What won't you pay for that others do?



  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I won't pay for a manicure - easier to do it myself, less hassle as well.
    Technically, I only pay a tip for my hair cuts/colouring (Go for model nights - normally free :happy: ) - But I do tend to colour my own hair at home (just nice sometimes to have someone else do it)
    Wouldn't pay for someone to come in and clean my house, I'd rather do it myself

    I do pay for coffee's though (most days from the local coffee shop, just taste nicer)
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Won't pay for:
    gym membership
    full retail for clothing (with one exception, see below)

    I will pay for:
    a good haircut/salon services
    a good bra
    good running shoes
  • TaoBear
    TaoBear Posts: 10
    I won't pay for house painting (interior or exterior). I can do it, so I should. Speaking of, I should really get to these crown mouldings and baseboards ;)
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I can't stomach paying for expensive wine. We love wine but some of our favorites have been under $20. We also just cancelled our cable subscription - why pay for all those channels when we barely have time to watch it?

    I do pay for a pretty expensive fitness membership - most people say it's way too much but it's worth it to me for what I get.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I won't pay for TV. I haven't owned a TV since October and refuse to buy one. Cable? What a joke. I don't watch TV and when I go to my parents' house (they have satellite) I'm overwhelmed. I spend a half hour looking for something to watch and by the time I find something I am interested in, it's already over. No thanks. Too much nonsense for something that just rots your brain.

    I won't pay for a dye job at a salon. I've been using $3 box dye from the store since I was about 12. Sometimes if I'm feeling ambitious, I'll pick up a couple boxes and do an overall dye job, plus put streaks in it. I get a lot of compliments on my hair. People always ask who does it. I say me and their eyes get huge and they go "Really? It looks amazing!"

    I had a couple other things, but I forgot. But those are the big two.
  • Chapter3point6
    Lawn service...I have a husband for that ;)

    If you were single, you would have guys lined up to mow your lawn. :tongue:
  • rebeccalray5
    I won't pay for someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry but would much rather do it myself. I know someone who works for a cleaner and ummm no. I have a system and it MUST be done:)

    I'm super cheap so there really isn't a whole lot I pay for except I do have my kids hair cut by a professional.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    currently, my gym membership...
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I am so cheap.

    I cut my husbands hair.

    We both work on our own vehicles.

    I color my own hair.

    I don't pay for cable/sattelite - I bought a ROKU.

    I do not have data on my cell phone.

    I refuse to pay for my son's college - although I won't let him go hungry.
  • JamieAlexandraX
    JamieAlexandraX Posts: 58 Member
    Waxing eyebrows, same for my mum and my grandmother too, the beauty places never do them right so i go sort the brows out lol, i have always done my own and when i went to college and done beauty therapy i learned to do them better.
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    Won't pay for television service. No cable, no satellite for me. If I can't see it on broadcast with my antenna I'm not watchin' it.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I won't pay for name brand clothes/shoes at the mall when I can get them at Marshall's for less.

    I will pay for my highlights, manicures/pedicures, a housekeeper, a lawn service, an exterminator, a plumber, and for car maintenance.
  • rebeccalray5
    I won't pay for someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry but would much rather do it myself. I know someone who works for a cleaner and ummm no. I have a system and it MUST be done:)

    I'm super cheap so there really isn't a whole lot I pay for except I do have my kids hair cut by a professional.

    Don't judge by the photo:) My son needs another haircut:)
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    OK so this is just for fun and interest.....please don't have a go at anyone for their choices!

    What won't you pay for that others do?

    My two are...

    Manicure/pedicure.......My mum taught me many years ago how to do my nails and I won't pay someone else to do them. People often comment on how good they look......bright red this week.

    Hair colouring....I started diong it myself as a teenager and still do.....it's quite easy and a fraction of the cost.

    What I pay for that others won't?

    Someone else to clean my house.....with a full-time, demanding job and a busy life, I'd rather be using what little time I have doing things I enjoy.

    Manicure/Pedicure Known since I was a kid from my mother- plus saving WAY more money.
    Hair Color- do that myself & always have since I was 12 years old :P
    Cable- I have NETFLIX through my mothers account, haha.
    Cell Phone- I don't need one at all.
    Gym Membership- I prefer to save money and workout in the comfort of my own home.
    Me & my husband learned to share meals while dining out- saves money and calories!
    I spend my money on groceries and video games (WoW) that's all I'm interested in & always will be.
    One day, I will own my own place & car but I'm still young & my grandparents need me there to help support them. :smile:
  • alane15
    alane15 Posts: 121 Member
    I won't pay for:
    baked goods (I have too much fun making them myself)
    store pickles (my mom cans the best herself!)
    full priced books (half priced books, amazon, or the library)

    I might have to come back to this, I know there is so much more

    I will pay for
    a good soy mocha, yum
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    phone apps
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    Yup agree with most on here . My top two are ,

  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    I will not spend money on fancy purses, shoes, clothes or any other high end stuff. Target purses and shoes work just fine for me. I may spend money on really good workout shoes but that is about it.

    I will spend money on pedicures, starbucks and massages. I like pampering myself and those are the times I splurge.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I can't think of anything that I can say as a blanket statement. Maybe interior painting (I enjoy it). Home improvement that doesn't require major electrical or plumbing.

    I don't mind mowing my lawn, but got a great Groupon this summer so I'm not doing it this year.

    I definitely pay for haircuts and color. I don't pay for mani/pedis cause I don't get them. At least twice a year I pay someone else to do my laundry (i HATE laundry).

    I generally groom my own dog, but have gotten a couple of good deals this year on grooming services.

    Like I said almost nothing that I can make a blanket statement on.

    Oh yeah - gym membership.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    When I have the money, I will pay for almost anything. The first things to go: haircuts/color, mani/pedi. I NEVER pay (on purpose) to have a brand name on my clothes. Always pay someone to take care of my car. Whenever possible I pay someone to do my yardwork and house cleaning.