200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Who met her goal of working out for 60 minutes on the elliptical??? <
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Annette: That sounds like a fantabulous idea! Really! If we were still 100 days out, I might have stolen it...I am the queen of unfinished projects! So, what are you supposed to be "producing"?

    Sarah: I LOVE my pedi's!!! That's probably the only money I spend on myself regularly that doesn't involve sustaining life (AKA food)

    Kendal: Woohoo on the hour! I still can't do 7 minutes without taking a 30sec rest every 2 minutes...that sounds so sad :blushing:

    Welp...heading to the first haunted house of the season, then at least 2, maybe 3, more tomorrow night! I'm so glad the girls are home this weekend because I really enjoy it so much more with them to go with me.

    ETA: I told someone, from another challenge, that I had lost almost two pounds...she then corrected me to say that I've actually lost 3.4lbs this week!!! Holy Cow...maybe I should deep clean the house more often!!!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Victoria - Thanks love :smile:

    Amy and Lacey - WELCOME BACK! Can't believe you girls are back already!

    Jessi - Better than i expected. But i'm still too embarassed to phone her again... Argh. She thought it was funny, but in a "wow i can't believe you use that kind of language" way. I also can NOT believe no one you work with knows what a muggle is!

    Pam - Thought i hadn't seen you around the ol' FB of late. I hate the fact they keep changing the FB layout when there is NOTHING wrong with the old one!!

    Bobbie - Men are weird.

    WiggleSarah - Teehee thanks love!

    Kendal - WOOHOO For meeting exercise goals!

    Sorry if i have missed anyone... I am so so so tired after five shifts, and another tomorrow... And isaac is away. The house is so weird without him here, and i'll totally be in bed way early tonight. i have another early and it's the end of daylight savings tonight... meaning we all get an hour less sleep. Ugh.

    Teehee, both my pups are digging holes. It's so cute. Haha they just swapped. Now they're fighting over the holes... Alex jjust wants to dig whatever hole Xena is currently digging. Sigh.

    Where was i? Oh right, deleriously tired, overworked, underpaid, and i have adorable silly pups!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Fri... 2961 consumed, 2703 burned, and 43 min of Cardio X as ex... I'm up early getting ready for my run/power walk... Enjoy the weekend.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    *************weigh-in 234.1*************

    Finally going back in the right direction and below my last lowest recorded weight. Thank goodness. Now I just need to stay serious!!

    Kendal: Awesome accomplishment! Work it, girl!

    Wiggle: A pedi sounds awesome

    Jessi: Something similar happened at my work with the IP address. It took forever to get it straightened out. Fortunately for me, I didn't have to get too involved. My boss thinks women have no brains.

    Bobbie: Have fun at the haunted attractions! I can't believe it is October. My baby is turning 3 in two weeks!!!!

    Hosanna: Get some rest!!!!

    I got some school work done this morning, despite my son being clingy to the max. I have a baby shower later today and then plan on vegging/doing homework all night!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I found my camera box and am uploading 200 of the 470 photos I've taken in Europe.. so they will be up shortly on fb. Amy I will also upload them all to photobucket so you can grab them off there to make prints, etc.

    My mom gave my brothers newest girlfriend whom is he moving in with some money for some sort of dental surgery in exchange for us a puppy. She breeds french bulldogs. I saw them all over Europe and they are freaking cute. So it looks like by Christmas or thereafter we will have a female puppy, which we are naming Princess Leia. It will ideally be a Christmas present for Gracie, but if we don't get one until after we come back from Florida in January that won't hurt my feelings. Bart is not doing so hot, I think I am going to take him off the medicine when it runs out. The weather changes, hot cold, and back and going to do him in. Sigh. Sadness..but for Gracie and JEff a puppy will ease that pain, and me too I am sure.

    On that note..the Nespresso espresso machine and milk heater/frother I bought yesterday is da bomb. I gotta order more coffee pods and get the rigth combo, but YUM! I am on my way back to European mornings baby lol.

    Annette - Monday we start diary watching, you and me!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Lacey: It's good to have you back!!

    Sarah (rain): Awesome job on the loss, girl.

    Bobbie: you are so brave. Haunted houses scare the CRAP outta me. My kid would be like, "THIS IS AWESOME!!" Sorry, buddy, mama's a total wimp...

    So, this girl ran 13.7 miles this morning. I was REALLY struggling at the 6.1 mile point and Someone upstairs new it...because as I rounded a corner, I ran into (literally) two of my most awesome friends ALSO training for the half marathon in two weeks. (EEK!! That sounds really close...) These are the gals that got me running in the first place. After a quick breathless hug and a high-five, I was able to keep running to 11.3 mile mark. I walked for 20 sidewalk squares, and finished the distance running. I am very proud of myself for finishing and walking less than .1 mile, but I am SO tired now. I got home, started hydrating, ate some breakfast, took a shower, and passed out for 20 minutes. I hope this isn't a pattern...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    One husband - he's free!!! Not really but he drives me nuts with cleaning. He's tearing my kitchen apart today - parts of it need it but I hate the mess and I'm trying to cook. Sighs. He found a bunch of expired food - sone from 2004??? WTH??? then he says, we need to do this once a year... My big trouble is I'm PMSing and pissy... At least I got 6 miles in this morning :)

    Great run Sarah!!! If your race is 2 weeks away, are you going to start tapering down? You'll run a better rave if you do...

    Kristina - I'm calling you out since I haven't seen you post numbers or accountability to us recently. How's it going? Go Blue!!! The game's such a blowout, it's almost boring...

    Lacey & Amy - I plan to check your pics out tomorrow!!! I love what I've seen so far...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I hit my goal this week of gym 3x and Lexi walk 2x. I really worked it yesterday at the gym with the hour on the elliptical, abs/leg machines and then another 10 minutes on the bike. I was just not feeling it today. But I went to the gym. Did 10 min on the elliptical and 20 on the bike but I didn't even break a sweat. It was quite a pathetic attempt, but my body is tired. And at least I went.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hallo ladies! I've enjoyed doing not much today. I did get completely unpacked and cleaned the bathrooms. Jeff and I also made some cappucinos with our nespresso thingymabob. We've got to work on the frother thing to get it right, it can make WAY too much foam, but overall, its yum. I almost went out for a walk/run today, but decided meh. I will try again tomorrow. I've managed to not have a nap but really really wanted one. I still have over 200 pics to upload to fb tomorrow.

    Sarah congrats on the run, thats massive!

    Victoria - If your husband wants to come clean my house, I will take him. Jeff and I talked again today about having a housecleaner come in twice a month. We just don't want to make the time or have the time to keep up with everything.

    Rain - congrats on the WL going in the right direction.

    Thats all I can see on this page. I will try to respond to more tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - yeah for going!!!

    Lacey - the sad part us the cleaning lady comes here 3X/wk. He was just deep cleaning stuff - UGH... there muest have been 1/4 lime on the underparts of dishwasher. It probably needed to be cleaned.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    >>> 219.8 <<<

    I'm down 4.4 lbs since Sept 1 - a bit dissapointed about that but I've lost 9.5 inches from all over :)

    I just did Level 3 of the 30DS and it wasn't as scary as I thought it'd be! lol It was still tough but not too scary! haha

    Hope you all are having an excellent weekend :)
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    WoWmama that is a great loss!! in weight and inches
  • Kendal: You are freakin' funny! Badges are a good idea!

    Sarah(wiggle): Bahahahahaha, yes we are VERY open!

    Jenn: Good luck with no sweets!

    Tasha: Philosophy test was a D, hopefully with my essay (he hasn't graded that part yet) it'll bring it up to a high C.

    Kerry: You're a beast!

    Crystal: We live in the wrong state for a good football team this year!

    Amy: I love your profile picture!

    Lacey: I hope you had a blast....even if it was a business trip. I was creepin' on FB on your pictures, why did you bring the Oregon mascot with you? I know you went there and are from OR, but any other particular reason?

    Holidays are right around the corner. Boo.

    My official weigh-in is 250.0 pounds on the dot! <
    Hi Kristina!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I burned 2977 yesterday but chose not to log food. I power walked 6 miles for ex. Week 1 of P90X hybrid done!!! I plan to be lazy today.
  • Friday weigh in: 192.5 Almost back after my "departure" . Working to get back on track.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Weigh in for the week was that I stayed the same! I do have good news, hubby has now joined MFP! I think yesterday (his first day) was a real eye opener for him.

    We will do this together! :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I have spent a good part of the afternoon figuring out a suitable P90X/Running workout schedule to take me into the new year and get me ready for P90X2. Here's the schedule I'll be following:
    Block 1 (Weeks 1 through 3)
    • Day 1: Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X
    • Day 2: Plyometrics
    • Day 3: Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X
    • Day 4: Yoga X
    • Day 5: Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6: Kenpo X
    • Day 7: Rest or easy aerobic hike and/or X Stretch
    Note: No running in the first block is by design. For aerobic work, keep your heart rate way below threshold.
    Recovery/Transition Week
    • Day 1: Core Synergistics
    • Day 2: Plyometrics
    • Day 3: Yoga X
    • Day 4: Legs & Back
    • Day 5: Core Synergistics
    • Day 6: Long aerobic hike or easy run and X Stretch or Yoga X
    • Day 7: Rest or easy aerobic hike and/or X Stretch
    Block 2 (Weeks 5 through 7)
    • Day 1: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X, and easy run
    • Day 2: Plyometrics
    • Day 3: Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X, and easy run
    • Day 4: Yoga X
    • Day 5: Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6: Long run and X Stretch
    • Day 7: Rest or easy aerobic hike and/or X Stretch
    Note: The easy runs should be aerobic. The longer run can have some amount of tempo intervals, but should still be considered base mileage.
    Recovery/Transition Week
    • Day 1: Core Synergistics
    • Day 2: Easy run and X Stretch
    • Day 3: Yoga X
    • Day 4: Easy run and X Stretch
    • Day 5: Core Synergistics
    • Day 6: Long aerobic hike or easy run and X Stretch or Yoga X
    • Day 7: Rest or easy aerobic hike and/or X Stretch
    Block 3 (Weeks 9 and 11)
    • Day 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X, and run workout
    • Day 2: Plyometrics and recovery run
    • Day 3: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X, and run workout
    • Day 4: Yoga X
    • Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X, and recovery run
    • Day 6: Run workout and X Stretch
    • Day 7: Rest and/or X Stretch
    Block 3 (Weeks 10 and 12)
    • Day 1: Core Synergistics and run workout
    • Day 2: Cardio X and run workout
    • Day 3: Ab Ripper X and run workout
    • Day 4: Yoga X and run workout
    • Day 5: Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X
    • Day 6: Run workout and X Stretch
    • Day 7: Rest or easy aerobic hike and/or X Stretch

    I'm still working out what the Run Workouts will entail during the last month but that will kind of depend on how my foot is feeling by then and how much snow is on the ground (I'm thinking I'll be on the treadmill more often than not during that month). This program will end on Dec 24th and then I'll have around a week's break and pick up with P90X2 in the new year!!!

    Jenn: It's so awesome that your hubby has joined MFP, it's so much easier to do it with someone.

    Victoria: WTG finishing Week 1 of your hybrid program!!!!

    Hailie: I super-:heart: the holidays! I love that they are around the corner. There is nothing more happy to me than snuggling in my warm comforter and watching the snow fall.

    Lacey: I'm jealous of your cappuccino machine!! I made green tea frappuccinos this morning, they were good (and 75 calories!). Yay for a puppy!!!

    Kendal: Good job making it to the gym!

    Sarah: Great run mamacita!!!

    Hosanna: Yay for adorably silly pups!

    Well, I'm not quite back on track after the vacation but I'm steadily moving in that direction. I need to drink more water and start logging the food. I walked the dogs with the fam today and I'm getting back into the saddle of exercise tomorrow. I'll also weigh in and cop to whatever weight gain my vacation thrust upon me (boo!).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning. I am slowly feeling human again. The weather or the climate or the stuff floating in the air is making me feel all congested and nasty here in Oregon, so I finally got smart and took some nasal spray and an allergy pill in the hopes that it will solve the issues. On the docket for today is some food prep (crack wraps for the fam lunch and roasting an organic chicken and veggies tonight for dinner, butter tomato pasta sauce for tomorrow, etc.) and cleaning up of the kitchen. Possibly a hot bath, a nap and some reading. Maybe a walk/run if I can get rid of the congestion. I need to move.

    I went to see my new OB Friday. He told me that female hormones are hard to track so its hard to help with the lack o libido, non weight loss and ups and downs feelings through out the month. It was frustrating. It was also frustrating to have a man tell me that he lost 80 lbs easily by just eliminating certain foods and running. Only because men can look at a treadmill and drop weight like that. He suggested perhaps I am not being truthful with myself and maybe I am not. So starting tomorrow I will log everything and start the running/walking and look for a 5k to sign up for in early spring to train for. I am not sure where my cals need to be so for now, I am going to eat what I eat and work out and see what happens. That will probly only last for a week or so and then I will figure out where I need to be. My goal for the next 3 months is to remain consistent in what I am doing. For 90 days, not waver on my work out plan or calorie intake and see where I sit at the end of it. So one week to get my calorie intake in order and figure out a work out plan. I am thinking running training three days per week and ab ripper and maybe some part of P90X programs at minimum twice or three times a week.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I came here saying I wanted to reach 170 by the end of the 6 weeks.
    I reached 171.6 this morning. I guess I overshot my estimate of only losing 6-7 pounds these 6 weeks. Haha.