200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kerry - if you do the Traverse City one in May, I'll come over and run a half with you. Are you planning a full or 1/2? A 1/2 may be good prep for full in Oct. I realize you are a speed demon compared to me but we can celebrate together before and after the race!!! If you are running 5 to 8 miles while doing P90X2 (Jan to March) you should be in great shape to bump up to 13.1 by May. I'm getting excited - I hope you chose to do it. Maybe it will give Kristina the motivation to join us.
  • jessicae1aine
    Sarah - Haha, definitely quite a job! I know how kids can be. :P

    Amy - I've got them hanging out in the office with me right now, and the two of them have never been around each other before. They get along beautifully, other than all the face-humping. I hope your head feels better soon.

    Lacey - Eeew! I'm pretty religious about cage changing already, since I have 5 cockatiels that try to eat anything that falls to the bottom of their cage, poo included. I went a little while where I was changing the cage more than once a day, because my female bird was laying unfertilized eggs and then breaking and destroying them, too. Fun, fun stuff....

    Crystal - So glad you're staying positive! :) I'm sure it'll get better, but I don't doubt it will take time. I did the celibacy thing for about a year and a half, and it wasn't so bad once people I'd dated and whatnot in the past got the picture.

    Kerry - OMG! That's so terrible. :( I couldn't do it either. I don't deal with death well, especially pets.

    So yep, hanging out at work with the bunnies. Boss man is letting me leave early since our sales and production people are out of town for training, so I really have nothing at all to do. That, and he doesn't find my bunnies adorable. Here are some pics:


  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Congrats on the losses everyone!!! I can not BELIEVE i've lost four pounds this challenge! Now the biggest challenge will be not piling it all back on next week when i go to Melbourne!

    Amy - Sorry to hear about the kid's finger!

    WiggleSarah - I am SO with you on the salt lick situation. LOVE salt. nomnomnom...

    Jessi - MAWWWWWWWWW!!!!! I :heart: bunnies!! We need photos!! (ETA: We posted at the same time... LOVE the bunnies, they're so adorable!)

    Kendal - ... YOU'RE GOING TO SE UNCLE KRACKER??????? *jealous* If you meet him, could you tell him that a friend of yours is using "Smile" as her walking-down-the-aisle song? :smile:

    Crystal - HANG IN THERE!!!! Day four, you are doing SO well!! Also, i challenge ANYONE to banish Ryan Reynolds to the "friend Zone". It can't be done.

    Katheryne - Sorry to hear about the anxiety issues. I, too, suffer similar issues, along with the dreaded black dog, and i'm usually in check but every now and then i have a rough day. Then i call my mum, and isaac usually has a chat with her to explain whatever the problem is, and i get off the phone half an hour later feeling better. But it sucks majorly. The other week i actually couldn't get out of the house and go to work. Worst feeling ever.

    The weather here continues to be miserable ++. My poor dear Alex puppy seems better today though - haven't seen any blood spots on the carpet so far today. Last night he kept opening the wound a little every now and then, just enough that i had to get scrubbing the carpet of our RENTAL. My mum just called to check if he's ok. Aww.

    I find that miserable weather makes for minimal ability to be motivated to do ANYTHING. And i had a bit of a freakout last night about our current money situation (due to my pitiful paycheck last week) and the fact that i'm going to Melbourne nex weekend for my Hen's night, and we haven't paid for our honeymoon yet, or booked our flights to Sydney after the wedding, or our accommodation or anything but we don't have the money to book it AAAAARGH *Head explodes* and of course that the wedding is only three months away and we haven't filed our intent to wed forms, or bought his ring, or blah blah blah...

    So, My knight in shining armourgave me a kick up the backside (figuratively) and of course, reminded me that it's not the end of the world.

    So we came into the study, and while he found us some flights to Sydney, i found and filled out our intent to wed forms. I had to phone mum at one point while i was filling them out, because my dad was born in Zambia, but i wasn't sure whether to write Zambia, Africa or Northern Rhodesia (as it was when dad was born there). So i had a chat with mum while she was on the phone about the recent freakout, and isaac had a chat to her as well, and we all had a chuckle about my craziness, and all was good.

    I also got a bit narky with Isaac because we're posting out our invites next week when i see mum in adelaide (she's got the wallets, i've got the invites and envelopes), and i have been asking Isaac for WEEKS whether he has everyone's addresses for his side, and he's been saying that he does. Last night i sat down with all his side's invites and asked him for addresses and he's like "i don't know. Try the white pages." So i looked up the first people in the white pages and they weren't there and he was like "Nah, they've not got a landline, so they won't be there..." AAAAAAARGH!! I was fuming. He was like, "Why can't i just do it on the weekend while you're at work? You don't need them until Wednesday!" but then i was like "It can take a few days to get hold of some people to get their addresses!" and yeah... there was certainly a point of unhappiness here.

    But that's ok... it's one of the VERY few glimmers of Bridezilla i've shown in the last 9 months, so i'm ok with that.

    Anyway... I'm gonna stop babbling and go and do some Wii Fit. Time to get moving for the day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Jessi- LOL at the face humping bunnies!!!

    Can I just say what a GREAT motivation it is to come home, catch up on the few posts I missed and WANT to go to the gym. I think this is what I need to start doing every day. Now you ladies just need to make sure to post between the time I leave work and the time I get home. Yup, time to shave my legs and go to the gym. :-D
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I got on underarmor.com today and bought a pair of running tights and pullover 1/4 zip up shirt and a headband that covers ears...not nearly as cute as athleta.com, but about $30 cheaper, and thats after the expedited shipping I paid so I can get it here stat.

    I've written down everything I've eaten today in a binder I've got at work, so at least I've done that. I'm going to go through it tonight and see what I could eliminate for something more healthy, empty cals, etc. And I charged my bmf and am wearing it. On. My. Arm. even!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Way to Go with BMF Lacey!!!!

    Jessie - so cute!!!

    Kendal - I'll try to help keep you motivated!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I JOGGED A FREAKING MILE TONIGHT!!!!!!! 15 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!! I have never done that before. Anytime I walk Lexi, I'm combating hills and humidity and it's a struggle to jog for a minute straight. BUT OH EM GEEE I DID IT!!!!

    I probably could have kept going, but I had already done 60 minutes on the elliptical (OH YEAH!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!!) and a couple Ab Weight Machines.

    so yeah, treadmill speed said 4.0 and there were people walking at that speed, but the important part is I turned it into a jog for me

    super duper crazy happy about this!! I can do the treadmill without fear of the belt slipping!!! (at my old gym, that happened frequently)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    WOOHOO, Kendal!! Running a mile after 60 minutes on the treadmill = rock star. Nice work!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Ya Hooo!!!! Twirls for you!!!! wtg Kendal!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Kendal gets a gold star!!! Woohoo!!! A mile is a LONG way! And you weren't takin' your time, either! GREAT, GREAT JOB!!!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry, I hit "post reply" before I was done. Oops

    Hosanna: I got one piece of advice when I was planning my wedding that I pass on to EVERY bride to be. Are you ready? Ok.

    My question to you: I have never been to a wedding where someone didn't end up married. What's your goal?

    The rest is just details that NO ONE BUT YOU knows. They wont miss it. Just enjoy your man, enjoy your day and end up married. ;) My thoughts are with you, sweetpea.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Tues 2827 burned, ex 6 mile jog and again no logging. My eating was so so.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: *cracks whip* - log it lady!!! Great run!!

    Kendal: I'm with everyone else- YOU ROCK!!! WTG running a mile after doing your elliptical workout!!!:drinker:

    Lacey: Woohoo for wearing the BMF! I wear Underarmour running tights and I LOVE them.

    Hosanna: I'm sorry for the pre-wedding stress but it's really just good practice for being married. Guys don't see things the same way we girls do. There will be times when something is super-important to you and your significant other just won't see the importance (like mine and getting a dog sitter for when we were away - no sense of urgency whatsoever and it drove me nuts!). I'm sure it will all work out for you and your invites will get posted in plenty of time, bummer about the added stress though.

    Jessi: I want to hug your bunnies!!!

    Kerry: Thanks for asking about the headache, it seems to be going through a weird cycle where I wake up with it, it goes away during most of the day and then it comes back in the evening. Rinse and repeat. I'm just curious but were you over weight when you met Chris? I've heard of people's significant others getting a bit insecure as the chubby one becomes less chubby. I was super-fit when I met The Hubbs so he's only ever been my biggest cheerleader about the getting healthy thing as he absolutely KNOWS I'll still want him when I'm back to my old hotness (as I totally wanted him in the first place).

    Katheryne: Yay for dropping below 280!!!!

    Crystal: I've never been a smoker but I have close friends and family who are and have quit and I just wanted to say that I'm super proud of you!!!

    Jenn: he he "calisthenics"

    Annette: Good luck with the getting up earlier thing - I'd not be able to do it but I have faith in you.

    I ran a mile and a half with the dogs this morning (no traumatic injuries this morning to slow me down) and then did Shoulders & Arms and Ab Raper. Geez, that Ab Raper workout is a MONSTER. I did ok the first time I did it this week but today my abs are STILL sore so it was a wee bit miserable. But I did it. Not the mason twists at the end though - eff that crap.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Sorry, I hit "post reply" before I was done. Oops

    Hosanna: I got one piece of advice when I was planning my wedding that I pass on to EVERY bride to be. Are you ready? Ok.

    My question to you: I have never been to a wedding where someone didn't end up married. What's your goal?

    The rest is just details that NO ONE BUT YOU knows. They wont miss it. Just enjoy your man, enjoy your day and end up married. ;) My thoughts are with you, sweetpea.

    Ok, still no time to completely catch up, although I am still reading everything. I just had to say that THIS^^^ is BRILLIANT!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Not a lot of time to reply but I HAVE to say:

    Awesome job, Kendal!!!! So proud of you. Last week I set a new personal best for myself and ran 12.5 minutes straight at 4.5 on the treadmill. Keep pushing girl, you are doing UH-MAY-ZING!

    I had a good day yesterday until dinner. Hubby and I have been running around like crazy prepping for our son's bday party this weekend. I also have massive assignments due this week. Hence, I've not made it to the gym at all this week. Anywho, we went out for dinner because we were so busy. I had a "mashed potato bake." Its basically the home made equivalent of a KFC mashed potato bowl (i hate KFC, by the way). With everything being fresh and homemade quality ingredients (this is a small mom and pop type home cooked meal place) I imagine it had to be slightly healthier than the KFC version. Still, I logged it as the KFC version just to be safe. The serving was ENORMOUS. I was only able to eat literally 1/4 of it. I feel bad about having some of the leftovers for lunch....but not bad enough not to eat it. I really hope to find time to run this week, though. I'm starting to have runner's withdrawal.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    GOOD MORNING LADIES!!!! :bigsmile: I may or may not still be on a bit of a runner's high. LOL. Plus it's freaking BEAUITFUL weather down here and it will continue throughout the week. I like days where I get to drive home with the top down (I have a convertible mustang). Thanks for all the encouraging words about my mile. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I think I'm going to do both Warrior Dash races. It'll definitely be a great motivator since it's so dang expensive to sign up for them.

    Rain- as long as you get 2 meals out of it, I would not feel guilty about throwing the rest away. At least that's what I tell myself when I have a huge amount of leftover "bad" food sitting in the fridge. Your health is more important than saving those couple bucks. At this point for me, the guilt of eating "bad" food would be greater than the guilt of throwing it away.

    Amy- YAY for running with the pups!

    Hosanna- Mr. Reunion has told me to leave our wedding planning to him. He thinks he can get it all done in a month and I'm sitting here thinking, YEAH RIGHT! Just ordering bridesmaids' dresses can take up to 6 weeks, plus finding a location that has a time available for the wedding and the reception is highly unlikely in that short time frame, and then there's the invitations and crap. Yeah, it's fine and dandy, but I like what Sarah(wnt) said....as long as you end up married, the rest is just icing on the cake.

    Lacey- yay for new running clothes!! I'm still holding on to workout pants and capris that are too big for me. It's hard for me to get rid of that stuff for some reason.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    good job Kendal on your run!!!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I admit to not reading the posts while I was in Paris but I seem to have missed something - Are you ENGAGED??
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    For all you Android users, just saw this on the board. Looks like a C25K app is free today on amazon. Don't know if it's good or not, but I downloaded anyway.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- nope, not engaged. Just talking about the future with him. :bigsmile: