Move toward your dreams and they will move toward you
I posted this on my facebook to: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=148114001888183 Too many of you are waiting for "someday" to actually get started on your dreams. It's costing you more than you realize or appreciate. Waiting til someday til you have just a little bit more money, a little bit more time, a little…
Best thing I've ever read or heard about getting started and
ACTION VS SELF-DELUSION by Jim Rohn http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=130534563646127 Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction. Further, only positive action can cause positive reaction. Action. The whole world loves to watch those who…
"Formula for Success Simplified" - by Tom Birkenmeyer
This is for getting healthy, for personal life, for business, for anything. 1. Cultivate a Burning Desire to be successful so that you're not afraid to, Set Yourself On Fire And Let The World Watch You Burn! 2. Find a unique opportunity to get you where you want to be in your life and Act Today. 3. Be actively immersed in…
I put this on my facebook page to :-) http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=116512598381657 Screw it Lets Do it represents how I feel now a days whenever there is something out there that I know I want that will improve my life. When you see something that you want what's your philosophy typically? A couple years ago…
I nearly welled up as I got this from someone I'm helping to
I nearly welled up as I got toward the end of this letter that my friend Kimberly wrote me. Just so you know, I got her permission to share this with all of you. Hey Tom, I started the Shakeology about 6 weeks ago and within the first three weeks lost a total of 18 lbs. I have so much more energy and as you've seen last…
Doing Regular Yoga Increases your Sensativity to Hunger
Some findings about more health benefits from doing regular Yoga published in the August 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. "Researchers at Fred Hutchinson cancer research center in Seattle have found that people who do yoga on a regular basis also practice "mindful eating" and have an…
What's everyones facebook page? My name on facebook is Tom Birkenmeyer Search me out :-) It would be nice to "friend up" with more fitness fanatics
Teach Every Child About Food
Watch this video it's really good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIwrV5e6fMY I'll chalk this up as probably one of the most important things I've ever posted in these forums. Discuss...
Low Back Pain
Back injuries are the number one disability for people under age 45. 80% of the population will experience an episode of low back pain at some point in their lives and 5% will go on to develop chronic low back pain. Low back pain accounts for 10% of all chronic health conditions in the United States and 25% of lost days…
Eat some Fish and Protect your Kidneys Especially if You're
It’s very well known and established that eating wild caught fish is very good for you. There is a specific health benefit to eating fish for those of us with diabetes that you may not know about. When a persons kidneys are damaged, abnormally high amounts of protein are found in the urine. High urine protein levels are…
Grilled Chicken and Beans for Dinner... or Lunch!
I posted the recipe on my Facebook along with a BEAUTIFUL picture I took of my plate :-) Yes I'm a food nerd it's true I took a picture of my dinner.. ;) http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150114905995173
Super Sodas and Fortified Drinks aren't Healthier
You've seen them on local and national supermarket shelves: Bottles of soda, juice and water touting nutritional benefits like, "added vitamins" and, "fortified with nutrients". Right? You have to consume a LOT of sugar to get a very small amount of nutrients from those beverages. A glass of tap water and a multivitamin…
Success at blasting past a dreaded plateau!
"Hey Tom, just thought I would let you know that I have broken through the plateau and dropped another 8.5 pounds in the last two weeks" - This came to me from my buddy Jenn subscribing to one of the core Team Beachbody philosophies of Variety to blast past plateaus! OH yeah she is also doing the Rocken Body Program :-) I…
The Synthesized Food Conundrum
Ask a scientist from Big Food if synthesized food is fine in moderation and the scientist will say synthesized food is fine in moderation so keep buying the foods with synthesized ingredients (i.e. High Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame, Hydrogenated Oils etc.) and the scientist will point to evidence that shows as much. Ask…
"Big Food" is Telling us High Fructose Corn Syrup is Good Fo
I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I'm going to share an article I wrote just the same because It's worthy for all of us to share with and teach as many others as we can. Big Industry is Big Business. The latest and worst is Big Food and their advertising campaigns spreading their word that High Fructose Corn Syrup…
My Mission in a nation of Children dying of Obesity
My mission is to over turn the epidemic trends in obesity, type 2 diabetes, the alarming growing rate of disease riddled children, all diseases stemming from being too fat (or skinny and unhealthy), and prevention education all together. I'm an Independent Team Beachbody coach so I have the mechanism in place to do so. For…
The Empty Calorie Debacle
“I had a huge burger and fries last night; and then a chocolate doughnut for breakfast with waffles and then McDonalds on top of it. What the HECK is going on with my body that I'm hungry all of a sudden for all this icky food that doesn’t seem to be filling me up???” You're unsatisfied with your meals because in the…
Tilapia Fillet sandwhich - Grilled...mmm!!!
I've got the whole thing on my blog here: http://foodforpleasure.blogspot.com/2009/12/tilapia-fillet-sandwhich-grilled.html This afternoon I didnt have a lot of ambition to make anything complex so I just decided to throw together an easy fish fillet sandwhich. I was taken by surprise at how delicious my quick "throw…
Infomercial Gimmicks - Learn to Pay the Price
I wrote this in its entirety on my blog: http://tombirkenmeyer.blogspot.com/2009/12/infomercial-gimmicks-learn-to-pay-price.html This is the short version: The New Year is coming and so are the New Years resolutions to get healthy that most people will make and never follow through with. The exercise gadgets and gimmicks…
What are YOU going to do to get or stay Healthy in 2010 and
Goals keep us focused. So what are your goals for this year? Write them down, date them, sign them, and keep them somewhere that you will see them several times every day (i.e. computer desk, fridge). Shoot high but make them attainable, give yourself deadlines, do your research to make sure your methods have already been…
Goal setting and Success for the rest of your life
The activity YOU do toward reaching YOUR GOALS creates the kind of excitement you need to accomplish your goals. Having goals can chase the blues away because accomplishment breeds happiness. I know a lot of people who try to use logic to feel better and it doesn't work. Can you think of people who you know who do that?…
CDC: Obesity will quaduple healthcare costs over next ten ye
That is a scary scenario. Most of us already cannot afford the cost of health care. It's gotten so bad that if you get sick enough you will go broke whether you have health care coverage or not already. What will life be like if this financial burden quadruples in the next ten years? How will it ripple across everything…
A Typical Day in the Life of Feeling Good
I wrote a new blog entry the other day that flooded my inbox of positive feedback so I thought I'd share with you all here. I hope this helps you find some easy answers and some new motivation... The source for my blog is http://tombirkenmeyer.blogspot.com I regularly get nutrition and exercise questions simply because I…
Wise man once said...
...never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night Hahahahaha!
Fit through the holidays fitness challenge and free prizes a
This challenge is designed to help you through that difficult time of year... the Holidays! Many people complain of gaining weight during this time of year due to all of the yummy foods available in combination with the shortening of the days. When does it start? October 12th When does it end? December 31st Interested? Get…
My early morning routine to keep myself living illness and d
Good morning everyone. Yesterday I made a very light and easy theraputic like workout video right out of bed. Everytime I do this routine I can actually feel it making me strong and preventing any kind of illness from ever coming my way. It's pretty sweet living like that. I had an idea to share what I'm doing so I made…
There is no such thing as empty calories
A calorie is a specific measurement of heat. According to Sports, Science and Medicine a calorie is a "Unit of work and energy. One calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C at normal pressure." In the body a calorie count is a measurement of energy derived from a food source.…
Continued Anti Plateau success here! New pictures
This just goes to show that no matter where you are coming from or how out of shape you start out at ANYONE can achieve extraordinary results. I just happen to have started out from the less known starting place.
Replace internal medicine with YOGA and live free
What would you say if you could get yourself off of all of your medication or at the very least decrease your medication significantly just from opening your mind to the enormous possibilities of Yoga? If you’re satisfied with hope packaged up nice and neat into a pill to spare you from having to exercise then move on this…
How Tiny Changes make Big Differences
This is a great 8 minute video. If you need a little "pick me up" spend your next eight minutes watching this :smile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxZ1vQLBlGA