200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Well, that was, like, no fun at all. I think i am finally through it. Thank goodness. The worst part was being that sick with four kids in the house and none of them self-sufficient in any way. Wiggle can work the tv and Twinkle can express her needs pretty clearly, so it wasn't too bad.

    IT'S MY LAST DAY WITH THE MONSTERS!!! Can I get an "Amen?!" I don't think I have ever been so glad to see the end of a month. Ever. School starts tomorrow. Wiggle goes to preschool 4 days a week from 9 a.m. to noon, so it will just be Twinkle and I in the mornings. I am looking forward to my time with her, and we are going to put some miles on that jogging stroller, fo sho!! YAY!!

    Pam: I can READ your excitement over your NSVs this weekend. How exciting is that!? You are so awesome.

    Hosanna: I am so glad you are home safely. Good luck with your fund raiser. I think you are awesome for trying to help your friend.

    Lacey: You are doing a great job of seeing the positive in each situation this week. I know you are making it a priority to not dwell on the yuck, and I think you're doing a great job. I am praying for your mom and dad, and for you. If I were closer, I would help you with Grace.

    Annette: I am so sorry for your pup. Do they know what is causing this? We had a (stupid) dog for a long time that ate rocks. That got very expensive very fast.

    Nava: We had Smokey Macaroni and Cheese here the night before last and it was divine. My kids gobble it up like it's gold...but what they don't know is that I have hidden a ton of veggies in it. :) HA! I win.

    Bobbie: I fee the exact same way about meat substitutes. Exactly.

    Well, I have to get to gettin' on with my day. I have a meeting with a gal to teach her to budget, coupon, and generally learn how to stop spending money as if it came out of the kitchen faucet. She will be here in 45 minutes and my house looks like I was sick yesterday.

    I'll check in with you girls later!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello all! I'm a bit behind/off on the conversations going down in the thread. No surprise when you're gone a few days, and you're all such super posters, it's hard to keep up with.

    It's a slower week at work, so I actually have some time to post. the boss was originally going to be out of the country this week, but instead flew back to MI (thank you, Irene), but is working from home for the week, which hopefully will result in less work for me. I've had several crazy weeks, so I can use the reprieve. As I mentioned before, I have a wedding this weekend that I'm attending. I'm no where near where I wanted to be weight wise, as it's been a long time since I've seen a lot of the people at the wedding. I'm still down a lot of weight since most have seen me, but I'm not pleased. I'll be getting together with a lot of them again probably around Thanksgiving time, so that's another goal for myself. Another, is trying to get my act together and get as small as possible by Dec 2-- the big 3-0 birthday for me. Huge milestone. Farther down the line, about a year from now my brother is getting married, and there's going to be pictures galore, and I'm not down with being the fat single sister in all the pictures, so there's definite motivation on that front.

    This week, I'm trying to just keep myself in line before I fly out Friday afternoon for PA for the wedding. I really struggle to get back into a routine when I travel, so I'm not going full force into something this week, only to get frustrated when I fall off this weekend and struggle to get back on. Trying to log everything this week, and get some exercise in other than doggie walks. After this weekend, it should be a while until I have any travel coming up, so should give me several weeks to get myself back into a routine, which is totally needed for me. I need a good 3-4 weeks of it to have it stick for a while.

    Anyways, enough venting from me. I just wanted to let you all know where I currently stand with things.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, I feel like I have failed...yet again. Why does food have such a rediculous hold on me? People say you have to want it, well I'm sure I've never met an over weight, obese person that enjoyed being overweight or obese. We all "want" to be healthier, happier, and "normal." So what is it? What is that "AH HA," that just makes everything go "smooth" for some and not for others?

    Again I know that everyone is different, and we will all lose at different paces, but I just read a womans story that lost 106lbs in 9 months. Now, that is some real determination right? How did this happen. All people say is "eat less, move more." Well....DUH!

    I just can't seem to get it. I can't seem to stay on track for more than a week. I mean, I'll see results on the scale and feel great, but then there is an event, a party, a weekend away, and it's like a free for all. I should be able to go to a gathering and just eat like I usually do, but no. For some reason I feel like I will never again have the opportunity to eat "grandma's brownies" or whatever the case may be. I know all well and good that they will be at the next gathering or event, and idk.....there is another meal yet to come. So why is my brain so confused?

    Reasons why I want to lose 125 lbs.
    1. I want to be HOT
    2. I want to go shopping in normal stores
    3. I want my husband to be able to pick me up
    4. I want feel comfortable in the "boom boom" room.
    5. I want my children to have a great role model.
    6. I don't want to be the "fat mom" on the side lines.
    7. I want to be able to keep up with my kids and their activities.
    8. I want to feel like I belong in my skin, with confidence (real confidence) and not the facade that choose to show people.

    You would think all of these reasons would fill my head when I look at cake and candies and salty feasts, yet only sometimes they do. Other times, the worry, anxiety, nervousness, and such take over and I can't resist. I shouldn't say I "can't." I should say I give in. So, what do all of you do to keep going? When people say, "nothing tastes as good as thin feels," I want to punch them inthe face. I have never been "thin" so I have no idea what it feels like, but I sure do know that those cookies over there tase spectacular....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Got myself up today, did my hair and put on some makeup, cute skinny jeans, wedges and a cute tshirt with earrings. I feel better but still woke up pissy with my husband about last night. This kind of irritation and being pissy for this long over stupid stuff like not cleaning the kitchen? ugh. LOL.

    Rikki - Your question about what it is that some people "get" or don't get in regards to weight loss...you've got me. Here a year and maintained my weight just dandy. I can't seem to get it either. I am thinking of even doing maintenance weight for a few months in an attempt to "reset" my metabolism and see if that helps. Who the hell knows. You have to remember that weight loss is about one meal at a time. If you decide to have a brownie, thats okay, two or four or six brownies is another story. And even if you do have too many, you have to learn that you are worth enough to get back on track the next meal and not let it slide into the next day or week or month. Little steps lead to permanent changes I think. Changing mindsets a little a time. You can do this. You can!

    Kristina - travel screws me up too. I let it get to me and my weight loss plans for weeks or a month ahead of time sometimes. I think you have some good goals to look forward to, and its nice that they are spaced out like that so you obnly have a portion of time to think about.

    Sarah wnt - if you were closer I'd have you show me how to not spend so much money and to use coupons. Maybe when I get back from my trip or something I will head up your way. YEAY for one last day of monsters.

    Bobbie- yeay for the loss and good job working out even if your brain was telling you that you don't want to. We should really stop listening to our brains and more to our bodies. Maybe I need to make a little placard for my desk that says that. It woild be a good message to glance at and subliminally take in during the day.

    Megan - I hate football. LOL. well I don't hate it, but living in a college town (Uni of Oregon) and Oregon going to the final game last year, well people have been counting down for months now for the first game this Saturday. I dread it. Glad you like it though, makes it easier to listen to all the time when you understand wtf they are talking about.

    Annette - I think vets have the pets interest at heart but sometimes its like either poking needles in a haystack or they want to go too far with their treatment. I had one vet tell us one of our dogs had cancer one time...turns out it was freaking hernia that healed itself. Could have spent thousands. Well I certainly hope your poor dog feels better soon, that is scarey.

    Amy - if you are that hungry you need to eat girl! Hope you found the happy medium :)

    As for me today...I have a meeting at G's school to see how the montesorri kindergarten program is going to work this year. She did montessori last year for prek but I had assumed she'd go into more traditional settings this year. She flourished so its not a big deal, but they have a Q&A tonight so I am going to go and see what the deal is. So I will be working late until I go to th meeting and probably no working out for me. My thighs are a tad sore..I was running every other tenth of a mile last night until I finally gave up on that with the whole debacle. And I want to see if I can do that again tomorrow..after the first 13-15 minutes. I find my feet are okay if I let them warm up that long before trying to run. Also massaging them with thi sminty body butter after I get out of the shower is helping too.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    So, I have a nasty scab over part of my surgery incision but every day it gets looser and looser and I am looking forward to when it falls off and I have my foot looking less like a slasher movie prop and more like a foot. Well, this evening The Hubbs was examining my scab and he asked me what color my stitches were. I told him they were blue and why did he ask. He said, "uh, I think there's one still in there..." Yup, there was. I had to remove my own freaking stitch today. Awesome.

    Lacey: I am a real believer in getting dressed up nice every day because it makes you feel better about yourself. I could wander around most days in PJ's with dirty hair and no one would notice or care, but I feel better about me when I wear cute clothes, do my hair and put makeup on, even if I never leave the house.

    Rikki: I think that saying about nothing tasting as good as thin feels is lame-tarded. I've been thin for most of my life and I can tell you that food is a big part of who a person is. Food is a happy thing. People use food to celebrate, to instil traditions, to enjoy their cultures and to comfort. I think the biggest mistake some dieters make is to vow to never have another....brownie/ pie/ cake/ enchilada/drink of alcohol/or whatever your favorite food might be. Food is very closely linked to emotions and there isn't really any way to unlink that. What you have to learn to do is to NOT deprive yourself of the foods you love, but rather to just eat a reasonable amount. This is a NEW revelation for me. I used to be "good" for a week or so and then allow myself a "cheat day" where I would break down and eat everything I had been denying myself while being "good". My weight wouldn't really go down and I would feel like crap about myself for not having "proper control". It wasn't working for me so I have changed my attitude toward treats. I allow myself treats whenever they fit into my calories for the day. I made those blackberry cinnamon rolls on Sunday and ate ONE. The leftovers sat in the fridge and The Hubbs and The Kid eventually ate them all up but they didn't "call" to me like they would have if I didn't allow myself to eat any. I knew I could eat one any time I wanted but I was cool with the one I had on Sunday and didn't feel compelled to eat any more. For me, the deprivation makes me insane when I get around special foods and I can't stop eating them. So I combat that by not depriving myself. I eat healthy every day but I also have a treat of some sort on most days (if sweets aren't your thing, you could switch out a treat for a glass of wine or some full fat cheese or whatever thing you've not been allowing yourself to eat) and I am a MUCH happier person these days AND the weight is slowly coming off.

    Kristina: travel throws off my routine too. I haven't yet come up with a plan for the Paris/Bruges trip to "stay on track", I guess I'll see how it goes.

    Sarah (WnT): I'm glad you are feeling better! Congrats on the the last day with the monsters.

    Bobbie: WTG, being down another 5 pounds! That's awesome!!

    Megan: Yay for long weekends!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - My only goal for this trip to Europe is to not eat so much food that I am uncomfortably full and miserable. To taste what I want but not eat the bakery. I think all the walking will negate the food. And I will try to eat healthy..but who knows when I will get to go back, so if I see a crusty croissant, I'm having it.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Well, I made homemade soup from scratch last night with lots of spinach and swiss chard from our CSA...super nutritious and really yummy, but HOLY COW was it ever labor intensive to make. It took me 2 1/2 hours! Whew. I had intended to make enough to freeze, but I had a bit of a blender accident with part of the batch (as in, part of the lid was blended in with the soup), so I only got like 5 servings out of it. Boo.

    Also, why is it when I eat the most healthy food that my stomach seems to go the most nuts, and yet I could eat some processed crap and be fine? I've been shunning processed/not healthy/non-organic foods for the last year (as much as possible) so you would think that my stomach might've realized what's good for it by now. Sheesh. :)

    Rikki, I have to constantly keep my goals at the forefront of my mind to make it work. In my mind I have literally turned off the option to "cheat," making everything a do a conscious decision. If I really want to eat something but I don't have the calories left for it, I either don't eat it, or I eat it knowing that I'll have to work out more to make up for it, or I eat it knowing full well that I'll be over my calories for the day, possibly stall progress, and wind up feeling guilty. Whatever option I choose, I make myself fully aware of the consequences before I do it. Also, like Amy, I don't have any food that is considered "cheating" or "not allowed." If I want ice cream I will have ice cream, and I mean the real, full fat, homemade or Haagen Dazs Five ice cream that is super smooth and delicious, not that low fat stuff with all kinds of chemicals and preservatives. However, I'm not eating the whole pint -- I measure out my 1/2 cup, record it on MFP, and move on, satisfied. Speaking of MFP, it has been such a HUGE help to me as far as staying focused on the goal. Not only because of all of the wonderful people on this board, but because I'm on it all the time recording my food, thinking about my food, thinking about my exercise, seeing the progress others have made, etc. It seems like the more time I spend on MFP, the more focused I am on my goal and the more accountable I am to myself.

    That having been said, we all have some kind of problem with food or we wouldn't be on here! my problem with food has never been emotional (I'm not a snacker, I don't eat when I'm bored, stressed, whatever), but I know that for many people it is and that makes things even harder. One of my good friends is an emotional eater, and she told me that she's started asking asking herself "why do I want to eat this?" before any snacks. If the answer is "I'm bored" or "I'm stressed" or anything other than "My stomach is growling and I need food" then she remembers her goal and walks away.

    One thing is for sure -- you're on the right track being here! These ladies are truly inspiring!

    Bobbie, I've noticed that I've gotten a little more afraid of heights as I've gotten older too. I really like hiking in the mountains though; so pretty! Not all of the hikes I do are high up though...there's a fairly flat trail by a lake not too far from my house that I love. I just love being outside! Unless it's sweltering hot, then I'm not hiking anywhere. :laugh:

    Annette, I made it to level 3 of Shred and now have started back at level 1 to run through it one more time. It's not easy, but it sure does make you feel accomplished! I'm sorry about your dog. :frown:

    Amy, I followed your lead and took a rest day yesterday. My calf muscles are still yelling at me, but they're a little better. I needed that. Removing your own stitch? Ouch!

    Hosanna, what a great idea! I hope you're able to raise a lot of money. I know you're up for the challenge!

    Lacey, that's sounds like one crazy dog walking session! I hope things are going okay with your dad...

    Sarah(WnT), I'm glad you're feeling better. Being sick with four kids around has got to be ROUGH. Yay for school starting!

    Kristina, it is always so hard for me to stay on target when I travel. It always messes me up for a couple of days after I get back too. I feel your pain, but it seems like you're getting off on the right foot with logging and exercise!

    Okay, that was WAY longer than I imagined it would be. Back to work!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Rikki-I have to 2nd what Pam & Amy said. It's not about ALL or NOTHING. It's about having what you want, when you want it, but making sure it's just some.
    A trick I read that's helped me a little (sometimes doesn't) is to get out a serving of what I want. Look at it, think about it. How will it taste? How does it smell? How will it feel in my mouth? Then take a bite...don't swallow...chew, or savor for a moment. Then swallow. Then put down the food/fork/spoon, etc. How was it? Did it taste as good as you thought it would? Did it feel like you thought it would in your mouth? Repeat this for EVERY bite. Surprisingly, sometimes, after 2-3 bites, your craving is gone.
    It's not fool-proof. And the fact I only get out a serving & put the rest away is all that has saved me from binging sometimes. Note I said sometimes. There's times I have to force myself to get up & even just do some housecleaning or play with my kids, just to burn the extra calories for whatever I know I snacked on. And for the past 2 months...I've been stuck. Yes, I made AWESOME progress before, & I'm proud of me, but I'm stuck now & frustrated. I want it to be easy like it was before. I'm a bit like you. I've never been the skinny girl. I was always the "fat" (but pretty) friend (cause face it, you're gorgeous!!). Every little bit helps. Every meal, every snack, until it's habit...which it's still not a habit for me. So I'll keep going if you do! K? *hugs*

    Lacey-hope the dog walking gets easier soon! And that something works out with taking G to work! Cooped up kids are ticking time bombs of fun! :o)

    Amy-yay for stitches! NOT! Don't over work yourself & if you're THAT hungry, eat something! I'm sure you're hydrated enough for it to not be that. And your body is doing a lot of healing. Not sure that it burns calories per se, but I'm sure it needs a bit of extra food or something to rebuild what it's fixing up!

    Pam-my body does the same thing! I think it's flushing all the crap out of us with the healthy junk. B/C if I stick to healthy for a few days...I'm OK. It's after a bit of crap, then back to healthy, that I have the issues. At least it was just the lid of the blender & not something that caused injury! Ouch!

    Sarah-WnT-glad you're feeling better!! Maybe w/no monsters you can get some emotional rest too!!

    Annette-hope the dog is better soon!!

    Bobbie-yay for loss!

    Kerry-yay for loss too, even if post-TOM! Hope I can get my scale to do that next week! LOL!

    Kristina-even the girls at work are all lined up with me for TOM! It's getting kinda creepy! Makes me feel sorry for the men around here! LOL!

    Welcome to the one new person...I don't remember your name, I just know you were on the other page, so jump right on in with the rest of us!

    And, I think that's it. If I missed you, I'm sorry!

    We're supposedly going to get some paperwork on the house today. That's what the realtor said. Not holding my breath here, but I really would like to be able to paint or something this weekend. BUT, I do have Saturday planned out for packing up at least. :o) Mellie's got a sitter lined up, a ride for Aaron to go to ball practice, & Casey will be put to work! He just doesn't know it yet. He'll figure it out when Grannie shows up. My mom is a work horse...but in a good way. She's nice about it, but won't let me slack off either. I'm odd. I'm lazy when it comes to motivating myself to do stuff, but if someone is there to help me, I can NOT watch them work. I HAVE to help! Even if I end up doing most of the work.

    On a good note...I RAN last night! Back to it. I backed up a couple of work-outs, figuring I wouldn't be at the same place I was with 2 weeks "off." I wasn't even at that point. I was DYING by the time I finished. BUT, I finished. I ran all of the runs. Some of them were VERY slow jogs, but I did it. And it worked out some of the leg soreness from kickball, so bonus for me!

    And I was able to change Melodie this morning with no major physical fight! She cried, and stiffened up, but I could do it w/out half sitting on her or having Doug hold her! So it's an improvement! And Doug says she's been easier for him today too. Yay! There's hope!

    OK, I've got half an hour of work left then off to parent night at the school to meet the teachers! Yay! TTYL!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    34.25 minutes left of this. Not that I'm counting...
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm totally pooped. I've had a shocker at work today... i'm so glad i walked to and from, otherwise i wouldn't have got any exercise in at all!! well, apart from the obscene amount of running around i do at work every freakin' day.

    AND to make EVERYTHING worse, i requested next friday-sunday off at work so that i could go to adelaide with my man for the Royal Show - a carnival.

    Oh, i GOT friday-sunday off... BUT i have been rostered for ONE night shift... Thursday night. So i don't finish until 0700 Friday morning.

    Well, THAT ain't happening, because the show is Friday.


    Stupid work.

    Sorry ladies, that's all i've got for now. Hope you're all having a better day than me!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Tuesday: 2496 calories burned/ 1624 calories consumed/ 872 calorie deficit

    Hosanna: I've done that whole work-all-night-go-straight-to -a-function thing in the morning and is SUCKS. It also tends to trigger a migraine in me as lack of sleep is a migraine trigger for me more than anything else.

    Sarah(WnT): I'm hoping you survived your last half hour with the monsters!

    Karen: Good job getting back into the running! You're right, when you don't run for a little while your fitness level drastically drops. I can't wait to see how pathetic I am when I start back up with the running after the foot is healed.

    Pam: You must have a super-powered blender! There's no way my blender could even hope to blend part of the lid, it would explode or something (I have a wussy blender).

    Lacey: I plan on eating whatever strikes my fancy in Paris & Bruges but to work on listening to my body to decide if I am actually hungry or not (I'm WAY bad at listening to my body and tend to just shovel food in cuz it's there).

    The Hubbs has his PT test today, so he was all worked up about being able to pass it. I don't know why, he's been in the military for 11 years and I've never seen him NOT pass his test. The weather has cooled down significantly so I think it's perfect running weather for him. It's also perfect weather to remind me of autumn and to make me want to make and eat things with pumpkin in them. Mmmmm....pumpkin......
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    you know how something doesn't count in your calorie intake if you break it in half, because the calories fall out?

    Well, my latest idea is that wine doesn't count if you swirl it around your glass, because you shake the calories out.

    That is all.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I believe that Santa makes the calories consumed in December not count as a Christmas present to us all.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Hosanna - not heard of calories falling out if you breack food in half - can I have some of that please.

    Rikki: I can so relate to your thinking - what is it that triggers people to be able to do........Having read others comments am feeling it is totally personal and will need to be a combination of things, individual to each one. That said - I hate being accountable and fessing up to what I have put in my mouth - hence, no completed food diary / exercise diary / levels etc here on MFP - thought I might introduce that when my weight stopped moving - currently it is moving - up - which really is not the plan so, deep breath - am thinking I should start being accountable - I will hate it. I will try and rebel against it. But perhaps this will be my trigger. Lets hope so and that you find yours. I love your goals - am with you on all of them - you'd think they would be enough.......

    Amy: as above - am going to try and log my food/exercise - I hate being accountable and will hate every moment of completing the diary, however, if you have chance - ever - could I ask for your comment every now and again re changes (a big ask I know but will encourage my honesty and effort!!!). If no, that's fine too as I need to be taking on responsibility for myself really!!!. YUK re taking out your own stitch - I can do all sorts of things to aid others but when it comes to me - go to pieces!!!! Well done you and hope The Hubbs passed his fitness test.

    Lacey: yeah for looking after yourself - boo for carrying things into new days. Which it is tdoay. A new day. Like each meal is a new meal. Dirty dishes were yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! (easy to asy more difficult to do - they (men) can be sooooo frustrating)

    Bobbi: another 5lbs down - well done you.

    Sarah: your count down has finished - glass of wine, relaxing bath, soothing music called for.......Glad you feeling better. ALso, could you re-post your www. address - tried to find it without success and think I may have gone wrong somewhere and I really do need to get on top of finances.

    Karen: like the idea of one portion / savour before swallow etc - need to try this (whole pot of HagenDaaz last night - very very bad - I am soooo useless withthis whole wieght loss thing - or should that be with this whole controlling myself thing. Really pleased Melodie is on the up.

    As for The Dog. He is currently resident at the vets, awaiting xrays. They thought he had actue (probably arising from undiagnosed chronic) pancreatitis but as he is not responding to the anti bs they are now not so sure. Wehn we first took him they were concerned re how high his temperature was and now it is even higher - she checked iot twice because she thought the reading was faulty. Still awaiting one blood test and stool results - and whatever comes from xray. After that they say they can try a slightly different xray - one where he has to ingest something to highlight his complete digestive tract but if no outcome to these - they are stumped and are suggesting referral to more specialist service - when outgoings leap from the hundreds we are spending now thousands - hence need to sort out finances rapidly - so we can cover whatever is coming our way. Was really sad to leave him today - did not want him to be so poorly in an unfamiliar environment.
    His name is Bracken, by the way, I have always (affectionately) referred to him as The Dog, which, funnily enough, he responds to!

    Long post - sorry xx

    ps Amy - roll on December then and THANK YOU Santa!!!!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Hey gals. I was totally absent yesterday, as I had the day from hell. My son got sick on Monday, and was throwing up. Thought it was just a little bug. startingat 3 am Tuesday, he started throwing up every hour, and in large amounts. My mom offered to stay home with him so I didn't have to miss work and he could rest. I ended up having to leave work at noon to take him to the doctor. The doctor sent us straight to urgent care where he had to be hooked up to an IV, get blood work done and have a bag attached to collect urine. Apparently, he did/does have a virus, but it got so bad that he was dehydrating, which was making him more nauseated and causing him to vomit even more. Blood work came back fine. Phew. Got a bunch of fluid in with the IV and once he woke up they started giving him 5mL of pedialyte every 5 minutes to see if he could keep it down. Then they upped it to 10mL, then 15mL. He ended up drinking 2 oz of pedialyte, a whole juicebox of apple juice, and some orange gatorade. That is on top of 450cc of IV fluids. The kid would NOT pee. He had only peed once at that point yesterday and it was at noon. 8 pm rolled around and he still would not pee. Finally the doctor said he was comfortable enough with the blood tests that he would send us home. As soon as we got in the car, he peed. Little bugger. He is still quite lethargic and drained but he slept all nite and no vomit. Yay. Scared the crap out of me.

    As a result of all of this, I had only had a yogurt and a cup of coffee at work. I was so thirsty and starving to death by the time we got out of there. No way was I cooking, so my husband picked up some Long John Silver's. I only felt guilty for about 2 seconds, I was so damn hungry. I logged it all though, and obviously still stayed under calories since I basically fasted all day. Still not healthy, but so goes life. I ate 6 hushpuppies tho. Looking back on that one, ew. I was also emotionally, physically exhausted from being up all night the night before with him so I opted out of the gym this morning. So I haven't been in two days, but will be heading back tomorrow morning. I'm trying not to get to upset with myself about any of it, because like I said, this is life. Things like this happen. There will be times when fast food and its convenience will be a necessity and times when sleep is more important than cardio. I just need to lay off the hushpuppies! Eeek!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Karen~ Thank you. I have always been the "pretty face" and I'm ok with that. It could be worse right? I just want to be so much more than that to other people. I want others to see what my husband sees.

    Annette~ I know it will be something different to everyone. I just feel like I've all of those "ah ha" moments. Like, the moment I didn't fit ina kids ride with my son, or the moment my button flew off my pants, or the moment I was on the treadmill and heard a noise then discovered it was my fupa slappin against my skin. All good "ah ha" moments in my opinion. ~sigh~
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    hump day!

    Just letting you all know that i am staying off of the scale until Friday on weigh-in day. I've been gaining and losing the same 2-3 pounds for what seems like a month now. I know I'm doing great this week with food and exercise alike, so I'm going to let Friday morning be a surprise. and hopefully it's a good one even though TOM is near, very near.

    also, can i ask some advice? As you know, i recently started talking to the ex again. (We will call him K.) I think we have communicated more these past 5 days than what we did in 2 years of being together. (I honestly think it was some of the family counseling he went to with his daughter...which is great.) Anyways, since me and K are talking, I had to tell the new boy that i was dating that I couldn't see him anymore. The thing about it is, i liked him. he was very nice, considerate, loads of fun, but i was (am) still in love with my ex. It wasn't fair to the new one to lead him on like that. So i told him, and he took it like a bombshell, because it was. I told him the truth though and he said he understood because he's been in a similar situation with his ex. ANYHOO, i got a message from him on facebook last night that said "so....text me. I think we need to go get a drink and talk....like seriously"

    i texted him this morning and told him that i got his message on fb. My question is what i should do about this?? Tell K and see what he thinks??? (Btw, he knows about this guy. i told him about our dating and he's kind of jealous that i spent my time with him while we were separated. I told him Tough.) Tell the new guy that i don't think that would be a good idea???? Just go and not tell my ex???? (<---i don't like that idea because i'm not that type of person) I dont' even know if i should have to put myself in this situation. We only dated for a short bit and I've told him everything i could tell him. But i would also hate to not get closure of some sort, so do i owe him that? i don't know what to do!!!
  • sgc2005
    sgc2005 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All - i have some quick time to check in and catch up on posts. Attempted to do Cto5K Week 4, Day 2 this morning - it was a big FAIL- well, half fail. I did 1/2 of it and ran 5 minutes straight which is probably the longest i've ever run consecutively in my life, but then i couldn't do the rest - but i did walk the rest. So i'll be repeating this day - I know I can do it - even if it takes time.

    I'm not sure who wrote it, but the comment about savoring food really hits home and something i need to do. I find myself eating super fast and not enjoying my meals - not good. But it's a challenge to slow down. I do find myself more then ever questioning - is that food (cookie/cake/etc) worth it???? On Monday my co-worker brought in petit fours - is it bad that i asked my friend to taste one and tell me if it's worth it? But i'm glad I did, b/c she told me no - and i would have been mad if i wasted my calories on that.

    Glad I finally had some time to check in - have a good day!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    hi! hi! hi!

    My week continues to be insane, and my ovaries continue to punch me from the inside out. This week has been SO hard for me to get up and work out. I just want to lay around and do nothing. But I'm not. I'm powering through.

    Of course I don't have a ton of time, so I'm just gonna touch on a couple of things I read.

    Megan, I am a big fan of closure. I think its really important. And so is honesty. If your ex truly loves you and wants to be with you and support you, then you should be able to tell him that you are going to meet the other guy you were dating so that you can talk to him and make sure that HE has closure. I don't think you have to choose to either lie to your ex or ignore the other guy. Just be honest and up front. They should care about you enough to respect your needs. On the other hand, if you have no desire whatsover to see the guy you were dating, then just tell him that. Text him or FB him and say tell him you are sorry but its done, no ifs and or butts. Especially if you're worried that he's the kind of guy that won't go away. If he's one of those, then you gotta be a little mean, a little firm... or he'll never leave you alone.

    Rikki, I think we have all spent the majority of our life struggling with what food means to us, and how we feel in our own skin. As usual, Amy is full of wisdom and insight on this, and I agree with her. I think the biggest way I save myself now when I'm in a situation where there's a ton of amazing food in front of me is to constantly be thinking to myself "This is NOT the last time I will have incredible food in front of me. Am I full? Am I full? Am I full?" If I continuously remind myself that I will have incredible food again in my future, then its easier to stop eating it at the present time. I am also the kind of person who has to be thinking about whether or not I'm hungry all the time, otherwise I will just eat. Because food is amazing. And it makes me happy. The thing is, when I was overeating, when I was on the verge on morbidly obese, food was amazing, but I was NOT HAPPY. I'd eat and eat and eat and then feel awful about it. I'd spend the rest of my day/afternoon/evening regretting what I had done. So really, I wasn't getting what I should out of my food. Its such an incredible feeling to have something delicious to eat, and enjoy it, but to know when enough is enough and walk away. Because then, afterwards, I can still remember it as a positive experience, instead of hating myself for it. So there's my input on that. I think its a battle we all have to fight for ourselves, to come up with what it is that will make you want to fight for your beauty and your health day in and day out, but also to still allow yourself to love, experience, and enjoy all the incredible foods of the world and the cultures and traditions that go with each and every one of them. Seriously, where would the fun be in life without birthday cakes? Or pizza and football? Or wine and cheese? Or Thanksgiving dinner?

    Rain, omg I LOVE Long John Silver's Hush Puppies. Like crack, they are.

    Annette, just thinking about you and praying for your dog. That's not fun.

    Amy, I can't believe that your Dr. missed a stitch AND you took it out yourself. This is an all around FAIL. And I agree on the looking nice for the sake of you thing. Sometimes I just take the time in the morning to get ready for work like I would get ready to go out at night, just because it makes me feel good all day long.

    Lacey, when do you head to Europe? I know its in September. I can't believe that trip is coming up so quickly. You guys are going to have an AMAZING time. (insert jealous/shifty smile here).

    Let's see, what else... oh yeah - 2 questions to post to the group...

    Who here has a food scale? What brand do you have? Do you love it? I somehow still don't have one, and I know that needs to happen, so I'm lookin' for some input.

    Running question - do you take water with you on your runs? I've heard different opinions on this.... like that its better to hydrate a bunch before and after but not during for the sake of performance, but I've also heard that once you're running more than 5 miles you should be hydrating every mile or so. Plus a bajliion other theories. So I would like to hear yours.

    Ok, that's all I've got time for. Have I mentioned yet that I want this week to be over? Well I do. A lot.

    Edit - did I mention I ran the fastest 4 miles yet yesterday? 40 minutes, 4.06 miles - 6.1 miles per hour! My average heart rate was 179 (yeah - it kicked my butt!)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I've actually read a LOT of articles about savoring food, or not to do anything else while you're eating, because then you don't get the full experience out of it, so you want to eat more than you would other wise. You unconciously shovel more in! And I DO that!! ALL the time! I read while I eat lunch at work. The only thing that saves me is that I have my lunch all set out & pre-portioned, so I can't over-do, but I sometimes feel as if I've not eaten much...til later when it hits me I'm TOO full. So there must me some merit in that somewhere.

    It's a food day here at work. *argh* I made brownies...but I put sugar-free icing on them, so I guess that helps a little! And I'm using my lunch hour to work out, as I'll have plenty of time to eat the rest of the day! *sigh* Thank goodness there's a veggie tray, I can eat healthy...but the other stuff looks good too! And tonight at church is meal night, so blah there...but I'll run too, so that'll help a little. Maybe. I hope?! LOL! Even if I am still at week 1, it's running!

    Megan-if you need the closure, I would talk to the guy, but definitely be up front about it. If K can't handle that you need to do this, then it might be a sign that all the counseling in the world may not fix the issues that led to him being your ex in the first place? (Not that I know the details, but just a thought). Either way...SSLLOOWW. Still in love doesn't mean a green light to rush things. It's asking for a disaster. Treat it as if he's a new guy. Get to know one another again. Just want you happy girl! *hugs*

    Rikki-yeah, my hubby sees something like that in me too. Fell for me as I got "fatter" while pregnant. He's proud of me, though I know he'll never say those exact words. I can tell by how he makes more of an effort to make sure I have time to exercise by helping me at home. It's the little things! :o) And we all see how wonderful you are too! *hugs*

    Rain-it's always scary when the little ones are sick or feel bad. I hope all gets better soon. It was one day, so you'll just get right back to it! *hugs*

    Hosanna/Amy-if breaking or shaking my food or Santa got rid of calories, I'd have been skinny ages ago! But the idea just sounds nice, doesn't it?! :o)

    OK, I'd better get some work done ladies! TTYL!!

    Kerry-we posted together! I don't take water with me, but I'm barely up to 2 miles in my half hour workouts, so I'm not much help, I'm sure. But I would think having something to sip on would help me keep going when I get to the point of going farther. Too much water before or after makes my tummy hurt.