give or take) to manage to eat supper on. Though I intend to run, so I guess I can add those on in my head & get some more. Maybe I need to do more than just a run. Though by the time church is over & kids are in bed, running may be all I'm gonna manage. I know Zumba would burn more, but I NEED to run...makes me feel good to know I did it. Weird?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey everyone. Since I took over two hours off at lunch to take Bart to the vet I am staying here for at least another half hour or more if I can help it. I need to make up the time. The vet has doubled his doses of meds for the heart enlargement and lung fluid from the congestive heart failure and said his heart is enlarged enough to be pushing on his trachia which is where the coughing is coming from. She also says that his teeth are really really bad and maybe be causing infection to be going down his throat worsening things.
    Not that this is an excuse but I got Bart when I was 21 and just didn't really ever think about dog teeth. I took them to the vet, got their shots, yearly check up and essentially blew the teeth cleaning thing off. Sigh. So now both my dogs have horrid teeth which can lead to all sorts of bad medical stuff. My vet charges a base of $500 and she said it would most likely go up to $800 to get his teeth taken out!!!!
    I am debating on what to do. Since he is 12-13 years old already, will he do okay being put to sleep and having his teeth taken out? Its not an easy procedure on an animal I don't think. Is it worth it for him? Would it improve his quality of life afterwards? We won't know if it will help his CHF situation until after its done and he recovers from it. And if I don't do it, then is there any point in keeping him on any medication if his teeth keep getting infected? He doesn't seem to be in any pain but lost two lbs, so it could be from his teeth or from his heart, the vet didn't know. And I know if I take him off everything, it will be a matter of weeks if that before I have to put him down.
    She put him on antibiotics for a month for his teeth..so I guess I could use this time as a guage to see if he improves significantly. If he does, then I could see if I could find a vet to do the cleaning for a better price. Ugh. I hate this.

    Karen - its not weird that you feel good after a run. If you've never been a runner or a walker or even a regular exerciser, taking on new things make you feel so good. And then you have this mental NEED to do it. Its pretty awesome.

    Katie - sometimes we have to take a step back, or a step to the right or left so we can focus on other things in our lives. We totally get what you are needing to do. Maybe you could have a mental health goal? I know I could sure use one...hmmm...that might be a REALLY good idea to implement something like that as a goal for the next challenge.

    Megan - So when I replied to you, I actually meant to say "what does your GUT tell you to do?" not what does your guy tell you to do!!! Good grief. I think so often we think of other peoples feelings in these situations which is definitely good to do, but at the end of the day if you aren't happy and at peace with your decision, you won't be happy with anyone else either. I hope everything works out just exactly as you want it to :flowerforyou:

    Bobbie- I like that Crushing Calories challenge name! I also totally feel you on the whole eating things and not even having tasted it at the end..then you are like WTF did I just eat?? Love your new pic btw!

    Rikki- that is so awesome your friends are coming to you for help!! And you are so very right, we do need to see in ourselves what other people see.

    Amy- Jeff runs a nonprofit group on the side that provides medical people and supplies to festivals, etc. and can handle the people coming down off bad drugs, spun outs, broken legs, heart attacks, etc. But when Gracie gets hurt or is super sick? He can't handle it either. Its so very odd. And not anything I want to see again either. I need to get an iphone holder for walking/running so my hands are free, that drives me nuts too.

    Kerry - I leave in 15 days. Holy *kitten*! 15 days?? Good gawd, I am so not prepared for it. At work or home. I need to get in gear. lol.

    sgc - thats awesome you had someone else taste the petit four before you tried one...thats progress!!

    Rain - wow, thats scarey, I am glad your son is better now. And yeah, sometimes convenience rules out the rest - but you are going right back to your New Lifestyle today...that is progress too!

    Annette - I'm so sorry vets can't figure out what is going on with Bracken. I often times feel like they don't know anything and are seriously shooting in the dark. Poor baby!!

    Hosanna - lord would I love the calories to disappear if you simply swirled the wine around. It does change the flavor and body of the wine when you let it decant and air...so maybe it reduces cals too!

    Sarahwnt - did you do the happy chicken dance last nigh at 6:01????

    Okay, changing cothes and hitting up a new place to walk/run right now!! Woohoo!
  • pinbotchick
    Has anyone been to Alaska? We are going on a family trip next summer or fall to celebrate someone's 50th wed anniversary. We are looking for ideas on what to do/see....
  • hkallembach
    Stuff is happening that I don't want to post here, I'm sorry. PM me if you would like to talk with me.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    this will be a long post....just thought I'd warn you now....

    So I'm back from my camping trip. Mr. Reunion and I had a FABULOUS, relaxing vacation and we got in TONS of low impact aerobics :blushing: :wink: My eating was atrocious. Mr. Reunion made every meal for me, even just the sandwiches, and offered me every snack. All the leftovers are currently in my kitchen. I'm allowing myself to eat till the crap is gone. That hopefully won't last more than another day or two. I will have to come to grips with the reality of my over eating when I weigh in tomorrow. Or the next day. But, TOM has also showed up today. So maybe I can contribute some of the inevitable weight gain to him.

    I had some time to think while on vacation.....I've lost all athleticism I built up. I am starting from square one. So I thought back to how I started losing weight back in October 2009. The Elliptical (don don dooooooonnn). So that's where I'm going to start again. (Even though that means joining the gym again.) There's a new(ish) gym in town that only charges $10/month but I don't know what their registration/sign up charges are. Shortly after I got used to the elliptical, I added zumba. I don't think the place thats $10/month offers classes, so I might have to switch things up. Maybe do the 30DS??

    Mr. Reunion and I have decided to move in together. But it's not as easy as just saying it's going to happen. With his children and my impending foreclosure, it's going to take several months for it to actually happen. He's going to find a temporary place of his own and I will start hanging around more and more so his girls get used to me being around. Hopefully by the time my foreclosure comes around everything will be cool to move in with him. Then we will work on finding a home together. :bigsmile:

    I've been trying to keep up but ya'll have flipped through about 5 pages since I left. OMG so much to read! This may be a rough/choppy response, but I'm gonna try to comment on what I remember.

    Karen- sorry that other people think they know better than you and the doctors. I once had a friend tell me a situation where he didn't know what to do. I honestly told him I didn't know what would be best either and he thanked me for it. Everyone else he spoke to had the "perfect" answer and told him exactly what he should do. But when I told him i didn't know, it made him feel better knowing that someone else also felt that it was a tough situation and could see the difficulty in making a decision. I don't remember his situation, but I've always remembered him thanking me for not knowing what he should do. YAY for easier diaper changing!!!!!

    Sarah(wnt)- ding dong the monsters are gone!!! the monsters are gone! the monsters are gone!! How are ya gonna celebrate that??

    Kristina- My sister is getting (re)married on Nov 11, 2011. As in less than 2 months from now. It's been a whirlwind relationship. She's been seeing him for a shorter time than I've been with Mr. Reunion.....yeah, it's weird, but we're here to support her. But anyways, I feel you on being the fat, single sister. I've always been the fat sister (I have 2 sisters) and I just wish for once, that that wouldn't be the first thing I notice in every picture of me and my siblings. I have a feeling Mr. Reunion and I will get engaged and married within in the next year or so, and I want a simple, silky, sleek wedding gown.

    Rikki- There was a girl in my old department who lost over 100 pounds in about 5 months last year. We all thought she was just eating healthy and doing P90X. In actuality she deprived herself, took pills, gave herself shots and worked out about 3-4 times a day. And guess what? She's put weight back on. Something that I read online and has been bouncing around in my head lately is that the saying is "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT." It's not "You are how much you eat" .......You can stay under cals and still eat junk food, albeit less food, but it's possible. This is something I'm having to come to grips with.....I've been staying under cals, but I'm eating crap. Frustrating doesn't begin to describe how I feel, but I'll take a deep breath, organize some kind of game plan and start again tomorrow.

    Amy- you are my hero for removing your own stitch. When I had my reduction all those years ago, that's what I remember as being the WORST PAIN EVER....getting the stitches out. Of course, I'm sure the stitches for your foot surgery and my breast reduction were completely different, but to me, if felt like someone was pulling a hot coal on a super long knife through my boob. It was one of the only times I've ever actually teared up from shear pain. *shudders*

    Lacey and Annette- SO so sorry your dogs are still sick. :frown: It's amazing how a vet tries to diagnose an animal's ailment. It's not like the dog can sit there and say "it hurts in this area." I know I will have a complete meltdown the day (and the following weeks after) Lexi dies (whether I have to put her down or she dies naturally).

    rainvc- I hope your son is better! And of course he pees as soon as you get in the car lol.

    Megan- Good for talking to K about it!

    Kerry- you are a crazy running machine! sorry, I have no opinion on running with water or a food scale. Although I must say I do NOT want this week to end as I am off work ALL WEEK still. I'm not sure what I will do tomorrow and Friday with my free time.

    Katie- you are so right to work on the inner you first. Weight loss begins inside each of us and once you get a mental grip on it, the physical you will naturally become what you want it to be.

    (((Did I mention it's getting late, and I've been reading yall's posts for like, 3 hours, and I'm tired??? yeah....my responses might not be making sense anymore lol)))

    Victoria- Mr. Reunion and I want to go to Alaska (eventually). Would love to hear about your trip :happy:

    and BAM! I'm offically caught up!! Now yall don't go blowing up the thread tomorrow while I sleep in. BAHAHAHAHA yeah, like I believe that is going to happen
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    and BAM! I'm offically caught up!! Now yall don't go blowing up the thread tomorrow while I sleep in. BAHAHAHAHA yeah, like I believe that is going to happen

    I've already jinxed myself. I have a podiatrist appointment at 8:30 in the morning. And it's a good 30 minutes away, maybe 45-60 with morning traffic. I CAN'T SLEEP IN. :cry:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wednesday: 2416 calories burned/ 1615 calories consumed/ 801 calorie deficit. I KNOW it's a bit early for the weekly weigh in so this doesn't "officially" count but.....I am 189 pounds!!!! I am out of the 190's!!!! YAY!!!! :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Kendal: I am so glad to hear things are going so well with Mr. Reunion!!! You deserve a really great guy and it sounds like you really like his girls too, which is awesome!!! Bummer that you can't sleep in.

    Hailie: I'm thinking about you, girl! :flowerforyou:

    Victoria: I've always wanted to go to Alaska!! I've had several military friends stationed up there and they LOVED living in Alaska (also, my Grandmother lived in Alaska and adored it). I can't tell you what to do or see but I FULLY support you going up there and telling us all about it!!! (I think Katheryne lives in Alaska, so she will have more info that we do)

    Lacey: I am so sorry for the sad drama that is Bart's life right now. I wish I could tell you what I'd do in your situation but I'm pretty sure I'd just cry and not be able to make a decision. Ok, now that I've thought about it and put it in the context of what if it was my Sofie....I'd do everything in my power to make her feel better and keep her with me just a bit longer. (Yes, I understand that it might be better for the dog to "put her out of her misery" but when I stick myself in the situation, I just can't do that. I ADORE my dog and I wouldn't just put a family member out of their misery but I WOULD get the best medical care I could afford.) SO that's my 2 cents. And my heart hurts for you. :flowerforyou:

    Karen: As a person who is literally ITCHING to run, I totally feel you on "needing" to run. It's highly addictive, once you start - u can't stop. I'm a runner for life, despite what my foot says.

    Katie: We miss you when you aren't around but we totally understand the need to get your head right. Don't stay gone too long though!:flowerforyou:

    Megan: I'm glad you did what you needed to do to feel like you did everything necessary with the new boy. You're good peeps.

    Bobbie: I totally love the "Crushing Calories" name!!!

    Rikki: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your story about your friends wanting help with losing weight. That just goes to show you how AWESOME you are. Remember it!!! :flowerforyou:

    Rain: I hope your kiddo is 110% better today. I hate seeing kids and animals injured. (not that I am ok with adults being injured or anything...I'm not a monster...I promise)

    Nava: Did you make a crack wrap?!?!?!? I haven't had one in about 4 days or something, I'm thinking that's gonna be lunch today!!

    I'm gonna order P90X2 as soon as I can get my hands on it (today, I think, is when you can pre-order it). It's supposed to be pretty spiffy. It's also only 5 days a week (which I dig cuz it will give me running days that don't have to be doubled up with P90X). Yay! I'm so feigning for a good workout.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Megan - Oooh that's tricky. Like i said, i've been in almost the exact type of situation, and it's not fun. As for catching up with the new boy, you do what makes you comfortable. If you don't feel that you need to talk to him, don't. I wouldn't recommend going without telling K though, you don't want anything hanging over you and a chance at working things out. A lie of omission is just as bad. Good luck!

    Karen - ... so the bottle of wine i consumed last night DID have calories in it? #%$#*!!!!!

    Lacey - Omg hun, i'm so sorry to hear about your dog :frown: I think it's a case of just knowing - when not doing it seems crueller than letting them sleep. My mum's dog was 14 when she died, and honestly i think mum should have had her put to sleep at least two years earlier... she was in pain and unwell... mum just couldn't let her go. The fact that your pup has CCF makes it more complicated still... it is an awful condition that will only get worse. I also honestly believe that having his teeth all removed won't improve his quality of life that much, and would probably cause him a great deal of pain and trauma. I hope things thurn out for you love, but i think that you just know when it's time. *hugs*

    Katie - Good for you, realising when it's time to look after your 'inner self'. You know where we are when you need us, and i'll be thinking of you and sending you happy thoughts!

    Kendal - How exciting that you have decided to move in together!! That's awesome, i'm so happy for you! :happy:

    yayyy all caught up.

    Two early shifts on the surgical ward... Oh i'm beyond exhausted. BUT after work today i got home and took the pups for another hour's walk. I'm really very proud of myself.

    The water weight from my trip to Tassie is coming off in it's own time... hopefully that'll be it for it soon!!

    Other Half is at the doc's at the moment... hopefully there will be some blood results there for him so we can have a new starting point!
    Everything has been beautiful since i got back on Monday. He's making more of an effort to make me feel good, and he even cooked dinner last night!! I love this man so much! :ohwell:

    Anyway, that's me done now. Too tired to make sense....

    Edit: His tests all came back normal, which is awesome because it means that he's not sick or anything :smile: The doc has given him a referral to "a speciallist", so we'll see how that goes :smile:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hosanna: I'm glad Isaac's tests came back "normal". Maybe the specialist will be able to help him out.

    As for me, I came down with a mid-level migraine this morning so I've been sitting in the dark for the past 5 hours waiting for it to pass. Luckily enough, it isn't as bad as it could be (no vomiting). It still sucks though.
  • navajoon
    Hi ladies!

    Katie, take care of yourself! I think that's something we all forget to do from time to time as nurturing female types. Just drop by every now and then to let us know how you are!

    Lacey, I'm so sorry about all your pup drama :( I hope Bart gets better with those antibiotics.

    Kendal, woohoo on the living together! Joe is still with me too, so our 1 week experiment has been going for over a month now (I think) and it's the best thing ever.

    Amy, congrats on leaving the 190s! No, I didn't get around to making the crack wrap last night. My mom is leaving for a vacation today so I went to dinner with her and my brother. At an effing Chinese buffet, no less. I basically ate salt and pepper peel and eat shrimp and chicken wings. I'm not a big Chinese buffet fan, even less so when I'm trying to get back on track! The crack wrap may happen tonight though. I bought flat out sun dried tomato wraps, roasted garlic hummus, and mixed casserole shredded cheese. I wanted something that would melt well.

    No big updates from me... did I mention my 6 week post-surgery followup with the ENT last week? I can't remember. Sorry if this is a repeat. He said my scar looked good and poked at it a bit and noticed it was a bit lumpy bumpy in certain places and said "I can inject some steroid into that if you want." Um... if you think it'll help. So he promptly went and got a syringe full of steroids and started jabbing me repeatedly in the neck WITHOUT any numbing. OI VEY, it hurt... and bled. So now, I've got to massage my scar 3-4 times a day. Which is fine, just a little ouchie. (Amy, your stitch story reminded me of this. You're a rock star, btw.)

    Edit to add: Hosanna, I'm glad Isaac's results came back normal!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacey-poor puppy! (yeah, all dogs are puppies to me, cause I love 'em!) I hope he does get better enough to have a good quality of life for a few more years.

    Hailie-message me ANYtime!! :-)

    Victoria-I'm afraid I'm not much help with Alaska. But that sounds fun! :o)

    Kendal-WOW & COOL w/Mr Reunion! Glad everything is working out! Good to know you're one of those people that if you have no clue, you just admit it! Makes it easier to take advice that you give, b/c you know it's not just someone spouting off to hear themselves. You're just awesome! :-D

    Reading Kendal's post has made me realize I've been doing that for the past few weeks. Staying under, but with more crap food than good stuff, so hmm, no wonder I'm stuck! :o) It's so easy to get into though! Just a snack here, a meal there, then next thing you know..BAM! But when I look back...it's been my dinners. My breakfast & lunches are usually pretty good! Gotta start pre-planning or something on weekends. But it's gonna get harder over next month, as we'll be spending every spare moment packing & painting, etc. :o)

    Amy-yay 180's!! You're just my hero!! Migraine-boo!!

    Hosanna-no, not a single calorie! Really, right? Maybe? Ah, :-P I tried!! Hope all goes well with the specialist. Sometimes, it's nice when your Dr can't figure it out, the specialist has seen it enough to figure it out in 2 minutes. Makes you feel as if your Dr is an idiot, even if you "know" he's not! (Can ya tell we just did this? LOL)

    Nava-shots of steroids hurt! I'm hoping that all smooths out for ya! Glad it's looking good though!

    And tnis may be TMI, but Melodie had a diaper moment yesterday that my husband said looked just painful. He didn't think something that large should be able to come out of HIM, much less our 2yr old. And she hasn't pooped since, so we're PRAYING, that maybe that's what was blocking everything & maybe she'll start to balance out & have breaks between pooping again so her bottom will finish healing! And I didn't have to use the laxative! Just kept giving her fiber in her almond milk 2ce a day & then added a glass of apple juice a day last week. Let's just hope that was it! :o) OK, better get to work! :-)